Example #1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // load window-position and size
            this.Size = Properties.Settings.Default.formSize;
            if (this.Size.Height < 200)
                this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(this.Size.Width, 200);
            if (this.Size.Width < 400)
                this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, this.Size.Height);
            this.Location = Properties.Settings.Default.formLocation;
            // check if form is on screen
            Screen[] screens = Screen.AllScreens;
            bool isOnScreen = false;
            foreach (Screen screen in screens)
                Rectangle formRectangle = new Rectangle(Left, Top, Width, Height);

                if (screen.WorkingArea.Contains(formRectangle))
                    isOnScreen = true;
            if (!isOnScreen)
                Location = new Point(50, 50);

            // load column-widths
            int[] cw = Properties.Settings.Default.columnWidths;
            if (cw != null && cw.Length > 0)
                for (int c = 0; c < cw.Length; c++)
                    listViewLibrary.Columns[c].Width = cw[c];

            // load listviewLibSorting
            lvwColumnSorterLibrary.SortColumn = Properties.Settings.Default.listViewSortCol;
            lvwColumnSorterLibrary.Order = (Properties.Settings.Default.listViewSortAsc ? SortOrder.Ascending : SortOrder.Descending);

            // load statweights
            double[][] custWd = Properties.Settings.Default.customStatWeights;
            string[] custWs = Properties.Settings.Default.customStatWeightNames;
            Dictionary<string, double[]> custW = new Dictionary<string, double[]>();
            if (custWs != null && custWs.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < custWs.Length; i++)
                    if (i < custWd.Length)
                        custW.Add(custWs[i], custWd[i]);
            statWeighting1.CustomWeightings = custW;
            // last set values are saved at the end of the customweightings
            if (custWs != null && custWd != null && custWd.Length > custWs.Length)
                statWeighting1.Values = custWd[custWs.Length];

            autoSave = Properties.Settings.Default.autosave;
            autoSaveMinutes = Properties.Settings.Default.autosaveMinutes;

            for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++)
                statIOs[s].Title = Utils.statName(s);
                testingIOs[s].Title = Utils.statName(s);
                if (Utils.precision(s) == 3) { statIOs[s].Percent = true; testingIOs[s].Percent = true; }
                statIOs[s].statIndex = s;
                testingIOs[s].statIndex = s;
                testingIOs[s].LevelChanged += new LevelChangedEventHandler(this.statIOUpdateValue);
                testingIOs[s].InputType = StatIOInputType.LevelsInputType;
                statIOs[s].InputValueChanged += new InputValueChangedEventHandler(this.statIOQuickWildLevelCheck);
                considerStatHighlight[s] = ((Properties.Settings.Default.consideredStats & (1 << s)) > 0);
                checkedListBoxConsiderStatTop.SetItemChecked(s, considerStatHighlight[s]);
            statIOTorpor.ShowBarAndLock = false; // torpor should not show bar, it get's too wide and is not interesting for breeding
            statTestingTorpor.ShowBarAndLock = false;

            // enable 0-lock for dom-levels of oxygen, food (most often they are not leveld up)
            statIOs[2].DomLevelZero = true;
            statIOs[3].DomLevelZero = true;

            filterListAllowed = true;

            // ToolTips
            ToolTip tt = new ToolTip();
            tt.SetToolTip(this.checkBoxJustTamed, "Check this if there was no server-restart or if you didn't logout since you tamed the creature.\nUncheck this if you know there was a server-restart (many servers restart every night).\nIf it is some days ago (IRL) you tamed the creature you should probably uncheck this checkbox.\nThe reason for this is a bug in the game, that displays a too high Torpor-value after a creature is tamed.");
            tt.SetToolTip(checkBoxWildTamedAuto, "For most creatures the tool recognizes if they are wild or tamed.\nFor Giganotosaurus and maybe if you have custom server-settings you have to select manually if the creature is wild or tamed.");
            tt.SetToolTip(checkBoxQuickWildCheck, "Check this if you just want a quick check of the levels of a wild (untamed) creature.\nThe levels are then shown without the extraction-process (and without validation).");
            tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPTopStatsCn, "Top Stats, Conservative.\nCheck for best long-term-results and if you want to go safe.\nThis mode will get to the best possible offspring steady and surely.\nSome offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but that's the mode you go if you want to have that perfect creature in some generations.");
            tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPTopStats, "Top Stats, Feeling Lucky.\nCheck for best long-term-results and if you're feeling lucky. It can be faster to get the perfect creature than in the Top-Stat-Conservative-Mode if you're lucky.\nSome offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but you also have a chance to the best possible offspring.");
            tt.SetToolTip(radioButtonBPHighStats, "Check for best next-generation-results.\nThe chance for an overall good creature is better.\nCheck if it's not important to have a Top-Stats-Offspring.");
            tt.SetToolTip(labelSum, "Sum of the levels that can be extracted (i.e. speed and sometimes oxygen is not included)");

            // Set up the file watcher
            fileSync = new FileSync(currentFileName, collectionChanged);

            if (Values.V.loadValues() && Values.V.speciesNames.Count > 0)
                creatureCollection.multipliers = Values.V.statMultipliers;

                // set species comboboxes

                // load last save file:
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.LastSaveFile != "")

                for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++)
                    statIOs[s].Input = (Values.V.species[0].stats[s].BaseValue + Values.V.species[0].stats[s].AddWhenTamed) * (1 + Values.V.species[0].stats[s].MultAffinity * 0.8);
                MessageBox.Show("The values-file couldn't be loaded, this application does not work without. Try redownloading the tool.", "Error: Values-file not found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // UI loaded

            tamingControl1.selectedSpeciesIndex = -1;
            tamingControl1.selectedSpeciesIndex = 0;

            // check for updates
            DateTime lastUpdateCheck = Properties.Settings.Default.lastUpdateCheck;
            if (DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7) > lastUpdateCheck)

            //// TODO: debug-numbers
            //statIOs[0].Input = 2430.1;
            //statIOs[1].Input = 738;
            //statIOs[2].Input = 1558;
            //statIOs[3].Input = 7600;
            //statIOs[4].Input = 426;
            //statIOs[5].Input = 2.308;
            //statIOs[6].Input = 1.7;
            //statIOs[7].Input = 6566.5;
            //comboBoxSpeciesExtractor.SelectedIndex = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf("Castoroides");
            //numericUpDownLevel.Value = 178;
            //tabControlMain.SelectedTab = tabPageExtractor;

            if (!Properties.Settings.Default.OCR)
                btnReadValuesFromArk.Visible = false;