SetPixel() public method

Set pixel with the specified coordinates to the specified color.

See SetPixel(int, int, Color) for more information.

public SetPixel ( IntPoint point, Color color ) : void
point IntPoint Point's coordiates to set color for.
color Color Color to set for the pixel.
return void
Example #1
 public void dessinePoint(IntPoint point, UnmanagedImage img,int nbPixel,Color col)
     for (int i = point.X - nbPixel / 2; i < point.X + nbPixel / 2 + 1; i++)
         for (int j = point.Y - nbPixel / 2; j < point.Y + nbPixel / 2 + 1; j++)
             img.SetPixel(i, j, col);
Example #2
        public void Correct(UnmanagedImage img, double aFocalLinPixels, int limit, double scale, int offx, int offy)
            if (Math.Abs(_aFocalLinPixels - aFocalLinPixels) > Double.Epsilon || limit != _mFeLimit ||
                Math.Abs(scale - _mScaleFeSize) > Double.Epsilon || img.Width != _w || img.Height != _h ||
                _offsetx != offx || _offsety != offy)
                Init(aFocalLinPixels, limit, scale, img.Width, img.Height, offx, offy);
            var correctImage = UnmanagedImage.Create(img.Width, img.Height, img.PixelFormat);
            int c = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < _w; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < _h; y++)
                    img.SetPixel(x, y, correctImage.GetPixel(_map[c, 0], _map[c, 1]));

Example #3
        private void SelectBlob(Blob _blob)
            BitmapData imageData = _recogimg.LockBits(
              new Rectangle(0, 0, _image.Width, _recogimg.Height),
              ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _recogimg.PixelFormat);

            UnmanagedImage _image8 = new UnmanagedImage(imageData);
            for (int x = _blob.Rectangle.X; x <= _blob.Rectangle.Right; x++)
                _image8.SetPixel(x, _blob.Rectangle.Y, 0);
                _image8.SetPixel(x, _blob.Rectangle.Bottom, 0);
            for (int y = _blob.Rectangle.Y; y <= _blob.Rectangle.Bottom; y++)
                _image8.SetPixel(_blob.Rectangle.X, y, 0);
                _image8.SetPixel(_blob.Rectangle.Right, y, 0);

        private UnmanagedImage FilterFloor(UnmanagedImage unmanImg, byte[] textData)
            //data would come in from SurfaceReceiver
            const int width = 256;
            const int height = 2552;
            const int xRes = 221000;
            const int yRes = 39180;
            const int xSize = xRes * width;
            const int ySize = yRes * height;
            const float res = xSize / (float)ySize;
            //index for remapping colors
            int index = 0;

            //remap colors to look better, save as HSL color
            for (int i = 0; i < unmanImg.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < unmanImg.Width; j++)
                    //filter out floor
                    if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(textData, index * 6) < min + filterHeight)
                        unmanImg.SetPixel(j, i, Color.Black);
                        HSLColor colorHeight = new HSLColor(HSLColor.RemapColors(BitConverter.ToUInt16(textData, index * 6), (int)(min + filterHeight), max, 0, 300), 240.0, 120.0);
                        unmanImg.SetPixel(j, i, colorHeight);
            return unmanImg;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Рисует темный квадрат на расстоянии 5 пикселей от ячейки справа
        /// </summary>
        public void SetRightMarker()
            BitmapData imageData = _parentimage.LockBits(
               new Rectangle(0, 0, _parentimage.Width, _parentimage.Height),
               ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _parentimage.PixelFormat);

            _image8 = new UnmanagedImage(imageData);
            for (int x = _rect.X + _rect.Width; x <= _rect.X + _rect.Width + 5; x++)
                for (int y = _rect.Y; y <= _rect.Y + _rect.Height; y++)
                { _image8.SetPixel(x, y, 0); }

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Выделяет ячейку черным квадратом на родительском изображении
        /// </summary>
        public void Select()
            BitmapData imageData = _parentimage.LockBits(
              new Rectangle(0, 0, _parentimage.Width, _parentimage.Height),
              ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _parentimage.PixelFormat);

            _image8 = new UnmanagedImage(imageData);
            for (int x = _rect.X; x <= _rect.Right; x++)
                _image8.SetPixel(x, _rect.Y, 0);
                _image8.SetPixel(x, _rect.Bottom, 0);
            for (int y = _rect.Y; y <= _rect.Bottom; y++)
                _image8.SetPixel(_rect.X, y, 0);
                _image8.SetPixel(_rect.Right, y, 0);
