Example #1
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		clipSender = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
		lenghtSong = (int)(clipSender.clip.length);
		time.text = ""+lenghtSong;
		timeLeft = lenghtSong;
		socketio = socketioObject.GetComponent<teSocket>();
Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        menu.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        audioSource             = GetComponent <AudioSource> ();

        croudSource = croud.GetComponent <AudioSource> ();
        socketio    = socketioObject.GetComponent <teSocket>();
Example #3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     clipSender = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     lenghtSong = (int)(clipSender.clip.length);
     time.text  = "" + lenghtSong;
     timeLeft   = lenghtSong;
     socketio   = socketioObject.GetComponent <teSocket>();
Example #4
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		menu.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
		audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();

		croudSource = croud.GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
		socketio = socketioObject.GetComponent<teSocket>();

Example #5
    void Start()
        //Random generator -- TO AVOID

         * for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
         *      string s = ((int)(Random.Range((i+1)*0.5f-0.2f, (i+1)*0.5f+0.2f))*1000+2000)+","+(int)Random.Range(1,4.999f);
         *      notesPreSpawn.Add(s);
         *      Debug.Log(s);
         * }
         * int start = 2000;
         * int[][] s = {
         *      new int[]{56, 1},
         *      new int[]{56, 4},
         *      new int[]{136, 2},
         *      new int[]{304, 3},
         *      new int[]{384, 2},
         *      new int[]{272, 2},
         *      new int[]{184, 1},
         *      new int[]{56, 4},
         * };

        socketio = socketioObject.GetComponent <teSocket> ();

        lag = socketio.lag;

        songPlayer = GameObject.Find("gameflowManager");

        songData = songPlayer.GetComponent <myMenuManager> ().songData;

        multiplayer = songPlayer.GetComponent <myMenuManager> ().online;

        string[] lines = songData.text.Split('\n');
        foreach (string s in lines)
            if (s.Length > 0)
                //Debug.Log (s);
                string[] data = s.Split(',');
                int      time = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(data[0], out time))
                    time += (int)songStartDataDelay;
                    //int time = (int)(int.Parse(data[0])+songStartDataDelay);
                    notesPreSpawn.Add(time + "," + data[1]);
                    notesPreSpawn.Add(data[0] + "," + data[1]);
        arrows [0] = arrowLEFT;
        arrows [1] = arrowUP;
        arrows [2] = arrowDOWN;
        arrows [3] = arrowRIGHT;

        arrowsMove [0] = arrowLEFT_Moves;
        arrowsMove [1] = arrowUP_Moves;
        arrowsMove [2] = arrowDOWN_Moves;
        arrowsMove [3] = arrowRIGHT_Moves;

        spawnPreTime = 1000 * zArrowSpawn / zArrowSpeed;

        audioSource = songPlayer.GetComponent <AudioSource> ();

        ok.enabled       = false;
        good.enabled     = false;
        perfect.enabled  = false;
        missed.enabled   = false;
        wrong.enabled    = false;
        combo_10.enabled = false;
Example #6
	void Start () {	

		//Random generator -- TO AVOID

		for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
			string s = ((int)(Random.Range((i+1)*0.5f-0.2f, (i+1)*0.5f+0.2f))*1000+2000)+","+(int)Random.Range(1,4.999f);
		int start = 2000;
		int[][] s = {
			new int[]{56, 1}, 
			new int[]{56, 4}, 
			new int[]{136, 2},
			new int[]{304, 3},
			new int[]{384, 2},
			new int[]{272, 2},
			new int[]{184, 1},
			new int[]{56, 4},

		socketio = socketioObject.GetComponent<teSocket> ();

		lag = socketio.lag;

		songPlayer = GameObject.Find ("gameflowManager");
		songData = songPlayer.GetComponent<myMenuManager> ().songData;

		multiplayer = songPlayer.GetComponent<myMenuManager> ().online;

		string[] lines = songData.text.Split('\n');
		foreach (string s in lines) {
			if(s.Length > 0){
				//Debug.Log (s);
				string[] data = s.Split(',');
				int time = 0;
				if(int.TryParse(data[0], out time)){
					time += (int)songStartDataDelay;
					//int time = (int)(int.Parse(data[0])+songStartDataDelay);
		arrows [0] = arrowLEFT;
		arrows [1] = arrowUP;
		arrows [2] = arrowDOWN;
		arrows [3] = arrowRIGHT;

		arrowsMove [0] = arrowLEFT_Moves;
		arrowsMove [1] = arrowUP_Moves;
		arrowsMove [2] = arrowDOWN_Moves;
		arrowsMove [3] = arrowRIGHT_Moves;

		spawnPreTime = 1000 * zArrowSpawn / zArrowSpeed;

		audioSource = songPlayer.GetComponent<AudioSource> ();

		ok.enabled = false;
		good.enabled = false;
		perfect.enabled = false;
		missed.enabled = false;
		wrong.enabled = false;
		combo_10.enabled = false;
