void Update() { if (!isAnimating) { // joystick input joystickRaw.x = Input.GetAxis(xAxisName); joystickRaw.y = Input.GetAxis(yAxisName); if (joystickRaw != Vector2.zero) { isSelected = true; joystickAngle = GetJoyAngle(joystickRaw); selectionPlane.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, joystickAngle); } else { isSelected = false; } // button input // Press 'X' to view the equation. // Press 'A' to build the equation and send it to the GUI viewer if (isSelected && Input.GetButtonDown(confirmBtn)) { builtEq = UpdateEquation(textVal.text, circlePlanes[2].name.ToString(), 1); textVal.text = builtEq; } //Press 'B' to delete the equation one character at a time. if (Input.GetButtonDown(cancelBtn)) { builtEq = UpdateEquation(textVal.text, circlePlanes[2].name.ToString(), 0); textVal.text = builtEq; } //Press 'start' to build graph data object and go to graphing scene if (Input.GetButtonDown(buildBtn)) { if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 0) { GraphData.gd.Fn = builtEq; } else if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 1) { GraphData.gd.MinX = float.Parse(builtEq); } else if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 2) { GraphData.gd.MinY = float.Parse(builtEq); } else if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 3) { GraphData.gd.MinZ = float.Parse(builtEq); } else if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 4) { GraphData.gd.MaxX = float.Parse(builtEq); } else if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 5) { GraphData.gd.MaxY = float.Parse(builtEq); } else if (GraphData.gd.EditVar == 6) { GraphData.gd.MaxZ = float.Parse(builtEq); } //Application.LoadLevel(1); manager.circleOff(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown(leftBtn)) { CycleCarousel(-1); isSelected = false; } if (Input.GetButtonDown(rightBtn)) { CycleCarousel(1); isSelected = false; } selectionPlaneRenderer.enabled = isSelected; } else if (Time.time > animationStartTime + animationDuration) { isAnimating = false; } }