Example #1
 // Nothing to resolve for literal expressions
 protected override Exp ResolveExpAsRight(ISemanticResolver s)
     // Always resolve our children     
     ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_left, s);
     ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_right, s);
     // If we don't match a predefined operator, then check for overloads
     if (!MatchesPredefinedOp(Op, this.Left.CLRType, this.Right.CLRType))
         // Packagage Left & Right into parameters for a method call
         ArgExp [] args = new ArgExp [2] {
             new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, m_left),
             new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, m_right)
         // Check for delegate combination
         // D operator+(D, D)
         // D operator-(D, D)            
         if (AST.DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(m_left.CLRType))
             if (m_left.CLRType == m_right.CLRType)
                 if (Op == BinaryOp.cAdd || Op == BinaryOp.cSub)
                     System.Type d = m_left.CLRType;
                     // Translates to:
                     // op+ --> (D) System.Delegate.Combine(left, right)
                     // op- --> (D) System.Delegate.Remove(left, right)
                     TypeEntry tDelegate = s.LookupSystemType("MulticastDelegate");
                     string stName = (Op == BinaryOp.cAdd) ? "Combine" : "Remove";
                     bool dummy;
                     MethodExpEntry sym = tDelegate.LookupMethod(s, new Identifier(stName), 
                         new Type[] { d, d}, out dummy);
                     Exp call2 = new CastObjExp(
                         new ResolvedTypeSig(d, s),
                         new MethodCallExp(
                             null,sym, args, s)
                     Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref call2, s);
                     return call2;                                
         } // end delgate op+ check
         // Check for System.String.Concat().
         // @todo - this should be able to compress an entire subtree, not just 2 args.
         // (ie, a+b+c -> String.Concat(a,b,c);
         // So we can't merge this into the SearchForOverload.
         // But for now we'll be lazy...
         if ((Op == BinaryOp.cAdd) && (Left.CLRType == typeof(string) || Right.CLRType == typeof(string)))
             Exp call2 = new MethodCallExp(                    
                     new DotObjExp(
                         new SimpleObjExp(
                             new Identifier("System", this.m_filerange)
                         new Identifier("String", this.m_filerange)),
                     new Identifier("Concat", m_filerange),
             Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref call2, s);
             return call2;
         MethodExpEntry  m = SearchForOverloadedOp(s);
         if (m == null && (Op == BinaryOp.cEqu || Op == BinaryOp.cNeq))
             // If it's '==' or '!=', then it's ok if we didn't find 
             // an overload.
         } else 
             // Couldn't find an overload, throw error
             if (m == null)
                 //ThrowError_NoAcceptableOperator(s, this.Location, m_left.CLRType, m_right.CLRType, Op);
                 ThrowError(SymbolError.NoAcceptableOperator(this.Location, m_left.CLRType, m_right.CLRType, Op));
             // Replace this node w/ the method call            
             MethodCallExp call = new MethodCallExp(null, m, args, s);
             return call;
     return this;
Example #2
// Parse a parameter list (including opening & closing parens)
// paramlist-> param ',' param ',' ...
// param-> (''|'ref'|'out') exp
    protected ArgExp[] ParseArgList()
        ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
        // Keep parsing expressions until we hit the closing ')'
        Token t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
        if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cRParen)
        while(t.TokenType != Token.Type.cRParen) 
            t = m_lexer.PeekNextToken();
            // Parse an expression and add it to the list
            EArgFlow eFlow = EArgFlow.cIn;
            if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cOut)
                eFlow = EArgFlow.cOut;
            if (t.TokenType == Token.Type.cRef)
                eFlow = EArgFlow.cRef;
            if (eFlow != EArgFlow.cIn)
            Exp e = ParseExp();
            e = new ArgExp(eFlow, e);
            // Skip past the comma (or read the closing ')' )            
            t = m_lexer.GetNextToken();
            CheckError_UnexpectedToken(t, new Token.Type [] { Token.Type.cComma, Token.Type.cRParen } );
        // Convert to real array
        ArgExp[] a = new ArgExp[al.Count];
        for(int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++)
            a[i] = (ArgExp) al[i];
        return a;   
Example #3
    // Use this when we already have a static method to call
    // and we already have the symbols
    public MethodCallExp(
        Exp eInstance, // null if static       
        MethodExpEntry  symMethod,
        ArgExp [] arParams,
        ISemanticResolver s
        this.m_idName = new Identifier(symMethod.Name);
        m_arParams = arParams;
        m_symbol = symMethod;
        // Spoof Left
        if (eInstance == null)
            //m_objExp = new SimpleObjExp(symMethod.SymbolClass.Name);
            m_objExp = new TypeExp(symMethod.SymbolClass);
            m_objExp = eInstance;
        Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_objExp, s);

        // Resolve args, just in case
        foreach(ArgExp eArg in arParams)
            Exp e = eArg;
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
            Debug.Assert(e == eArg);
        //ResolveAsExpEntry(m_symbol, s);
Example #4
    // Semantic resolution
    protected override Exp ResolveExpAsRight(ISemanticResolver s)
        // Only resolve once.     
        if (m_symbol != null)
            return this;
        // First, resolve our parameters (because of overloading)
        // We need to know the URT types for our parameters
        // in order to resolve between overloaded operators
        Type [] alParamTypes = new Type[m_arParams.Length];
        for(int i = 0; i < m_arParams.Length; i++)        
            Exp e = m_arParams[i];
            ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
            Debug.Assert(e == m_arParams[i]);
            Type tParam = e.CLRType;
            //if ((tParam !=null) && tParam.IsByRef)
            //    tParam = tParam.GetElementType();
            alParamTypes[i] = tParam;
            //Debug.Assert(alParamTypes[i] != null);
        TypeEntry tCur = s.GetCurrentClass();    
        TypeEntry tLeft = null; // Type to lookup in   
        // Is this a 'base' access?
        // Convert to the real type and set a non-virtual flag
        if (m_objExp is SimpleObjExp)
            SimpleObjExp e = m_objExp as SimpleObjExp;
            if (e.Name.Text == "base")
                // Set the scope that we lookup in.
                tLeft = tCur.Super;
                // Still need to resolve the expression.
                m_objExp = new SimpleObjExp("this");               
                m_fIsNotPolymorphic = true;
#if true
        // See if we have a delegate here
        Exp eDelegate = null;
        if (m_objExp == null)
            Exp e = new SimpleObjExp(m_idName);
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
            if (!(e is SimpleObjExp))                
                eDelegate = e;
        } else {
            // If it's an interface, then we know we can't have a delegate field on it, 
            // so short-circuit now. 
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_objExp, s);
            if (!m_objExp.CLRType.IsInterface)
                Exp e = new DotObjExp(m_objExp, m_idName);
                Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
                if (!(e is DotObjExp))                
                    eDelegate = e;        

        if (eDelegate != null)
            if (!DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(eDelegate.CLRType))
                //Debug.Assert(false, "@todo - " + m_strName + " is not a delegate or function"); // @todo - legit
                // Just fall through for now, method resolution will decide if this is a valid function
            } else 
                Exp e = new MethodCallExp(
                    new Identifier("Invoke"), 
                Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
                return e;        
        // No delegate, carry on with a normal function call
        // If there's no objexp, then the function is a method
        // of the current class. 
        // make it either a 'this' or a static call
        if (m_objExp == null)
            // Lookup
            bool fIsVarArgDummy;
            MethodExpEntry sym = tCur.LookupMethod(s, m_idName, alParamTypes, out fIsVarArgDummy);
            if (sym.IsStatic)
                m_objExp = new TypeExp(tCur);
            } else {
                m_objExp = new SimpleObjExp("this");
        // Need to Lookup m_strName in m_objExp's scope (inherited scope)
        Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_objExp, s);
        // Get type of of left side object
        // This call can either be a field on a variable
        // or a static method on a class
        bool fIsStaticMember = false;
        // If we don't yet know what TypeEntry this methodcall is on, then figure
        // it out based off the expression
        if (tLeft == null)
            if (m_objExp is TypeExp)
                fIsStaticMember = true;
                tLeft = ((TypeExp) m_objExp).Symbol;
            } else {
                fIsStaticMember = false;
                tLeft = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(m_objExp.CLRType);
        // Here's the big lookup. This will jump through all sorts of hoops to match
        // parameters, search base classes, do implied conversions, varargs, 
        // deal with abstract, etc.
        bool fIsVarArg;
        m_symbol = tLeft.LookupMethod(s, m_idName, alParamTypes, out fIsVarArg);
        Debug.Assert(m_symbol != null);
        if (m_fIsNotPolymorphic)
            // of the form 'base.X(....)'
            if (m_symbol.IsStatic)
                ThrowError(SymbolError.BaseAccessCantBeStatic(this.Location, m_symbol)); // @todo - PrintError?
        } else {
            // normal method call
            if (fIsStaticMember && !m_symbol.IsStatic)
                ThrowError(SymbolError.ExpectInstanceMember(this.Location)); // @todo - PrintError?
            else if (!fIsStaticMember && m_symbol.IsStatic)                
                ThrowError(SymbolError.ExpectStaticMember(this.Location)); // @todo - PrintError?
            Debug.Assert(fIsStaticMember == m_symbol.IsStatic, "@todo - user error. Mismatch between static & instance members on line.");
        // If we have a vararg, then transform it 
        if (fIsVarArg)
        // Create the array
            int cDecl = m_symbol.ParamCount;
            int cCall = this.ParamExps.Length;
            ArrayTypeSig tSig = new ArrayTypeSig(m_symbol.ParamCLRType(cDecl - 1), s);
            Node [] list = new Node[cCall - cDecl + 1];
            for(int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                list[i] = this.ParamExps[i + cDecl - 1];
            Exp eArray = new NewArrayObjExp(
                new ArrayInitializer(
            Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref eArray, s);
        // Change the parameters to use the array    
            ArgExp [] arParams = new ArgExp[cDecl];
            for(int i = 0; i < cDecl - 1; i++)
                arParams[i] = m_arParams[i];
            arParams[cDecl - 1] = new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, eArray);
            m_arParams = arParams;                            
        } // end vararg transformation
        return this;
Example #5
 public MethodCallExp(
     Exp e, // may be null,
     Identifier id,
     ArgExp [] arParams
 // m_objExp may be null _until_ we resolve this. And then it's either
 // going to the implied 'this' ptr, a global func or a static func.
     m_objExp = e;
     m_idName = id;
     m_arParams = (arParams == null) ? new ArgExp[0] : arParams;
     // @todo - set in parser
     m_filerange = id.Location;        