Example #1
 public void TestService()
     searchRequest     = new SearchRequest();
     searchRequest.Pan = 5112345678901234;
     searchRequest.AuditInfo.UserId       = "testUser";
     searchRequest.AuditInfo.UserName     = "******";
     searchRequest.AuditInfo.Organization = "Test Org";
     response = service.GetSearchResponse(searchRequest);
Example #2
        public void TestService()
            searchRequest     = new SearchRequest();
            searchRequest.Pan = 5112345678901234;
            searchRequest.AuditInfo.UserId       = "testUser";
            searchRequest.AuditInfo.UserName     = "******";
            searchRequest.AuditInfo.Organization = "Test Org";
            response = mappingSearchService.GetSearchResponse(searchRequest);
            string tokenUniqueId = response.Devices.ElementAt(0).TokenUniqueId;

            deliveryChannels = deliveryChannelsService.GetDeliveryChannels(tokenUniqueId);
        public void TestService()
            searchRequest     = new SearchRequest();
            searchRequest.Pan = 5112345678901234;
            searchRequest.AuditInfo.UserId       = "testUser";
            searchRequest.AuditInfo.UserName     = "******";
            searchRequest.AuditInfo.Organization = "Test Org";
            response = mappingSearchService.GetSearchResponse(searchRequest);
            String tokenUniqueId = response.Devices.ElementAt(0).TokenUniqueId;

            deliveryChannels = deliveryChannelsService.GetDeliveryChannels(tokenUniqueId);
            long deliveryChannelId = deliveryChannels.DeliveryChannel.ElementAt(0).Id;

            resendRequest = new ResendRequest();
            resendRequest.DeliveryChannelId      = deliveryChannelId;
            resendRequest.AuditInfo.UserId       = "testUser";
            resendRequest.AuditInfo.UserName     = "******";
            resendRequest.AuditInfo.Organization = "Test Org";
            resendCodeResults = resendActivationCodeService.GetResendCodeResults(resendRequest, tokenUniqueId);
Example #4
        // NEW WITH Win 8 - Calls to TriageTrak/PL Search functions:
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all reports for the specified event, from the current hospital.  Caller must filter more, to narrow. To get reports from all orgs, set myOrgOnly=false.
        /// </summary>     
        public async Task<string> GetReportsForOutboxImpl(string eventShortName, bool myOrgOnly) // was, but now uses global token: (string userPL, string passwordPL)
            App.MyAssert(App.pd.plToken != null && App.pd.plToken.Length == 128); // token is 128 char long SHA-512
            //searchWithAuthRequest sarin = new searchWithAuthRequest(); // Before V31: named searchCompleteWithAuth
            //searchWithAuthResponse sarout = new searchWithAuthResponse();
            searchRequest srin = new searchRequest();
            searchResponse srout = new searchResponse();
            srin.token = App.pd.plToken;
            //sarin.username = userPL;
            //sarin.password = passwordPL;
            // "sarin" replaced by "srin", "sarout" replaced by "srout" many places below
            srin.eventShortname = eventShortName; // moved to caller Feb 2015: App.CurrentDisaster.EventShortName;
            // was v33: srin.filterAgeAdult = srin.filterAgeChild = srin.filterAgeUnknown = true;
            // was v33: srin.filterGenderMale = srin.filterGenderFemale = srin.filterGenderComplex = srin.filterGenderUnknown = true;
            string Uuid = "";
                Uuid = "all";
                string Name = App.CurrentOrgContactInfo.OrgName;
                Uuid = App.OrgDataList.GetOrgUuidFromOrgName(Name);
                if (Uuid == "") // couldn't find match
                    //Uuid = App.OrgDataList.First().OrgUuid;
                    //Name = App.OrgDataList.First().OrgName;
            // was v33: srin.filterHospital = Uuid; // instead of "" or "all" = don't filter on orgs.
            srin.filters = PackageFiltersIntoSearchParameter(Uuid);
            // WAS before v32: sarin.filterHospitalSH = sarin.filterHospitalWRNMMC = sarin.filterHospitalOther = true;
            // was v33: srin.filterStatusAlive = srin.filterStatusInjured = srin.filterStatusDeceased = srin.filterStatusMissing = srin.filterStatusUnknown = srin.filterStatusFound = true;
            // was v33: srin.filterHasImage = false;  // true would return ONLY reports with images
            srin.pageStart = 0; // was v33: "0";
            srin.perPage = 250; // was v33: "250"; // "1000";  If you change this, change it too in TP_PatientReportsSource.cs.  1000 seemed to be running out of memory
            srin.sortBy = ""; // = updated desc, score desc
            srin.query = ""; // was v33: srin.searchTerm = "";
            srin.photo = ""; // if empty, means "use query instead".
                SetPLEndpointAddress(App.pl); //read the configured endpoint address

                    throw new Exception(PHONY_COMMUNICATIONS_EXCEPTION);

                // Win 7: responseData = App.pl.getEventListUser(userPL, passwordPL, out errorCode, out errorMessage);
                //sarout = await App.pl.searchWithAuthAsync(sarin);
                srout = await App.pl.searchAsync(srin);
            // Also available with v34, but not used here: srout.recordsFound; srout.timeElapsed
            catch (Exception e)
                srout.resultSet = "ERROR: " + e.Message; // Win 7: responseData = "ERROR: " + e.Message;

            return ChangeToErrorIfNull(srout.resultSet);
Example #5
        // NEW July, 2015:
        /// <summary>
        /// Does a quick checks if candidate Patient ID is already in use for current event, independent of submitter or submitting organization.
        /// This is to supplement check of local data (which is limited to this submitter in the case of Outbox, or may be stale in the case of All Stations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patientID"></param>
        /// <returns>-1 = don't know; 0 = no; 1 = yes</returns>
        public async Task<int> IsPatientIdAlreadyInUseForCurrentEvent(string patientID)
            // This is a variant of GetReportsFromAllStationsCurrentEvent()
            App.MyAssert(App.pd.plToken != null && App.pd.plToken.Length == 128); // token is 128 char long SHA-512
            searchRequest srin = new searchRequest();
            searchResponse srout = new searchResponse();
            srin.token = App.pd.plToken;
            srin.eventShortname = App.CurrentDisaster.EventShortName;
            // NOT WORKING AS CLAIMED, ACTS AS IF hasImage=true
            // srin.filters = ""; // Spec says this means all filters are true, except hasImage is false and hospital defaults to "all".
            // Equivalently in effect, if not in verbosity:
            srin.filters = PackageFiltersIntoSearchParameter("all");
            srin.pageStart = 0;
            srin.perPage = 250;
            srin.sortBy = ""; // = updated desc, score desc
            srin.query = patientID;
            srin.photo = ""; // if empty, means "use query instead".
                SetPLEndpointAddress(App.pl); //read the configured endpoint address

                if (App.BlockWebServices)
                    throw new Exception(PHONY_COMMUNICATIONS_EXCEPTION);

                srout = await App.pl.searchAsync(srin);
            // Also available with v34, but not used here: srout.recordsFound; srout.timeElapsed
            catch (Exception)
                return -1; // Error. Don't know
            if (srout.resultSet == null || srout.errorCode != 0)
                return -1; // Error. Don't know

            if ((srout.resultSet == "") || (srout.recordsFound == 0))
                return 0;

            return 1; // 1 or more records found. In theory multiple means some problem, but let's ignore that for now
Example #6
        // NEW WITH Win 8 - Calls to PL Search functions:
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all reports for the current event, independent of submitter or submitting organization.
        /// This is in support of client-side filtering.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task<string> GetReportsFromAllStationsCurrentEvent()// was, but not needed now: (string userPL, string passwordPL)
            App.MyAssert(App.pd.plToken != null && App.pd.plToken.Length == 128); // token is 128 char long SHA-512
            //searchWithAuthRequest sarin = new searchWithAuthRequest(); // Before V31: named searchCompleteWithAuth
            //searchWithAuthResponse sarout = new searchWithAuthResponse();
            searchRequest srin = new searchRequest();
            searchResponse srout = new searchResponse();
            //sarin.username = userPL;
            //sarin.password = passwordPL;
            srin.token = App.pd.plToken;
            //sarin.eventShortname = App.CurrentDisaster.EventShortName;
            // v33, replace "sarin" with "srin" many times below
            srin.eventShortname = App.CurrentDisaster.EventShortName;
            // NOT WORKING AS CLAIMED, ACTS AS IF hasImage=true
            // srin.filters = ""; // Spec says this means all filters are true, except hasImage is false and hospital defaults to "all".
            // Equivalently in effect, if not in verbosity:
            srin.filters = PackageFiltersIntoSearchParameter("all");
            // was v33: srin.filterAgeAdult = srin.filterAgeChild = srin.filterAgeUnknown = true;
            // was v33: srin.filterGenderMale = srin.filterGenderFemale = srin.filterGenderComplex = srin.filterGenderUnknown = true;
/* NO.  Always get all records here.  Filter later
                string Name = App.CurrentOrgContactInfo.OrgName;
                string Uuid = App.OrgDataList.GetOrgUuidFromOrgName(Name);
                if (Uuid == "") // couldn't find match
                    //Uuid = App.OrgDataList.First().OrgUuid;
                    //Name = App.OrgDataList.First().OrgName;
                sarin.filterHospital = Uuid;
                // spec says: sarin.filterHospital = ""; // empty = don't filter on orgs; otherwise, [but not implemeneted] comma-separated org shortnames
                // What Greg chose to implement instead is single hospital uuid  */
                // was v 33: srin.filterHospital = "all"; // temporary workaround
            // WAS before V32: sarin.filterHospitalSH = sarin.filterHospitalWRNMMC = sarin.filterHospitalOther = true;
            // was v33: srin.filterStatusAlive = srin.filterStatusInjured = srin.filterStatusDeceased = srin.filterStatusMissing = srin.filterStatusUnknown = srin.filterStatusFound = true;
            // was v33: srin.filterHasImage = false; // true would return ONLY reports with images
            srin.pageStart = 0; // was v33: "0";
            srin.perPage = 250; // was v33: "250"; // 1000 gave out of memory problems
            srin.sortBy = ""; // = updated desc, score desc
            srin.query = ""; // was v 33: srin.searchTerm = "";
            srin.photo = ""; // if empty, means "use query instead".
                SetPLEndpointAddress(App.pl); //read the configured endpoint address

                    throw new Exception(PHONY_COMMUNICATIONS_EXCEPTION);

                // Win 7: responseData = App.pl.getEventListUser(userPL, passwordPL, out errorCode, out errorMessage);
                //sarout = await App.pl.searchWithAuthAsync(sarin);
                srout = await App.pl.searchAsync(srin);
            // Also available with v34, but not used here: srout.recordsFound; srout.timeElapsed
            catch (Exception e)
                // WAS: sarout
                srout.resultSet = "ERROR: " + e.Message; // Win 7: responseData = "ERROR: " + e.Message;

            return ChangeToErrorIfNull(srout.resultSet); // WAS before v33: sarout
Example #7
        // searches flights using the city codes from city code operation. Use date to narrow search
        public List <string> searchFlights(string origin, string dest, string date)
            // trim leading and trailing whitespace
            origin = origin.Trim();
            dest   = dest.Trim();
            // url for api call using origin, destination, and date of desired departure
            string url = string.Format("https://api.skypicker.com/flights?flyFrom={0}&to={1}&dateFrom={2}&dateTo={3}&typeFlight=oneway&adults=1&curr=USD&locale=en&limit=3&directFlights=1", origin, dest, date, date);
            // results returned here
            List <string> result = new List <string>();

            // use webclient to access web data
            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                // try to download. If exception, the date is entered incorrectly
                    // download information from url
                    string json = client.DownloadString(url);
                    // deserialize json components
                    searchResponse search = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Deserialize <searchResponse>(json);
                    // checks if there is data
                    if (search.data.Length == 0)
                        // return empty no direct flights found, check the origin and destination
                        result.Add("Error: Either your destination/origin city is not recognized or there are no direct flights between those cities. Please try again");
                    // itterate the length of json data returned, add flight info
                    for (int i = 0; i < search.data.Length; i++)
                        // adds city origin data
                        // adds city destination data
                        // adds duration of flight
                        // adds depature and arrival times, converts from unix
                        // adds price of flight
                        //adds flight no
                        // updates url, the api refers to airlines by 2 characters that must be looked up in their
                        // api
                        url = string.Format("https://api.skypicker.com/airlines");
                        // download as a string
                        json = client.DownloadString(url);
                        // itterate as a strong, issues downloading into json objects
                        for (int j = 3; j < json.Length; j++)
                            // if identifying tag = id
                            if (Convert.ToString(json[j]) + Convert.ToString(json[j + 1]) == "id")
                                // if the id of the current airline matches the airline id from user query
                                if (Convert.ToString(json[j + 6]) + Convert.ToString(json[j + 7]) == search.data[i].route[0].airline)
                                    //itterate across the name tag and save each char into a string that is then added to results
                                    string temp = "";
                                    for (int k = j + 32; json[k] != '"'; k++)
                                        temp += json[k];
                                    // airline id has been matched and the full name of the airline has been saved, we can now break
                    // if exception, the date was invalid, return
                    result.Add("Error: Invalid Date");