Example #1
        private void WriteBestModel()
            WS.Range["A1"].EntireRow.Hidden = true;

            Utilities.Model bestmodel = Source.BestModel();
            Globals.ThisAddIn.SelectedSourcesBestModelFormulas.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Source.Name, bestmodel.Formula()));

            Excel.Range target = BottomCell().get_Offset(1, 0).get_Resize(1, 5);

            target.Value2 = Globals.ThisAddIn.rsc.GetString("bestModel") + bestmodel.ModelNumber.ToString();

            if (!bestmodel.Valid())
                target = BottomCell().get_Offset(1, 0).get_Resize(1, 5);
                target.Value2 = Globals.ThisAddIn.rsc.GetString("noValidModel");

            target.EntireRow.Hidden = true;
Example #2
        public void WriteResultsTable(int n, bool top, bool isRead)
            // put the model results data into an object array
            //object[,] amodel ;

            Excel.Range header = BottomCell().get_Offset(2, 0);
            string      start  = header.get_Address(1, 1, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing);

            ArrayList lst   = this.Source.Models.ModelSort();
            int       first = top ? 0 : Math.Min(n, lst.Count);
            int       last  = top ? Math.Min(n, lst.Count) : lst.Count;

            if (first == last)

            // write the column headers
            //{ ModelNo, ModelValid, IVNames, IVCoefficients, IVses, IVpVals, R2, adjR2, pVal, RMSError, Residual, AIC, Formula };
            foreach (Utilities.Constants.ModelOutputColumns col in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Utilities.Constants.ModelOutputColumns)))
                string label = Globals.ThisAddIn.rsc.GetString("label" + col.ToString()) ?? col.ToString();
                header.Value2 = label;
                header        = header.get_Offset(0, 1);

            object[,] row;
            int rowct = 1;

            for (int j = first; j < last; j++)
                Utilities.Model mdl   = this.Source.Models.Item(j);
                int             varct = mdl.VariableNames.Length;
                rowct += varct + 1;
                Excel.Range target = BottomCell().get_Offset(1, 0).get_Resize(varct + 1, 13);

                row        = new object[1, 13];
                row[0, 0]  = mdl.ModelNumber;
                row[0, 1]  = mdl.Valid();
                row[0, 6]  = mdl.R2();
                row[0, 7]  = mdl.AdjustedR2();
                row[0, 8]  = mdl.ModelPValue();
                row[0, 9]  = mdl.RMSError;
                row[0, 10] = mdl.ResidualSS();
                row[0, 11] = mdl.AICFormula();
                row[0, 12] = mdl.Formula();

                target.get_Resize(1, 13).Value2 = row;

                if (top)
                    Excel.Hyperlink hl = (Excel.Hyperlink)WS.Hyperlinks.Add(target.get_Resize(1, 1), "",
                                                                            target.get_Resize(1, 1).get_Address(1, 1, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing), System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing);
                    hl.ScreenTip = "Graph model " + mdl.ModelNumber.ToString();

                row = new object[varct + 1, 4];

                for (int i = 0; i < varct; i++)
                    row[i, 0] = mdl.VariableNames[i];
                    row[i, 1] = mdl.Coefficients[i];
                    row[i, 2] = mdl.StandardErrors()[i];
                    row[i, 3] = mdl.PValues()[i];
                //row[varct, 0] = "(Intercept)";
                row[varct, 1] = mdl.Coefficients[varct];

                target.get_Offset(0, 2).get_Resize(varct + 1, 4).Value2 = row;

                // put a box around
                target.BorderAround(Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium, Excel.XlColorIndex.xlColorIndexAutomatic, System.Type.Missing);

                // highlight the best model
                if (Source.BestModel() != null)
                    if (mdl.ModelNumber == Source.BestModel().ModelNumber)
                        if (mdl.Valid())
                            target.Font.Color = 0x0000AA;
                            //target.Style = Globals.ThisAddIn.rsc.GetString("bestModelStyle");
                            target.Font.Bold = true;
                            target.Font.Color = 0x0000AA;
                            //target.Style = "Bad";
                            target.Font.Bold = true;

            Excel.Range      tbl = WS.get_Range(start, System.Type.Missing).get_Resize(rowct, 13);
            Excel.ListObject LO  = WS.ListObjects.Add(Excel.XlListObjectSourceType.xlSrcRange, tbl, System.Type.Missing, Excel.XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, System.Type.Missing);
            LO.TableStyle = "TableStyleLight8";
            LO.ShowTableStyleRowStripes = false;

            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 4]).EntireColumn.Hidden  = true;
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 5]).EntireColumn.Hidden  = true;
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 10]).EntireColumn.Hidden = true;
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 11]).EntireColumn.Hidden = true;
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 12]).EntireColumn.Hidden = true;

            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 6]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 7]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 8]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.0000";
            ((Excel.Range)LO.Range[0, 9]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.0000";