Example #1
        public void GetCurrentCurveLine(vec3 pivot, vec3 steer)
            //determine closest point
            double minDistance = 9999999;
            int    ptCount     = refList.Count;
            int    ptCnt       = ptCount - 1;

            if (ptCount < 5)

            boxA.easting  = pivot.easting - (Math.Sin(aveLineHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 2000);
            boxA.northing = pivot.northing - (Math.Cos(aveLineHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 2000);

            boxB.easting  = pivot.easting + (Math.Sin(aveLineHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 2000);
            boxB.northing = pivot.northing + (Math.Cos(aveLineHeading + glm.PIBy2) * 2000);

            boxC.easting  = boxB.easting + (Math.Sin(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);
            boxC.northing = boxB.northing + (Math.Cos(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);

            boxD.easting  = boxA.easting + (Math.Sin(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);
            boxD.northing = boxA.northing + (Math.Cos(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);

            boxA.easting  -= (Math.Sin(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);
            boxA.northing -= (Math.Cos(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);

            boxB.easting  -= (Math.Sin(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);
            boxB.northing -= (Math.Cos(aveLineHeading) * 1.0);

            //determine if point are in frustum box
            for (int s = 0; s < ptCnt; s++)
                if ((((boxB.easting - boxA.easting) * (refList[s].northing - boxA.northing))
                     - ((boxB.northing - boxA.northing) * (refList[s].easting - boxA.easting))) < 0)

                if ((((boxD.easting - boxC.easting) * (refList[s].northing - boxC.northing))
                     - ((boxD.northing - boxC.northing) * (refList[s].easting - boxC.easting))) < 0)

                closestRefIndex = s;

            double dist = ((pivot.easting - refList[closestRefIndex].easting) * (pivot.easting - refList[closestRefIndex].easting))
                          + ((pivot.northing - refList[closestRefIndex].northing) * (pivot.northing - refList[closestRefIndex].northing));

            minDistance = Math.Sqrt(dist);

            //grab the heading at the closest point
            refHeading = refList[closestRefIndex].heading;

            //which side of the patch are we on is next
            //calculate endpoints of reference line based on closest point
            refPoint1.easting  = refList[closestRefIndex].easting - (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
            refPoint1.northing = refList[closestRefIndex].northing - (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

            refPoint2.easting  = refList[closestRefIndex].easting + (Math.Sin(refHeading) * 50.0);
            refPoint2.northing = refList[closestRefIndex].northing + (Math.Cos(refHeading) * 50.0);

            double dx = refPoint2.easting - refPoint1.easting;
            double dz = refPoint2.northing - refPoint1.northing;

            //how far are we away from the reference line at 90 degrees - 2D cross product and distance
            double distanceFromRefLine = ((dz * pivot.easting) - (dx * pivot.northing) + (refPoint2.easting
                                                                                          * refPoint1.northing) - (refPoint2.northing * refPoint1.easting));

            //   / Math.Sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx));
            //are we going same direction as stripList was created?
            isSameWay = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(pivot.heading - refHeading) - Math.PI) < glm.PIBy2;
            deltaOfRefAndAveHeadings = Math.PI - Math.Abs(Math.Abs(aveLineHeading - refHeading) - Math.PI);
            deltaOfRefAndAveHeadings = Math.Cos(deltaOfRefAndAveHeadings);

            //add or subtract pi by 2 depending on which side of ref line
            double piSide;

            //sign of distance determines which side of line we are on
            if (distanceFromRefLine > 0)
                piSide = glm.PIBy2;
                piSide = -glm.PIBy2;

            //move the ABLine over based on the overlap amount set in vehicle
            double widthMinusOverlap = mf.vehicle.toolWidth - mf.vehicle.toolOverlap;

            howManyPathsAway = Math.Round(minDistance / widthMinusOverlap, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            //build the current line
            for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++)
                var point = new vec3(
                    refList[i].easting + (Math.Sin(piSide + aveLineHeading) * widthMinusOverlap * howManyPathsAway),
                    refList[i].northing + (Math.Cos(piSide + aveLineHeading) * widthMinusOverlap * howManyPathsAway),

            double minDistA = 1000000, minDistB = 1000000;

            ptCount = curList.Count;

            if (ptCount > 0)
                if (mf.isStanleyUsed)
                    //find the closest 2 points to current fix
                    for (int t = 0; t < ptCount; t++)
                        dist = ((steer.easting - curList[t].easting) * (steer.easting - curList[t].easting))
                               + ((steer.northing - curList[t].northing) * (steer.northing - curList[t].northing));
                        if (dist < minDistA)
                            minDistB = minDistA;
                            B        = A;
                            minDistA = dist;
                            A        = t;
                        else if (dist < minDistB)
                            minDistB = dist;
                            B        = t;

                    //just need to make sure the points continue ascending or heading switches all over the place
                    if (A > B)
                        C = A; A = B; B = C;

                    currentLocationIndex = A;

                    //get the distance from currently active AB line
                    dx = curList[B].easting - curList[A].easting;
                    dz = curList[B].northing - curList[A].northing;

                    if (Math.Abs(dx) < Double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(dz) < Double.Epsilon)

                    //abHeading = Math.Atan2(dz, dx);
                    double abHeading = curList[A].heading;

                    //how far from current AB Line is fix
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = ((dz * steer.easting) - (dx * steer.northing) + (curList[B].easting
                                                                                               * curList[A].northing) - (curList[B].northing * curList[A].easting))
                                              / Math.Sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx));

                    //are we on the right side or not
                    isOnRightSideCurrentLine = distanceFromCurrentLine > 0;

                    //absolute the distance
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = Math.Abs(distanceFromCurrentLine);

                    //Subtract the two headings, if > 1.57 its going the opposite heading as refAB
                    double abFixHeadingDelta = (Math.Abs(mf.fixHeading - abHeading));
                    if (abFixHeadingDelta >= Math.PI)
                        abFixHeadingDelta = Math.Abs(abFixHeadingDelta - glm.twoPI);
                    isABSameAsVehicleHeading = abFixHeadingDelta < glm.PIBy2;

                    // calc point on ABLine closest to current position
                    double U = (((steer.easting - curList[A].easting) * dx)
                                + ((steer.northing - curList[A].northing) * dz))
                               / ((dx * dx) + (dz * dz));

                    rEastCu  = curList[A].easting + (U * dx);
                    rNorthCu = curList[A].northing + (U * dz);

                    //distance is negative if on left, positive if on right
                    if (isABSameAsVehicleHeading)
                        if (!isOnRightSideCurrentLine)
                            distanceFromCurrentLine *= -1.0;
                        abFixHeadingDelta = (steer.heading - abHeading);

                    //opposite way so right is left
                        if (isOnRightSideCurrentLine)
                            distanceFromCurrentLine *= -1.0;
                        abFixHeadingDelta = (steer.heading - abHeading + Math.PI);

                    //Fix the circular error
                    if (abFixHeadingDelta > Math.PI)
                        abFixHeadingDelta -= Math.PI;
                    else if (abFixHeadingDelta < Math.PI)
                        abFixHeadingDelta += Math.PI;

                    if (abFixHeadingDelta > glm.PIBy2)
                        abFixHeadingDelta -= Math.PI;
                    else if (abFixHeadingDelta < -glm.PIBy2)
                        abFixHeadingDelta += Math.PI;

                    abFixHeadingDelta *= mf.vehicle.stanleyHeadingErrorGain;
                    if (abFixHeadingDelta > 0.74)
                        abFixHeadingDelta = 0.74;
                    if (abFixHeadingDelta < -0.74)
                        abFixHeadingDelta = -0.74;

                    steerAngleCu = Math.Atan((distanceFromCurrentLine * mf.vehicle.stanleyGain) / ((mf.pn.speed * 0.277777) + 1));

                    if (steerAngleCu > 0.74)
                        steerAngleCu = 0.74;
                    if (steerAngleCu < -0.74)
                        steerAngleCu = -0.74;

                    steerAngleCu = glm.toDegrees((steerAngleCu + abFixHeadingDelta) * -1.0);

                    if (steerAngleCu < -mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle)
                        steerAngleCu = -mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle;
                    if (steerAngleCu > mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle)
                        steerAngleCu = mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle;

                    //Convert to millimeters
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = Math.Round(distanceFromCurrentLine * 1000.0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    //find the closest 2 points to current fix
                    for (int t = 0; t < ptCount; t++)
                        dist = ((pivot.easting - curList[t].easting) * (pivot.easting - curList[t].easting))
                               + ((pivot.northing - curList[t].northing) * (pivot.northing - curList[t].northing));
                        if (dist < minDistA)
                            minDistB = minDistA;
                            B        = A;
                            minDistA = dist;
                            A        = t;
                        else if (dist < minDistB)
                            minDistB = dist;
                            B        = t;

                    //just need to make sure the points continue ascending or heading switches all over the place
                    if (A > B)
                        C = A; A = B; B = C;

                    currentLocationIndex = A;

                    //get the distance from currently active AB line
                    dx = curList[B].easting - curList[A].easting;
                    dz = curList[B].northing - curList[A].northing;

                    if (Math.Abs(dx) < Double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(dz) < Double.Epsilon)

                    //abHeading = Math.Atan2(dz, dx);
                    double abHeading = curList[A].heading;

                    //how far from current AB Line is fix
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = ((dz * pivot.easting) - (dx * pivot.northing) + (curList[B].easting
                                                                                               * curList[A].northing) - (curList[B].northing * curList[A].easting))
                                              / Math.Sqrt((dz * dz) + (dx * dx));

                    //are we on the right side or not
                    isOnRightSideCurrentLine = distanceFromCurrentLine > 0;

                    //absolute the distance
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = Math.Abs(distanceFromCurrentLine);

                    // ** Pure pursuit ** - calc point on ABLine closest to current position
                    double U = (((pivot.easting - curList[A].easting) * dx)
                                + ((pivot.northing - curList[A].northing) * dz))
                               / ((dx * dx) + (dz * dz));

                    rEastCu  = curList[A].easting + (U * dx);
                    rNorthCu = curList[A].northing + (U * dz);

                    //double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;

                    //minx = Math.Min(curList[A].northing, curList[B].northing);
                    //maxx = Math.Max(curList[A].northing, curList[B].northing);

                    //miny = Math.Min(curList[A].easting, curList[B].easting);
                    //maxy = Math.Max(curList[A].easting, curList[B].easting);

                    //isValid = rNorthCu >= minx && rNorthCu <= maxx && (rEastCu >= miny && rEastCu <= maxy);

                    //if (!isValid)
                    //    //invalid distance so tell AS module
                    //    distanceFromCurrentLine = 32000;
                    //    mf.guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;
                    //    return;

                    //used for accumulating distance to find goal point
                    double distSoFar;

                    //update base on autosteer settings and distance from line
                    double goalPointDistance = mf.vehicle.UpdateGoalPointDistance(distanceFromCurrentLine);
                    mf.lookaheadActual = goalPointDistance;

                    // used for calculating the length squared of next segment.
                    double tempDist = 0.0;

                    if (!isSameWay)
                        //counting down
                        isABSameAsVehicleHeading = false;
                        distSoFar = glm.Distance(curList[A], rEastCu, rNorthCu);
                        //Is this segment long enough to contain the full lookahead distance?
                        if (distSoFar > goalPointDistance)
                            //treat current segment like an AB Line
                            goalPointCu.easting  = rEastCu - (Math.Sin(curList[A].heading) * goalPointDistance);
                            goalPointCu.northing = rNorthCu - (Math.Cos(curList[A].heading) * goalPointDistance);

                        //multiple segments required
                            //cycle thru segments and keep adding lengths. check if start and break if so.
                            while (A > 0)
                                B--; A--;
                                tempDist = glm.Distance(curList[B], curList[A]);

                                //will we go too far?
                                if ((tempDist + distSoFar) > goalPointDistance)
                                    break;                                             //tempDist contains the full length of next segment
                                    distSoFar += tempDist;

                            double t = (goalPointDistance - distSoFar); // the remainder to yet travel
                            t /= tempDist;

                            goalPointCu.easting  = (((1 - t) * curList[B].easting) + (t * curList[A].easting));
                            goalPointCu.northing = (((1 - t) * curList[B].northing) + (t * curList[A].northing));
                        //counting up
                        isABSameAsVehicleHeading = true;
                        distSoFar = glm.Distance(curList[B], rEastCu, rNorthCu);

                        //Is this segment long enough to contain the full lookahead distance?
                        if (distSoFar > goalPointDistance)
                            //treat current segment like an AB Line
                            goalPointCu.easting  = rEastCu + (Math.Sin(curList[A].heading) * goalPointDistance);
                            goalPointCu.northing = rNorthCu + (Math.Cos(curList[A].heading) * goalPointDistance);

                        //multiple segments required
                            //cycle thru segments and keep adding lengths. check if end and break if so.
                            // ReSharper disable once LoopVariableIsNeverChangedInsideLoop
                            while (B < ptCount - 1)
                                B++; A++;
                                tempDist = glm.Distance(curList[B], curList[A]);

                                //will we go too far?
                                if ((tempDist + distSoFar) > goalPointDistance)
                                    //A--; B--;
                                    break; //tempDist contains the full length of next segment

                                distSoFar += tempDist;

                            //xt = (((1 - t) * x0 + t * x1)
                            //yt = ((1 - t) * y0 + t * y1))

                            double t = (goalPointDistance - distSoFar); // the remainder to yet travel
                            t /= tempDist;

                            goalPointCu.easting  = (((1 - t) * curList[A].easting) + (t * curList[B].easting));
                            goalPointCu.northing = (((1 - t) * curList[A].northing) + (t * curList[B].northing));

                    //calc "D" the distance from pivot axle to lookahead point
                    double goalPointDistanceSquared = glm.DistanceSquared(goalPointCu.northing, goalPointCu.easting, pivot.northing, pivot.easting);

                    //calculate the the delta x in local coordinates and steering angle degrees based on wheelbase
                    double localHeading = glm.twoPI - mf.fixHeading;
                    ppRadiusCu = goalPointDistanceSquared / (2 * (((goalPointCu.easting - pivot.easting) * Math.Cos(localHeading)) + ((goalPointCu.northing - pivot.northing) * Math.Sin(localHeading))));

                    steerAngleCu = glm.toDegrees(Math.Atan(2 * (((goalPointCu.easting - pivot.easting) * Math.Cos(localHeading))
                                                                + ((goalPointCu.northing - pivot.northing) * Math.Sin(localHeading))) * mf.vehicle.wheelbase / goalPointDistanceSquared));

                    if (steerAngleCu < -mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle)
                        steerAngleCu = -mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle;
                    if (steerAngleCu > mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle)
                        steerAngleCu = mf.vehicle.maxSteerAngle;

                    if (ppRadiusCu < -500)
                        ppRadiusCu = -500;
                    if (ppRadiusCu > 500)
                        ppRadiusCu = 500;

                    radiusPointCu.easting  = pivot.easting + (ppRadiusCu * Math.Cos(localHeading));
                    radiusPointCu.northing = pivot.northing + (ppRadiusCu * Math.Sin(localHeading));

                    //angular velocity in rads/sec  = 2PI * m/sec * radians/meters
                    double angVel = glm.twoPI * 0.277777 * mf.pn.speed * (Math.Tan(glm.toRadians(steerAngleCu))) / mf.vehicle.wheelbase;

                    //clamp the steering angle to not exceed safe angular velocity
                    if (Math.Abs(angVel) > mf.vehicle.maxAngularVelocity)
                        steerAngleCu = glm.toDegrees(steerAngleCu > 0 ?
                                                     (Math.Atan((mf.vehicle.wheelbase * mf.vehicle.maxAngularVelocity) / (glm.twoPI * mf.pn.speed * 0.277777)))
                            : (Math.Atan((mf.vehicle.wheelbase * -mf.vehicle.maxAngularVelocity) / (glm.twoPI * mf.pn.speed * 0.277777))));
                    //Convert to centimeters
                    distanceFromCurrentLine = Math.Round(distanceFromCurrentLine * 1000.0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                    //distance is negative if on left, positive if on right
                    //if you're going the opposite direction left is right and right is left
                    //double temp;
                    if (isABSameAsVehicleHeading)
                        //temp = (abHeading);
                        if (!isOnRightSideCurrentLine)
                            distanceFromCurrentLine *= -1.0;

                    //opposite way so right is left
                        //temp = (abHeading - Math.PI);
                        //if (temp < 0) temp = (temp + glm.twoPI);
                        //temp = glm.toDegrees(temp);
                        if (isOnRightSideCurrentLine)
                            distanceFromCurrentLine *= -1.0;

                mf.guidanceLineDistanceOff = (Int16)distanceFromCurrentLine;
                mf.guidanceLineSteerAngle  = (Int16)(steerAngleCu * 100);
                //invalid distance so tell AS module
                distanceFromCurrentLine    = 32000;
                mf.guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;
Example #2
        private void UpdateFixPosition()
            totalFixSteps = fixUpdateHz * 6;
            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized) { InitializeFirstFewGPSPositions(); return; }

            #region Antenna Offset

            if (vehicle.antennaOffset != 0)
                if (vehicle.antennaOffset < 0)
                    offset -= 0.01;
                    if (offset < vehicle.antennaOffset) offset = vehicle.antennaOffset;
                    pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.easting;
                    pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.northing;

                    offset += 0.01;
                    if (offset > vehicle.antennaOffset) offset = vehicle.antennaOffset;
                    pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.easting;
                    pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.northing;


            #region Roll

            rollUsed = 0;

            if ((ahrs.isRollBrick | ahrs.isRollDogs | ahrs.isRollPAOGI) && mc.rollRaw != 9999)
                //for charting in GPS Data window
                eastingBeforeRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                rollUsed = (double)mc.rollRaw/16;

                //calculate how far the antenna moves based on sidehill roll
                double roll = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians((mc.rollRaw - ahrs.rollZero) * 0.0625));

                //change for roll to the right is positive times -1
                rollCorrectionDistance = roll * vehicle.antennaHeight * -1.0;

                // roll to left is positive  **** important!!
                // not any more - April 30, 2019 - roll to right is positive
                pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(-fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
                pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(-fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.northing;

                //for charting the position after roll adjustment
                eastingAfterRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                eastingAfterRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                eastingBeforeRoll = pn.fix.easting;

            //pitchDistance = (pitch * vehicle.antennaHeight);
            //pn.fix.easting = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * pitchDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
            //pn.fix.northing = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * pitchDistance) + pn.fix.northing;

            #endregion Roll

            #region Step Fix

            //**** heading of the vec3 structure is used for distance in Step fix!!!!!

            //grab the most current fix and save the distance from the last fix
            distanceCurrentStepFix = glm.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
            if (vehicle.treeSpacing != 0 && section[0].isSectionOn) treeSpacingCounter += (distanceCurrentStepFix*100);
            //keep the distance below spacing
            while (treeSpacingCounter > vehicle.treeSpacing && vehicle.treeSpacing != 0) treeSpacingCounter -= vehicle.treeSpacing;            

            fixStepDist = distanceCurrentStepFix;

            //if  min distance isn't exceeded, keep adding old fixes till it does
            if (distanceCurrentStepFix <= minFixStepDist)
                for (currentStepFix = 0; currentStepFix < totalFixSteps; currentStepFix++)
                    fixStepDist += stepFixPts[currentStepFix].heading;
                    if (fixStepDist > minFixStepDist)
                        //if we reached end, keep the oldest and stay till distance is exceeded
                        if (currentStepFix < (totalFixSteps - 1)) currentStepFix++;
                        isFixHolding = false;
                    else isFixHolding = true;

            // only takes a single fix to exceeed min distance
            else currentStepFix = 0;

            //if total distance is less then the addition of all the fixes, keep last one as reference
            if (isFixHolding)
                if (isFixHoldLoaded == false)
                    vHold = stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)];
                    isFixHoldLoaded = true;

                //cycle thru like normal
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                //fill in the latest distance and fix
                stepFixPts[0].heading = glm.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.fix.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.fix.northing;

                //reload the last position that was triggered.
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = glm.Distance(vHold, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)]);
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting = vHold.easting;
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing = vHold.northing;

            else //distance is exceeded, time to do all calcs and next frame
                //positions and headings 

                //get rid of hold position
                isFixHoldLoaded = false;

                //don't add the total distance again
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = 0;

                //grab sentences for logging
                if (isLogNMEA)  { if (ct.isContourOn)  { pn.logNMEASentence.Append(recvSentenceSettings); } }

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = glm.Distance(pn.fix, prevSectionPos);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > sectionTriggerStepDistance && isJobStarted)

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = glm.Distance(pn.fix, prevFix);
                if ((fd.distanceUser += distance) > 3000) fd.distanceUser = 0; ;//userDistance can be reset

                //most recent fixes are now the prev ones
                prevFix.easting = pn.fix.easting; prevFix.northing = pn.fix.northing;

                //load up history with valid data
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];
                stepFixPts[0].heading = glm.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.fix.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.fix.northing;
            #endregion fix

            #region AutoSteer

            //preset the values
            guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;    

            if (ct.isContourBtnOn)
                ct.DistanceFromContourLine(pivotAxlePos, steerAxlePos);
                if (curve.isCurveSet)
                    //do the calcs for AB Curve
                    curve.GetCurrentCurveLine(pivotAxlePos, steerAxlePos);

                if (ABLine.isABLineSet)
                    ABLine.GetCurrentABLine(pivotAxlePos, steerAxlePos);

            // autosteer at full speed of updates
            if (!isAutoSteerBtnOn) //32020 means auto steer is off
                guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32020;

            // If Drive button enabled be normal, or just fool the autosteer and fill values
            if (!ast.isInFreeDriveMode)
                if (ahrs.isHeadingPAOGI)
                    guidanceLineSteerAngle = (Int16)(guidanceLineSteerAngle + (pn.nRoll * ((double)mc.autoSteerSettings[mc.ssKd]) * 4.166666));

                //fill up0 the appropriate arrays with new values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);
                mc.machineControlData[mc.cnSpeed] = mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed];

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineDistanceOff >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)guidanceLineDistanceOff;

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineSteerAngle >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleLo] = (byte)guidanceLineSteerAngle;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

                //fill up the auto steer array with free drive values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0 + 8);
                mc.machineControlData[mc.cnSpeed] = mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed];

                //make steer module think everything is normal
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(0);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)0;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

            //for average cross track error
            if (guidanceLineDistanceOff < 29000)
                avgXTE[avgXTECntr] = Math.Abs(guidanceLineDistanceOff);
                if (avgXTECntr++ > 10) avgXTECntr = 0;
                crossTrackError = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                     crossTrackError += (int)avgXTE[i];
                crossTrackError /= 10;
                avgXTE[avgXTECntr] = 0;
                if (avgXTECntr++ > 10) avgXTECntr = 0;
                crossTrackError = 0;


            //calculate lookahead at full speed, no sentence misses
            CalculateSectionLookAhead(toolPos.northing, toolPos.easting, cosSectionHeading, sinSectionHeading);

            //update main window

            //end of UppdateFixPosition
Example #3
        //add the points for section, contour line points, Area Calc feature
        private void AddSectionContourPathPoints()
            if (curve.isOkToAddPoints)
                vec3 pt = new vec3(pivotAxlePos.easting, pivotAxlePos.northing, pivotAxlePos.heading);

            //save the north & east as previous
            prevSectionPos.northing = pn.fix.northing;
            prevSectionPos.easting  = pn.fix.easting;

            // if non zero, at least one section is on.
            int sectionCounter = 0;

            //send the current and previous GPS fore/aft corrected fix to each section
            for (int j = 0; j < vehicle.numOfSections + 1; j++)
                if (section[j].isSectionOn)
                    section[j].AddPathPoint(toolPos.northing, toolPos.easting, cosSectionHeading, sinSectionHeading);
            if ((ABLine.isBtnABLineOn && !ct.isContourBtnOn && ABLine.isABLineSet && isAutoSteerBtnOn) ||
                (!ct.isContourBtnOn && curve.isCurveBtnOn && curve.isCurveSet && isAutoSteerBtnOn))
                //no contour recorded
                if (ct.isContourOn)
                //if (ABLine.isABLineSet && isAutoSteerBtnOn)

                //Contour Base Track.... At least One section on, turn on if not
                if (sectionCounter != 0)
                    //keep the line going, everything is on for recording path
                    if (ct.isContourOn)

                //All sections OFF so if on, turn off
                    if (ct.isContourOn)

                //Build contour line if close enough to a patch
                if (ct.isContourBtnOn)