private void button28_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BillShipList cBSList = new BillShipList(cID); if (FormMode == "EDIT") { cBSList.DeleteCustBillShip(ShipID); } //Delete this.Hide(); }
private void button27_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Save or Update BillShipList cBSList = new BillShipList(cID); if (FormMode == "NEW") { cBSList.AddCustBillShip(Form2Object()); } else if (FormMode == "EDIT") { CustBillShip c = new CustBillShip(); c = Form2Object(); c.ID = ShipID; cBSList.UpdateCustBillShip(c); } this.Hide(); }
private void UpdatePOShip(int QTS,int ONH) { string DataGrid_PO = ""; string DataGrid_POStat; int DataGrid_Inv = 0; int DataGrid_OnHand = 0; int DataGrid_ShipQuan = 0; int totalavqty = 0; int POID = 0; Shippers shipr = new Shippers(); CustBillShip bill = new CustBillShip(); CustBillShip ship = new CustBillShip(); /* item.Cells[0].Value = po.PoNumber; item.Cells[1].Value = po.ReceiveDate; item.Cells[2].Value = po.InitialQty; item.Cells[3].Value = po.FabRejectQty; item.Cells[4].Value = po.PaintRejectQty; item.Cells[5].Value = po.InventoryQty; item.Cells[6].Value = po.ShippedQty; item.Cells[7].Value = po.Status; item.Cells[8].Value = po.Id; */ int j = 0; while (j < InvPOGrid.RowCount) { if (QTS != 0) { POID = int.Parse(InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[8].Value.ToString()); DataGrid_POStat = InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); DataGrid_PO = InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); DataGrid_Inv = int.Parse(InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[5].Value.ToString()); DataGrid_OnHand = int.Parse(InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[9].Value.ToString()); DataGrid_ShipQuan = int.Parse(InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[6].Value.ToString()); if (DataGrid_Inv <= QTS) { DataGrid_ShipQuan = DataGrid_ShipQuan + DataGrid_Inv; QTS = QTS - DataGrid_Inv; DataGrid_Inv = 0; DataGrid_OnHand = DataGrid_OnHand - DataGrid_ShipQuan; if (DataGrid_POStat != "OPEN_INV") { DataGrid_POStat = "SHIPPED"; } } else { DataGrid_ShipQuan = DataGrid_ShipQuan + QTS; DataGrid_Inv = DataGrid_Inv - QTS; DataGrid_OnHand = DataGrid_OnHand - QTS; QTS = 0; } int CustID; Customer TCust = CustList.SearchCustomer(CustCombo.Text); CustID = TCust.ID; BillShipList BSList; BSList = new BillShipList(TCust.ID); InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[6].Value = DataGrid_ShipQuan.ToString(); InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[5].Value = DataGrid_Inv.ToString(); string RcvDate = InvPOGrid.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); shipr = Shippers.SearchShipper(ShipViaCombo.Text); bill = BSList.SearchBillShip(BillToCombo.Text, "Billing"); ship = BSList.SearchBillShip(BillToCombo.Text, "Shipping"); if (bill.AddressName == "") { bill.ID = 0; } if (ship.AddressName == "") { ship.ID = 0; } if (bill.ID == 0) { bill.ID = ship.ID; } if (ship.ID == 0) { ship.ID = bill.ID; } shipList.ShipPO(DataGrid_PO, CustID, PartCombo.Text, RcvDate, TrackingTB.Text, shipComment, DataGrid_ShipQuan, ship.ID, DataGrid_Inv, DataGrid_OnHand, DataGrid_POStat,bill.ID); shipList.CreateShipmentRecord(CustID, PartCombo.Text, DataGrid_ShipQuan, POID, TrackingTB.Text, ship.ID, bill.ID, shipr.ID); //Update Database } j++; totalavqty = totalavqty + DataGrid_Inv; } }
private void comboBox4_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { BillShipList BSList; Customer TCust = CustList.SearchCustomer(CustCombo.Text); BSList = new BillShipList(TCust.ID); BillToCombo.DataSource = BSList.ListBilling(); AddrCombo.DataSource = BSList.ListShipping(); custNamelbl.Text = TCust.CustName; PartList = new PartsList(); PartCombo.DataSource = PartList.GetCustParts(TCust.ID); if (PartCombo.Items.Count == 0) { PartCombo.Text = ""; ClearCount(sender, e); clearINVPOlist(); } //Get ShipVia Box }
private void LoadBillShip(int cID) { BillShipList cBSList = new BillShipList(cID); clearlist(); if (cID != 0) { cBSList = new BillShipList(cID); foreach(CustBillShip c in cBSList.GetCustBillShip()) { DataGridViewRow item = new DataGridViewRow(); item.CreateCells(dataGridView5); item.Cells[0].Value = c.AddressName; item.Cells[1].Value = c.AddressType; dataGridView5.Rows.Add(item); } } }
private void EditAddress() { try { DataGridViewRow item = dataGridView5.SelectedRows[0]; String strAddrName = item.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); ; String strAddrType = item.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); Customer c1 = CustList.SearchCustomer(CustIDcombo.Text); BillShipList cBSList = new BillShipList(c1.ID); if (cBSList.BillShipExists(strAddrName, strAddrType)) { CustBillShip c2 = cBSList.SearchBillShip(strAddrName, strAddrType); BillShipAddrForm f2 = new BillShipAddrForm(ref c2, "EDIT"); f2.ShowDialog(); LoadBillShip(c1.ID); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error in Edit Address " + ex.Message); } }
private void DeleteAllBillShip(int cID) { try { BillShipList cBSList = new BillShipList(cID); ArrayList delList = new ArrayList(); foreach (CustBillShip c in cBSList.GetCustBillShip()) { delList.Add(c.ID); } foreach (int i in delList) { cBSList.DeleteCustBillShip(i); } clearlist(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
//Delete A Shipping Address private void button70_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Delete Address if (dataGridView5.SelectedCells.Count > 0) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete the current Address? " + "Doing so will also delete the selected BillTo or ShipTo Address.", "Delete Address?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly, false); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { try { string strAddrName; string strAddrType; strAddrName = dataGridView5.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString(); strAddrType = dataGridView5.SelectedCells[1].Value.ToString(); Customer c1 = new Customer(); c1 = CustList.SearchCustomer(CustIDcombo.Text); BillShipList cBSList = new BillShipList(c1.ID); cBSList.DeleteCustBillShip(cBSList.SearchBillShip(strAddrName, strAddrType).ID); LoadBillShip(c1.ID); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } }