public IndividualGraph(PetManager PM, int listValue, float totalFood, float foodToPriceRatio) { // Creating graph InitializeComponent(); pm = PM; pm.totalPets[listValue].WeeklyAvg(totalFood, foodToPriceRatio * totalFood); foreach (float weeklyAverage in pm.totalPets[listValue].AverageDailyConsumption) { DataPoint Dp = new DataPoint(); Dp.SetValueY(weeklyAverage); yValues.Add(Dp); } chart1.Series.Clear(); chart1.Series.Add("Food"); foreach (DataPoint dP in yValues) { chart1.Series["Food"].Points.Add(dP); } chart1.Series["Food"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; // finished creating graph // form the list float totalCost = 0; Font font = new Font(new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Palatino Linotype"), 11); // font for (int i = 0; i < pm.totalPets[listValue].AverageDailyConsumption.Count; i++) { Label point = new Label(); // create label and apply text and settings point.Text = "Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + ": " + pm.totalPets[listValue].AverageDailyConsumption[i].ToString("n0") + "g - " + pm.totalPets[listValue].TotalWeeklyPrices[i]; totalCost += pm.totalPets[listValue].TotalWeeklyPrices[i]; point.Font = font; point.Location = new Point(10, cnp_controller.Controls.Count * 20); cnp_controller.Controls.Add(point); } nameTtl.Text = pm.totalPets[listValue].name + "'s Weekly Averages"; totalCostLbl.Text = "Total Cost: $" + totalCost; }
//form initialization public Form1(PetManager PM) { InitializeComponent(); pm = PM; }
public DetailsForm(PetManager PM, int type) { InitializeComponent(); pm = PM; getAnimalInfo = type; }