// Method for loading and serializing all game data saves stored into disk.
        private int loadDiskDataSaves()
            FileInfo[] savedGameDataFiles = GetFilesByExtensions(new DirectoryInfo(SavingLocation), ".json", ".bson", ".xml", ".bin");

            // No data saves found on disk
            if (savedGameDataFiles.Length == 0)

            // Sort by creation-time descending
            Array.Sort(savedGameDataFiles, delegate(FileInfo f1, FileInfo f2) {

            for (int i = 0; i < savedGameDataFiles.Length; i++)
                SerializedStoredData serializedStoredDataAux = LoadFromFile <SerializedStoredData>(savedGameDataFiles[i].Name);

                if (!object.Equals(serializedStoredDataAux, default(SerializedStoredData)))

        // This method gets current game state from scriptable objects
        // inside the project and assigns the references to bufferedGameState
        private SerializedStoredData getGameState(string filename = null)
            SerializedStoredData gameState = new SerializedStoredData();

            // Scene
            gameState.gameData.sceneName            = sceneController.startingSceneName;
            gameState.gameData.startingPositionName = sceneController.initialStartingPositionName;
            // Conditions
            if (AllConditions.Instance != null)
                gameState.gameData.conditions = AllConditions.Instance.conditions;
                Debug.Log("No AllConditions Asset Found inside project resources");

            // Inventory
            gameState.gameData.itemsNames = inventory.getCurrentItemsNames();
            // Save datas
            gameState.gameData.gameSaveDatas = allProjectSaveDatas.ToArray();

            if (filename != null)
                gameState.gameData.fileName = filename;

        public void newGame(string fileName = null)
            // Initializing bufferedGameData with all scriptable objects and inventory empty
            bufferedGameData = getGameState();

            // Set file name
            bufferedGameData.gameData.fileName = (fileName != null) ? fileName : getValidFileName();
        public void saveGame()
            // Buffer current gamestate with the existing filename
            bufferedGameData = getGameState(bufferedGameData.gameData.fileName);
            // Set the save date
            bufferedGameData.gameData.saveDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
            // Save to file
            SaveToFile(bufferedGameData, bufferedGameData.gameData.fileName);

            Debug.Log("File: " + bufferedGameData.gameData.fileName + " saved in directory: " + SavingLocation);
 public void loadGame(int index)
     // Set buffered game data to the disk save data state
     bufferedGameData = diskDataSaves[index];
     // Push all the data from the buffered game data
     // to all the scriptable objects of the project
     // Load the next scene once all the data has been loaded
     sceneController.FadeAndLoadScene(bufferedGameData.gameData.sceneName, bufferedGameData.gameData.startingPositionName);
     // clear all the disk data saves from this object (memory performance).
        // This method gets the values of data parameter
        // and assign them to scriptable objects inside the project
        private void setGameState(SerializedStoredData data)
            // Allconditions
            if (AllConditions.Instance != null)
                // Set the conditions to the saved game state
                Debug.Log("No AllConditions Asset Found inside project resources");

            // Inventory
            if (inventory)
                // Set the inventory
                Debug.Log("No Inventory found");

            // Data Saves
            for (int i = 0; i < data.gameData.gameSaveDatas.Length; i++)
                int saveDataIndex = allProjectSaveDatas.IndexOf(allProjectSaveDatas.Find(saveData => saveData.name == data.gameData.gameSaveDatas[i].name));

                if (saveDataIndex != -1)
                    allProjectSaveDatas[saveDataIndex] = data.gameData.gameSaveDatas[i];
                    Debug.LogError("Data Save: " + data.gameData.gameSaveDatas[i].name + " found on save data file but not present in all Game Save Datas");