Example #1
        public override sizableArray<move> getPossibleMoves(baseBoard onThis)
            sizableArray<move> possibleMoves = new sizableArray<move>(potentialSquares.Length + 2);

            findFreeOrCapturableIfOnBoard(possibleMoves, onThis, potentialSquares);

            if (canCastle(onThis, true))
                // Castling kingside is possible. It is represented as a two-space move by the king.
                possibleMoves.Add(new move(this, onThis[position.right(2)]));
            if (canCastle(onThis, false))
                // Likewise, queenside.
                possibleMoves.Add(new move(this, onThis[position.left(2)]));

            return possibleMoves;
Example #2
        public override sizableArray<square> getCoveredSquares(baseBoard parentBoard)
            sizableArray<square> toRet = new sizableArray<square>(2);
            int direction = (colour == pieceColour.white) ? 1 : -1;

            if ((position.y + direction < baseBoard.sizeY) &&
                (position.y + direction > -1))
                // Check the two diagonals
                if (position.x > 0)
                    toRet.Add( parentBoard[position.up(direction).leftOne()] );
                if (position.x < baseBoard.sizeX - 1)
                    toRet.Add( parentBoard[position.up(direction).rightOne()] );
            return toRet;
        public void testIterator()
            sizableArray<move> foo = new sizableArray<move>(5);

            move move1 = new move(new square(0,0), new square(1,1));
            move move2 = new move(new square(1,1), new square(2,2));


            bool move1seen = false;
            bool move2seen = false;

            foreach (move iterated in foo)
                Debug.WriteLine("Iterated object " + iterated);
                if (iterated == move1)
                    if (move1seen)
                        throw new Exception("Move one iterated twice");
                    move1seen = true;
                else if (iterated == move2)
                    if (move2seen)
                        throw new Exception("Move two iterated twice");
                    move2seen = true;
                else if (iterated == null)
                    throw new Exception("Iterator returned null");
                    throw new Exception("Iterator returned something crazy");

            if (!move1seen || !move2seen)
                throw new Exception("Iterator did not iterate over all elements");
Example #4
        public override sizableArray<square> getCoveredSquares(baseBoard parentBoard)
            sizableArray<square> toRet = new sizableArray<square>(8);

            foreach (squarePosOffset potentialSquare in potentialSquares)
                int posX = position.x + potentialSquare.x;
                int posY = position.y + potentialSquare.y;

                if (IsOnBoard(potentialSquare.x, potentialSquare.y))
                    toRet.Add( parentBoard[posX, posY] );

            return toRet;
Example #5
        public override lineAndScore findBestMove()
            sizableArray<move> movesToConsider = getMoves(colToMove);

            // Filter out any moves in to check
            sizableArray<move> movesNotIntoCheck = new sizableArray<move>(movesToConsider.Length);
            pieceColour movingCol = colToMove;
            foreach (move consideredMove in movesToConsider)

                if (!isPlayerInCheck(movingCol))


            // and then select a random move.
            int rndNum = rnd.Next(movesNotIntoCheck.Length);
            move randomMove = movesNotIntoCheck[rndNum];

            return new lineAndScore(new move[] { randomMove }, 0, null);
Example #6
        public override sizableArray<move> getPossibleMoves(baseBoard onThis)
            sizableArray<move> toRet = new sizableArray<move>(40);

            int direction;
            if (colour == pieceColour.white)
                direction = +1;
                direction = -1;

            // We can capture upward diagonally, if immediate diagonal upward squares
            // contain an enemy piece.
            if ((position.y + direction < baseBoard.sizeY) &&
                (position.y + direction > -1) )
                // Check for en passant. En passant can never cause a promotion.
                if (position.x > 0)
                    square adjacentLeft = onThis[position.leftOne()];
                    if (canEnPassantTo(adjacentLeft, onThis))
                        toRet.Add(new move(onThis[position], onThis[position.up(direction).leftOne()], adjacentLeft));
                if (position.x < baseBoard.sizeX - 1)
                    square adjacentRight = onThis[position.rightOne()];
                    if (canEnPassantTo(adjacentRight, onThis))
                        toRet.Add(new move(onThis[position], onThis[position.up(direction).rightOne()], adjacentRight));

                // And we can move forward two if we haven't moved this piece yet, and both
                // squares are empty. It is assumed that this can't cause a promotion, so explicitly
                // prevent this move from moving in to the back row.
                if (movedCount == 0)
                    if (position.y + (direction * 2) < baseBoard.sizeY &&
                        position.y + (direction * 2) > -1)
                        // check back row
                        if (position.y != (colour == pieceColour.white ? 7 : 0))
                            if (onThis[position.up(direction * 2)].type == pieceType.none &&
                                onThis[position.up(direction * 1)].type == pieceType.none)
                                toRet.Add(new move(onThis[position], onThis[position.up(direction*2)]));

                // All of the other moves could cause a promotion, so call addPawnMovesToSquare so that
                // promoting moves are added.

                // Check the two diagonals
                if (position.x > 0)
                    if (onThis[position.up(direction).leftOne()].containsPieceNotOfColour(colour))
                        addPawnMovesToSquare(toRet, onThis[position], onThis[position.up(direction).leftOne()]);
                if (position.x < baseBoard.sizeX - 1)
                    if (onThis[position.up(direction).rightOne()].containsPieceNotOfColour(colour))
                        addPawnMovesToSquare(toRet, onThis[position], onThis[position.up(direction).rightOne()]);

                // We can move forward one if that square is empty.
                if (onThis[position.up(direction)].type == pieceType.none)
                    if (onThis[position.up(direction)].type == pieceType.none)
                        addPawnMovesToSquare(toRet, onThis[position], onThis[position.up(direction)]);

            return toRet;
Example #7
        private void addPawnMovesToSquare(sizableArray<move> moveList, square src, square dst)
            // If we are moving in to the end row, we should promote. Handle this.
            if (dst.position.y == (colour == pieceColour.white ? 7 : 0) )
                // OK. Promotions it is.
                pieceType[] promotionOptions = new[] {

                foreach (pieceType promotionOption in promotionOptions)
                    moveList.Add(new move(src, dst, promotionOption));
                moveList.Add(new move(src, dst));