Example #1
        public JsonResult getcompliancetypeact()
            // string compliancetype = Request.QueryString["compliancetype"];
            int compliancetypeid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["compliancetypeid"]);

            ComplianceXrefService.ComplianceXrefServiceClient client = new ComplianceXrefService.ComplianceXrefServiceClient();
            //Session["compliancetypeid"] = compliancetypeid;

            var root = new treenode() //Create our root node and ensure it is opened
                id    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                text  = "Select All",
                state = new Models.State(true, false, false)

            var     children = new List <treenode>();
            string  xmldata  = client.GetActs(0);
            DataSet ds       = new DataSet();

            ds.ReadXml(new StringReader(xmldata));
            DataSet dsact = new DataSet();

            //int compliancetypeid = 0;
            xmldata = client.GetXrefComplainceTypemapping(compliancetypeid, 0);
            dsact.ReadXml(new StringReader(xmldata));
            Session["AssignedActs"] = dsact;
            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    var list = new treenode()
                        id = Convert.ToString(row["Compliance_Xref_ID"]), text = Convert.ToString(row["Compliance_Title"]), children = null, categorytype = "Act", state = new Models.State(false, false, false)

                    if (dsact.Tables.Count > 0)
                        foreach (System.Data.DataRow item in dsact.Tables[0].Rows)
                            if (Convert.ToString(item["Compliance_Xref_ID"]) == list.id)
                                list.state = new Models.State(false, false, true);
            root.children = children;
            return(Json(root, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #2
        public static string part1(bool debug)
            treenode root       = new treenode();
            var      MD5istance = MD5.Create();

            Queue <treenode> _toaccross = new Queue <treenode>();

            while (root.x != 3 || root.y != 3)
                byte[] hashbyte = MD5istance.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input + root.path));

                if (root.y > 0 && (hashbyte[0] >> 4) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "U", x = root.x, y = root.y - 1
                if (root.y < 3 && (hashbyte[0] & 15) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "D", x = root.x, y = root.y + 1
                if (root.x > 0 && (hashbyte[1] >> 4) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "L", x = root.x - 1, y = root.y
                if (root.x < 3 && (hashbyte[1] & 15) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "R", x = root.x + 1, y = root.y

                root = _toaccross.Dequeue();

Example #3
        static void draw(treenode nodes)
            Console.CursorTop  = 0;
            Console.CursorLeft = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                Console.WriteLine("# | | | #");
            Console.WriteLine("# | | |  ");
            Console.WriteLine("####### V");

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
            Console.SetCursorPosition(1, 1);
            Console.Write("0"); Console.CursorLeft--;
            foreach (var item in nodes.path)
                switch (item)
                case 'U':
                    Console.CursorTop -= 2;

                case 'D':
                    Console.CursorTop += 2;

                case 'L':
                    Console.CursorLeft -= 2;

                case 'R':
                    Console.CursorLeft += 2;
                Console.Write("0"); Console.CursorLeft--;
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

            Console.SetCursorPosition(1, 9);
            Console.Write(nodes.path.Length > 50 ? "..." + nodes.path.Substring(nodes.path.Length - 50) : nodes.path);
        private void ResolveSubTree(DataRow dr, treenode treeNode)
            DataRow[] rows = dr.GetChildRows("TreeRelation");
            if (rows.Length > 0)
                //treeNode.Expanded = true;
                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    treenode node = new treenode();
                    node.name  = dr["name"].ToString();
                    node.value = dr["value"].ToString();
                    node.pid   = dr["pid"].ToString();

                    ResolveSubTree(row, node);
        protected List <treenode> tabletolist(DataTable dt)
            List <treenode> list = new List <treenode>();
            DataSet         ds   = new DataSet();

            ds.Relations.Add("TreeRelation", ds.Tables[0].Columns["value"], ds.Tables[0].Columns["pid"], false);

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["pid"]) == 0)
                    treenode node = new treenode();
                    node.name  = dr["name"].ToString();
                    node.value = dr["value"].ToString();
                    node.pid   = dr["pid"].ToString();

                    ResolveSubTree(dr, node);
Example #6
        public void draw(bool[,] matrix, treenode root, ConsoleColor color, ConsoleColor haedcolor)
            Console.CursorTop  = 0;
            Console.CursorLeft = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < this.height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < this.width; x++)
                    if (root.y == y && root.x == x)
                            Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y);
                            Console.ForegroundColor = haedcolor;
                        catch (Exception) { }
                    else if (matrix[y, x])
                            Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y);
                            Console.ForegroundColor = color;
                        catch (Exception) { }
Example #7
        public static string part2()
            treenode root       = new treenode();
            var      MD5istance = MD5.Create();

            string           biggestSolution = "";
            Queue <treenode> _toaccross      = new Queue <treenode>();

                byte[] hashbyte = MD5istance.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input + root.path));

                if (root.y > 0 && (hashbyte[0] >> 4) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "U", x = root.x, y = root.y - 1
                if (root.y < 3 && (hashbyte[0] & 15) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "D", x = root.x, y = root.y + 1
                if (root.x > 0 && (hashbyte[1] >> 4) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "L", x = root.x - 1, y = root.y
                if (root.x < 3 && (hashbyte[1] & 15) > 10)
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(new treenode()
                        path = root.path + "R", x = root.x + 1, y = root.y

                if (_toaccross.Count > 0)
                    root = _toaccross.Dequeue();

                if (root.x == 3 && root.y == 3)
                    if (biggestSolution.Length < root.path.Length)
                        biggestSolution = root.path;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nBiggest ({1}):{0}", (biggestSolution.Length > 50) ? "..." + biggestSolution.Substring(biggestSolution.Length - 50) : biggestSolution, biggestSolution.Length);

                    root = _toaccross.Dequeue();
            } while (true);

Example #8
        public Dictionary <int, int> shortest(int number, treenode from, ConsoleColor color, ConsoleColor haedcolor, bool debug)
            Queue <treenode> _toaccross = new Queue <treenode>();

            Dictionary <int, int> retval = new Dictionary <int, int>(10);

            retval.Add(allNumber.Where(item => item.Value.CompareTo(from) == 0).First().Key, 0);

            bool[,] matrix = new bool[height, width];
            treenode  root = from;
            Stopwatch sp   = new Stopwatch();


            while (retval.Count != allNumber.Count)
                if (root.y > 0 && getNodeType(root.y - 1, root.x) != NodeType.CLOSED && !matrix[root.y - 1, root.x])
                    var node = new treenode()
                        x = root.x, y = root.y - 1, steps = root.steps + 1
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(node); matrix[node.y, node.x] = true;

                if (root.y < height && getNodeType(root.y + 1, root.x) != NodeType.CLOSED && !matrix[root.y + 1, root.x])
                    var node = new treenode()
                        x = root.x, y = root.y + 1, steps = root.steps + 1
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(node); matrix[node.y, node.x] = true;

                if (root.x > 0 && getNodeType(root.y, root.x - 1) != NodeType.CLOSED && !matrix[root.y, root.x - 1])
                    var node = new treenode()
                        x = root.x - 1, y = root.y, steps = root.steps + 1
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(node); matrix[node.y, node.x] = true;

                if (root.x < width && getNodeType(root.y, root.x + 1) != NodeType.CLOSED && !matrix[root.y, root.x + 1])
                    var node = new treenode()
                        x = root.x + 1, y = root.y, steps = root.steps + 1
                    _toaccross.Enqueue(node); matrix[node.y, node.x] = true;
                root = _toaccross.Dequeue();
                if (getNodeType(root.y, root.x) == NodeType.NUMBER)
                    var key = allNumber.Where(item => item.Value.CompareTo(root) == 0).First().Key;
                    if (!retval.ContainsKey(key))
                        retval.Add(key, root.steps);

                if (debug)
                    if (sp.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1500)
                        lock (Console.Out)
                            Console.CursorTop = height + 1 + number;
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}. QUEUE Lenght:{1}", number, _toaccross.Count);
                            draw(matrix, root, color, haedcolor);
            if (debug)
                draw(matrix, root, color, haedcolor);
Example #9
        public JsonResult GetJsTree3Data(string audittypeid, string acttype)
            int auditid = Convert.ToInt32(audittypeid);

            OrgService.OrganizationServiceClient client = new OrgService.OrganizationServiceClient();
            string  xmldata = client.getorglocation(Convert.ToInt32(Session["Branch_Id"]));
            DataSet loc     = new DataSet();

            loc.ReadXml(new StringReader(xmldata));
            int countryid = Convert.ToInt32(loc.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country_ID"]);
            int stateid   = 0;
            int cityid    = 0;
            int flag      = Convert.ToInt32(acttype);

            if (acttype == "1")
                countryid = Convert.ToInt32(loc.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Country_ID"]);
                stateid   = 0;
                cityid    = 0;
            else if (acttype == "2")
                stateid = Convert.ToInt32(loc.Tables[0].Rows[0]["State_ID"]);
                cityid  = 0;
                cityid = Convert.ToInt32(loc.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City_ID"]);

            var root = new treenode() //Create our root node and ensure it is opened
                id    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                text  = "Select All",
                state = new Models.State(true, false, false)
            int orgid    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Branch_Id"]);
            int vendorid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["VendorId"]);
            //Create a basic structure of nodes
            var children = new List <treenode>();

            ComplianceXrefService.ComplianceXrefServiceClient xrefclient = new ComplianceXrefService.ComplianceXrefServiceClient();

            xmldata = xrefclient.GetcomplianceonType(auditid, countryid, stateid, cityid, flag);
            DataSet dscomp = new DataSet();

            dscomp.ReadXml(new StringReader(xmldata));
            DataTable ds       = new DataTable();
            DataTable dsection = new DataTable();
            DataTable dsrules  = new DataTable();

            if (dscomp.Tables.Count > 0)
                DataView dv = new DataView(dscomp.Tables[0]);
                dv.RowFilter = "level=1";
                ds           = dv.ToTable();

                dv.Table     = dscomp.Tables[0];
                dv.RowFilter = "level=3";
                dsrules      = dv.ToTable();

                dv.Table     = dscomp.Tables[0];
                dv.RowFilter = "level=2";
                dsection     = dv.ToTable();
                TempData["Error"] = "No Rules for the state level";
            xmldata = xrefclient.getRuleforBranch(orgid, vendorid);
            DataSet dsassigenedrule = new DataSet();

            dsassigenedrule.ReadXml(new StringReader(xmldata));

            treenode act = new treenode();

            if (ds.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in ds.Rows)
                    bool isrule = false;
                    act = new treenode {
                        id = row["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString(), text = row["Compliance_Title"].ToString(), icon = "fa fa-legal", state = new Models.State(true, false, false), categorytype = "Act", children = new List <treenode>()
                    if (dsection.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (System.Data.DataRow section in dsection.Rows)
                            if (row["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString() == section["Compliance_Parent_ID"].ToString())
                                isrule = false;
                                var sec = new treenode {
                                    id = section["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString(), text = section["Compliance_Title"].ToString(), icon = "fa fa-book", state = new Models.State(false, false, false), categorytype = "Section", children = new List <treenode>()

                                if (dsrules.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (System.Data.DataRow rules in dsrules.Rows)
                                        if (section["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString() == rules["Compliance_Parent_ID"].ToString())
                                            isrule = true;
                                            var rule = new treenode {
                                                id = rules["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString(), text = rules["Compliance_Title"].ToString(), icon = "fa fa-leanpub", state = new Models.State(false, false, false), categorytype = "Rule", children = new List <treenode>()
                                            if (dsassigenedrule.Tables.Count > 0)
                                                foreach (System.Data.DataRow assignrules in dsassigenedrule.Tables[0].Rows)
                                                    if (assignrules["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString() == rules["Compliance_Xref_ID"].ToString())
                                                        rule.state = new Models.State(false, false, true);
                                            if (isrule == true)
                                if (isrule == true)
                    if (isrule == true)
            // Add the sturcture to the root nodes children property
            root.children = children;

            // Return the object as JSON
            return(Json(root, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));