/// <summary>
    /// this method responds to a 'TransmitKill' vp_GlobalEvent raised by an
    /// object in the master scene and sends out an RPC to enforce the kill
    /// on remote machines. it is typically sent out by vp_PlayerDamageHandler
    /// or vp_DamageHandler
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void TransmitKill(Transform targetTransform)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        // --- killing a PLAYER ---
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(targetTransform);

        if (player != null)
            player.photonView.RPC("ReceivePlayerKill", PhotonTargets.All);

        // --- killing an OBJECT ---
        int viewID = vp_MPMaster.GetViewIDOfTransform(targetTransform);

        if (viewID > 0)
            // send RPC with kill command to photonView of this script on all clients
            photonView.RPC("ReceiveObjectKill", PhotonTargets.Others, viewID);

        // TIP: local player could be forced to drop its current weapon as a pickup here
        // however dropping items is not yet supported
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the vp_MPNetworkPlayer associated with 'transform' (if any)
    /// </summary>
    public static vp_MPNetworkPlayer Get(Transform transform)
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = null;

        Players.TryGetValue(transform, out player);
Example #3
    void RequestInteraction(PhotonMessageInfo info)
        if (!vp_Gameplay.IsMaster)

        if (info.sender.IsMasterClient)

        // find the networkplayer corresponding to the sender id
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(info.sender.ID);

        // abort if no such player
        if (player == null)

        // in order to trigger an interaction, the player must be close to the interactable
        if (!player.IsCloseTo(Collider))

        if (player.Player == null)

Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    void DrawPlayerRow(vp_MPNetworkPlayer p, Vector2 position, Vector2 scale)
        m_CurrentRowColor = ((m_CurrentRowColor == m_TranspWhiteLine) ? m_TranspBlackLine : m_TranspWhiteLine);
        if (p.photonView.owner == PhotonNetwork.player)
            m_CurrentRowColor = m_TranspCyan;
        DrawLabel(vp_MPNetworkPlayer.GetName(p.photonView.ownerId), position, scale, PlayerTextStyle, Color.white, m_CurrentRowColor);

        m_Pos    = position;
        m_Pos.x += scale.x - m_Padding - GetColumnWidth(scale.x);

        foreach (string s in VisibleStatNames)
            if (s == "Ping")
                DrawStatLabel(p.Ping.ToString(), m_Pos, scale);

            object stat    = p.Stats.Get(s);
            string statOut = stat.ToString();
            DrawStatLabel(statOut.ToString(), m_Pos, scale);

        m_Pos.x  = position.x;
        m_Size.y = 20;
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// creates a hashtable with only a few of the stats of a
    /// certain player
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable ExtractPlayerStats(vp_MPNetworkPlayer player, params string[] stats)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        // create a player hashtable with only the given stats
        ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable table = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
        //string str = "Extracting stats for player: " + vp_MPNetworkPlayer.GetName(player.ID);
        foreach (string s in stats)
            object o = player.Stats.Get(s);
            if (o == null)
                Debug.LogError("Error: (" + this + ") Player stat '" + s + "' could not be retrieved from player " + player.ID + ".");
            table.Add(s, o);
            //str += ": " + s + "(" + o + ")";


Example #6
    void RequestAutoStart(PhotonMessageInfo info)
        if (!vp_Gameplay.IsMaster)

        // must have a rigidbody collider to check for proximity
        if (Collider == null)

        // find the networkplayer corresponding to the sender id
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(info.sender.ID);

        // abort if no such player
        if (player == null)

        // in order to autostart this platform, the player must be close to it
        if (!player.IsCloseTo(Collider))

Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// RPC
    /// </summary>
    protected void TransmitDropItem(object[] obj)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        if (obj == null)

        if (obj.Length != 6)

        // item type name
        string itemTypeName = obj[0] as string;

        if ((itemTypeName == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTypeName))

        // final drop position
        Vector3 targetPosition = (Vector3)obj[1];

        // final drop rotation
        float targetYaw = (float)obj[2];

        // player transform
        Transform playerTransform = obj[3] as Transform;

        if (playerTransform == null)

        // network player from transform
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(playerTransform);

        if (player == null)

        // pickup id
        int pickupID = (int)obj[4];

        // ammo
        int unitAmount = (int)obj[5];

        player.photonView.RPC("ReceiveDropItem", PhotonTargets.Others, itemTypeName, targetPosition, targetYaw, player.ID, pickupID, unitAmount);
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    static void AddPhotonViewToPlayer(vp_MPNetworkPlayer networkPlayer, int id)
        PhotonView p = null;

        p = (PhotonView)networkPlayer.gameObject.AddComponent <PhotonView>();

        p.viewID = (id * 1000) + 1;             // TODO: may crash with 'array index out of range' if a player is deactivated in its prefab
        p.onSerializeTransformOption = OnSerializeTransform.OnlyPosition;
        p.ObservedComponents         = new List <Component>();
        p.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.UnreliableOnChange;

    protected virtual void RequestPushRigidBody(Vector3 direction, Vector3 point, PhotonMessageInfo info)
        // abort if this machine does not have authority to push things
        if (!vp_Gameplay.IsMaster)

        // abort if this rigidbody has very recently been pushed
        if (Time.time < m_NextAllowedPushTime)
        m_NextAllowedPushTime = Time.time + MinPushInterval;

        // find the networkplayer corresponding to the sender id
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(info.sender.ID);

        // abort if no such player
        if (player == null)

        // in order to push this rigidbody the player must be either located
        // inside the bounds of its collider ...
        if (!Collider.bounds.Contains(player.Collider.bounds.center)
            // ... OR must be located within a distance equal to one player height
            // from the 'closest point on bounds' of the requested contact point
            && (Vector3.Distance(player.Collider.bounds.center, Rigidbody.ClosestPointOnBounds(point)) > player.Player.Height.Get()))

        // abort if player is trying to pull rather than push
        if (Vector3.Dot(direction.normalized, (player.Transform.position - point)) > 0)

        // push the rigidbody according to the final direction, push force mode and point of impact
        switch (PhysicsPushMode)
        case PushForceMode.SameAsController:    player.Controller.PushRigidbody(Rigidbody, direction, player.Controller.PhysicsPushMode, point);                break;

        case PushForceMode.Simplified:                  player.Controller.PushRigidbody(Rigidbody, direction, vp_Controller.PushForceMode.Simplified, point);   break;

        case PushForceMode.Kinetic:                             player.Controller.PushRigidbody(Rigidbody, direction, vp_Controller.PushForceMode.Kinetic, point);              break;
    /// <summary>
    /// respawns the network player of 'transform' at 'placement'
    /// </summary>
    public static void TransmitPlayerRespawn(Transform transform, vp_Placement placement)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("respawning " + t.gameObject.name);


        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(transform);

        if (player != null)
            player.photonView.RPC("ReceivePlayerRespawn", PhotonTargets.All, placement.Position, placement.Rotation);
    /// <summary>
    /// respawns the network player of transform 't' at a random, team
    /// based placement
    /// </summary>
    public static void TransmitRespawn(Transform t)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        vp_MPNetworkPlayer p = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(t);

        if ((p != null) && vp_MPTeamManager.Exists && (p.TeamNumber > 0))
            TransmitPlayerRespawn(t, GetRandomPlacement(vp_MPTeamManager.GetTeamName(p.TeamNumber)));
            TransmitPlayerRespawn(t, GetRandomPlacement());
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the vp_MPNetworkPlayer associated with a certain
    /// photon player id
    /// </summary>
    public static vp_MPNetworkPlayer Get(int id)
        vp_MPNetworkPlayer player = null;

        if (!PlayersByID.TryGetValue(id, out player))
            foreach (vp_MPNetworkPlayer p in Players.Values)
                if (p == null)
                if (p.ID == id)
                    PlayersByID.Add(id, p);

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	void DrawPlayerRow(vp_MPNetworkPlayer p, Vector2 position, Vector2 scale)

		m_CurrentRowColor = ((m_CurrentRowColor == m_TranspWhiteLine) ? m_TranspBlackLine : m_TranspWhiteLine);
		if (p.photonView.owner == PhotonNetwork.player)
			m_CurrentRowColor = m_TranspCyan;
		DrawLabel(vp_MPNetworkPlayer.GetName(p.photonView.ownerId), position, scale, PlayerTextStyle, Color.white, m_CurrentRowColor);
		m_Pos = position;
		m_Pos.x += scale.x - m_Padding - GetColumnWidth(scale.x);

		foreach (string s in VisibleStatNames)

			object stat = p.Stats.Get(s);
			string statOut = stat.ToString();
			DrawStatLabel(statOut.ToString(), m_Pos, scale);

		m_Pos.x = position.x;
		m_Size.y = 20;

Example #14
	/// <summary>
	/// creates a hashtable with only a few of the stats of a
	/// certain player
	/// </summary>
	protected virtual ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable ExtractPlayerStats(vp_MPNetworkPlayer player, params string[] stats)

		if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
			return null;

		// create a player hashtable with only the given stats
		ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable table = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
		//string str = "Extracting stats for player: " + vp_MPNetworkPlayer.GetName(player.ID);
		foreach (string s in stats)
			object o = player.Stats.Get(s);
			if (o == null)
				Debug.LogError("Error: (" + this + ") Player stat '" + s + "' could not be retrieved from player " + player.ID + ".");
			table.Add(s, o);
			//str += ": " + s + "(" + o + ")";


		return table;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	static void AddPhotonViewToPlayer(vp_MPNetworkPlayer networkPlayer, int id)
		PhotonView p = null;

		p = (PhotonView)networkPlayer.gameObject.AddComponent<PhotonView>();

		p.viewID = (id * 1000) + 1;	// TODO: may crash with 'array index out of range' if a player is deactivated in its prefab
		p.onSerializeTransformOption = OnSerializeTransform.OnlyPosition;
		p.ObservedComponents = new List<Component>();
		p.synchronization = ViewSynchronization.UnreliableOnChange;

Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected override void TransmitDamage(Transform targetTransform, Transform sourceTransform, float damage)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        vp_MPNetworkPlayer target = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(targetTransform);

        if ((target == null) ||                                                 // if target is an object (not a player) ...
            (target.DamageHandler.CurrentHealth > 0.0f))                        // ... or it's a player that was only damaged (not killed) ...
            // ... transmit a simple health update (update remote clients with
            // its health from the master scene) and bail out
            base.TransmitDamage(targetTransform, sourceTransform, damage);

        // if this was healing and not damage, nothing more to do here
        if (damage <= 0.0f)

        // if we get here then target was a player that got killed, so
        // see if we know about the damage source

        vp_MPNetworkPlayer source = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(sourceTransform);

        if (source == null)

        // we know who did it! if this injury killed the target, update the
        // local (master scene) stats for both players TIP: hit statistics
        // can be implemented here
        if ((target.DamageHandler.CurrentHealth + damage) > 0.0f)
            // you get one 'Score' and one 'Kill' for every takedown of a player
            // on a different team
            if (target != source)
                if ((target.TeamNumber != source.TeamNumber) ||                                         // inter-team kill
                    ((target.TeamNumber == 0) && (source.TeamNumber == 0))                              // or there are no teams!
                    source.Stats.Set("Frags", (int)source.Stats.Get("Frags") + 1);
                    source.Stats.Set("Score", (int)source.Stats.Get("Score") + 1);
                    target.Stats.Set("Deaths", (int)target.Stats.Get("Deaths") + 1);
                    target.Stats.Set("Score", (int)target.Stats.Get("Score") - 1);
                else                    // intra-team kill
                    // you loose one 'Score' for every friendly kill
                    // the teammate's stats are not affected
                    source.Stats.Set("Score", (int)source.Stats.Get("Score") - 1);
            // killing yourself shall always award one 'Death' and minus one 'Score'
                target.Stats.Set("Deaths", (int)target.Stats.Get("Deaths") + 1);
                target.Stats.Set("Score", (int)target.Stats.Get("Score") - 1);

        // send RPC with updated stats to the photonView of the gamelogic
        // object on all clients. NOTES:
        //	1) we only broadcast the stats that have actually changed
        //	2) we can't send a target and sender with the same ID, since
        //     adding the same key twice to a hashtable is impossible
        if (target != source)           // kill
            vp_MPMaster.Instance.TransmitPlayerState(new int[] { target.ID, source.ID },
                                                     new string[] { "Deaths", "Score" },
                                                     new string[] { "Frags", "Score" });
        else            // suicide
            vp_MPMaster.Instance.TransmitPlayerState(new int[] { target.ID },
                                                     new string[] { "Deaths", "Score" });
Example #17
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected override void TransmitDamage(Transform targetTransform, Transform sourceTransform, float damage)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        vp_MPNetworkPlayer target = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(targetTransform);

        if ((target == null) ||                                                 // if target is an object (not a player) ...
            (target.DamageHandler.CurrentHealth > 0.0f))                        // ... or it's a player that was only damaged (not killed) ...
            // ... transmit a simple health update (update remote clients with
            // its health from the master scene) and bail out
            base.TransmitDamage(targetTransform, sourceTransform, damage);

        // if this was healing and not damage, nothing more to do here
        if (damage <= 0.0f)

        // if we get here then target was a player that got killed, so
        // see if we know about the damage source

        vp_MPNetworkPlayer source = vp_MPNetworkPlayer.Get(sourceTransform);

        if (source == null)

        // we know who did it! if this injury killed the target, update the
        // local (master scene) stats for both players TIP: hit statistics
        // can be implemented here
        if ((target.DamageHandler.CurrentHealth + damage) > 0.0f)
            if (target != source)
                source.Stats.Set("Killstreak", (int)source.Stats.Get("Killstreak") + 1);
                target.Stats.Set("Killstreak", (int)0);
                target.Stats.Set("Killstreak", (int)0);

        // send RPC with updated stats to the photonView of the gamelogic
        // object on all clients. NOTES:
        //	1) we only broadcast the stats that have actually changed
        //	2) we can't send a target and sender with the same ID, since
        //     adding the same key twice to a hashtable is impossible
        if (target != source)           // kill
            vp_MPMaster.Instance.TransmitPlayerState(new int[] { target.ID, source.ID },
                                                     new string[] { "Killstreak" },
                                                     new string[] { "Killstreak" });
        else            // suicide
            vp_MPMaster.Instance.TransmitPlayerState(new int[] { target.ID },
                                                     new string[] { "Killstreak" });