public vJoyFeeder() { // Create one joystick object and a position structure. Joystick = new vJoy(); Report = new vJoy.JoystickState(); FFBReceiver = new vJoyFFBReceiver(); // vJoy has a maximum of 8 axes for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AXES_VJOY; i++) { var axisinfo = new vJoyAxisInfos(); HID_USAGES toBeTested = (HID_USAGES)HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X + i; var name = toBeTested.ToString().Replace("HID_USAGE_", ""); axisinfo.HID_Usage = toBeTested; axisinfo.Name = name; axisinfo.ResetCorrectionFactors(); AxesInfo.Add(axisinfo); } }
public vJoyFeeder() { // Create one joystick object and a position structure. Joystick = new vJoy(); Report = new vJoy.JoystickState(); FFBReceiver = new vJoyFFBReceiver(); AxesInfo = new List <vJoyAxisInfos>(MAX_AXES_VJOY); foreach (HID_USAGES toBeTested in Enum.GetValues(typeof(HID_USAGES))) { // Skip POV if (toBeTested == HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_POV) { continue; } var name = toBeTested.ToString().Replace("HID_USAGE_", ""); var axisinfo = new vJoyAxisInfos(); axisinfo.HID_Usage = toBeTested; axisinfo.Name = name; axisinfo.ResetCorrectionFactors(); AxesInfo.Add(axisinfo); } }