public ActionResult AddProduct(tbl_products tblprod, HttpPostedFileBase[] pic, string code, int quantity) { //string pass = RandomPassword(quantity); // getting random password try { if (db.tbl_products.Any(p => p.code == code)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Your code is already exists try another one')</script>"); } else { tbl_pic tblpic = new tbl_pic(); //ensure model state is valid if (ModelState.IsValid) { //iterating through multiple file collection string[] picarray = new string[4]; int i = 0; foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in pic) { //Checking file is available to save. if (file != null) { string randomname = Path.GetRandomFileName(); var InputFileName = randomname + Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var ServerSavePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/productimg/") + InputFileName); //Save file to server folder file.SaveAs(ServerSavePath); picarray[i] = InputFileName; i++; } } db.tbl_products.Add(tblprod); db.SaveChanges(); tblpic.pic1 = picarray[0]; tblpic.pic2 = picarray[1]; tblpic.pic3 = picarray[2]; tblpic.pic4 = picarray[3]; tblpic.subcategory = tblprod.subcategory; tblpic.code = tblprod.subcategory; db.tbl_pic.Add(tblpic); db.SaveChanges(); //assigning file uploaded status to ViewBag for showing message to user. ViewBag.msg = " Items uploaded successfully."; } else { ViewBag.msg = "Please upload only 4 images"; } } } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.msg = "something went wrong please try again later"; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult loadproduct(int id) { List <tbl_products> prodmarbles = db.tbl_products.Where(p => p.category == "Marble").ToList(); ViewData["prodmarbles"] = prodmarbles; List <tbl_products> prodtiles = db.tbl_products.Where(p => p.category == "Tiles").ToList(); ViewData["prodtiles"] = prodtiles; List <tbl_products> prodstones = db.tbl_products.Where(p => p.category == "Stones").ToList(); ViewData["prodstones"] = prodstones; tbl_pic prodpic = db.tbl_pic.SingleOrDefault(p => p.picid == id); ViewData["prodpic"] = prodpic; tbl_products proddetail = db.tbl_products.SingleOrDefault(u => u.productid == id); ViewData["proddetail"] = proddetail; return(View()); }