Example #1
        protected void SearchApplicant_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (xref.Text != "")
                if (xref.Text.Contains("OAI/TM/"))
                    xref.Text = xref.Text.Replace("OAI/TM/", "");
                r     = xref.Text; Session["edit_transID"] = xref.Text;
                lt_pw = t.getStageByValidationID(xref.Text);
                if (lt_pw.Count > 0)
                    pwallet_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";

                    Session["pwID"] = lt_pw[0].ID;
                    lt_app          = t.getApplicantListByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_app.Count != 0)
                        appx_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_mi = t.getMarkInfoByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_mi.Count != 0)
                        mark_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_aos = t.getAddressServiceListByID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_aos.Count != 0)
                        aos_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_rep = t.getRepListByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_rep.Count != 0)
                        rep_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if (lt_app.Count != 0)
                        lt_appaddy = t.getAddressListByID(lt_app[0].addressID);
                        if (lt_appaddy.Count != 0)
                            appaddy_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if (lt_rep.Count != 0)
                        lt_repaddy = t.getAddressListByID(lt_rep[0].addressID);
                        if (lt_repaddy.Count != 0)
                            repaddy_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if ((lt_aos.Count > 0) && (lt_app.Count > 0) && (lt_rep.Count > 0) && (lt_mi.Count > 0) && (lt_appaddy.Count > 0) && (lt_repaddy.Count > 0) && (lt_pw.Count > 0))
                        if ((lt_pw[0].stage.Trim() == "5") && (lt_pw[0].status.Trim() != "33") && (lt_pw[0].status.Trim() != "22") && (Convert.ToInt32(lt_pw[0].status.Trim()) >= 4))
                            lt_office = t.getTmOfficeDetailsByID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                            showt = 1;

                        //multiple_status = "1";
                    trans_status = "THE REFERENCE NUMBER DOESN'T EXIST ON THE SYSTEM";
                Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('PLEASE ENTER A VALID REFERENCE NUMBER')</script>");
Example #2
        protected void SearchApplicant_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (xref.Text != "")
                if (xref.Text.Contains("OAI/TM/"))
                    xref.Text = xref.Text.Replace("OAI/TM/", "");
                r     = xref.Text; Session["edit_transID"] = xref.Text;
                lt_pw = t.getStageByValidationID(xref.Text);
                if (lt_pw.Count > 0)
                    if (lt_pw[0].data_status == "Fresh" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Valid" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Re-conduct search" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Search Conducted" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Search 2 Conducted" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Re-examine" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Registrable" || lt_pw[0].data_status == "Published")

                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "showDialogue", "showDialogue('" + "Sorry You Cannot Edit Application Status  At this Stage" + "');", true);

                    pwallet_status  = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    Session["pwID"] = lt_pw[0].ID;

                    lt_app = t.getApplicantListByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_app.Count != 0)
                        appx_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_mi = t.getMarkInfoByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_mi.Count != 0)
                        mark_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_aos = t.getAddressServiceListByID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_aos.Count != 0)
                        aos_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_rep = t.getRepListByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (lt_rep.Count != 0)
                        rep_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if (lt_app.Count != 0)
                        lt_appaddy = t.getAddressListByID(lt_app[0].addressID);
                        if (lt_appaddy.Count != 0)
                            appaddy_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if (lt_rep.Count != 0)
                        lt_repaddy = t.getAddressListByID(lt_rep[0].addressID);
                        if (lt_repaddy.Count != 0)
                            repaddy_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if ((lt_aos.Count > 0) && (lt_app.Count > 0) && (lt_rep.Count > 0) && (lt_mi.Count > 0) && (lt_appaddy.Count > 0) && (lt_repaddy.Count > 0) && (lt_pw.Count > 0))
                        //if ((lt_pw[0].stage.Trim() == "5") && (lt_pw[0].status.Trim() != "33") && (lt_pw[0].status.Trim() != "22") && (Convert.ToInt32(lt_pw[0].status.Trim()) >= 4))
                            lt_office = t.getTmOfficeDetailsByID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                            this.lt_pw = this.t.getStageByClientIDAcc(this.xref.Text);

                        catch (Exception ee)
                            this.lt_pw = this.t.getStageByClientIDAcc(this.xref.Text);
                        showt = 1;

                        //multiple_status = "1";
                    trans_status = "THE REFERENCE NUMBER DOESN'T EXIST ON THE SYSTEM";
                Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('PLEASE ENTER A VALID REFERENCE NUMBER')</script>");
Example #3
        protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.xref.Text != "")
                if (this.xref.Text.Contains("OAI/TM/"))
                    this.xref.Text = this.xref.Text.Replace("OAI/TM/", "");
                this.r = this.xref.Text; Session["edit_transID"] = xref.Text;
                multiple_succ_status = Session["edit_transID"].ToString();
                this.lt_pw           = this.t.getStageByValidationID(this.xref.Text);
                if (this.lt_pw.Count != 0)
                    pwallet_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";

                    lt_app = t.getApplicantListByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (this.lt_app.Count != 0)
                        appx_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_mi = t.getMarkInfoByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (this.lt_mi.Count != 0)
                        mark_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_aos = t.getAddressServiceListByID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (this.lt_aos.Count != 0)
                        aos_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    lt_rep = t.getRepListByUserID(lt_pw[0].ID);
                    if (this.lt_rep.Count != 0)
                        rep_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if (this.lt_app.Count != 0)
                        lt_appaddy = t.getAddressListByID(lt_app[0].addressID);
                        if (this.lt_appaddy.Count != 0)
                            appaddy_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if (this.lt_rep.Count != 0)
                        lt_repaddy = t.getAddressListByID(lt_rep[0].addressID);
                        if (this.lt_repaddy.Count != 0)
                            repaddy_status = "RECORD EXISTS.";
                    if ((lt_aos.Count > 1) || (lt_app.Count > 1) || (lt_rep.Count > 1) || (lt_mi.Count > 1) || (lt_appaddy.Count > 1) || (lt_repaddy.Count > 1) || (lt_pw.Count > 1))
                        multiple_status = "1";
                    this.showt = 1;
                    trans_status = "THE REFERENCE NUMBER DOESN'T EXIST ON THE SYSTEM";
                Response.Write("<script language=JavaScript>alert('PLEASE ENTER A VALID REFERENCE NUMBER')</script>");