public OperationalDatasetCollection(IWorkspace osdbWorkspace)
            if (osdbWorkspace == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("osdbWorkspace");

            // Find the table and determine if this user can edit it
            ITable theTable = null;
            string theTableName = "";
                util.SystemDefaults theDefaults = new util.SystemDefaults();
                theTableName = OperationalDatasetCollection.TABLE_NAME;
                theTable = ((IFeatureWorkspace)osdbWorkspace).OpenTable(theTableName);
            catch (Exception) {}

            if (theTable == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not open the QA parameters table '" + theTableName + "'");

            IDataset theDataset = theTable as IDataset;

            this._canRead = false;
            this._canWrite = false;

            int privs = util.PermissionsAnalyzer.Analyze(theDataset);
            this._canWrite = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READWRITE_PERMISSION);
            this._canRead = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READONLY_PERMISSION) || this._canWrite;

            if (this._canRead)
                OperationalDatasetCollection._lightWeight = (ITableName)theDataset.FullName;
Example #2
        public RunTestsForm(ref dao.QATestCollection tests, IMap map, TransactionManager tm, QAManager qa)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            if (tests == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tests", "Must pass collection of QA tests to RunTestsForm");
            if (tests.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No QA tests passed to RunTestsForm", "tests");
            if (map == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("map", "Must pass the focus map to RunTestsForm");

            this._tests = tests;
            this._tm = tm;
            this._qa = qa;
            this._map = map;
            this._defaults = new util.SystemDefaults();

            // Throw TM stuff at the QA tests and see if it sticks
            if (tm.Current() != null)
                object[] theArgs = new object[2] {
                                                 new, tm.transactionConfig()),
                for (int i = 0; i < this._tests.Count; i++)
                    this._tests.get_Test(i).Test.UserData = theArgs;
Example #3
        public QATestCollection(IWorkspace osdbWorkspace, string operationalAreaName)
            if (osdbWorkspace == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("osdbWorkspace");

            // Find the QA tests table and QA params table and determine if this user can edit them
            ITable theTestTable = null;
            ITable theParamTable = null;
            string theTTName = "";
            string thePTName = "";

                util.SystemDefaults theDefaults = new util.SystemDefaults();
                theTTName = QATestCollection.TABLE_NAME;
                theTestTable = ((IFeatureWorkspace)osdbWorkspace).OpenTable(theTTName);

                thePTName = QAParameterCollection.TABLE_NAME;
                theParamTable = ((IFeatureWorkspace)osdbWorkspace).OpenTable(thePTName);
            catch (Exception) {}

            if (theTestTable == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not open the QA parameters table '" + theTTName + "'");

            if (theParamTable == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not open the QA parameters table '" + thePTName + "'");

            IDataset theQaTestDS = theTestTable as IDataset;
            IDataset theQaParamDS = theParamTable as IDataset;

            bool bCanReadTests = true;
            bool bCanReadParams = true;
            bool bCanWriteTests = true;
            bool bCanWriteParams = true;

            // no longer concerned about permissions. These are on an open PGDB format
            /*int privs = util.PermissionsAnalyzer.Analyze(theQaTestDS);
            bCanWriteTests = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READWRITE_PERMISSION);
            bCanReadTests = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READONLY_PERMISSION) || bCanWriteTests;

            privs = util.PermissionsAnalyzer.Analyze(theQaParamDS);
            bCanWriteParams = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READWRITE_PERMISSION);
            bCanReadParams = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READONLY_PERMISSION) || bCanWriteParams;

            if (bCanReadTests && bCanReadParams)
                this._canRead = true;
                this._canWrite = bCanWriteTests && bCanWriteParams;

                QAParameterCollection._lightWeight = (ITableName)theQaParamDS.FullName;
                QAParameterCollection._canRead = bCanReadParams;
                QAParameterCollection._canWrite = bCanWriteParams;

                this.LoadTests(theTestTable, theParamTable);

                QATestCollection._lightWeight = (ITableName)theQaTestDS.FullName;
Example #4
 public OsdbMapper(tm.TransactionManager tm)
     this._tm = tm;
     this._config = this._tm.transactionConfig();
     this._defaults = new util.SystemDefaults();