Example #1
 private void SetDuration(ReqRpt036EqpEntity eqpEntity)
     foreach (var item in eqpEntity.HistoryEntities)
         item.SetDurationSecond(StartTime, EndTime);
Example #2
 private void SetDic(ReqRpt036EqpEntity eqpEntity, IList <FREQPST> EqpStateList)
     foreach (var item in EqpStateList)
         //var list = eqpEntity.HistoryEntities.Where(w => w.EqpState == item.EqpState_ID);
         //int c = list.Any() ? 0 : list.Sum(s => s.DurationSecond);
         //eqpEntity.Dic_DetailState.Add(item.EqpState_ID, c);
         eqpEntity.Dic_DetailState.Add(item.EqpState_ID, eqpEntity.HistoryEntities.Where(w => w.EqpState == item.EqpState_ID).Sum(s => s.DurationSecond));
Example #3
        private void Initialize()
            //获取查询Type对应的Eqp CurrentStatus
            CurStatusCatcher.Conditions = EqpTypeList.Count == 0? "where eqp_id in (select eqp_id from mmview.freqp where claim_time >'2017-01-01')" : string.Format("where eqp_id in (select eqp_id from mmview.freqp where claim_time >'2017-01-01') and eqp_type in ('{0}')", string.Join("','", EqpTypeList));
            var EqpsList = CurStatusCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList;

            if (EqpsList.Count() == 0)
                throw new Exception("所选EqpType没有找到对应实际Run的机台");
            sqlEqpListStr = string.Join("','", EqpsList.Select(s => s.Eqp_ID));
            string queryEqpCondition     = string.Format("where eqp_id in ('{0}') and (not end_time < '{1}') and (not start_time > '{2}')", sqlEqpListStr, sqlStartTime, sqlEndTime);
            string queryChamberCondition = string.Format("where owner_eqp_id in ('{0}') and (not end_time < '{1}') and (not start_time > '{2}')", sqlEqpListStr, sqlStartTime, sqlEndTime);

            EQPCatcher.Conditions     = queryEqpCondition;
            ChamberCatcher.Conditions = queryChamberCondition;
            // LoadPortCatcher.Conditions = GetLoadPortCondition();

            var EqpEntities     = EQPCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList.ToList();
            var ChamberEntities = HasChamebr? ChamberCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList.ToList():new List <Report36_Chamber>();
            var EqpStateList    = EqpStateCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList;
            //  var LoadPortEntities = HasLoadPort ? LoadPortCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList.ToList() : new List<Report36_LoadPort>();
            var ChamberCurList = HasChamebr ? ChamberCurStatus.GetEntities().EntityList : null;

            foreach (var eqp in EqpsList)
                ReqRpt036EqpEntity eqpEntity = new ReqRpt036EqpEntity();
                eqpEntity.CurState = eqp.E10_State;
                eqpEntity.EqpID    = eqp.Eqp_ID;
                var list = EqpEntities.Where(w => w.EQP_ID == eqp.Eqp_ID).Select(s => new ReqRpt036EqpHistoryEntity()
                    StartTime = s.Start_Time, E10State = s.E10_State, EqpState = s.EQP_State, EndTime = s.End_Time, Claim_Memo = s.Claim_Memo, Claim_User_ID = s.Claim_User_ID, Description = s.Description
                eqpEntity.HistoryEntities = MergedHistoryEntities(list.ToList());

                // var latestEntity = list.OrderBy(o=>o.EndTime).LastOrDefault();

                SetDic(eqpEntity, EqpStateList);


                var chamberHistoryList = ChamberEntities.Where(w => w.EQP_ID.Contains(eqp.Eqp_ID));
                if (chamberHistoryList.Any())
                    var chamberIDList = chamberHistoryList.Select(s => s.EQP_ID).Distinct();
                    foreach (var chamber in chamberIDList)
                        ReqRpt036EqpEntity chamberEntity = new ReqRpt036EqpEntity();
                        chamberEntity.EqpID    = chamber;
                        chamberEntity.CurState = ChamberCurList.Where(w => w.Eqp_ID == chamber).Select(s => s.New_E10_State).First();
                        var entity = chamberHistoryList.Where(w => w.EQP_ID == chamber);
                        var clist  = entity.Select(s => new ReqRpt036EqpHistoryEntity()
                            StartTime = s.Start_Time, E10State = s.E10_State, EqpState = s.EQP_State, EndTime = s.End_Time, Claim_Memo = s.Claim_Memo, Claim_User_ID = s.Claim_User_ID, Description = s.Description
                        chamberEntity.HistoryEntities = clist.ToList();
                        SetDic(chamberEntity, EqpStateList);