Example #1
        public static Image CaptureWindow(IntPtr handle)
            IntPtr hDCSrc = user32.GetWindowDC(handle);

            user32.RECT windowRect = new user32.RECT();
            user32.GetWindowRect(handle, ref windowRect);
            int width  = windowRect.right - windowRect.left;
            int height = windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top;

            IntPtr hdcDest = gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC(hDCSrc);
            IntPtr hBitmap = gdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDCSrc, width, height);

            IntPtr hOld = gdi32.SelectObject(hdcDest, hBitmap);

            gdi32.BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, width, height, hDCSrc, 0, 0, gdi32.SRCCOPY);
            gdi32.SelectObject(hdcDest, hOld);

            user32.ReleaseDC(handle, hDCSrc);
            Image img = Image.FromHbitmap(hBitmap);


Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var collection = new List <string>();
            var Kader      = new user32.RECT();

            hWnd = user32.GetDesktopWindow();
            StringBuilder strbDeskTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
            int           nLengthd      = user32.GetClassName(hWnd, strbDeskTitle, strbDeskTitle.Capacity + 1);
            string        strDeskTitle  = strbDeskTitle.ToString();

            sClass = strDeskTitle;
            StringBuilder strbTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
            int           nLength   = user32.GetWindowText(hWnd, strbTitle, strbTitle.Capacity + 1);
            string        strTitle  = strbTitle.ToString();

            sTitle = strTitle;
            bool retval0 = user32.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out Kader);

            if (retval0)
                rKader = Kader;

            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* FillRect v0.0.1                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Fill a rectangle                                                            *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* use: FillRect                                                               *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Copyright (c) 2015  Geert-Jan Uijtdewilligen                                *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* This is free open source software that comes with no warranty, and you are  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License*");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* as published by the Free Software Foundation https://www.gnu.org/licenses/  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            if (args.Length != 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please don't enter arguments.");
                sLocation = "//";
                sLocation = sLocation + hWnd.ToString() + "/";
                System.Console.WriteLine("Title:" + sTitle + " Class:" + sClass + " Left:" + rKader.Left.ToString() + " Right:" + rKader.Right.ToString() + " Top:" + rKader.Top.ToString() + " Bottom:" + rKader.Bottom.ToString() + " ");
                // This paints a Rect
                IntPtr wDc   = user32.GetWindowDC(hWnd);
                IntPtr brush = gdi32.CreateSolidBrush((uint)0);
                gdi32.FillRgn(wDc, gdi32.CreateRectRgn(rKader.Left, rKader.Top, rKader.Right, rKader.Bottom), brush);
        /// <summary>
        /// Message handler of the Per_Monitor_DPI_Aware window. The handles the WM_DPICHANGED message and adjusts window size, graphics and text
        /// based on the DPI of the monitor. The window message provides the new window size (lparam) and new DPI (wparam)
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual IntPtr WindowProcedureHook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
            switch ((user32.WinMessages)msg)
            case user32.WinMessages.WM_DPICHANGED:

                if (IsPerMonitorEnabled)
                    user32.RECT newRect = (user32.RECT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(user32.RECT));
                    user32.SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, newRect.Left, newRect.Top, newRect.Right - newRect.Left,
                                        newRect.Bottom - newRect.Top,
                                        user32.SWP_NOZORDER | user32.SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | user32.SWP_NOACTIVATE);

                    // Set the Window's position & size.
                    //Vector ul = source.CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(new Vector(newRect.Left, newRect.Top));
                    //Vector hw = source.CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(new Vector(newRect.Right = newRect.Left, newRect.Bottom - newRect.Top));
                    //Left = ul.X;
                    //Top = ul.Y;
                    //Width = hw.X;
                    //Height = hw.Y;

                    // Remember the current DPI settings.
                    var oldDpi = CurrentDpi;

                    // Get the new DPI settings from wParam
                    CurrentDpi = new DPI(wParam.ToInt32() >> 16, wParam.ToInt32() & 0x0000FFFF);
                    if ((oldDpi.X != CurrentDpi.X) || (oldDpi.Y != CurrentDpi.Y))

                    handled = true;
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var collection = new List <string>();
            var Kader      = new user32.RECT();
            var Kader3     = new user32.RECT();

            cQuote = Convert.ToChar(34);
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Child v0.0.1                                                                *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Lists child windows of desktop windows.                                     *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* use: Child sClass sTitle                                                    *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* sClass      Classname                                                       *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* sTitle      Window Title                                                    *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Copyright (c) 2014  Geert-Jan Uijtdewilligen                                *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* This is free open source software that comes with no warranty, and you are  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License*");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* as published by the Free Software Foundation https://www.gnu.org/licenses/  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            if (args.Length != 2)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter arguments: classname, window title.");
                sClass = args[0];
                sTitle = args[1];
                user32.EnumDelegate filter = delegate(IntPtr hWnd, int lParam)
                    StringBuilder strbTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
                    int           nLength   = user32.GetWindowText(hWnd, strbTitle, strbTitle.Capacity + 1);
                    string        strTitle  = strbTitle.ToString();
                    StringBuilder strbClass = new StringBuilder(255);
                    int           cLength   = user32.GetClassName(hWnd, strbClass, strbClass.Capacity + 1);
                    string        strClass  = strbClass.ToString();
                    if (strClass == sClass && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strClass) == false && strTitle == sTitle)
                        //bool retval = user32.SetForegroundWindow(hWnd);           // Bring window on foreground
                        bool retval2 = user32.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out Kader);
                        collection.Add(" ");
                        collection.Add("Title                     : " + strTitle);
                        collection.Add("Class                     : " + strClass);
                        collection.Add("Handle                    : " + hWnd.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Return                    : " + retval2.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Window Rectangle Top      : " + Kader.Top.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Window Rectangle Bottom   : " + Kader.Bottom.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Window Rectangle Left     : " + Kader.Left.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Window Rectangle Right    : " + Kader.Right.ToString());

                        int    iCnt = 1;
                        string sCnt = "000" + iCnt.ToString();

                        IntPtr        hWndChild1 = user32.FindWindowEx(hWnd, IntPtr.Zero, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                        bool          retval3    = user32.GetWindowRect(hWndChild1, out Kader3);
                        StringBuilder strbTitle1 = new StringBuilder(255);
                        int           nLength1   = user32.GetWindowText(hWndChild1, strbTitle1, strbTitle1.Capacity + 1);
                        string        strTitle1  = strbTitle1.ToString();
                        StringBuilder strbClass1 = new StringBuilder(255);
                        int           cLength1   = user32.GetClassName(hWndChild1, strbClass1, strbClass1.Capacity + 1);
                        string        strClass1  = strbClass1.ToString();
                        collection.Add("                            ");
                        collection.Add("Child " + sCnt.Substring((sCnt.Length) - 3, 3) + " Title           : " + strTitle1);
                        collection.Add("Class                     : " + strClass1);
                        collection.Add("Handle                    : " + hWndChild1.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Return                    : " + retval3.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Client Rectangle Top      : " + Kader3.Top.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Client Rectangle Bottom   : " + Kader3.Bottom.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Client Rectangle Left     : " + Kader3.Left.ToString());
                        collection.Add("Client Rectangle Right    : " + Kader3.Right.ToString());

                        while (!(hWndChild1 == IntPtr.Zero))
                            sCnt       = "000" + iCnt.ToString();
                            hWndChild1 = user32.FindWindowEx(hWnd, hWndChild1, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                            retval3    = user32.GetWindowRect(hWndChild1, out Kader3);
                            strbTitle1 = new StringBuilder(255);
                            nLength1   = user32.GetWindowText(hWndChild1, strbTitle1, strbTitle1.Capacity + 1);
                            strTitle1  = strbTitle1.ToString();
                            strbClass1 = new StringBuilder(255);
                            cLength1   = user32.GetClassName(hWndChild1, strbClass1, strbClass1.Capacity + 1);
                            strClass1  = strbClass1.ToString();
                            if (retval3)
                                collection.Add("                            ");
                                collection.Add("Child " + sCnt.Substring((sCnt.Length) - 3, 3) + " Title           : " + strTitle1);
                                collection.Add("Class                     : " + strClass1);
                                collection.Add("Handle                    : " + hWndChild1.ToString());
                                collection.Add("Return                    : " + retval3.ToString());
                                collection.Add("Client Rectangle Top      : " + Kader3.Top.ToString());
                                collection.Add("Client Rectangle Bottom   : " + Kader3.Bottom.ToString());
                                collection.Add("Client Rectangle Left     : " + Kader3.Left.ToString());
                                collection.Add("Client Rectangle Right    : " + Kader3.Right.ToString());
                if (user32.EnumDesktopWindows(IntPtr.Zero, filter, IntPtr.Zero))
                    foreach (var item in collection)
Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var collection = new List <string>();
            var Kader      = new user32.RECT();

            IntPtr        hDesktop      = user32.GetDesktopWindow();
            StringBuilder strbDeskTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
            int           nLengthd      = user32.GetClassName(hDesktop, strbDeskTitle, strbDeskTitle.Capacity + 1);
            string        strDeskTitle  = strbDeskTitle.ToString();
            bool          retval0       = user32.GetWindowRect(hDesktop, out Kader);

            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* rightclick v0.0.1                                                           *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Do a right mouse click.                                                     *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* use: Click iX iY                                                            *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* iX horizontal position " + Kader.Left.ToString() + " .. " + Kader.Right.ToString() + "                                            *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* iY vertical position   " + Kader.Top.ToString() + " .. " + Kader.Bottom.ToString() + "                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Copyright (c) 2014  Geert-Jan Uijtdewilligen                                *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* This is free open source software that comes with no warranty, and you are  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License*");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* as published by the Free Software Foundation https://www.gnu.org/licenses/  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            if (args.Length != 2)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter arguments: iX , iY ");
                iX = Int32.Parse(args[0]);
                iY = Int32.Parse(args[1]);
                if (iX < 0)
                    iX = 0;
                if (iX > Kader.Right)
                    iX = Kader.Right;
                if (iY < 0)
                    iY = 0;
                if (iY > Kader.Bottom)
                    iY = Kader.Bottom;
                uint  uInputs = 3;
                var   aInputs = new user32.INPUT[uInputs];
                int   iSize   = 0x001C;
                Int32 x       = Convert.ToInt32(iX * 65536 / Kader.Right);
                Int32 y       = Convert.ToInt32(iY * 65536 / Kader.Bottom);
                aInputs[0].type           = 0; //mouse
                aInputs[0].U.mi.dx        = x;
                aInputs[0].U.mi.dy        = y;
                aInputs[0].U.mi.dwFlags   = user32.MOUSEEVENTF.MOVE | user32.MOUSEEVENTF.ABSOLUTE;
                aInputs[0].U.mi.time      = 0;
                aInputs[0].U.mi.mouseData = 0;
                aInputs[1].type           = 0; //mouse
                aInputs[1].U.mi.dx        = x;
                aInputs[1].U.mi.dy        = y;
                aInputs[1].U.mi.dwFlags   = user32.MOUSEEVENTF.RIGHTDOWN;
                aInputs[1].U.mi.time      = 0;
                aInputs[1].U.mi.mouseData = 0;
                aInputs[2].type           = 0; //mouse
                aInputs[2].U.mi.dx        = x;
                aInputs[2].U.mi.dy        = y;
                aInputs[2].U.mi.dwFlags   = user32.MOUSEEVENTF.RIGHTUP;
                aInputs[2].U.mi.time      = 0;
                aInputs[2].U.mi.mouseData = 0;
                uint uRetval = user32.SendInput(uInputs, aInputs, iSize);
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var collection = new List <string>();
            var Kader      = new user32.RECT();

            IntPtr[] hHistory;
            hHistory = new IntPtr[100];
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                hHistory[i] = IntPtr.Zero;
            int iHistory   = 0;
            int iLinecount = 0;

            bExit = false;
            hWnd  = user32.GetDesktopWindow();
            hHistory[iHistory] = hWnd;
            StringBuilder strbDeskTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
            int           nLengthd      = user32.GetClassName(hWnd, strbDeskTitle, strbDeskTitle.Capacity + 1);
            string        strDeskTitle  = strbDeskTitle.ToString();

            sClass = strDeskTitle;
            StringBuilder strbTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
            int           nLength   = user32.GetWindowText(hWnd, strbTitle, strbTitle.Capacity + 1);
            string        strTitle  = strbTitle.ToString();

            sTitle = strTitle;
            bool retval0 = user32.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out Kader);

            if (retval0)
                rKader = Kader;

            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Nav v0.0.1  (console)                                                       *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Navigate the ms windows api, starting from the desktop window.              *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* use: Nav                                                                    *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Commands can be                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*         exit        : Return to the ms windows console                      *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*         child       : List all current windows children                     *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*         childpos    : List all current windows children and their position  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*         down iHndl  : Change the current window to the iHndl window handle  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*         up          : Change the current window to the parent window        *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* Copyright (c) 2014  Geert-Jan Uijtdewilligen                                *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* This is free open source software that comes with no warranty, and you are  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License*");
            System.Console.WriteLine("* as published by the Free Software Foundation https://www.gnu.org/licenses/  *");
            System.Console.WriteLine("*                                                                             *");
            if (args.Length != 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please don't enter arguments.");
                while (!(bExit))
                    sLocation = "//";
                    for (int i = 0; i <= iHistory; i++)
                        sLocation = sLocation + hHistory[i].ToString() + "/";
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Title:" + sTitle + " Class:" + sClass + " Left:" + rKader.Left.ToString() + " Right:" + rKader.Right.ToString() + " Top:" + rKader.Top.ToString() + " Bottom:" + rKader.Bottom.ToString() + " ");
                    sCmdline = System.Console.ReadLine();
                    if (sCmdline.Contains("exit"))
                        bExit = true;
                    if (sCmdline.Contains("up") && iHistory >= 1)
                        hWnd          = hHistory[iHistory];
                        strbDeskTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
                        nLengthd      = user32.GetClassName(hWnd, strbDeskTitle, strbDeskTitle.Capacity + 1);
                        strDeskTitle  = strbDeskTitle.ToString();
                        sClass        = strDeskTitle;
                        strbTitle     = new StringBuilder(255);
                        nLength       = user32.GetWindowText(hWnd, strbTitle, strbTitle.Capacity + 1);
                        strTitle      = strbTitle.ToString();
                        sTitle        = strTitle;
                        retval0       = user32.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out Kader);
                        if (retval0)
                            rKader = Kader;
                    if (sCmdline.Contains("down"))
                        string sHndl = sCmdline.Substring(5, sCmdline.Length - 5);
                            int    iNavigate = int.Parse(sHndl);
                            IntPtr hNavigate = IntPtr.Add(IntPtr.Zero, iNavigate);
                            hWnd = hNavigate;
                            hHistory[iHistory] = hNavigate;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        strbDeskTitle = new StringBuilder(255);
                        nLengthd      = user32.GetClassName(hWnd, strbDeskTitle, strbDeskTitle.Capacity + 1);
                        strDeskTitle  = strbDeskTitle.ToString();
                        sClass        = strDeskTitle;
                        strbTitle     = new StringBuilder(255);
                        nLength       = user32.GetWindowText(hWnd, strbTitle, strbTitle.Capacity + 1);
                        strTitle      = strbTitle.ToString();
                        sTitle        = strTitle;
                        retval0       = user32.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out Kader);
                        if (retval0)
                            rKader = Kader;
                            rKader.Bottom = 0;
                            rKader.Top    = 0;
                            rKader.Left   = 0;
                            rKader.Right  = 0;
                    if (sCmdline.Contains("child"))
                        iLinecount = 0;
                        int    iCnt = 1;
                        string sCnt = "000" + iCnt.ToString();

                        IntPtr        hWndChild1   = user32.FindWindowEx(hWnd, IntPtr.Zero, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                        bool          retval3      = user32.GetWindowRect(hWndChild1, out Kader);
                        StringBuilder strbTitle1   = new StringBuilder(255);
                        int           nLength1     = user32.GetWindowText(hWndChild1, strbTitle1, strbTitle1.Capacity + 1);
                        string        strTitle1    = strbTitle1.ToString();
                        StringBuilder strbClass1   = new StringBuilder(255);
                        int           cLength1     = user32.GetClassName(hWndChild1, strbClass1, strbClass1.Capacity + 1);
                        string        strClass1    = strbClass1.ToString();
                        string        sChildHandle = "0000000" + hWndChild1.ToString();
                        System.Console.WriteLine("Child:" + sCnt.Substring((sCnt.Length) - 3, 3) + " Handle:" + sChildHandle.Substring(sChildHandle.Length - 7, 7) + " Title:" + strTitle1 + " Class:" + strClass1 + " Left:" + Kader.Left.ToString() + " Right:" + Kader.Right.ToString() + " Top:" + Kader.Top.ToString() + " Bottom:" + Kader.Bottom.ToString() + " ");
                        while (!(hWndChild1 == IntPtr.Zero))
                            sCnt       = "000" + iCnt.ToString();
                            hWndChild1 = user32.FindWindowEx(hWnd, hWndChild1, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                            retval3    = user32.GetWindowRect(hWndChild1, out Kader);
                            strbTitle1 = new StringBuilder(255);
                            nLength1   = user32.GetWindowText(hWndChild1, strbTitle1, strbTitle1.Capacity + 1);
                            strTitle1  = strbTitle1.ToString();
                            strbClass1 = new StringBuilder(255);
                            cLength1   = user32.GetClassName(hWndChild1, strbClass1, strbClass1.Capacity + 1);
                            strClass1  = strbClass1.ToString();
                            if (retval3)
                                if (sCmdline.Contains("childpos") && (Kader.Left > -1) && (Kader.Right > -1) && (Kader.Top > -1) && (Kader.Bottom > -1) && (Kader.Left + Kader.Right + Kader.Top + Kader.Bottom > 0))
                                    sChildHandle = "0000000" + hWndChild1.ToString();
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Child:" + sCnt.Substring((sCnt.Length) - 3, 3) + " Handle:" + sChildHandle.Substring(sChildHandle.Length - 7, 7) + " Title:" + strTitle1 + " Class:" + strClass1);
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("    Left:" + Kader.Left.ToString() + " Right:" + Kader.Right.ToString() + " Top:" + Kader.Top.ToString() + " Bottom:" + Kader.Bottom.ToString() + " ");
                                    if (iLinecount > 200)
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("Hit [Enter]");
                                        iLinecount = 0;
                                    sChildHandle = "0000000" + hWndChild1.ToString();
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Child:" + sCnt.Substring((sCnt.Length) - 3, 3) + " Handle:" + sChildHandle.Substring(sChildHandle.Length - 7, 7) + " Title:" + strTitle1 + " Class:" + strClass1);
                                    if (iLinecount > 200)
                                        System.Console.WriteLine("Hit [Enter]");
                                        iLinecount = 0;