// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        g = DataManagement.instance.player;
        //always start in start
        currState = stateOfBattle.START;

         * playerTurn = true;
         * enemTurn = false;
         * endCombat = false; */

        loc = g.location;

        //set up the background
        if (loc == 1)
            bgImg.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Art/Northern Background");
        else if (loc == 2)
            bgImg.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Art/Eastern Background");
        else if (loc == 3)
            bgImg.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Art/Southern Background");
        else if (loc == 4)
            bgImg.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Art/Western Background");
        else if (loc == 0)
            //set up the final battle bg
            bgImg.GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Art/Northern Background");
 public void isDead()
     //if player has lost, set state to appropriate
     if (g.attributes[0] <= 0)
         //lose, and set location to 0
         g.location = 0;
         currState  = stateOfBattle.LOSE;
     if (enemy.GetComponent <wolfScript>().dead() == true && !finalVictory && finalFight)
         currState = stateOfBattle.FFIGHT1;
     if (enemy.GetComponent <wolfScript>().dead() == true && finalVictory && !finalFight)
         currState = stateOfBattle.NFFIGHT;
    //decide order of events
    public void next()
        //start of battle becomes player turn
        if (currState == stateOfBattle.START)
            //whenever its the start of the players turn set the player defense mod to 0
            playerDefenseMod = 0;
            currState        = stateOfBattle.PLAYERCH;
        //enemy turn, then turns into player turn
        else if (currState == stateOfBattle.ENEMCH)
            //whenever its the start of the players turn set the player defense mod to 0
            playerDefenseMod = 0;
            currState        = stateOfBattle.PLAYERCH;
        //player turn turns into enemy turn
        else if (currState == stateOfBattle.PLAYERCH)
            //the player has made their choice and the canvas displaying the information that their choice has made comes up
            currState = stateOfBattle.STANDBY;
        else if (currState == stateOfBattle.STANDBY)
            //whenever the wolf has its turn its defense buff is always reset
            enemDefenseMod = 0;
            currState = stateOfBattle.ENEMCH;

        //set up the battle here
        //always dsiplay the combatant info no matter where you are