protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tblAd popoupTbl = new tblAd(); DateTime dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; string datedate = dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); if (txtTitle.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { popoupTbl.adTitle = txtTitle.Text; if (ckDetails.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { string str = ckDetails.Text; popoupTbl.adDetails = Server.HtmlDecode(str); } else { popoupTbl.adDetails = ""; } popoupTbl.dateInsert = datedate; if (txtYearFrom.Text.Length < 4 || txtMonthFrom.Text.Length < 2 || txtDayFrom.Text.Length < 2) { popoupTbl.dateStart = datedate; } else { popoupTbl.dateStart = txtYearFrom.Text + txtMonthFrom.Text + txtDayFrom.Text; } if (txtYearTo.Text.Length < 4 || txtMonthTo.Text.Length < 2 || txtDayTo.Text.Length < 2) { popoupTbl.dateExp = datedate; } else { popoupTbl.dateExp = txtYearTo.Text + txtMonthTo.Text + txtDayTo.Text; } popoupTbl.allow = "1"; popoupTbl.periodOfShow = 1; popoupTbl.adPayment = 1; popoupTbl.ownerOfBusiness = ""; popoupTbl.Create(); tblAdCollection popupAdCountIdTbl = new tblAdCollection(); popupAdCountIdTbl.ReadList(); tblAdPic popupAdPicTbl = new tblAdPic(); // file upload start string filename = string.Empty; if (IsPostBack) { Boolean fileOK = false; String path = Server.MapPath("~/images/"); if (fuGallery.HasFile) { String fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fuGallery.FileName).ToLower(); String[] allowedExtensions = { ".jpg" }; for (int i = 0; i < allowedExtensions.Length; i++) { if (fileExtension == allowedExtensions[i]) { fileOK = true; } } } if (fileOK) { try { fuGallery.PostedFile.SaveAs(path + fuGallery.FileName); filename = fuGallery.FileName; } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "A promblem with uplouding picture"; } } else { lblError.Text = "Not valid picture"; } } //file upload end if (filename.Trim().Length > 0) { popupAdPicTbl.picAddr = "images/" + filename; } //else error popupAdPicTbl.idAd = popupAdCountIdTbl[popupAdCountIdTbl.Count - 1].id; popupAdPicTbl.allow = "1"; popupAdPicTbl.picName = ""; popupAdPicTbl.picDetail = ""; popupAdPicTbl.Create(); tblAdStyle popupAdStyle = new tblAdStyle(); //popupAdStyle.idAd = popupAdCountIdTbl[popupAdCountIdTbl.Count - 1].id; popupAdStyle.styleTitle = rbStyle.SelectedValue; popupAdStyle.styleContent = ""; popupAdStyle.styleDetails = ""; popupAdStyle.Create(); Response.Redirect("popuppage.aspx"); } else { lblError.Text = "* please enter title frist."; } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tblAd adTbl = new tblAd(); tblAdPic adPicTbl = new tblAdPic(); string dateInsert = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); if (txtTitle.Text.Trim().Length > 0 && txtStart.Text.Trim().Length == 8) { try { adTbl.adTitle = txtTitle.Text; string str = ckDetails.Text; adTbl.adDetails = Server.HtmlDecode(str); adTbl.dateInsert = dateInsert; adTbl.dateStart = txtStart.Text; if (ddlExp.Enabled == true) { adTbl.periodOfShow = Convert.ToInt32(ddlExp.SelectedValue); adTbl.dateExp = ""; } else { adTbl.dateExp = txtExp.Text; adTbl.periodOfShow = 0; } adTbl.adPayment = 1; adTbl.ownerOfBusiness = ""; adTbl.allow = "1"; adTbl.adPosition = ddlPosition.SelectedValue; #region File upload Boolean fileOK = false; String path = Server.MapPath("~/images/ad/"); string filename = string.Empty; if (fuGallery.HasFile) { String fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fuGallery.FileName).ToLower(); String[] allowedExtensions = { ".jpg", ".png", ".bmp", ".gif" }; for (int i = 0; i < allowedExtensions.Length; i++) { if (fileExtension == allowedExtensions[i]) { fileOK = true; } } } if (fileOK) { try { fuGallery.PostedFile.SaveAs(path + fuGallery.FileName); filename = fuGallery.FileName; } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "A problem with uplouding picture"; } } else { lblError.Text = "Not valid picture"; } #endregion if (filename.Length > 0) { adTbl.Create(); } tblAdCollection adIdTbl = new tblAdCollection(); adIdTbl.ReadList(); adPicTbl.idAd = adIdTbl[adIdTbl.Count - 1].id; adPicTbl.picName = filename; adPicTbl.picAddr = "~/images/ad/"; adPicTbl.picDetail = Server.HtmlDecode(str); adPicTbl.allow = "1"; adPicTbl.Create(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "There was an error and function has droped, " + ex.ToString(); } } else { lblError.Text = "Requierd filds must be completed..."; } }