Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 汇总计算调剖层相关信息,并返回一个调剖层实体
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public tpc_model calculate_tpc()
            // 拟调层数据
            List <tpc_xcsj_model> list        = oc_xcsj.Where(p => p.ntc == 1).ToList();
            tpc_xcsj_model        first_model = list.First();
            tpc_xcsj_model        last_model  = list.Last();
            double yxhd     = (double)list.Sum(p => p.YXHD);
            double dcxs_ntc = list.Sum(p => p.dcxs);
            double dcxs_sum = oc_xcsj.Sum(x => x.dcxs);

            // 拟堵段数据(条件查询:拟调层和拟堵段)
            List <tpc_xcsj_model> list_ndd = oc_xcsj.Where(p => p.ntc == 1 && p.ndd == 1).ToList();
            double dcxs_ndd = list_ndd.Sum(p => p.dcxs);
            double yxhd_ndd = (double)list_ndd.Sum(p => p.YXHD);

            // 返回调剖层实体
            return(new tpc_model()
                jh = tpc.jh,
                cd = first_model.YCZ + " " + first_model.XCH + " " + first_model.XCXH + "~" + last_model.YCZ + " " + last_model.XCH + " " + last_model.XCXH,
                yxhd = yxhd,
                yxhd_ds = (double)first_model.SYDS,
                zrfs = dcxs_ntc / dcxs_sum * 100,
                zzhd = yxhd - yxhd_ndd,
                zzbl = yxhd == 0 ? 0 : (yxhd - yxhd_ndd) / yxhd,
                zzrfs = (dcxs_ntc - dcxs_ndd) / dcxs_sum * 100,
                bs_string = "小层数据"
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取调剖层数据,根据被选中调剖层的井号获取数据
        /// </summary>
        public void get_tpc_xcsj()
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            sql.Append(" select * from oil_well_c ");
            sql.AppendFormat(" where jh=\"{0}\" ", tpc.jh);
            sql.Append(" and syds <> 0 and stl <> 0 and skqk<>'' ");
            sql.Append(" order by syds ");
            DataTable dt = DbHelperOleDb.Query(sql.ToString()).Tables[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                tpc_xcsj_model model = new tpc_xcsj_model();
                model.JH   = Unity.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["jh"]);
                model.YCZ  = Unity.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ycz"]);
                model.YCZ  = Unity.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ycz"]);
                model.XCH  = Unity.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["xch"]);
                model.XCXH = Unity.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["xcxh"]);
                model.SYDS = Unity.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["syds"]);
                model.YXHD = Unity.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["yxhd"]);
                model.STL  = Unity.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["stl"]);
                model.dcxs = (double)(model.YXHD * model.STL);