Example #1
        // Crossover Function Uniform
        private void Uniform(Chromosome chromosome_Father, Chromosome chromosome_Mather, Random two_Gene)
            // Define Children chromosome
            chromosome_Child_1 = new Chromosome();
            chromosome_Child_2 = new Chromosome();
            // convert string chromosm to char[] Array
            //        chromosome Father works
            char[] char_Father_integer  = chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
            char[] char_Father_mantissa = chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
            //        chromosome Mather Works
            char[] char_Mather_integer  = chromosome_Mather.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
            char[] char_Mather_mantissa = chromosome_Mather.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // Random number for select between father & mather chromosome string

            // at algorithm Flow exist:
            // Marge 2 chromosome by randoming bit and create 1 child
            // if(chromosome.(Father & Mather).Length == 8) then    |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                                                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            // Random Number is between 0~1 (Example: 0.433)
            //  for i=0 --> i=7
            //   {
            //      if Random num > 0.5  then select at Father chromosome bit(i)
            //      else if Random num <=0.5 then select at Mather chromosome bit(i)
            //   }
            // Example: (F & M length == 4)
            // Random List:
            //             i=0 --> Random = 0.332           < 0.5
            //             i=1 --> Random = 0.564           > 0.5
            //             i=2 --> Random = 0.003           < 0.5
            //             i=3 --> Random = 0.499           < 0.5
            // Selection:           ×
            //           Father: |_|_|_|_|
            //                    0 1 2 3                  × × × ×
            //                    ×   × ×      ==> Child: |_|_|_|_|
            //           Mather: |_|_|_|_|                 0 1 2 3
            //                    0 1 2 3
            //        Create CHILD 1
            chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin  = ""; // for save child_1 chromosome_Integer
            chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin = ""; // for save child_1 chromosome_mantissa
            // int i=0 ---->          chromosome Father or Mather Integer Length
            //      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ ...
            for (int i = 0; i < chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length; i++)
                // SelectionPoint is Random Number between 0~1
                // Select & Add Father chromosome.Integer bit[i]
                if (two_Gene.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                    chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin += char_Father_integer[i].ToString();
                // Select & Add Mather chromosome.Integer bit[i]
                    chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin += char_Mather_integer[i].ToString();
            // int i=0 ---->          chromosome Father or Mather Mantissa Length
            //      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ ...
            for (int i = 0; i < chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length; i++)
                // SelectionPoint is Random Number between 0~1
                // Select & Add Father chromosome.Mantissa bit[i]
                if (two_Gene.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                    chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin += char_Father_mantissa[i].ToString();
                // Select & Add Mather chromosome.Mantissa bit[i]
                    chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin += char_Mather_mantissa[i].ToString();
            //   Select Negative Mark Child1
            double Randoming01 = two_Gene.Next(); // one random number between 0~1

            if (Randoming01 > 0.5)
                chromosome_Child_1.Negative = chromosome_Father.Negative;
                chromosome_Child_1.Negative = chromosome_Mather.Negative;

            //        Create CHILD 2

            chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin  = ""; // for save child_2 chromosome_Integer
            chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin = ""; // for save child_2 chromosome_mantissa
            // int i=0 ---->          chromosome Father or Mather Integer Length
            //      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ ...
            for (int i = 0; i < chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length; i++)
                // SelectionPoint is Random Number between 0~1
                // Select & Add Father chromosome.Integer bit[i]
                if (two_Gene.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                    chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin += char_Father_integer[i].ToString();
                // Select & Add Mather chromosome.Integer bit[i]
                    chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin += char_Mather_integer[i].ToString();
            // int i=0 ---->          chromosome Father or Mather Mantissa Length
            //      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ ...
            for (int i = 0; i < chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length; i++)
                // SelectionPoint is Random Number between 0~1
                // Select & Add Father chromosome.Mantissa bit[i]
                if (two_Gene.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                    chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin += char_Father_mantissa[i].ToString();
                // Select & Add Mather chromosome.Mantissa bit[i]
                    chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin += char_Mather_mantissa[i].ToString();
            //   Select Negative Mark Child2
            Randoming01 = two_Gene.Next(); // one random number between 0~1
            if (Randoming01 > 0.5)
                chromosome_Child_2.Negative = chromosome_Father.Negative;
                chromosome_Child_2.Negative = chromosome_Mather.Negative;
Example #2
        // Crossover Function single-point
        private void SinglePoint(Chromosome chromosome_Father, Chromosome chromosome_Mather, Random two_Gene)
            chromosome_Child_1 = new Chromosome();
            chromosome_Child_2 = new Chromosome();
            int select_point;

            // save binary string to char[]
            // convert string Integer-Chromosome to char[]
            // × × ×
            char[] sp_father_int_CharArray = chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // + + +
            char[] sp_mather_int_CharArray = chromosome_Mather.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // convert string Mantissa-Chromosome to char[]
            char[] sp_father_double_CharArray = chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
            char[] sp_mather_double_CharArray = chromosome_Mather.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // Create Chromosome_Child_1  &  Chromosome_Child_2
            // select_point is a Random number that:
            // select division point between Integer
            // if(Random Number == 4) then Select :
            //                                           <---×
            //                                      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ . . .
            //                                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . .
            // if(chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length == 8) then
            //    Random Selection Number is betwwen [0~6] because:
            //                      <---×
            // Length 8 == |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            // End Select is cell(0~6) for singlePoint by cell(7)
            // Therefore selection number Apply between 0~chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length-2
            // define variable
            // Integer SinglePoint Variable
            string sp_father_intPart1 = "";  // for save Left-Part of Father integer Chromosome
            string sp_father_intPart2 = "";  // for save Right-Part of Father integer Chromosome
            string sp_mather_intPart1 = "";  // for save Left-Part of Mather integer Chromosome
            string sp_mather_intPart2 = "";  // for save Right-Part of Mather integer chromosome
            // Mantissa SinglePoint Variable
            string sp_father_doublePart1 = ""; // save Left-Part of Father mantissa Chromosome
            string sp_father_doublePart2 = ""; // save Right-Part of Father mantissa Chromosome
            string sp_mather_doublePart1 = ""; // save Left-Part of Mather mantissa Chromosome
            string sp_mather_doublePart2 = ""; // save Right-Part of Mather mantissa chromosome

            //  save char[].Partition to string
            if (chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length > 1)
                //   selecttion point for select between Integer Binary Partition
                select_point = two_Gene.Next(0, chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length - 2);
                // Part 1 Integer
                for (int i = 0; i <= select_point; i++)
                    sp_father_intPart1 += sp_father_int_CharArray[i].ToString(); // × × ×
                    sp_mather_intPart1 += sp_mather_int_CharArray[i].ToString(); // + + +
                // Part 2 Integer
                for (int j = select_point + 1; j < chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length; j++)
                    sp_father_intPart2 += sp_father_int_CharArray[j].ToString(); // × × ×
                    sp_mather_intPart2 += sp_mather_int_CharArray[j].ToString(); // + + +
            // if( mantissa decimal number not exist)
            if (chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length > 1)
                //   selecttion point for select between Mantissa Binary Partition
                select_point = two_Gene.Next(0, chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length - 2);
                // Part 1 Mantissa
                for (int i = 0; i <= select_point; i++)
                    sp_father_doublePart1 += sp_father_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                    sp_mather_doublePart1 += sp_mather_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                // Part 2 Mantissa
                for (int j = select_point + 1; j < chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length; j++)
                    sp_father_doublePart2 += sp_father_double_CharArray[j].ToString();
                    sp_mather_doublePart2 += sp_mather_double_CharArray[j].ToString();
            // if(Selection Point == 5)
            // then:
            //                          × × × × × × + +                        × × × × × × × ×
            // chromosome Father:      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|          (Child_1)   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7                        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            //                                            :(Create Child)==>
            //                          + + + + + + × ×                        + + + + + + + +
            // chromosome Mather:      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|          (Child_2)   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7                        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            // child-1 Integer crossover
            chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin = sp_father_intPart1 + sp_mather_intPart2;
            // child-1 Mantissa crossover
            chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin = sp_father_doublePart1 + sp_mather_doublePart2;
            // child-2 Integer crossover
            chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin = sp_mather_intPart1 + sp_father_intPart2;
            // child-2 Mantissa crossoevr
            chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin = sp_mather_doublePart1 + sp_father_doublePart2;
            if (chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length <= 1)
                chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin = chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin;
                chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin = chromosome_Mather.Integer_Bin;
            if (chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length <= 1)
                chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin = chromosome_Mather.Mantissa_Bin;
                chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin = chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin;
            // choose Negative for child_1 chromosome
            int int_negativeMark = two_Gene.Next(0, 1);

            if (int_negativeMark == 0) // choose negative as chromosome_father
                chromosome_Child_1.Negative = chromosome_Father.Negative;
            // choose negative as chromosome_mather
                chromosome_Child_1.Negative = chromosome_Mather.Negative;
            // choose Negative for child_2 chromosome
            int_negativeMark = two_Gene.Next(0, 1);
            if (int_negativeMark == 0) // choose negative as chromosome_father
                chromosome_Child_2.Negative = chromosome_Father.Negative;
            // choose negative as chromosome_mather
                chromosome_Child_2.Negative = chromosome_Mather.Negative;
Example #3
        // Crossover Function two-point
        private void TwoPoint(Chromosome chromosome_Father, Chromosome chromosome_Mather, Random two_Gene)
            chromosome_Child_1 = new Chromosome();
            chromosome_Child_2 = new Chromosome();
            // save Random number for cut integer Left-Part
            int select_point_i1 = 0;
            // save Random number for cut integer Right-Part
            int select_point_i2 = chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length - 1;
            // save Random number for cut mantissa Left-Part
            int select_point_m1 = 0;
            // save Random number for cut mantissa Right-Part
            int select_point_m2 = chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length - 1;

            // save binary string to char[]
            // convert string Integer-Chromosome to char[]
            // × × ×
            char[] sp_father_int_CharArray = chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // + + +
            char[] sp_mather_int_CharArray = chromosome_Mather.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // convert string Mantissa-Chromosome to char[]
            char[] sp_father_double_CharArray = chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
            char[] sp_mather_double_CharArray = chromosome_Mather.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
            // Create Chromosom_Child_1  &  Chromosom_Child_2
            // select_point_1 is a Random number that:
            // select division point between 0 ~ Half-Integer
            // if(Random Number == 2) then Select :
            //                                       (p1)×  |(Second Half-Integer)
            //                                      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            // select_point_2 is a Random number that:
            // select division point between Half-Integer ~ Integer.Length
            // if(Random Number == 5) then Select :
            //                          (First Half-Integer)|  ×(p2)
            //                                      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            // if(chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length == 8) then
            //    Random Selection Number is betwwen [0~7] because:
            // *Half-Point1 = between 3-4 == [0~3]
            // *Half-Point2 = between 3-4 == (3~7]==[4~7]
            //                ×-----×        *(p1=1 & p2=4)*
            // Length 8 == |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            // End Select is cell(0~7) for two-Point by cell(8)
            // Therefore selection number Apply between 0~chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length-1
            // define variable
            // Integer TwoPoint Variable
            string sp_father_intPart = "";    // save Center-Part of Father integer Chromosome
            string sp_mather_intPart = "";    // save Center-Part of Mather integer Chromosome
            // Mantissa TwoPoint Variable
            string sp_father_doublePart = ""; // save Left-Part of Father mantissa Chromosome
            string sp_mather_doublePart = ""; // save Left-Part of Mather mantissa Chromosome

            //  save char[].Partition to string
            // Part center Integer
            // Clause for Integer crossover is: Minimum Integer.Length == 2
            if (chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length > 1)
                //   selecttion point for select between Integer Binary Partition
                // for save half as Integer_bin.length
                int half_integerLenght = (chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length / 2) - 1;

                select_point_i1 = two_Gene.Next(0, half_integerLenght); // p1
                select_point_i2 = two_Gene.Next((half_integerLenght + 1),
                                                (chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length - 1)); // p2

                for (int i = select_point_i1; i <= select_point_i2; i++)
                    sp_father_intPart += sp_father_int_CharArray[i].ToString(); // × × ×
                    sp_mather_intPart += sp_mather_int_CharArray[i].ToString(); // + + +
            // if( mantissa decimal number not exist or less than 2)
            // Clause for Mantissa crossover is: Minimum Mantisssa.Length == 2
            if (chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length > 1)
                // selection two-point for select between Mantissa Binary Partition
                // for save half as Mantissa_bin.length
                int half_mantissaLenght = (chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length / 2) - 1;
                // p1 (one integer Random num between 0 ~ Half-Mantissa)
                select_point_m1 = two_Gene.Next(0, half_mantissaLenght); // p1
                select_point_m2 = two_Gene.Next((half_mantissaLenght + 1)
                                                , (chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length - 1)); // p2
                // Part center Mantissa
                for (int i = select_point_m1; i <= select_point_m2; i++)
                    sp_father_doublePart += sp_father_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                    sp_mather_doublePart += sp_mather_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
            //                            CROSSOVER TWO-POINT RUN
            // Example: if(Selection Point == 2 & 5) then
            //                         # # × × × × # #                        # # + + + + # #
            // chromosome Father:     |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|          (Child_1)   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7                        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            //                                           :(Create Child)==>
            //                         ~ ~ + + + + ~ ~                        ~ ~ × × × × ~ ~
            // chromosome Mather:     |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|          (Child_2)   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7                        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            //       Clear children chromosome information
            chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin  = "";
            chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin = "";
            chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin  = "";
            chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin = "";
            //        Create Integer Chromosom Children
            if (chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length > 1)
                // save string as 0 ~ select_point_integer_Left
                for (int i = 0; i < select_point_i1; i++)
                    // child-1 Integer crossover
                    chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin += sp_father_int_CharArray[i].ToString();
                    // child-2 Integer crossover
                    chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin += sp_mather_int_CharArray[i].ToString();
                // save string select_point_integer_Center
                chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin += sp_mather_intPart;
                // save string select_point_integer_Center
                Chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin += sp_father_intPart;
                // save string as select_point_Right ~ end
                for (int i = select_point_i2 + 1; i < chromosome_Father.Integer_Bin.Length; i++)
                    // child-1 Integer crossover
                    chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin += sp_father_int_CharArray[i].ToString();
                    // child-2 Integer crossover
                    chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin += sp_mather_int_CharArray[i].ToString();
                chromosome_Child_1.Integer_Bin = "0";
                chromosome_Child_2.Integer_Bin = "0";
            //        Create Mantissa Chromosom Children
            if (chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length > 1)
                // save string as 0 ~ select_point_integer_Left
                for (int i = 0; i < select_point_m1; i++)
                    // child-1 Mantissa crossover
                    chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin += sp_father_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                    // child-2 Mantissa crossover
                    chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin += sp_mather_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                // save string select_point_Mantissa_Center
                chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin += sp_mather_doublePart;
                // save string select_point_Mantissa_Center
                Chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin += sp_father_doublePart;
                // save string as select_point_Right ~ end
                for (int i = select_point_m2 + 1; i < chromosome_Father.Mantissa_Bin.Length; i++)
                    // child-1 Integer crossover
                    chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin += sp_father_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                    // child-2 Integer crossover
                    chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin += sp_mather_double_CharArray[i].ToString();
                chromosome_Child_1.Mantissa_Bin = "0";
                chromosome_Child_2.Mantissa_Bin = "0";
            // choose Negative for child_1 chromosome
            int int_negativeMark = two_Gene.Next(0, 1);

            if (int_negativeMark == 0) // choose negative as chromosome_father
                chromosome_Child_1.Negative = chromosome_Father.Negative;
            // choose negative as chromosome_mather
                chromosome_Child_1.Negative = chromosome_Mather.Negative;
            // choose Negative for child_2 chromosome
            int_negativeMark = two_Gene.Next(0, 1);
            if (int_negativeMark == 0) // choose negative as chromosome_father
                chromosome_Child_2.Negative = chromosome_Father.Negative;
            // choose negative as chromosome_mather
                chromosome_Child_2.Negative = chromosome_Mather.Negative;
Example #4
        // Function Uniform of class Mutation
        // change a bit of offspring chromosome for mutation
        public Chromosome uniform(Chromosome offspring, Random two_Gene)
            // Random Number for choose a bit between 0 ~ (offspring.Length - 1)
            // if(offspring.Length == 8)
            //                           (0)×-------------×(offspring.Length-1)
            //                             |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
            //                              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            if (offspring.Integer_Bin.Length > 1) // Minimum offspring.Length for mutation is 2bit
                // choose a point between 0 ~ offspring.Length - 1
                int Integer_point = two_Gene.Next(0, offspring.Integer_Bin.Length - 1);
                // convert string to charArray for read a bit
                char[] charArrary_Integer_Bin = offspring.Integer_Bin.ToCharArray();
                //             change a bit of selected point
                // change by (NOT Bit) function   (0 --> 1)  or  (1 --> 0)
                if (charArrary_Integer_Bin[Integer_point] == '0')
                    charArrary_Integer_Bin[Integer_point] = '1';

                else if (charArrary_Integer_Bin[Integer_point] == '1')
                    charArrary_Integer_Bin[Integer_point] = '0';
                // convert charArray to string for save offspring chromosome
                offspring.Integer_Bin = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < charArrary_Integer_Bin.Length; i++)
                    offspring.Integer_Bin += charArrary_Integer_Bin[i].ToString();

            // Minimum offspring.Length for mutation is 2bit
            if (offspring.Mantissa_Bin.Length > 1)
                // choose a point between 0 ~ offspring.Length - 1
                int Mantissa_point = two_Gene.Next(0, offspring.Mantissa_Bin.Length - 1);
                // convert string to charArray for read a bit
                char[] charArray_Mantissa_Bin = offspring.Mantissa_Bin.ToCharArray();
                //             change a bit of selected point
                // change by (NOT Bit) function   (0 --> 1)  or  (1 --> 0)
                if (charArray_Mantissa_Bin[Mantissa_point] == '0')
                    charArray_Mantissa_Bin[Mantissa_point] = '1';

                else if (charArray_Mantissa_Bin[Mantissa_point] == '1')
                    charArray_Mantissa_Bin[Mantissa_point] = '0';
                // convert charArray to string for save offspring chromosome
                offspring.Mantissa_Bin = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < charArray_Mantissa_Bin.Length; i++)
                    offspring.Mantissa_Bin += charArray_Mantissa_Bin[i].ToString();
            // deCoder & Evaluate Fitness & IM_Chromosome

            // return changed chromosome