public IHttpActionResult Postscheduler(scheduler scheduler) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.scheduler.Add(scheduler); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (schedulerExists(scheduler.id_schedule)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = scheduler.id_schedule }, scheduler)); }
protected void updateDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { scheduler schedulerObj = new scheduler(); string newSday = sday.SelectedValue; string newEday = eday.SelectedValue; string newStime = stime.Text; string newEtime = etime.Text; string newInWindow = signinWindow.Text; string newOutWindow = signOutWindow.Text; if (sday.SelectedIndex <= eday.SelectedIndex) { schedulerObj.modifyDutyRequestRules(newSday, newEday, newStime, newEtime, newInWindow, newOutWindow); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); msg.Text = "Details has been updated, thank you."; } else { msg.Text = "Start day must be before the end day!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Text = "There was something wrong, error + " + ex.Message; } }
protected void assignDutyToShift_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((dayList.SelectedIndex != 0 && locationDropList.SelectedIndex != 0) && shiftNameDropList.SelectedIndex != 0) { string[] details = new string[5]; details[0] = DutyDropList.SelectedValue; details[1] = shiftNameDropList.SelectedValue; details[2] = locationDropList.SelectedValue; details[3] = dayList.SelectedValue; details[4] = "1"; try { scheduler schedulerObject = new scheduler(); schedulerObject.assignDutyToShift(details); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Text = "The duty was not assigned, as this details exist for another duty in the system."; } } else { msg.Text = "Duty is not assigned because not all required details are specified"; } }
public IHttpActionResult Putscheduler(int id, scheduler scheduler) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != scheduler.id_schedule) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(scheduler).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!schedulerExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public IHttpActionResult Getscheduler(int id) { scheduler scheduler = db.scheduler.Find(id); if (scheduler == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(scheduler)); }
protected void add_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { scheduler schedulerObj = new scheduler(); object[] TA_information = new object[17]; string TA_name = name.Text; string tp = tp_number.Text; string ta_code = ta_number.Text; string pemail = privateEmail.Text; string TA_Email = taEmail.Text; string TA_contactNumber = contact_number.Text; string password = "******"; string TA_dob = dob.Text; char TA_gender = char.Parse(gender.SelectedValue.ToString()); string TA_nationality = nationality.SelectedValue.ToString(); string TA_address = address.Text; string TA_intake = intake.Text; double TA_gpa = double.Parse(gpa.Text); string TA_achievements = achievements.Text; string sdate = selection_date.Text; int warning = int.Parse(warningLetter.Text); int positionID = 2; TA_information[0] = TA_name; TA_information[1] = tp; TA_information[2] = ta_code; TA_information[3] = pemail; TA_information[4] = TA_Email; TA_information[5] = TA_contactNumber; TA_information[6] = password; TA_information[7] = TA_dob; TA_information[8] = TA_gender; TA_information[9] = TA_nationality; TA_information[10] = TA_address; TA_information[11] = TA_intake; TA_information[12] = TA_gpa; TA_information[13] = TA_achievements; TA_information[14] = sdate; TA_information[15] = warning; TA_information[16] = positionID; try { schedulerObj.addNewTA(TA_information); msg.Text = "TA has been added successfully."; emptyForm(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Text = "TA was not added, error: " + ex.Message; } }
public IHttpActionResult Deletescheduler(int id) { scheduler scheduler = db.scheduler.Find(id); if (scheduler == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.scheduler.Remove(scheduler); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(scheduler)); }
public void TestMethod1() { //Arrange var startday = 2; var endday = 4; var result = 0; var check = startday + endday; var schedulertest = new scheduler(); //Act result = schedulertest.adder(startday, endday); //Assert Assert.Equals(result, check); }
protected void delete_duty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int dutyID = Int32.Parse(duties.SelectedValue); scheduler scheduler_obj = new scheduler(); try { scheduler_obj.deleteDuty(dutyID); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { duty_msg.Text = "Duty could not be deleted, please delete the associated recoreds before deleting it."; } }
protected void delete_shift_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int shiftID = Int32.Parse(shifts.SelectedValue); scheduler scheduler_obj = new scheduler(); try { scheduler_obj.deleteShift(shiftID); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { shift_msg.Text = "Shift could not be deleted, please delete all the associated duities this shift before deleting it "; } }
/* DELETE actions */ protected void delete_location_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int locationID = Int32.Parse(locations.SelectedValue); scheduler scheduler_obj = new scheduler(); try { scheduler_obj.deleteLocation(locationID); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { location_msg.Text = "Location could not be deleted, please delete all the associated shifts and duties with this location before deleting it"; } }
protected void assignShitToLocation_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((locationDropList.SelectedIndex != 0 && shiftNameDropList.SelectedIndex != 0) && dayDropList.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (isStartTimeBeforeEndTime(startTime.Text, endTime.Text) == true) { if (isThereTimeInterference(int.Parse(locationDropList.SelectedValue), dayDropList.SelectedValue, startTime.Text) != true) { string[] details = new string[5]; details[0] = shiftNameDropList.SelectedValue; details[1] = locationDropList.SelectedValue; details[2] = startTime.Text; details[3] = endTime.Text; details[4] = dayDropList.SelectedValue; try { scheduler schedulerObject = new scheduler(); schedulerObject.assignShiftToLocation(details); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { msg.Text = "This shift is already added to the chosen location, please either modify or remove it before performing this action!." + ex.Message; } catch (Exception ex1) { msg.Text = "There was something wrong, error: " + ex1.Message; } } else { msg.Text = "The shift cannot be added because the timing interfers with another shift at the same location."; } } else { msg.Text = "Start time must be before end time!"; } } else { msg.Text = "Shift was not assigned, please specify all the required details!."; } }
public IHttpActionResult PostPricePitch(scheduler scheduler) { if (scheduler == null) { return(BadRequest()); } if (scheduler.hour.Hours == 0 || scheduler.id_pitch == 0 || scheduler.date_insert.Year == 1) { return(BadRequest()); } IQueryable <object> getPrice = null; DateTime dateEntry = scheduler.date_insert.Date; holidays holiday = (from a in db.holidays where == dateEntry select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (holiday != null) { getPrice = (from a in db.scheduler where a.id_day == 8 && a.id_pitch == scheduler.id_pitch && a.hour.Hours == scheduler.hour.Hours select new { id_pitch = a.id_pitch, value = a.value }); } else { int intDayOfWeek = scheduler.date_insert.DayOfWeek.GetHashCode(); if (intDayOfWeek == 0) { intDayOfWeek = 7; } getPrice = (from a in db.scheduler where a.id_day == intDayOfWeek && a.id_pitch == scheduler.id_pitch && a.hour.Hours == scheduler.hour.Hours select new { id_pitch = a.id_pitch, value = a.value }); } return(Ok(getPrice)); }
/* Save details wether they are new details or modification for existing record */ protected void save_location_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = location_name.Text.Trim(); string address = location_address.Text.Trim(); scheduler scheduler_obj = new scheduler(); //to add values if no editing is taking place. if (cancel_location_btn.Visible == false) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(address)) { location_msg.Text = "Please fill in the full details."; } else { scheduler_obj.addLocation(name, address); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } catch (Exception ex) { location_msg.Text = "Location could not be added, error: " + ex.Message; } } else //to save values if editing is taking place. { try { int locationID = Int32.Parse(locations.SelectedValue); scheduler_obj.modifyLocation(locationID, name, address); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { location_msg.Text = "Location could not be modified, error: " + ex.Message; } } }
protected void save_duty_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string title = duty_title.Text.Trim(); string description = duty_desc.Text.Trim(); scheduler scheduler_obj = new scheduler(); if (cancel_duty_btn.Visible == false) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { duty_msg.Text = "Please specify the duty's full details."; } else { scheduler_obj.addDuty(title, description); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } catch (Exception ex) { duty_msg.Text = "Duty could not be added, error: " + ex.Message; } } else { try { int dutyID = Int32.Parse(duties.SelectedValue); scheduler_obj.modifyDuty(dutyID, title, description); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { duty_msg.Text = "Duty could not be modified, error: " + ex.Message; } } }
protected void save_shift_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = shift_name.Text.Trim(); scheduler scheduler_obj = new scheduler(); if (cancel_shift_btn.Visible == false) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { shift_msg.Text = "Please specify the shift name."; } else { scheduler_obj.addShift(name); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } catch (Exception ex) { shift_msg.Text = "Shift could not be added, error: " + ex.Message; } } else { try { int shiftID = int.Parse(shifts.SelectedValue); scheduler_obj.modifyShift(shiftID, name); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { shift_msg.Text = "Shift could not be modified, error: " + ex.Message; } } }
ReferenceEquals(scheduler, PipeScheduler.Inline) ? null : scheduler;
private IScheduler ToScheduler(scheduler scheduler) { return(new Scheduler(scheduler.schId, scheduler.schName, scheduler.schDescr, scheduler.schTimeFrom, scheduler.schTimeTo, scheduler.hallId, scheduler.showId)); }