public ActionResult TestKayit(FormCollection form, HttpPostedFileBase[] TestImage) { tbl_Test test = new tbl_Test(); test.Test_Detay = form["UygulamaAdi"]; test.Kategori_ID = int.Parse(form["kategori"].ToString()); test.Test_Tarihi = DateTime.Today; test.Sonuc_ID = int.Parse(form["testsonuc"].ToString()); test.UygulamaAdi = form["UygulamaAdi"]; test.Kullanici_ID = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); db.tbl_Test.Add(test); db.SaveChanges(); if (TestImage != null) { tbl_Image testImage = new tbl_Image(); foreach (var item in TestImage) { string yol = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(item.FileName); string fileadress = Server.MapPath("~/Images/" + yol); item.SaveAs(fileadress); testImage.Image = (yol); db.tbl_Image.Add(testImage); db.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Default")); }
public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase uploadfile) { UploadResponse response = new UploadResponse(); if (uploadfile != null && uploadfile.ContentLength > 0) { ImageHandlerDBEntities db = new ImageHandlerDBEntities(); tbl_Image img = new tbl_Image(); img.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; img.ImageId = Guid.NewGuid(); img.ImageName = uploadfile.FileName; img.ImageType = uploadfile.ContentType; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(uploadfile.InputStream)) { img.ImageData = br.ReadBytes((int)uploadfile.InputStream.Length); } db.tbl_Image.Add(img); db.SaveChanges(); response.CreateDate = img.CreateDate; response.ImageId = img.ImageId; response.ImageType = img.ImageType; response.ImageName = img.ImageName; } return(View(response)); }
public static tbl_Image Map(Image img) { tbl_Image ret = new tbl_Image(); ret.Active = img.Active; ret.Category = img.Category; ret.CreationTime = img.CreationTime; ret.Description = img.Description; ret.ID = img.ID; ret.OwnerID = img.OwnerID; ret.OwnerType = Convert.ToInt32(img.OwnerType); ret.Title = img.Title; ret.URL = img.URL; ret.BackupOf = img.BackupOf; ret.Extension = img.GetExtension(); ret.Height = img.Height; ret.Name = img.Name; ret.ResizeForDevices = img.ResizeForDevices; ret.ResizeOf = img.ResizeOf; ret.TargetDevice = img.TargetDevice; ret.ResizeDevice = img.ResizeDevice; ret.Width = img.Width; if (ret.ResizeDevice <= 0) { ret.ResizeDevice = null; //to prevent FOREIGN constraint conflicts } if (ret.TargetDevice <= 0) { ret.TargetDevice = null; } return(ret); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Puttbl_Image(int id, tbl_Image tbl_Image) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != tbl_Image.fld_Image_ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(tbl_Image).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!tbl_ImageExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string filename = context.Request.QueryString["filename"].ToString(); int Mag_ID = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["Mag_id"].ToString()); string Mag_Issue = context.Request.QueryString["Mag_Issue"].ToString(); string Shoot = context.Request.QueryString["Shoot"].ToString(); DateTime ShootDate = DateTime.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["ShootDate"].ToString()); string keywords = context.Request.QueryString["keywords"].ToString(); string description = context.Request.QueryString["description"].ToString(); string photographer = context.Request.QueryString["photographer"].ToString(); using (FileStream fs = File.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/photos/" + filename))) { SaveFile(context.Request.InputStream, fs); } IImageRepository db = new ImageRepository(); IUserRepository userdb = new UserRepository(); tbl_Image newImage = new tbl_Image(); newImage.date_uploaded = DateTime.Now; newImage.magazine_id = Mag_ID; newImage.magazine_issue = Mag_Issue; newImage.shoot_description = Shoot; newImage.shoot_date = ShootDate; newImage.keywords = keywords; newImage.description = description; newImage.photographer = userdb.getUserbyUsername(photographer).id; newImage.date_updated = DateTime.Now; db.Add(newImage); db.Save(); }
public void SLUpload() { //Get all Values from Request string filename = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["filename"].ToString(); int Mag_ID = int.Parse(HttpContext.Request.QueryString["Mag_id"].ToString()); string Mag_Issue = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["Mag_Issue"].ToString(); string Shoot = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["Shoot"].ToString(); DateTime ShootDate = DateTime.Parse(HttpContext.Request.QueryString["ShootDate"].ToString()); string keywords = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["keywords"].ToString(); string description = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["description"].ToString(); string photographer = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["photographer"].ToString(); //Save image as tempImage in "photos" folder string tempFileName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".jpg"; using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/photos/" + tempFileName))) { SaveFile(HttpContext.Request.InputStream, fs); } //Save image details to database tbl_Image newImage = new tbl_Image(); newImage.date_uploaded = DateTime.Now; newImage.magazine_id = Mag_ID; newImage.magazine_issue = Mag_Issue; newImage.shoot_description = Shoot; newImage.shoot_date = ShootDate; newImage.keywords = keywords; newImage.description = description; newImage.photographer = userdb.getUserbyUsername(photographer).id; newImage.date_updated = DateTime.Now; = tempFileName; imagedb.Add(newImage); imagedb.Save(); //Create Thumbnail and Preview and Delete Temp string oldName =; =' ', '_') + "_" + newImage.magazine_issue.Replace(' ', '_') + "_" + ((DateTime)newImage.shoot_date).ToString("dd_MMM_yyyy") + "_" + + ".jpg"; newImage.preview_location = "pv_" +; newImage.thumb_location = "th_" +; CreateThumbAndPreview("~/photos", oldName,; DeleteCurrentFile("~/photos", oldName); imagedb.Save(); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Gettbl_Image(int id) { tbl_Image tbl_Image = await db.tbl_Image.FindAsync(id); if (tbl_Image == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(tbl_Image)); }
public void createBatch(string location) { string batchName = new DirectoryInfo(location).Name; var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = batchName, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = location, fLocation = txt_Location.Text + "\\" + batchName + "\\", fSoLuongAnh = Directory.GetFiles(location).Length.ToString(), LoaiBatch = "Getsu" }; Global.Db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); string searchFolder = txt_PathFolder.Text + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(location).Name; var filters = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff", "bmp" }; string[] tmp = GetFilesFrom(searchFolder, filters, false); string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + batchName; Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); string imageJPG = ""; var filters1 = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff", "bmp" }; string[] tmp1 = GetFilesFrom(location, filters1, false); foreach (string s in tmp1) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(location); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = batchName, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 1, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 1 }; Global.Db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); string des = location + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Deletetbl_Image(int id) { tbl_Image tbl_Image = await db.tbl_Image.FindAsync(id); if (tbl_Image == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.tbl_Image.Remove(tbl_Image); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(tbl_Image)); }
public ActionResult Create2([Bind(Exclude = "id")] tbl_Image myImage) { ViewData["Magazines"] = new SelectList(magdb.GetMagazines(), "id", "name"); ViewData["Users"] = new SelectList(userdb.GetUsers(), "id", "username", userdb.getUserbyUsername(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name.ToString()).id); HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files["FileUp"] as HttpPostedFileBase; string tempFileName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".jpg"; string filePath = ""; #region Validation if (hpf.ContentLength > 0) { filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Photos"), Path.GetFileName(tempFileName)); hpf.SaveAs(filePath); } #endregion myImage.date_uploaded = DateTime.Now; myImage.date_updated = DateTime.Now; imagedb.Add(myImage); imagedb.Save(); string oldName = tempFileName; =' ', '_') + "_" + myImage.magazine_issue.Replace(' ', '_') + "_" + ((DateTime)myImage.shoot_date).ToString("dd_MMM_yyyy") + "_" + + ".jpg"; myImage.preview_location = "pv_" +; myImage.thumb_location = "th_" +; CreateThumbAndPreview("~/photos", oldName,; DeleteCurrentFile("~/photos", oldName); imagedb.Save(); if (Request.Form["Create"] != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Create2")); } }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { try { tbl_Image dbItem = imagedb.GetImageByID(id); string name =; imagedb.Delete(dbItem); imagedb.Save(); DeleteCurrentFile("~/photos/thumb", "th_" + name); DeleteCurrentFile("~/photos/preview", "pv_" + name); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = id, Error = "Error deleting Image!" })); } }
// [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] public ActionResult Edit(int id, string Error) { ViewData["Magazines"] = new SelectList(magdb.GetMagazines(), "id", "name"); ViewData["Users"] = new SelectList(userdb.GetUsers(), "id", "username", userdb.getUserbyUsername(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name.ToString()).id); tbl_Image myImage = imagedb.GetImageByID(id); string UploadedBy = myImage.tbl_user.UserName.ToUpper(); ViewData["UploadedBy"] = UploadedBy; try { ViewData["Error"] = Error; return(View(myImage)); } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public Image Map(tbl_Image img) { this.CreationTime = Convert.ToDateTime(img.CreationTime); this.Description = img.Description; this.ID = Convert.ToInt64(img.ID); this.OwnerID = Convert.ToInt64(img.OwnerID); this.OwnerType = Convert.ToInt32(img.OwnerType); this.URL = img.URL; this.Active = Convert.ToBoolean(img.Active); this.Category = img.Category; this.Title = img.Title; this.BackupOf = img.BackupOf; this.Extension = img.Extension; this.Height = img.Height; this.Name = img.Name; this.ResizeForDevices = img.ResizeForDevices; this.ResizeOf = img.ResizeOf; this.TargetDevice = Convert.ToInt32(img.TargetDevice); this.ResizeDevice = Convert.ToInt32(img.ResizeDevice); this.Width = img.Width; return(this); }
public ActionResult AddNewHouse(FormCollection fc) { string sEmail = fc["txtEmailAdmin"].ToString().Trim(); string sPrice = fc["txtPrice"].ToString().Trim(); float Price = float.Parse(sPrice); string sRoomNumber = fc["txtRoomNumber"].ToString().Trim(); int RoomNumber = int.Parse(sRoomNumber); string sAcreage = fc["txtAcreage"].ToString().Trim(); float Acreage = float.Parse(sAcreage); string sFloor = fc["txtFloor"].ToString().Trim(); int Floor = int.Parse(sFloor); string sHouseNumber = fc["txtHouseNumber"].ToString().Trim(); string sHouseStreet = fc["txtHouseStreet"].ToString().Trim(); var sFurniture = fc["cbFurniture"]; var sRentStatus = fc["cbRentStatus"]; string sOrderDetails = fc["txtOrderDetails"].ToString().Trim(); string sAreaID = fc["areaID"].ToString().Trim(); int AreaID = int.Parse(sAreaID); string surl1 = fc["Image1"].ToString(); string surl2 = fc["Image2"].ToString(); string surl3 = fc["Image3"].ToString(); tbl_House house = new tbl_House(); house.emailAdmin = sEmail; house.price = Price; house.roomNumber = RoomNumber; if (sFurniture != null) { = true; } else { = false; } house.acreage = Acreage; house.floor = Floor; if (sRentStatus != null) { house.rentStatus = true; } else { house.rentStatus = false; } house.areaID = AreaID; house.houseNumber = sHouseNumber; house.houseStreet = sHouseStreet; house.otherDetails = sOrderDetails; db.tbl_House.Add(house); db.SaveChanges(); //lấy nhà vừa được thêm List <tbl_House> listHouseAdded = db.tbl_House.Where(n => n.emailAdmin == house.emailAdmin && n.price == house.price && n.roomNumber == house.roomNumber && == && n.acreage == house.acreage && n.floor == house.floor && n.rentStatus == house.rentStatus && n.areaID == house.areaID && n.houseNumber == house.houseNumber && n.houseStreet == house.houseStreet && n.otherDetails == house.otherDetails).ToList(); tbl_House houseAdded = (tbl_House)listHouseAdded[listHouseAdded.Count - 1]; tbl_Image image = new tbl_Image(); image.houseID = houseAdded.houseID; image.url = surl1; db.tbl_Image.Add(image); db.SaveChanges(); image.url = surl2; db.tbl_Image.Add(image); db.SaveChanges(); image.url = surl3; db.tbl_Image.Add(image); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("GetListHouseByAdmin", "Login")); }
public void Add(tbl_Image image) { db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(image); }
private void UpLoadMulti() { btn_Browser.Enabled = false; txt_PathFolder.Enabled = false; txt_Location.Enabled = false; List <string> lStrBath = new List <string>(); lStrBath.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(txt_PathFolder.Text)); int countBatchExists = 0; string listBatchExxists = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lStrBath.Count; i++) { var batchExists = (from w in Global.db.tbl_Batches where w.fBatchName == new DirectoryInfo(lStrBath[i]).Name select w.fBatchName).ToList(); if (batchExists.Count > 0) { countBatchExists += 1; listBatchExxists += batchExists[0] + "\r\n"; } } if (countBatchExists > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Batch đã tồn tại :\r\n" + listBatchExxists); btn_Browser.Enabled = true; txt_PathFolder.Enabled = true; txt_Location.Enabled = true; return; } int n = 0; foreach (string itemBatch in lStrBath) { string batchName = "", loaiPhieu = "", pathPicture = ""; int m = 0; batchName = new DirectoryInfo(itemBatch).Name; if (batchName.IndexOf("AEON", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || batchName.IndexOf("aeon", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { loaiPhieu = "AEON"; } else if (batchName.IndexOf("ASAHI", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || batchName.IndexOf("asahi", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { loaiPhieu = "ASAHI"; } else if (batchName.IndexOf("EIZEN", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || batchName.IndexOf("eizen", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { loaiPhieu = "EIZEN"; } else if (batchName.IndexOf("YAMAMOTO", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || batchName.IndexOf("yamamoto", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { loaiPhieu = "YAMAMOTO"; } else if (batchName.IndexOf("YASUDA", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || batchName.IndexOf("yasuda", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { loaiPhieu = "YASUDA"; } else if (batchName.IndexOf("TAIYO", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 || batchName.IndexOf("taiyo", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { loaiPhieu = "TAIYO"; } else { continue; } n += 1; lb_SobatchHoanThanh.Text = n + @" :"; pathPicture = itemBatch + @"\入力画像"; var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = batchName, fUserCreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fDateCreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = pathPicture, fLocation = txt_Location.Text, fSoLuongAnh = Directory.GetFiles(pathPicture).Length.ToString(), fLoaiPhieu = loaiPhieu }; Global.db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); var filters = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tif", "bmp" }; string[] pathImageLocation = GetFilesFrom(pathPicture, filters, false); string pathImageServer = Global.StrPath + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(itemBatch).Name; Directory.CreateDirectory(pathImageServer); string imageJPG = ""; progressBar1.Step = 1; progressBar1.Value = 1; progressBar1.Maximum = pathImageLocation.Length; progressBar1.Minimum = 0; ModifyProgressBarColor.SetState(progressBar1, 1); foreach (string i in pathImageLocation) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = batchName, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, Checked_QC = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", CheckQC = false }; Global.db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); //tbl_TienDo tempTblTienDo = new tbl_TienDo //{ // IDProject = "JEMS", // fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, // Idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), // TienDoDeSo = "Hình chưa nhập", // UserCheckDeSo = "", // DateCreate = DateTime.Now //}; //Global.db_BPO.tbl_TienDos.InsertOnSubmit(tempTblTienDo); //Global.db_BPO.SubmitChanges(); string des = pathImageServer + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); m += 1; lb_SoImageDaHoanThanh.Text = m + @"/" + pathImageLocation.Length; progressBar1.PerformStep(); } } MessageBox.Show(@"Tạo batch mới thành công!"); txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; txt_PathFolder.Text = ""; txt_LoaiPhieu.SelectedIndex = 0; //btn_CreateBatch.Enabled = true; btn_Browser.Enabled = true; txt_PathFolder.Enabled = true; txt_Location.Enabled = true; }
public void createBatch(string location, string server, string batch, string excellocation) { string batchName = new DirectoryInfo(location).Name; var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = batch, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = location, fLocation = excellocation, fSoLuongAnh = Directory.GetFiles(location).Length.ToString(), LoaiBatch = "Getsu", ChiaUser = ck_ChiaUser.Checked, CongKhaiBatch = false }; Global.Db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); string imageJPG = ""; var filters1 = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff", "bmp" }; string[] tmp1 = GetFilesFrom(location, filters1, false); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = tmp1.Length; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; foreach (string s in tmp1) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(s); if (ck_ChiaUser.Checked) { tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = batch, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 0, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 0 }; Global.Db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); } else { tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = batch, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 1, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 1 }; Global.Db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); } string des = server + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } }
public void Delete(tbl_Image image) { db.tbl_Images.DeleteOnSubmit(image); }
private void UpLoadSingle() { progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = _lFileNames.Length; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; var batch = (from w in Global.db.tbl_Batches.Where(w => w.fBatchName == txt_BatchName.Text) select w.fBatchName).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_ImagePath.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(batch)) { var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = txt_ImagePath.Text, fLocation = txt_Location.Text, fSoLuongAnh = soluonghinh.ToString(), LoaiBatch = rg_LoaiBatch.Properties.Items[rg_LoaiBatch.SelectedIndex].Description }; Global.db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Batch đã tồn tại vui lòng điền tên batch khác!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn hình ảnh!"); return; } string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + txt_BatchName.Text; if (!Directory.Exists(temp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bị trùng tên batch!"); return; } foreach (string i in _lFileNames) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = txt_BatchName.Text, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 1, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 1 }; Global.db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } MessageBox.Show("Tạo batch mới thành công!"); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; }
private void saveImage(ref tbl_Image myImage) { string oldName =; =' ', '_') + "_" + myImage.magazine_issue.Replace(' ', '_') + "_" + ((DateTime)myImage.shoot_date).ToString("dd_MMM_yyyy") + "_" + + ".jpg"; myImage.preview_location = "pv_" +; myImage.thumb_location = "th_" +; try { using (System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/photos"), Path.GetFileName(oldName)))) { var fileWidth = image.Width; var fileHeight = image.Height; //Create Thumbnail int ThumbHeight = 110; int ThumbWidth = 110; if (fileWidth > fileHeight) { ThumbHeight = imagedb.GetProportionalImageHeight(ThumbWidth, fileHeight, fileWidth); } else if (fileWidth < fileHeight) { ThumbWidth = imagedb.GetProportionalImageWidth(ThumbHeight, fileWidth, fileHeight); } using (Bitmap bitmapThumb = new Bitmap(image, ThumbWidth, ThumbHeight)) { bitmapThumb.Save(Server.MapPath("~/photos/thumb/" + myImage.thumb_location), image.RawFormat); } //Create Preview int destinationHeight = 380; int destinationWidth = 380; if (fileWidth > fileHeight) { destinationHeight = imagedb.GetProportionalImageHeight(destinationWidth, fileWidth, fileWidth); } else if (fileWidth < fileHeight) { destinationWidth = imagedb.GetProportionalImageWidth(destinationHeight, fileWidth, fileHeight); } using (Bitmap bitmapPreview = new Bitmap(image, destinationWidth, destinationHeight)) { Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapPreview); Color WaterMark = Color.FromArgb(80, Color.Gray); Pen p = new Pen(WaterMark, 5); g.DrawString("ImageBank Preview", new Font("Arial", 15), new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray), new Point((bitmapPreview.Size.Width / 2) - 85, (bitmapPreview.Size.Height / 2) - 10)); g.DrawLine(p, new Point(0, 0), new Point((bitmapPreview.Size.Width / 2) - 50, (bitmapPreview.Size.Height / 2) - 50)); g.DrawLine(p, new Point((bitmapPreview.Size.Width / 2) + 50, (bitmapPreview.Size.Height / 2) + 50), new Point(bitmapPreview.Size.Width, bitmapPreview.Size.Height)); g.DrawLine(p, new Point((bitmapPreview.Size.Width / 2) - 50, (bitmapPreview.Size.Height / 2) + 50), new Point(0, bitmapPreview.Size.Height)); g.DrawLine(p, new Point((bitmapPreview.Size.Width / 2) + 50, (bitmapPreview.Size.Height / 2) - 50), new Point(bitmapPreview.Size.Width, 0)); bitmapPreview.Save(Server.MapPath("~/photos/preview/" + myImage.preview_location), image.RawFormat); } } DeleteCurrentFile("~/photos", oldName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error: " + ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Edit(tbl_Image postedmImage) { var returnUrl = Request["hdnReturnurl"]; //Get image from the database tbl_Image myImage = imagedb.GetImageByID(; //Get collections for dropdowns ViewData["Magazines"] = new SelectList(magdb.GetMagazines(), "id", "name"); ViewData["Users"] = new SelectList(userdb.GetUsers(), "id", "username", userdb.getUserbyUsername(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name.ToString()).id); #region Validation of Input fields HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files["FileUp"] as HttpPostedFileBase; if (hpf.ContentLength > 0) { //Save updated file in photos folder as temp file if (hpf.ContentType != "image/jpeg") { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Wrong File Type"); } } if (postedmImage.magazine_issue.Trim().Length == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("magazine_issue", "Magazine issue missing"); } if (postedmImage.shoot_description.Trim().Length == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("shoot_description", "Shoot description missing"); } try { DateTime testDate = (DateTime)postedmImage.shoot_date.Value; } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("shoot_date", "Invalid Shoot Date"); } if (postedmImage.description.Trim().Length == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("description", "Description issue missing"); } if (postedmImage.keywords.Trim().Length == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("keywords", "Keywords issue missing"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(postedmImage)); } #endregion //if validation is OK then execute the following string tempFileName = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".jpg"; if (hpf.ContentLength > 0) { //Save updated file in photos folder as temp file string filePath = ""; filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Photos"), Path.GetFileName(tempFileName)); hpf.SaveAs(filePath); } //Update Image Object myImage.magazine_id = postedmImage.magazine_id; myImage.magazine_issue = postedmImage.magazine_issue; myImage.shoot_description = postedmImage.shoot_description; myImage.shoot_date = postedmImage.shoot_date; myImage.date_updated = DateTime.Now; myImage.keywords = postedmImage.keywords; string oldName = tempFileName; =' ', '_') + "_" + myImage.magazine_issue.Replace(' ', '_') + "_" + ((DateTime)myImage.shoot_date).ToString("dd_MMM_yyyy") + "_" + + ".jpg"; myImage.preview_location = "pv_" +; myImage.thumb_location = "th_" +; myImage.thumb_location = "th_" +; myImage.preview_location = "pv_" +; if (hpf.ContentLength > 0) { CreateThumbAndPreview("~/photos", oldName,; DeleteCurrentFile("~/photos", oldName); } else { RenameFile(myImage.thumb_location, "th_" +, "~/photos/thumb"); RenameFile(myImage.preview_location, "pv_" +, "~/photos/preview"); } imagedb.Save(); return(Redirect(returnUrl)); }
private void UpLoadMulti() { List <string> lStrBath = new List <string>(); lStrBath.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(txt_PathFolder.Text)); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = lStrBath.Count; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; foreach (string item in lStrBath) { var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = new DirectoryInfo(item).Name, fUserCreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fDateCreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = item, fLocation = txt_Location.Text, fSoLuongAnh = Directory.GetFiles(item).Length.ToString() }; Global.db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); //DateTime timeStart = new DateTime(dateEdit_ngaybatdau.DateTime.Year, // dateEdit_ngaybatdau.DateTime.Month, // dateEdit_ngaybatdau.DateTime.Day, // timeEdit_ngaybatdau.Time.Hour, // timeEdit_ngaybatdau.Time.Minute, // timeEdit_ngaybatdau.Time.Second); //DateTime timeEnd = new DateTime(dateEdit_ngayketthuc.DateTime.Year, // dateEdit_ngayketthuc.DateTime.Month, // dateEdit_ngayketthuc.DateTime.Day, // timeEdit_ngayketthuc.Time.Hour, // timeEdit_ngayketthuc.Time.Minute, // timeEdit_ngayketthuc.Time.Second); //int timeNotificationdeadline = 0; //if (cbb_loaithoigian.Text == "Ngày") //{ // timeNotificationdeadline = Convert.ToInt32(nud_thoigiandeadline.Value * 24 * 60); //} //else if (cbb_loaithoigian.Text == "Giờ") //{ // timeNotificationdeadline = Convert.ToInt32(nud_thoigiandeadline.Value * 60); //} //else if (cbb_loaithoigian.Text == "Phút") //{ // timeNotificationdeadline = Convert.ToInt32(nud_thoigiandeadline.Value); //} //var fBatchEntry = new tbl_Batch_Entry() //{ // fIDProject = Global.StrIdProject, // fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, // fUserCreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, // fDateCreated = DateTime.Now, // fPathPicture = txt_ImagePath.Text, // fLocation = txt_Location.Text, // fSoLuongAnh = soluonghinh.ToString(), // fLoaiPhieu = txt_LoaiPhieu.Text, // fTimeStart = timeStart, // fTimeEnd = timeEnd, // fDeadlineNotificationTime = timeNotificationdeadline //}; //Global.db_BPO.tbl_Batch_Entries.InsertOnSubmit(fBatchEntry); //Global.db.SubmitChanges(); string searchFolder = txt_PathFolder.Text + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(item).Name; var filters = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff", "bmp" }; string[] tmp = GetFilesFrom(searchFolder, filters, false); string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(item).Name; Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); string imageJPG = ""; foreach (string i in tmp) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = new DirectoryInfo(item).Name, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, Checked_QC = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", CheckQC = false }; Global.db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); tbl_TienDo tempTblTienDo = new tbl_TienDo { IDProject = "JEMS", fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, Idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), TienDoDeSo = "Hình chưa nhập", UserCheckDeSo = "", DateCreate = DateTime.Now }; Global.db_BPO.tbl_TienDos.InsertOnSubmit(tempTblTienDo); Global.db_BPO.SubmitChanges(); string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } MessageBox.Show("Tạo batch mới thành công!"); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; txt_LoaiPhieu.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void UpLoadSingle() { try { progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = _lFileNames.Length; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; var batch = (from w in Global.db_BCL.tbl_Batches.Where(w => w.fBatchName == txt_BatchName.Text) select w.fBatchName).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_ImagePath.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(batch)) { var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = txt_ImagePath.Text, fLocation = txt_Location.Text, fSoLuongAnh = soluonghinh.ToString(), ChiaUser = chk_ChiaUser.Checked ? true : false, CongKhaiBatch = false, GiaTriTruongSo4 = txt_TruongSo4.Text, TeninhThu2 = txt_TenHinhThu2.Text }; Global.db_BCL.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.db_BCL.SubmitChanges(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Batch đã tồn tại vui lòng điền tên batch khác!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn hình ảnh!"); return; } string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + txt_BatchName.Text; if (!Directory.Exists(temp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bị trùng tên batch!"); return; } foreach (string i in _lFileNames) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = txt_BatchName.Text, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, ReadImageDEJP = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, CheckedDEJP = 0, FlagReadDeSo_Good = chk_ChiaUser.Checked ? 0 : 1, FlagReadDeSo_NotGood = chk_ChiaUser.Checked ? 0 : 1, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", TienDoDEJP = "Hình chưa nhập" }; Global.db_BCL.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.db_BCL.SubmitChanges(); string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } MessageBox.Show("Tạo batch mới thành công!"); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: \r\n" + ex.Message); } finally { chk_ChiaUser.Enabled = true; } }
private void UpLoadMulti() { try { List <string> lStrBath = new List <string>(); lStrBath.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(txt_PathFolder.Text)); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = lStrBath.Count; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; foreach (string item in lStrBath) { var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = new DirectoryInfo(item).Name, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = item, fLocation = txt_Location.Text, fSoLuongAnh = Directory.GetFiles(item).Length.ToString(), ChiaUser = chk_ChiaUser.Checked ? true : false, CongKhaiBatch = false }; Global.db_BCL.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.db_BCL.SubmitChanges(); string searchFolder = txt_PathFolder.Text + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(item).Name; var filters = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff", "bmp" }; string[] tmp = GetFilesFrom(searchFolder, filters, false); string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(item).Name; Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); string imageJPG = ""; foreach (string i in tmp) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = new DirectoryInfo(item).Name, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, ReadImageDEJP = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, CheckedDEJP = 0, FlagReadDeSo_Good = chk_ChiaUser.Checked ? 0 : 1, FlagReadDeSo_NotGood = chk_ChiaUser.Checked ? 0 : 1, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", TienDoDEJP = "Hình chưa nhập" }; Global.db_BCL.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.db_BCL.SubmitChanges(); string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } MessageBox.Show("Tạo batch mới thành công!"); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: \r\n" + ex.Message); } finally { chk_ChiaUser.Enabled = true; } }
private void UpLoadMulti() { List <string> lStrBath = new List <string>(); lStrBath.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(txt_PathFolder.Text)); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = lStrBath.Count; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; foreach (string item in lStrBath) { string batchName = new DirectoryInfo(item).Name; var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = batchName, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = item, fLocation = txt_Location.Text + "\\" + batchName + "\\", fSoLuongAnh = Directory.GetFiles(item).Length.ToString(), LoaiBatch = "Getsu" }; Global.Db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); string searchFolder = txt_PathFolder.Text + "\\" + new DirectoryInfo(item).Name; var filters = new String[] { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff", "bmp" }; string[] tmp = GetFilesFrom(searchFolder, filters, false); string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + batchName; Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); string imageJPG = ""; foreach (string i in tmp) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = batchName, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 1, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 1 }; Global.Db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } MessageBox.Show(@"Create a new batch successfully!"); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; }
private void UpLoadSingle() { progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; progressBarControl1.Properties.Step = 1; progressBarControl1.Properties.PercentView = true; progressBarControl1.Properties.Maximum = _lFileNames.Length; progressBarControl1.Properties.Minimum = 0; var batch = (from w in Global.Db.tbl_Batches.Where(w => w.fBatchName == txt_BatchName.Text) select w.fBatchName).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_ImagePath.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(batch)) { var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, fusercreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fdatecreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = txt_ImagePath.Text, fLocation = txt_Location.Text + "\\" + txt_BatchName.Text + "\\", fSoLuongAnh = _soluonghinh.ToString(), LoaiBatch = "Getsu", ChiaUser = ck_ChiaUser.Checked, CongKhaiBatch = false //LoaiBatch = rg_LoaiBatch.Properties.Items[rg_LoaiBatch.SelectedIndex].Description }; Global.Db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); } else { MessageBox.Show(@"Batch exists please enter another batch name!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show(@"You have not selected an image yet!"); return; } string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + txt_BatchName.Text; if (!Directory.Exists(temp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); } else { MessageBox.Show(@"Batch named batch!"); return; } foreach (string i in _lFileNames) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); if (ck_ChiaUser.Checked) { tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = txt_BatchName.Text, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 0, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 0 }; Global.Db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); } else { tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = txt_BatchName.Text, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", ReadImageDESO_Good = 1, ReadImageDESO_NotGood = 1 }; Global.Db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.Db.SubmitChanges(); } string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBarControl1.PerformStep(); progressBarControl1.Update(); } MessageBox.Show(@"Create a new batch successfully!"); progressBarControl1.EditValue = 0; txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; }
private void UpLoadSingle() { progressBar1.Step = 1; progressBar1.Value = 1; progressBar1.Maximum = _lFileNames.Length; progressBar1.Minimum = 0; ModifyProgressBarColor.SetState(progressBar1, 1); var batch = (from w in Global.db.tbl_Batches.Where(w => w.fBatchName == txt_BatchName.Text) select w.fBatchName).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_ImagePath.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(batch)) { var fBatch = new tbl_Batch { fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, fUserCreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, fDateCreated = DateTime.Now, fPathPicture = txt_ImagePath.Text, fLocation = txt_Location.Text, fSoLuongAnh = soluonghinh.ToString(), fLoaiPhieu = txt_LoaiPhieu.Text }; Global.db.tbl_Batches.InsertOnSubmit(fBatch); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); //DateTime timeStart = new DateTime(dateEdit_ngaybatdau.DateTime.Year, // dateEdit_ngaybatdau.DateTime.Month, // dateEdit_ngaybatdau.DateTime.Day, // timeEdit_ngaybatdau.Time.Hour, // timeEdit_ngaybatdau.Time.Minute, // timeEdit_ngaybatdau.Time.Second); //DateTime timeEnd = new DateTime(dateEdit_ngayketthuc.DateTime.Year, // dateEdit_ngayketthuc.DateTime.Month, // dateEdit_ngayketthuc.DateTime.Day, // timeEdit_ngayketthuc.Time.Hour, // timeEdit_ngayketthuc.Time.Minute, // timeEdit_ngayketthuc.Time.Second); //int timeNotificationdeadline = 0; //if (cbb_loaithoigian.Text == "Ngày") //{ // timeNotificationdeadline = Convert.ToInt32(nud_thoigiandeadline.Value * 24 * 60); //} //else if (cbb_loaithoigian.Text == "Giờ") //{ // timeNotificationdeadline = Convert.ToInt32(nud_thoigiandeadline.Value * 60); //} //else if (cbb_loaithoigian.Text == "Phút") //{ // timeNotificationdeadline = Convert.ToInt32(nud_thoigiandeadline.Value); //} //var fBatchEntry = new tbl_Batch_Entry() //{ // fIDProject = Global.StrIdProject, // fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, // fUserCreate = txt_UserCreate.Text, // fDateCreated = DateTime.Now, // fPathPicture = txt_ImagePath.Text, // fLocation = txt_Location.Text, // fSoLuongAnh = soluonghinh.ToString(), // fLoaiPhieu = txt_LoaiPhieu.Text, // fTimeStart = timeStart, // fTimeEnd = timeEnd, // fDeadlineNotificationTime = timeNotificationdeadline //}; //Global.db_BPO.tbl_Batch_Entries.InsertOnSubmit(fBatchEntry); //Global.db.SubmitChanges(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Batch đã tồn tại vui lòng điền tên batch khác!"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa chọn hình ảnh!"); return; } string temp = Global.StrPath + "\\" + txt_BatchName.Text; if (!Directory.Exists(temp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(temp); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bị trùng tên batch!"); return; } foreach (string i in _lFileNames) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(i); tbl_Image tempImage = new tbl_Image { fbatchname = txt_BatchName.Text, idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), ReadImageDESo = 0, CheckedDESo = 0, Checked_QC = 0, TienDoDESO = "Hình chưa nhập", CheckQC = false }; Global.db.tbl_Images.InsertOnSubmit(tempImage); Global.db.SubmitChanges(); tbl_TienDo tempTblTienDo = new tbl_TienDo { IDProject = "JEMS", fBatchName = txt_BatchName.Text, Idimage = Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()), TienDoDeSo = "Hình chưa nhập", UserCheckDeSo = "", DateCreate = DateTime.Now }; Global.db_BPO.tbl_TienDos.InsertOnSubmit(tempTblTienDo); Global.db_BPO.SubmitChanges(); string des = temp + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(fi.ToString()); fi.CopyTo(des); progressBar1.PerformStep(); } MessageBox.Show("Tạo batch mới thành công!"); txt_BatchName.Text = ""; txt_ImagePath.Text = ""; lb_SoLuongHinh.Text = ""; txt_LoaiPhieu.SelectedIndex = 0; }