Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            WeightedGraph weightedGraph = new WeightedGraph();

            weightedGraph.readArcsFromFile("test.txt"); // считываем узлы и веса с файла
            weightedGraph.showSquareGraph();            // вывод весов

            Node        start  = new Node(0, 0);
            Node        finish = new Node(4, 4);
            AStar       alg    = new AStar();
            List <Node> path   = alg.findPath(start, finish, weightedGraph);

            weightedGraph.ShowPath(path, start, finish);

            foreach (var step in path)
                Console.WriteLine("x: " + step.x + "   y: " + step.y);
Example #2
        public List <Node> findPath(Node startNode, Node finishNode, WeightedGraph graph)
            Dictionary <Node, int>  pricesToVisitedNodes = new Dictionary <Node, int>();
            Dictionary <Node, Node> paths = new Dictionary <Node, Node>();
            QueueWithPriority       queue = new QueueWithPriority();

            queue.Put(startNode, 0);
            pricesToVisitedNodes.Add(startNode, 0);

            while (!queue.IsEmpty())
                Node current = queue.PopMostPriorityElement();

                if (finishNode.Equals(current))

                foreach (var neighbor in graph.GetNeighbors(current))
                    int costToNeighbor = pricesToVisitedNodes[current] + graph.getWeight(current, neighbor);

                    bool condition = false;

                    // если соседний узел еще не посещался или новая цена перехода из старта до него меньше чем была, то
                    if (!pricesToVisitedNodes.ContainsKey(neighbor))
                        condition = true;
                    if (pricesToVisitedNodes[neighbor] > costToNeighbor)
                        condition = true;
                    if (condition)
                        // обновляем цену перехода до соседнего узла
                        pricesToVisitedNodes[neighbor] = costToNeighbor;
                        queue.Put(neighbor, costToNeighbor + heuristic(current, neighbor));
                        if (!paths.ContainsKey(neighbor))
                            paths.Add(neighbor, current);
                            paths[neighbor] = current;

            // выбираем цепочку , которая привела к цели
            Node        next = finishNode;
            List <Node> path = new List <Node>();

            while (!startNode.Equals(next))
                next = paths[next];

Example #3
        public Queue <I> Solve <I>(WeightedGraph <T> Graph, System.Func <T, I> ReturnConverter, T Start, T Goal, bool IncludeStart = false, bool IncludeGoal = false, int MaxIterations = int.MaxValue)
            Dictionary <T, T>     CameFrom  = new Dictionary <T, T>();     // initialize dictionarys
            Dictionary <T, float> CostSoFar = new Dictionary <T, float>(); // initialize dictionaries

            PriorityQueue <AStarNode <T> > Frontier = new PriorityQueue <AStarNode <T> > ();

            Frontier.Insert(new AStarNode <T>(Start, 0));            // insert start

            CameFrom [Start]  = Start;
            CostSoFar [Start] = 0;
            int  IterationCount = 0;
            bool FoundPath      = false;

            while (Frontier.Count > 0)                  // while there are still items in the frontier
                T Current = Frontier.RemoveRoot().Data; // remove most prior item

                if (EqualsGoal(Current, Goal))
                    Goal = Current; FoundPath = true; break;
                }                                                                                       // found the goal

                foreach (T Next in Graph.Neighbors(Current))
                    float NewCost = CostSoFar [Current] + Graph.Cost(Current, Next); // calculate the new cost of the next node. Cost of last item + cost to go from last to next
                    if (!CostSoFar.ContainsKey(Next) || NewCost < CostSoFar [Next])  // if next item isnt already in the cost so far dictionary or new cost is lower the prev cost
                        CostSoFar [Next] = NewCost;                                  // update the new cost
                        float priority = NewCost + Heuristic(Next, Goal);            // new priority is Newcost + distance between next and goal (AKA heuristic)
                        Frontier.Insert(new AStarNode <T>(Next, priority));          // add item to the frontiers
                        CameFrom [Next] = Current;                                   // the parent of next is the last one

                // max iterations
                if (IterationCount >= MaxIterations)
                }                                                                   // could not find path. Timed out

            if (FoundPath)             // there is a path found
            // build back path
                Queue <I> Path    = new Queue <I> ();
                T         current = Goal;

                int count = 0;                 // iteration count
                while (!Equals(current, Start) && count < CameFrom.Count)
                    current = CameFrom [current];
                    if (!Equals(current, Start))
                    count++;                     // add up iteration count

                if (!Equals(current, Start))
                }                                                          // if current isnt equal to the start. No path is found
                if (IncludeStart)
                }                            // include start
                return(Path);                // return valid path