private void AddStudentRecord(int arrangeid, int userid, int subjectid, int hasShortAnswer) { //查询所有要进行该考试的学生 String strSql = "select id from tbUser where classid in (select classid from tbGrant where userid=" + userid + " and subjectid=" + subjectid + ")"; DataTable table = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql).Tables[0]; //取得数据库连接 SqlConnection conn = SQLHelper.GetConnection(); //打开数据库连接 conn.Open(); //创建事务 SqlTransaction SqlTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { tbScore score = new tbScore(); score.arrangeid = arrangeid; score.userid = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[i][0]); score.createtime = DateTime.Now; score.starttime = DateTime.Now; score.endtime = DateTime.Now; score.hasshortanswer = hasShortAnswer; score.hascorrect = 0; //没有批改 score.scorestatus = 1; //还没考试 scoreDAL.AddTran(score, SqlTransaction); } SqlTransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { try { SqlTransaction.Rollback(); } catch (Exception) { //事务回滚出错 } throw; } finally { //关闭各种资源 SqlTransaction.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// 交卷 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //比较时间大小 int scoreid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState[Constant.ScoreID]); score = scoreBLL.GetModel(scoreid); PaperContent studentAnswer = CollectData(); PaperContent standardAnswer = GetStandardAnswer(studentAnswer); if (arrange.arrangetype == 1) { //===============练习 ShowCorrectAnswer(studentAnswer, standardAnswer); MyUtil.ExecuteJS(this, "clearInterval(timer);document.getElementById('timer').style.display='none';"); } if (arrange.arrangetype == 2) { //===============考试 score.endtime = DateTime.Now; if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, score.starttime.AddMinutes(paper.durationtime + 5)) > 0) { //超时 MyUtil.ExecuteJS(this, "alert('交卷失败,超过指定时间!');top.closeExam();"); score.scorestatus = 4; scoreBLL.Update(score); return; } score.score = Convert.ToDecimal(sum); if (paper.sa_count > 0) { //有简答题,等待批改 score.scorestatus = 5; } else { //记录成绩 score.scorestatus = 3; } scoreBLL.Update(score); //MyUtil.ExecuteJS(this, "alert('交卷成功!');top.closeExam();"); Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('交卷成功!');top.closeExam();</script>"); } lbtnSubmit.Visible = false; lbtnBack.Visible = true; }
protected void lbtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int answerofpaperid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["answerofpaperid"].ToString()); int userid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["userid"].ToString()); tbAnswerOfPaper model = answerOfPaperDAL.GetModel(answerofpaperid); model.getscore = Convert.ToDecimal(ddlGetScore.SelectedValue); answerOfPaperDAL.Update(model); //判断这个学生的简答题是否全部改完 if (!DbHelperSQL.Exists("select * from tbAnswerOfPaper where arrangeid=" + arrangeid + " and userid=" + userid + " and getscore=-1")) { //批改完毕 double sum = (double)DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("select sum(getscore) from tbAnswerOfPaper where arrangeid=" + arrangeid + " and userid=" + userid); int scoreid = (int)DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("select id from tbScore where arrangeid=" + arrangeid + " and userid=" + userid); tbScore score = scoreDAL.GetModel(scoreid); score.hascorrect = 1; score.scorestatus = 3; score.score += Convert.ToDecimal(sum); scoreDAL.Update(score); } BindData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { arrangeid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); arrange = arrangeBLL.GetModel(arrangeid); paper = paperBLL.GetModel(arrange.paperid); subject = subjectBLL.GetModel(arrange.subjectid); if (!IsPostBack) { //取得数据库连接 SqlConnection conn = SQLHelper.GetConnection(); //打开数据库连接 conn.Open(); //创建事务 SqlTransaction SqlTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { PaperGenerateDAL pgd = new PaperGenerateDAL(paper, SqlTransaction); pc = pgd.GetPaperContent(); SqlTransaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { try { SqlTransaction.Rollback(); } catch (Exception) { //事务回滚出错 } } finally { //关闭各种资源 SqlTransaction.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } if (arrange.arrangetype == 2) { //考试,记录考试时间,成绩状态 tbUser user = (tbUser)Session[Constant.User]; tbScore score = this.GetScore(arrangeid,; score.starttime = DateTime.Now; score.scorestatus = 2;//正在考试 scoreBLL.Update(score); //把scoreid存放在ViewState ViewState[Constant.ScoreID] =; } if (pc.SRContent.Count != 0) { rptSR.DataSource = pc.SRContent; rptSR.DataBind(); } if (pc.CBContent.Count != 0) { rptCB.DataSource = pc.CBContent; rptCB.DataBind(); } if (pc.JDContent.Count != 0) { rptJD.DataSource = pc.JDContent; rptJD.DataBind(); } if (pc.BFContent.Count != 0) { rptBF.DataSource = pc.BFContent; rptBF.DataBind(); } if (pc.SAContent.Count != 0) { rptSA.DataSource = pc.SAContent; rptSA.DataBind(); } } }