public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { stop stop = db.stops.Find(id); db.stops.Remove(stop); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit(stop stop) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(stop).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(stop)); }
private void Start() { stoppp = GetComponent <stop>(); list = GetComponent <stop>(); self = GetComponent <GameObject>(); PlayerList.playerList.Add(self); playerMeNum = PlayerList.playerList.Count; playerMeTxt = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Fire").GetComponent <Text>(); playerMeTxt.text = "玩家號碼 = " + playerMeNum; }
/// </summary> private void StopList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { // if an item is selected if (StopList.SelectedIndex != -1) { // get the currently selected city and pass the information to the // forecast details page stop stop = (stop)StopList.SelectedItem; this.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ArrivalsPage.xaml?StopId=" + stop.StopId + "&StopName=" + stop.Name, UriKind.Relative)); } }
public ActionResult Create(stop stop) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.stops.Add(stop); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(stop)); }
//This is an "as the crow flys" distance. Used to determine if google should return driving or walking directions. //Also used to set the zoom of the map. //It would make sense to base that decision on the google-route distance instead, but that would result in more // google-api calls. public async Task SetThisFar(stop stop) { var locationInUse = Permissions.CheckStatusAsync <Permissions.LocationWhenInUse>(); var locationAlways = Permissions.CheckStatusAsync <Permissions.LocationAlways>(); //locationAlways. try { if (locator.IsGeolocationAvailable & locator.IsGeolocationEnabled & (locationInUse.Result.Equals(PermissionStatus.Granted) | locationAlways.Result.Equals(PermissionStatus.Granted))) { Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position lastLocationGot = await locator.GetLastKnownLocationAsync(); if (lastLocationGot != null) { //If it's more than 60 seconds old, we'll go ahead and get a new one. Otherwise it's fine. if ((DateTimeOffset.Now.UtcDateTime - lastLocationGot.Timestamp.UtcDateTime).Seconds > 60) { await GetCurrentLocation(); } else { currentLocation.Latitude = lastLocationGot.Latitude; currentLocation.Longitude = lastLocationGot.Longitude; } } } } finally { if (currentLocation != null) { thisFar = Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Distance.BetweenPositions(new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude), new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(stop.stopLat, stop.stopLng)); } else { thisFar = Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Distance.FromMeters(0); } } }
// // GET: /Stop/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int id) { stop stop = db.stops.Find(id); return(View(stop)); }
// // GET: /Stop/Details/5 public ViewResult Details(int id) { stop stop = db.stops.Find(id); return(View(stop)); }
//If they start within 2km, it started as a walk. //Why 2km? Becuase I said so. If this were a widely used app, //it would be worth doing customer research about how far away they're willing //to walk to a location. But it's not, so I just used my preference. public async Task <bool> SetStartedAsWalk(stop stop) { await SetThisFar(stop); return(thisFar.Meters < 2000 ? true : false); }
void Update() { SE_container se = scriptbox.GetComponent <SE_container>(); //スコアを取得 ImportantValue dx = scriptbox.GetComponent <ImportantValue>(); //スコアを取得 ScoreHolder sh = scriptbox.GetComponent <ScoreHolder>(); stop st = scriptbox.GetComponent <stop>(); if (st.running == false) { t_info.text = ("一時停止中"); t_info2.text = ("再開ボタンを押して再開"); } else if (scenemover.gamemode() == 0) { switch (nowlevel) { case 0: { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = (((int)time_lv1).ToString()); t_info.text = ("READY?"); t_info2.text = ("上にフリックしてスタート"); break; } case 1: if (coolflag == true) { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = ("Lv.1"); } else { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = (((int)time_lv1).ToString()); if (flag == true) { time_lv1 -= Time.deltaTime; t_info.text = ("ROUND1"); t_info2.text = (" "); } //時間切れしたら止める if (time_lv1 < 0) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.levelup); //効果音を鳴らす flag = false; flag1 = 1; nowlevel = 2; coolflag = true; sh.interval(); } if (flag == false) { t_info.text = ("ROUND1 READY ?"); t_info2.text = ("フリックしてスタート"); } } break; case 2: if (coolflag == true) { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = ("Lv.2"); } else { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = (((int)time_lv2).ToString()); if (flag == true) { time_lv2 -= Time.deltaTime; t_info.text = ("ROUND2"); t_info2.text = (" "); } //マイナスは表示しない if (time_lv2 < 0) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.levelup); //効果音を鳴らす flag = false; flag2 = 1; coolflag = true; nowlevel = 3; sh.interval(); } if (flag == false) { t_info.text = ("ROUND2 READY ?"); t_info2.text = ("フリックしてスタート"); } } break; case 3: if (coolflag == true) { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = ("Lv.3"); } else { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = (((int)time_lv3).ToString()); if (flag == true) { t_info.text = ("ROUND3"); t_info2.text = (" "); time_lv3 -= Time.deltaTime; } //マイナスは表示しない if (time_lv3 < 0) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.levelup); //効果音を鳴らす flag = false; flag3 = 1; coolflag = true; nowlevel = 4; sh.interval(); } if (flag == false) { t_info.text = ("ROUND3 READY ?"); t_info2.text = ("フリックしてスタート"); } } break; case 4: if (coolflag == true) { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = ("Lv.4"); } else { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = (((int)time_lv4).ToString()); EScape es = scriptbox.GetComponent <EScape>(); if (es.EScapeflag == true) { t_info.color =; t_info.text = ("CLIMAX!!"); t_info2.text = (" "); time_lv4 -= Time.deltaTime; } else if (flag == true) { t_info.text = ("ROUND4"); t_info2.text = (" "); time_lv4 -= Time.deltaTime; } if (time_lv4 < 6) { if (dangerflag == 6) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.danger); //効果音を鳴らす dangerflag = 0; } } //マイナスは表示しない if (time_lv4 < 0) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.timeup); //効果音を鳴らす time_lv4 = 2; result.SetActive(true); playingbutton.SetActive(false); Resultwriter rw = scriptbox.GetComponent <Resultwriter>(); rw.addresult(sh.score, sh.maxcombo, lefttime); nowlevel = 5; coolflag = true; } if (flag == false) { t_info.text = ("ROUND4 READY ?"); t_info2.text = ("フリックしてスタート"); } } break; } //コピペはここまで if (coolflag == true) { dx.cooltime -= Time.deltaTime; if (dx.cooltime < 0) { dx.cooltime = dx.cooltimeholder; if (nowlevel != 5) { coolflag = false; } } } else { //ScoreHolder sh = GameObject.Instantiate(ScoreHolder) as GameObject; sh.scorebonus_t.text = (""); } //時間切れでタイトル if (time_lv4 < 10) { time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().color = dx.dangertxtcolor; } //無事成功 if (LASTflag == 2) { if (result.activeSelf == false) { //一回だけ処理 Debug.Log("o----"); nowlevel = 5; lefttime = time_lv4; flag = false; playingbutton.SetActive(false); Resultwriter rw = scriptbox.GetComponent <Resultwriter>(); rw.addresult(sh.score, sh.maxcombo, lefttime); result.SetActive(true); } } } //*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************:以下、レベル1 else if (scenemover.gamemode() == 1) { // Debug.Log("おっけー"); time_txt.GetComponent <Text>().text = (((int)time_sv).ToString()); sv_phase = sh.sv_level * 5 + nowlevel; if (nowlevel == 0) { t_info.text = ("LEVEL" + (sh.sv_level * 5 + 1) + " READY ?"); t_info2.text = ("上にフリックしてスタート"); } if (flag == true)//時間計測中 { time_sv -= Time.deltaTime; t_info.text = ("LEVEL" + (sh.sv_level * 5 + nowlevel));//現在のレベルは、+(状態) t_info2.text = (" "); if (sh.left_jiki < 0) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.timeup); result.SetActive(true); Resultwriter rw = scriptbox.GetComponent <Resultwriter>(); rw.sv_addresult(sv_phase); playingbutton.SetActive(false); flag = false; } if (time_sv < 0) { GetComponent <AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(se.timeup); result.SetActive(true); Resultwriter rw = scriptbox.GetComponent <Resultwriter>(); rw.sv_addresult(sv_phase); playingbutton.SetActive(false); flag = false; } if (LASTflag == 2)//次のレベルに行こうぜ処理 { nextlevel(); flag = false;//時止め } } //時間切れしたら結果発表 } //クリアしたら次いってみよう }
// フリックジェスチャーが成功すると呼ばれるメソッド private void OnFlick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { timekeeper dt = scriptbox.GetComponent <timekeeper>(); ImportantValue iv = scriptbox.GetComponent <ImportantValue>(); ScoreHolder sh = scriptbox.GetComponent <ScoreHolder>(); stop st = scriptbox.GetComponent <stop>(); if (dt.time == 0 && scenemover.gamemode() == 0) { return; } if (dt.time_lv4 <= 0 && scenemover.gamemode() == 0) { return; } if (dt.coolflag == true && scenemover.gamemode() == 0) { return; } if (dt.time_sv <= 0 && scenemover.gamemode() == 1) { return; } if (sh.left_jiki < 0 && scenemover.gamemode() == 1) { return; } if (st.running == false) { return; } ScoreHolder d_score = scriptbox.GetComponent <ScoreHolder>(); var up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); //上 var left = new Vector3(-0.866f, -0.5f, 0); //左下 var right = new Vector3(0.866f, -0.5f, 0); //右上 var gesture = sender as FlickGesture; // string str = "フリック: " + gesture.ScreenFlickVector + " (" + gesture.ScreenFlickTime + "秒)"; var Fvector = gesture.ScreenFlickVector.normalized; // Vector3.Dot(Fvector, uptri); //$$遊び switch (iv.jiki) { case 30: zentai.transform.DOShakePosition(0.2f, 1, 10, 90, false, true); break; case 31: zentai.transform.DOShakePosition(1f, 10, 100, 90, false, true); break; } if (Vector3.Dot(Fvector, up) > 0.5f) { goal = 0; } if (Vector3.Dot(Fvector, left) > 0.5f) { goal = 1; } if (Vector3.Dot(Fvector, right) > 0.5f) { goal = 2; } Flicked f0 = scriptbox.GetComponent <Flicked>(); Flicked_1 f1 = scriptbox.GetComponent <Flicked_1>(); Flicked_2 f2 = scriptbox.GetComponent <Flicked_2>(); Flicked_3 f3 = scriptbox.GetComponent <Flicked_3>(); Shrink_3 s3 = scriptbox.GetComponent <Shrink_3>(); shrink_2 s2 = scriptbox.GetComponent <shrink_2>(); shrink_1 s1 = scriptbox.GetComponent <shrink_1>(); shrink_0 s0 = scriptbox.GetComponent <shrink_0>(); if (dt.nowlevel == 0)//ホントに最初 { if (f0.firstmove(goal)) { dt.flag = true; dt.nowlevel = 1; } } else if (dt.flag1 == 0)//最初 { f0.move(goal); } else if (dt.flag1 == 1) { if (f1.firstmove(goal)) { dt.flag1 = 2; } dt.flag = true; } else if (dt.flag2 == 0) { f1.move(goal); } else if (dt.flag2 == 1) { if (f2.firstmove(goal)) { dt.flag2 = 2; } dt.flag = true; } else if (dt.flag3 == 0) { f2.move(goal); } else if (dt.flag3 == 1) { if (f3.firstmove(goal)) { dt.flag3 = 2; } dt.flag = true; } else if (dt.flagX3 == 0) { f3.move(goal); } else if (dt.flagX3 == 1) { if (s3.shrink(goal)) { dt.flagX3 = 2; } } else if (dt.flagX2 == 1) { if (s2.shrink(goal)) { dt.flagX2 = 2; } } else if (dt.flagX1 == 1) { if (s1.shrink(goal)) { dt.flagX1 = 2; } } else if (dt.LASTflag == 1) { if (s0.shrink(goal)) { dt.LASTflag = 2; } } else { // Debug.Log("もうねえ"); } int var; //nextlevel()で全部0に戻される }