Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// this function acts as a proxy for the function below it.
        /// </summary>
        public IList <QueryRec> queryMerge(Changeset cs, string targetPath, int distance)
            saastdlib.Timer t = new saastdlib.Timer();

            /* pull down the item type.
             * i need this to determine params for the querymergedetails call.
            Item itm = _getItem(targetPath, cs.ChangesetId, 0, false);

            IList <QueryRec> queries = queryMerge(cs, itm, distance);

            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qm[{0} queries took {1}]", this.QueryCount, this.QueryTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qm[{0} get items took {1}]", this.GetItemCount, this.GetItemTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qm[{0} get changesets took {1}]", this.GetChangesetCount, this.GetChangesetTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qm[total time {1}]", t.Total);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// run the threaded querymerges workers
        /// </summary>
        internal void runThreads()
            Thread[]        threads = new Thread[_threadCount];
            saastdlib.Timer t       = new saastdlib.Timer();

            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qp[using {0} threads]", _threadCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; ++i)
                threads[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(_qm_worker));

                threads[i].Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

            for (int i = 0; i < threads.Length; ++i)

            /* sanity check. */
            if (_queries.Count > 0)
                throw new System.Exception("queue not empty!");

            /* report some statistics. */
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qp<mh>[{0} queries took {1}]",
                                      _megahist.QueryCount, _megahist.QueryTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qp<mh>[{0} get items took {1}]",
                                      _megahist.GetItemCount, _megahist.GetItemTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qp<mh>[{0} get changesets took {1}]",
                                      _megahist.GetChangesetCount, _megahist.GetChangesetTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("qp<mh>[clock time={0}]", t.Delta);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="pathVer"></param>
        /// <param name="limit"></param>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        public void query(string path, VersionSpec pathVer,
                          int limit, VersionSpec from, VersionSpec to,
                          string user)
            if (pathVer == null)
                pathVer = VersionSpec.Latest;

            Item item = _getItem(path, pathVer, 0, false);

            saastdlib.Timer t = new saastdlib.Timer();

            query(item, limit, from, to, user);

            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("mh_q[{0} queries took {1}]", this.QueryCount, this.QueryTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("mh_q[{0} get items took {1}]", this.GetItemCount, this.GetItemTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("mh_q[{0} get changesets took {1}]",
                                      this.GetChangesetCount, this.GetChangesetTime);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("mh_q[max query time {0}", this.QueryTimeMax);
            Logger.logger.DebugFormat("mh_q[total time {0}]", t.Total);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cs"></param>
        /// <param name="targetItem"></param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <QueryRec> queryMerge(Changeset cs, Item targetItem, int distance)
            string                srcPath   = null;
            VersionSpec           srcVer    = null;
            int                   srcDelID  = 0;
            VersionSpec           targetVer = new ChangesetVersionSpec(cs.ChangesetId);
            VersionSpec           fromVer   = targetVer;
            VersionSpec           toVer     = targetVer;
            RecursionType         recurType = RecursionType.None;     /* assume these are all files */
            ChangesetMergeDetails mergedetails;
            Revision              revision;

            ChangesetDict_T visitedItems;

            /* map a changeset id to a list of items in that changeset which were merged.
             * (that we happen to care about.

            /* don't do queries when we've reached the distance limit. */
            if (distance == 0)
                return(new List <QueryRec>());

            if (targetItem.ItemType != ItemType.File)
                recurType = RecursionType.Full;

                                      (srcPath == null ? "(null)" : srcPath),
                                      (srcVer == null ? "(null)"  : srcVer.DisplayString), srcDelID,
                                      targetItem.ServerItem, targetVer.DisplayString, targetItem.DeletionId,
                                      fromVer.DisplayString, toVer.DisplayString, recurType);

            saastdlib.Timer t = new saastdlib.Timer();
            mergedetails =
                _vcs.QueryMergesWithDetails(srcPath, srcVer, srcDelID,
                                            targetItem.ServerItem, targetVer,
                                            fromVer, toVer, recurType);

            lock (_qt)
                _qt.TotalT += t.DeltaT;

                if (t.DeltaT > _qtm)
                    _qtm = t.DeltaT;
            t = null;

            visitedItems = _processDetails(cs.ChangesetId, mergedetails);

                string itemPath = targetItem.ServerItem;
                if (targetItem.ItemType != ItemType.File)
                    itemPath += '/';

                Logger.logger.DebugFormat("v[{0}{1}]", itemPath, cs.ChangesetId);
                revision = _results.construct(itemPath, cs);

            /* now walk the list of compiled changesetid + itempath and
             * construct a versioned item for each that we can actually go and query.
            List <QueryRec> items = new List <QueryRec>();

            for (ChangesetDict_T.iterator it = visitedItems.begin();
                 it != visitedItems.end();
                Item itm = null;
                SortedPaths_T.iterator pathsIt = it.value().begin();


                if ((distance - 1) > 0)
                    /* only query the item info if we're going to do a query on it. */

                    if (it.value().size() > 1)
                        /* so, find out what this branch is and use the changeset id. */
                        string thisBranch = tfsinterface.Utils.GetEGSBranch(pathsIt.item());
                        string pathPart   = tfsinterface.Utils.GetPathPart(targetItem.ServerItem);

                        //Console.WriteLine("---- {0} => {1} + {2}", pair.Value.Values[0], thisBranch, pathPart);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisBranch))
                                                      thisBranch + "/EGS/" + pathPart,

                            itm = _getItem(thisBranch + "/EGS/" + pathPart,
                                           it.item(), 0, false);
                            System.Console.WriteLine("---[e] {0}", pathsIt.item());
                        /* so, this is the only file we noticed for this changeset,
                         * spawn a new query for just this file (folder?)

                        Logger.logger.DebugFormat("iq1[{0},{1}]", pathsIt.item(), it.item());

                        try {
                            itm = _getItem(pathsIt.item(), it.item(), 0, false);
                        } catch (System.Exception ex)
                            Logger.logger.Fatal("fatal item query:", ex);

                            try {
                                /* try just the path, i doubt this will work either, but *shrug* */
                                itm = _getItem(pathsIt.item());
                            } catch (System.Exception) { itm = null; }

                    /* queue it. */
                    if (itm != null)
                        if (!_results.visited(it.item()))
                            QueryRec rec = new QueryRec
                                id       = it.item(),
                                item     = itm,
                                distance = (distance - 1),

