private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnConnect.Text = "Connecting to up.time API..."; btnConnect.Enabled = false; txtOutput.Text = ""; //uptimeApi api = new uptimeApi("admin", "admin", "win-dleith.rd.local", 9997, "v1", true); if (txtHostname.Text.Length > 0 && txtUsername.Text.Length > 0 && txtPassword.Text.Length > 0) { uptimeApi api = new uptimeApi(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtHostname.Text, Int32.Parse(txtPort.Text), txtVersion.Text, chkSSL.Checked); string error = ""; JObject apiInfo = api.getApiInfo(ref error); txtOutput.Text += "API Info:" + Environment.NewLine + apiInfo + Environment.NewLine; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } JArray allElements = api.getElements(ref error, ""); txtOutput.Text += "Elements : "; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtOutput.Text += "Successfully retrieved info on " + allElements.Count + " Elements." + Environment.NewLine; } JArray allMonitors = api.getMonitors(ref error, ""); txtOutput.Text += "Monitors : "; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtOutput.Text += "Successfully retrieved info on " + allMonitors.Count + " Monitors." + Environment.NewLine; } JArray allGroups = api.getGroups(ref error, ""); txtOutput.Text += "Element Groups: "; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtOutput.Text += "Successfully retrieved info on " + allGroups.Count + " Element Groups." + Environment.NewLine; } } else { txtOutput.Text = "Please enter the hostname, user name and password to connect to the up.time API."; } btnConnect.Enabled = true; btnConnect.Text = "Connect"; }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnConnect.Text = "Connecting to up.time API..."; btnConnect.Enabled = false; txtOutput.Text = ""; //uptimeApi api = new uptimeApi("admin", "admin", "localhost", 9997, "v1", true); if (txtHostname.Text.Length > 0 && txtUsername.Text.Length > 0 && txtPassword.Text.Length > 0) { uptimeApi api = new uptimeApi(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtHostname.Text, Int32.Parse(txtPort.Text), txtVersion.Text, chkSSL.Checked); string error = ""; JObject apiInfo = api.getApiInfo(ref error); txtOutput.Text += "API Info:" + Environment.NewLine + apiInfo + Environment.NewLine; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } JArray allElements = api.getElements(ref error, ""); txtOutput.Text += "Elements : "; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtOutput.Text += "Successfully retrieved info on " + allElements.Count + " Elements." + Environment.NewLine; } JArray allMonitors = api.getMonitors(ref error, ""); txtOutput.Text += "Monitors : "; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtOutput.Text += "Successfully retrieved info on " + allMonitors.Count + " Monitors." + Environment.NewLine; } JArray allGroups = api.getGroups(ref error, ""); txtOutput.Text += "Element Groups: "; if (error.Length > 0) { txtOutput.Text = error + Environment.NewLine; } else { txtOutput.Text += "Successfully retrieved info on " + allGroups.Count + " Element Groups." + Environment.NewLine; } } else { txtOutput.Text = "Please enter the hostname, user name and password to connect to the up.time API."; } btnConnect.Enabled = true; btnConnect.Text = "Connect"; }