// Start is called before the first frame update public void Start() { drawing_script = FindObjectOfType <sc_drawing_handler>(); drawing_canvas = sc_canvas.instance.drawing_canvas; color_picker_canvas = sc_canvas.instance.color_picker_canvas; //set to default color Color.RGBToHSV(drawing_script.default_color, out float h, out float s, out float v); current_color = new Vector3(h, s, v); slider_color = Resources.Load("Materials/m_slider") as Material; slider_color.SetVector("_HSVColor", new Vector4(h, s, v, 1)); //init recently used recently_selected = new Button[num_saved_colors]; recently_selected_obj = new GameObject[num_saved_colors]; RectTransform container = recently_selected_container.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); int rect_width = (int)(container.rect.width * color_picker_canvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().scaleFactor); int rect_height = (int)(container.rect.height * color_picker_canvas.GetComponent <Canvas>().scaleFactor); int intervalX = rect_width / (num_saved_colors + 1); int intervalY = -rect_height / 8; for (int i = 0; i < num_saved_colors; i++) { GameObject o = Instantiate(button_prefab, recently_selected_container.transform); o.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-(rect_width / 2 - intervalX) + intervalX * i, intervalY, 0); //o.transform.Translate(new Vector3(intervalX + intervalX * i, intervalY, 0)); Button b = o.transform.Find("Button").GetComponent <Button>(); recently_selected[i] = b; recently_selected_obj[i] = o; //Set on click listener b.onClick.AddListener(delegate() { recent_color_selected(b); }); o.SetActive(false); } }
private sc_tool[] tools = { new sc_tool_brush(), new sc_tool_fill() }; // list of all tools private void Awake() { // avoid doubeling of this script if (instance != null && instance != this) { Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { instance = this; } //initialize tools foreach (sc_tool t in tools) { t.initialize(); } GameObject obj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("paintable"); // set component mask component_mask = (Texture2D)obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.GetTexture("_ComponentMask"); // setup canvas loadTexture(obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture, out canvas); // set object texture as canvas obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = canvas; }
private sc_tool[] tools = { new sc_tool_brush(), new sc_tool_fill() }; // list of all tools private void Awake() { active = false; // avoid doubeling of this script if (instance != null && instance != this) { Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { instance = this; } //initialize tools foreach (sc_tool t in tools) { t.initialize(); } GameObject obj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("paintable"); // set component mask component_mask = (Texture2D)obj.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.GetTexture("_ComponentMask"); Camera cam = FindObjectOfType <Camera>(); if (!((cam.pixelWidth == 1600 && cam.pixelHeight == 2560) || (cam.pixelWidth == 1536 && cam.pixelHeight == 2048))) { Debug.LogError("Wrong resolution. This app only works with 1600x2560 or 1536x2048"); return; } //load uv textures string path = "Textures/uv_" + cam.pixelWidth + "x" + cam.pixelHeight; byte[] data = (Resources.Load(path) as TextAsset).bytes; uvImage = new Texture2D(cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false); uvImage.LoadRawTextureData(data); uvImage.Apply(); /*uvImage = new RenderTexture(tex.width, tex.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default); * Graphics.Blit(tex, uvImage);*/ // set default color default_color = new Color(220f / 255f, 160f / 255f, 90f / 255f, 1); }
private string info_name = "", info_age = "", info_sex = ""; //infos added while saving // Start is called before the first frame update public void Start() { color_picker_canvas = sc_canvas.instance.color_picker_canvas; gallery_canvas = sc_canvas.instance.gallery_canvas; drawing_canvas = sc_canvas.instance.drawing_canvas; drawing_script = FindObjectOfType <sc_drawing_handler>(); gallery_loader = FindObjectOfType <sc_gallery_loader>(); color_picker = FindObjectOfType <sc_color_picker_ui>(); gallery_ui = FindObjectOfType <sc_gallery_ui>(); name_input = save_dialog.transform.Find("NameInput").GetComponent <InputField>(); age_input = save_dialog.transform.Find("AgeInput").GetComponent <InputField>(); sex_input = save_dialog.transform.Find("SexDropdown").GetComponent <Dropdown>(); brush_button.transform.Find("BrushIcon").Find("BrushHead").GetComponent <Image>().color = drawing_script.default_color; bucket_button.transform.Find("BucketIcon").Find("BucketContents").GetComponent <Image>().color = drawing_script.default_color; drawing_script.drawing_color = drawing_script.default_color; brush_size_slider.GetComponent <Slider>().value = (drawing_script.get_tool("brush") as sc_tool_brush).brush_size; }
private sc_drawing_handler drawing_script; // The script responsible for all the drawing // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // initializing draw script drawing_script = FindObjectOfType <sc_drawing_handler>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { slider_color = Resources.Load("Materials/m_slider") as Material; drawing_script = FindObjectOfType <sc_drawing_handler>(); }