Example #1
		public void withPlayer (RichChar user)
				user.landing = cache_current_property;
				user.stepdata = this;
				if (owner == -1) {
						buildingtitle = relation.UNCLAIMED;
				} else if (owner == -2) {
						buildingtitle = relation.FUNCTIONAL_LAND;
				} else {
						if (owner == user.owner_id)
								buildingtitle = relation.MY_PROPERTY;
						if (owner != user.owner_id) {
								buildingtitle = relation.OWNED_BY_OTHER;
 public static void addFamily(bool student, relation relationship, string first, string last, string contact, string email, string empRelation = "Brother")
     if (student)
         CustomControls.click("li[id='li-family'] a[class='rToggle']", propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.click("#btn-family", propertytype.CssSelector);
         //select relation type, for that we need to click the drop down and select the relation type
         CustomControls.click("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[1]/div/select", propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.Selectdropdown("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[1]/div/select", Enum.GetName(typeof(relation), relationship), propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.Entertext("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[3]/div/input", first, propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.Entertext("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[5]/div/input", last, propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.Entertext("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[6]/div/input", contact, propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.Entertext("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[7]/div/input", email, propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.click("/html/body/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/form/div/div[10]/button[3]", propertytype.XPath);
         //confirmation OK
         CustomControls.click("/html/body/div[6]/div[7]/button[2]", propertytype.XPath);
         CustomControls.click("li[id='li-familys'] a[class='rToggle']", propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.click("#btn-family", propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.Entertext("#contact-type-name", first + " " + last, propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.click("#relationship-type", propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.Selectdropdown("#relationship-type", empRelation, propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.Entertext("#contact-type-number", contact, propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.click("//*[@id=\"save-close-button\"]", propertytype.CssSelector);
         CustomControls.click("button[class='confirm']", propertytype.CssSelector);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the given relation by adding it's deletion to the current changeset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relation"></param>
        public void RelationDelete(Relation relation)
            if (_current_changeset == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No open changeset found!");
            if (!relation.Id.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cannot update an object without an id!");

            // build a new node.
            relation xml_relation = relation.ConvertTo();

            xml_relation.changeset          = _current_changeset.id;
            xml_relation.changesetSpecified = true;

            // encapsulate into an osm object.
            OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.osm osm = new Osm.Xml.v0_6.osm();
            osm.relation    = new Osm.Xml.v0_6.relation[1];
            osm.relation[0] = xml_relation;

            // serialize the changeset.
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OsmSharp.Osm.Xml.v0_6.osm));
            MemoryStream  mem_stream = new MemoryStream();
            Stream        stream     = mem_stream;

            serializer.Serialize(stream, osm);
            byte[] put_data = mem_stream.ToArray();

            // do the api call.
            this.DoApiCall(true, string.Format("api/0.6/relation/{0}", relation.Id.Value),
                           Method.DELETE, put_data);
Example #4
        internal static Relation ConvertToSimple(relation re)
            Relation relation = new Relation();

            if (re.idSpecified)
                relation.Id = new long?(re.id);
            if (re.changesetSpecified)
                relation.ChangeSetId = new long?(re.changeset);
            if (re.visibleSpecified)
                relation.Visible = new bool?(re.visible);
                relation.Visible = new bool?(true);
            if (re.timestampSpecified)
                relation.TimeStamp = new DateTime?(re.timestamp);
            if (re.uidSpecified)
                relation.UserId = new long?(re.uid);
            if (re.versionSpecified)
                relation.Version = new ulong?(re.version);
            relation.UserName = re.user;
            relation.Tags     = XmlSimpleConverter.ConvertToTags(re.tag);
            if (re.member != null && re.member.Length != 0)
                relation.Members = new List <RelationMember>();
                for (int index = 0; index < re.member.Length; ++index)
                    member         member         = re.member[index];
                    RelationMember relationMember = new RelationMember();
                    if (member.refSpecified)
                        relationMember.MemberId = new long?(member.@ref);
                    relationMember.MemberRole = member.role;
                    if (member.typeSpecified)
                        switch (member.type)
                        case memberType.node:
                            relationMember.MemberType = new OsmGeoType?(OsmGeoType.Node);

                        case memberType.way:
                            relationMember.MemberType = new OsmGeoType?(OsmGeoType.Way);

                        case memberType.relation:
                            relationMember.MemberType = new OsmGeoType?(OsmGeoType.Relation);
Example #5
        private void search(object file)
            bool right = false;
            string errorMessage = "";
                project pro = new project();
                pro = (project)file;

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                switch (pro.dbDataType)
                    case project.databaseType.mySql:
                        String connectionString = null;

                        connectionString = "Server=" + pr.host + ";Database=" + pr.database + ";Uid=" + pr.user + ";Pwd=" + pr.password + ";";

                        dbMySql db = new dbMySql();
                        errorMessage = db.test(connectionString);
                        if (errorMessage.Equals(""))
                            AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n");
                            //pr = new project();
                            //pr.name = pr.name;

                            // lets get the tables...
                            List<table> lista = new List<table>();
                            lista = db.getTables(connectionString, pr.database);
                            foreach (table item in lista)
                                AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n");

                                // now lets get the fields for each table...
                                List<field> listaField = new List<field>();
                                listaField = db.getFields(connectionString, pr.database, item.Name);

                                if (listaField != null)
                                    foreach (field fi in listaField)
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n");

                                    // the descriptionField its the first string field of table...
                                    foreach (field campito in listaField)
                                        if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text"))
                                            item.fieldDescription = campito.Name;
                                    if (item.fieldDescription == null)
                                        item.fieldDescription = listaField[0].Name;

                                // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table...
                                db.getKeys(connectionString, item, pr.database);

                                // lets sort the fields in the table...
                                // we order but put first key fields
                                if (general.orderFields)
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.name));
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key));




                            //// now lets get the relations ...
                            List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>();
                            listarelation = db.getRelations(connectionString, pr.database);
                            if (listarelation != null)

                                foreach (relation re in listarelation)
                                    // found description of fields...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.childTable.ToLower()))
                                            re.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;
                                            // we put the field as keyfield...
                                            foreach (field fi in item.fields)
                                                if (fi.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.childField.ToLower()))
                                                    fi.isForeignKey = true;

                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                            re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                    if (!pr.existsRelation(re.parentTable, re.childTable))
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + re.name + "\n");

                                    // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        // we put the relation in the child table...
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.childTable.ToLower()))



                            // also we can get relations about the field names
                            foreach (table tab in pr.tables)
                                foreach (field campo in tab.fields)
                                    if (campo.isKey)
                                        foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables)
                                            if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields)
                                                    if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                        // check if relation exists..
                                                        if (!pr.existsRelation(tab.Name, tab2.Name))
                                                            campo2.isForeignKey = true;
                                                            relation rel = new relation();
                                                            rel.name = tab2.Name + "_" + tab.Name;

                                                            bool found = false;
                                                            foreach (relation relax in pr.relations)
                                                                if (relax.name.Equals(rel.name))
                                                                    found = true;
                                                            if (!found)
                                                                rel.parentTable = tab.Name;
                                                                rel.parentField = campo.Name;

                                                                rel.childTable = tab2.Name;
                                                                rel.childField = campo2.Name;

                                                                // found description of fields...
                                                                foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                    if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower()))
                                                                        rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                                                    if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                                                        rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;


                                                                // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                                                foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                    if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name))




                            right = true;
                            pr.host = pro.host;
                            pr.database = pro.database;
                            pr.user = pro.user;
                            pr.password = pro.password;
                            pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType;

                            //pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, pro.name + ".xml"));

                            // lets save it for next load of application...
                            // pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, "conf.xml"));
                            //  AsyncWriteLine("Project saved... \n");


                    case project.databaseType.SqlServer:

                        connectionString = "Data Source=" + pro.host + ";Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=" + pro.database + ";User ID=" + pro.user + ";Password="******";";
                        // connectionStringOleDb = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=" + txtHost.Text + ";Database=" + txtDatabase.Text + ";Uid=" + txtUser.Text + ";Pwd=" + txtPassword.Text + ";";

                        dbSql2005 dbSqlServer = new dbSql2005();
                        errorMessage = dbSqlServer.test(connectionString);
                        if (errorMessage.Equals(""))
                            AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n");
                            //pr = new project();
                            //pr.name = pro.name;

                            // lets get the tables...
                            List<table> lista = new List<table>();
                            lista = dbSqlServer.getTables(connectionString, pro.database);
                            foreach (table item in lista)
                                AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n");

                                // now lets get the fields for each table...
                                List<field> listaField = new List<field>();
                                listaField = dbSqlServer.getFields(connectionString, item.Name);
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    foreach (field fi in listaField)
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n");

                                    // the descriptionField its the first string field of table...
                                    foreach (field campito in listaField)
                                        if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text"))
                                            item.fieldDescription = campito.Name;
                                    if (item.fieldDescription == null)
                                        item.fieldDescription = listaField[0].Name;


                                // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table...
                                dbSqlServer.getKeys(connectionString, item);
                                // lets get not primary keys
                                foreach (field campito in item.fields)
                                    if (!campito.isKey)

                                // lets sort the fields in the table...
                                // we order but put first key fields
                                if (general.orderFields)
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.name));
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key));

                                // lets get description of table
                                string DescriptionOfTable = "";
                                DescriptionOfTable = dbSqlServer.getCommentsFromTable(connectionString, item.Name);
                                if (DescriptionOfTable.IndexOf("#exclude#") != -1)
                                    item.excludeFromGeneration = true;
                                    DescriptionOfTable.Replace("#exclude#", "");
                                if (!DescriptionOfTable.Equals(""))
                                    item.TargetName = DescriptionOfTable;

                                // end of description for table


                            // now lets get the relations ...
                            List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>();
                            listarelation = dbSqlServer.getRelations(connectionString);
                            if (listarelation != null)
                                foreach (relation re in listarelation)
                                    //  item.fields.Add(re);
                                    AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + re.name + "\n");

                                    // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        // we put the relation in the parent table...
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                            // le añadimos la descripcion
                                            re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                            foreach (table taby in pr.tables)
                                                if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable))
                                                    re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription;



                            // also we can get relations about the field names
                            foreach (table tab in pr.tables)
                                foreach (field campo in tab.fields)
                                    if (campo.isKey)
                                        foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables)
                                            if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields)
                                                    if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                        campo2.isForeignKey = true;
                                                        relation rel = new relation();
                                                        rel.name = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name;
                                                        if (!pr.relations.Contains(rel.name))
                                                            rel.parentTable = tab2.Name;
                                                            rel.parentField = campo2.Name;

                                                            rel.childTable = tab.Name;
                                                            rel.childField = campo.Name;

                                                            // found description of fields...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;


                                                            // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name))
                                                                    // see if the relation exists..
                                                                    bool seguir = true;
                                                                    foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations)
                                                                        if (rel2.name.ToLower().Equals(rel.name.ToLower()))
                                                                            seguir = false;
                                                                    if (seguir)




                            right = true;
                            pr.host = pro.host;
                            pr.database = pro.database;
                            pr.user = pro.user;
                            pr.password = pro.password;
                            pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType;

                            //pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, pro.name + ".xml"));

                            // lets save it for next load of application...
                            // pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, "conf.xml"));
                            //AsyncWriteLine("Project saved... \n");



                    case project.databaseType.dbf:

                           connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";Extended Properties=dBASE IV;User ID=" + pro.user + ";Password="******";";

                        dbDbf dbf = new dbDbf();
                        errorMessage = dbf.test(connectionString);
                        if (errorMessage.Equals(""))
                            AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n");
                            //pr = new project();
                            //pr.name = pro.name;

                            // lets get the tables...
                            List<table> lista = new List<table>();
                            lista = dbf.getTables(connectionString, pro.database);
                            foreach (table item in lista)
                                AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n");

                                // now lets get the fields for each table...
                                List<field> listaField = new List<field>();
                                listaField = dbf.getFields(connectionString, item.Name);
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    foreach (field fi in listaField)
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n");

                                    // the descriptionField its the first string field of table...
                                    foreach (field campito in listaField)
                                        if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text"))
                                            item.fieldDescription = campito.Name;
                                    if (item.fieldDescription == null)
                                        item.fieldDescription = listaField[0].Name;


                                // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table...
                                dbf.getKeys(connectionString, item);

                                // lets sort the fields in the table...
                                // we order but put first key fields
                                if (general.orderFields)
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.name));
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key));


                            // now lets get the relations ...
                            List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>();
                            listarelation = dbf.getRelations(connectionString);
                            if (listarelation != null)
                                foreach (relation re in listarelation)
                                    //  item.fields.Add(re);
                                    AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + re.name + "\n");

                                    // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        // we put the relation in the parent table...
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                            // le añadimos la descripcion
                                            re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                            foreach (table taby in pr.tables)
                                                if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable))
                                                    re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription;



                            // also we can get relations about the field names
                            foreach (table tab in pr.tables)
                                foreach (field campo in tab.fields)
                                    if (campo.isKey)
                                        foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables)
                                            if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields)
                                                    if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                        campo2.isForeignKey = true;
                                                        relation rel = new relation();
                                                        rel.name = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name;
                                                        if (!pr.relations.Contains(rel.name))
                                                            rel.parentTable = tab2.Name;
                                                            rel.parentField = campo2.Name;

                                                            rel.childTable = tab.Name;
                                                            rel.childField = campo.Name;

                                                            // found description of fields...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;


                                                            // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name))
                                                                    // see if the relation exists..
                                                                    bool seguir = true;
                                                                    foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations)
                                                                        if (rel2.name.ToLower().Equals(rel.name.ToLower()))
                                                                            seguir = false;
                                                                    if (seguir)




                            right = true;
                            pr.host = pro.host;
                            pr.database = pro.database;
                            pr.user = pro.user;
                            pr.password = pro.password;
                            pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType;


                    case project.databaseType.access2003:

                        connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";User ID=" + pro.user + ";Password="******";";

                        dbAccess dba2003 = new dbAccess();
                        errorMessage = dba2003.test(connectionString);
                        if (errorMessage.Equals(""))
                            AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n");
                            //pr = new project();
                            //pr.name = pro.name;

                            // lets get the tables...
                            List<table> lista = new List<table>();
                            lista = dba2003.getTables(connectionString, pro.database);
                            foreach (table item in lista)
                                AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n");

                                // now lets get the fields for each table...
                                List<field> listaField = new List<field>();
                                listaField = dba2003.getFields(connectionString, item.Name);
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    foreach (field fi in listaField)
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n");



                                // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table...
                                dba2003.getKeys(connectionString, item);

                                // now we search a text field that is not key
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    // the descriptionField its the first string field of table...
                                    foreach (field campito in listaField)
                                        if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") && !campito.isKey)
                                            item.fieldDescription = campito.Name;


                                if (item.fieldDescription == null)
                                    item.fieldDescription = item.GetKey;

                                // lets sort the fields in the table...
                                // we order but put first key fields
                                if (general.orderFields)
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.name));
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key));


                            // now lets get the relations ...
                            List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>();
                            listarelation = dba2003.getRelations(connectionString);
                            if (listarelation != null)
                                foreach (relation re in listarelation)
                                    //  item.fields.Add(re);
                                    AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + re.name + "\n");

                                    // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        // we put the relation in the parent table...
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                            // le añadimos la descripcion
                                            re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                            foreach (table taby in pr.tables)
                                                if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable))
                                                    re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription;



                            // also we can get relations about the field names
                            foreach (table tab in pr.tables)
                                foreach (field campo in tab.fields)
                                    if (campo.isKey)
                                        foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables)
                                            if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields)
                                                    if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                        campo2.isForeignKey = true;
                                                        relation rel = new relation();
                                                        rel.name = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name;
                                                        if (!pr.relations.Contains(rel.name))
                                                            rel.parentTable = tab2.Name;
                                                            rel.parentField = campo2.Name;

                                                            rel.childTable = tab.Name;
                                                            rel.childField = campo.Name;

                                                            // found description of fields...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;


                                                            // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name))
                                                                    // see if the relation exists..
                                                                    bool seguir = true;
                                                                    foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations)
                                                                        if (rel2.name.ToLower().Equals(rel.name.ToLower()))
                                                                            seguir = false;
                                                                    if (seguir)




                            right = true;
                            pr.host = pro.host;
                            pr.database = pro.database;
                            pr.user = pro.user;
                            pr.password = pro.password;
                            pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType;


                        case   project.databaseType.access2007:

                        connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";Persist Security Info=False;";
                                            //Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword;
                        dbAccess dba2007 = new dbAccess();
                        errorMessage = dba2007.test(connectionString);
                        if (errorMessage.Equals(""))
                            AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n");
                            //pr = new project();
                            //pr.name = pro.name;

                            // lets get the tables...
                            List<table> lista = new List<table>();
                            lista = dba2007.getTables(connectionString, pro.database);
                            foreach (table item in lista)
                                AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n");

                                // now lets get the fields for each table...
                                List<field> listaField = new List<field>();
                                listaField = dba2007.getFields(connectionString, item.Name);
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    foreach (field fi in listaField)
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n");



                                // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table...
                                dba2007.getKeys(connectionString, item);

                                // now we search a text field that is not key
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    // the descriptionField its the first string field of table...
                                    foreach (field campito in listaField)
                                        if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text") )
                                            item.fieldDescription = campito.Name;

                                if (item.fieldDescription == null)
                                    item.fieldDescription = item.GetKey;

                                // lets sort the fields in the table...
                                // we order but put first key fields
                                if (general.orderFields)
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.name));
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key));


                            // now lets get the relations ...
                            List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>();
                            listarelation = dba2007.getRelations(connectionString);
                            if (listarelation != null)
                                foreach (relation re in listarelation)
                                    //  item.fields.Add(re);
                                    AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + re.name + "\n");

                                    // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        // we put the relation in the parent table...
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                            // le añadimos la descripcion
                                            re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                            foreach (table taby in pr.tables)
                                                if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable))
                                                    re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription;



                            // also we can get relations about the field names
                            foreach (table tab in pr.tables)
                                foreach (field campo in tab.fields)
                                    if (campo.isKey)
                                        foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables)
                                            if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields)
                                                    if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                        campo2.isForeignKey = true;
                                                        relation rel = new relation();
                                                        rel.name = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name;
                                                        if (!pr.relations.Contains(rel.name))
                                                            rel.parentTable = tab2.Name;
                                                            rel.parentField = campo2.Name;

                                                            rel.childTable = tab.Name;
                                                            rel.childField = campo.Name;

                                                            // found description of fields...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;


                                                            // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name))
                                                                    // see if the relation exists..
                                                                    bool seguir = true;
                                                                    foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations)
                                                                        if (rel2.name.ToLower().Equals(rel.name.ToLower()))
                                                                            seguir = false;
                                                                    if (seguir)




                            right = true;
                            pr.host = pro.host;
                            pr.database = pro.database;
                            pr.user = pro.user;
                            pr.password = pro.password;
                            pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType;

                        // end of access2007
                        case project.databaseType.excelOrCsv:

                        if (pr.database.Contains("xls"))
                            connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pr.database + ";Extended Properties=\"text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited\"";
                            connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pr.database + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1\"";

                        dbExcelOrCsv dbaODBC = new dbExcelOrCsv();
                        errorMessage = dbaODBC.test(connectionString);
                        if (errorMessage.Equals(""))
                            AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n");
                            //pr = new project();
                            //pr.name = pro.name;9

                            // lets get the tables...
                            List<table> lista = new List<table>();
                            lista = dbaODBC.getTables(connectionString, pr.database);
                            foreach (table item in lista)
                                AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n");

                                // now lets get the fields for each table...
                                List<field> listaField = new List<field>();
                                listaField = dbaODBC.getFields(connectionString, item.Name);

                                if (listaField != null)
                                    foreach (field fi in listaField)
                                        AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n");



                                // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table...
                                dbaODBC.getKeys(connectionString, item);

                                // now we search a text field that is not key
                                if (listaField != null)
                                    // the descriptionField its the first string field of table...
                                    foreach (field campito in listaField)
                                        if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text"))
                                            item.fieldDescription = campito.Name;


                                if (item.fieldDescription == null)
                                    item.fieldDescription = item.GetKey;

                                // lets sort the fields in the table...
                                // we order but put first key fields
                                if (general.orderFields)
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.name));
                                    item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key));


                            // now lets get the relations ...
                            List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>();
                            listarelation = dbaODBC.getRelations(connectionString);
                            if (listarelation != null)
                                foreach (relation re in listarelation)
                                    //  item.fields.Add(re);
                                    AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + re.name + "\n");

                                    // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                    foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                        // we put the relation in the parent table...
                                        if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                            // le añadimos la descripcion
                                            re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                            foreach (table taby in pr.tables)
                                                if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable))
                                                    re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription;



                            // also we can get relations about the field names
                            foreach (table tab in pr.tables)
                                foreach (field campo in tab.fields)
                                    if (campo.isKey)
                                        foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables)
                                            if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields)
                                                    if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower()))
                                                        campo2.isForeignKey = true;
                                                        relation rel = new relation();
                                                        rel.name = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name;
                                                        if (!pr.relations.Contains(rel.name))
                                                            rel.parentTable = tab2.Name;
                                                            rel.parentField = campo2.Name;

                                                            rel.childTable = tab.Name;
                                                            rel.childField = campo.Name;

                                                            // found description of fields...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription;

                                                                if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower()))
                                                                    rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription;


                                                            // now if the relation has to do with the tables...
                                                            foreach (table item in pr.tables)
                                                                if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name))
                                                                    // see if the relation exists..
                                                                    bool seguir = true;
                                                                    foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations)
                                                                        if (rel2.name.ToLower().Equals(rel.name.ToLower()))
                                                                            seguir = false;
                                                                    if (seguir)




                            right = true;
                            pr.host = pr.host;
                            pr.database = pr.database;
                            pr.user = pr.user;
                            pr.password = pr.password;
                            pr.dbDataType = pr.dbDataType;


                    // end of excelOrCsv


                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

                switch (right)
                    case true:
                            AsyncWriteLine("All right. Now you can save the project...");

                    case false:

                            AsyncWriteLine("Error, review the configuration.");
                            //util.playSimpleSound(Path.Combine(util.sound_dir, "zasentodalaboca.wav"));


                // we have finished with new project
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            catch (Exception ex)

Example #6
    public List<relation> getRelations(string cadconexion, string database)
        MySqlConnection conexion = null;

            List<relation> lista = new List<relation>();

            string sql = @"SELECT * FROM information_schema.key_column_usage
         where constraint_schema = '{0}'
         and referenced_table_name <> ''";

            conexion = new MySqlConnection(cadconexion);
            miComando = new MySqlCommand(string.Format(sql, database));
            miComando.Connection = conexion;
            conexion.ConnectionString = cadconexion;

            // System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
            miLector = miComando.ExecuteReader();

            while (miLector.Read())
                relation rel = new relation();

                //rel.name = sf.cadena(miLector["constraint_name"]) ;

                rel.name = sf.cadena(miLector["table_name"]) + "_" + sf.cadena(miLector["referenced_table_name"]);
                rel.childTable = sf.cadena(miLector["table_name"]);
                rel.childField = sf.cadena(miLector["column_name"]);

                rel.parentTable = sf.cadena(miLector["referenced_table_name"]);
                rel.parentField = sf.cadena(miLector["referenced_column_name"]);

                // if the name of fields its equal...
                if (rel.childField.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentField.ToLower()))
                    rel.relationType = relation.typeOfRelation.hasMany;
                    rel.relationType = relation.typeOfRelation.hasOne;

            return lista;

        catch (Exception ep)
            //  lo.tratarError(ep, "Error en dbClass.new", "");
            return null;
        public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IArray paramvalues, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel TrackCancel, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IGPMessages message)
                IGPUtilities3 execute_Utilities = new GPUtilitiesClass();

                if (TrackCancel == null)
                    TrackCancel = new CancelTrackerClass();

                IGPParameter inputFeatureDatasetParameter = paramvalues.get_Element(in_featureDatasetParameterNumber) as IGPParameter;
                IGPValue inputFeatureDatasetGPValue = execute_Utilities.UnpackGPValue(inputFeatureDatasetParameter);
                IGPValue outputOSMFileGPValue = execute_Utilities.UnpackGPValue(paramvalues.get_Element(out_osmFileLocationParameterNumber));

                // get the name of the feature dataset
                int fdDemlimiterPosition = inputFeatureDatasetGPValue.GetAsText().LastIndexOf("\\");

                string nameOfFeatureDataset = inputFeatureDatasetGPValue.GetAsText().Substring(fdDemlimiterPosition + 1);

                XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                settings.Indent = true;

                System.Xml.XmlWriter xmlWriter = null;

                    xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outputOSMFileGPValue.GetAsText(), settings);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message.AddError(120021, ex.Message);

                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("osm"); // start the osm root node
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("version", "0.6"); // add the version attribute
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("generator", "ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap"); // add the generator attribute

                // write all the nodes
                // use a feature search cursor to loop through all the known points and write them out as osm node

                IFeatureClassContainer osmFeatureClasses = execute_Utilities.OpenDataset(inputFeatureDatasetGPValue) as IFeatureClassContainer;

                if (osmFeatureClasses == null)
                    message.AddError(120022, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_NullPointerParameterType"), inputFeatureDatasetParameter.Name));

                IFeatureClass osmPointFeatureClass = osmFeatureClasses.get_ClassByName(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_pt");

                if (osmPointFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(120023, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_pointfeatureclass"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_pt"));

                // check the extension of the point feature class to determine its version
                int internalOSMExtensionVersion = osmPointFeatureClass.OSMExtensionVersion();

                IFeatureCursor searchCursor = null;

                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlnsEmpty = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                xmlnsEmpty.Add("", "");

                int pointCounter = 0;

                string nodesExportedMessage = String.Empty;

                // collect the indices for the point feature class once
                int pointOSMIDFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                int pointChangesetFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                int pointVersionFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                int pointUIDFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                int pointUserFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                int pointTimeStampFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                int pointVisibleFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                int pointTagsFieldIndex = osmPointFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmTags");

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    searchCursor = osmPointFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

                    System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer pointSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(node));

                    IFeature currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                    IWorkspace pointWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPointFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentFeature != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == true)
                            // convert the found point feature into a osm node representation to store into the OSM XML file
                            node osmNode = ConvertPointFeatureToOSMNode(currentFeature, pointWorkspace, pointTagsFieldIndex, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, pointChangesetFieldIndex, pointVersionFieldIndex, pointUIDFieldIndex, pointUserFieldIndex, pointTimeStampFieldIndex, pointVisibleFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);

                            pointSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmNode, xmlnsEmpty);

                            // increase the point counter to later status report

                            currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loader so far
                            nodesExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_pts_exported_msg"), pointCounter);


                nodesExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_pts_exported_msg"), pointCounter);

                // next loop through the line and polygon feature classes to export those features as ways
                // in case we encounter a multi-part geometry, store it in a relation collection that will be serialized when exporting the relations table
                IFeatureClass osmLineFeatureClass = osmFeatureClasses.get_ClassByName(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ln");

                if (osmLineFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(120023, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_linefeatureclass"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ln"));


                // as we are looping through the line and polygon feature classes let's collect the multi-part features separately 
                // as they are considered relations in the OSM world
                List<relation> multiPartElements = new List<relation>();

                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer waySerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(way));
                int lineCounter = 0;
                int relationCounter = 0;
                string waysExportedMessage = String.Empty;

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    searchCursor = osmLineFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

                    IFeature currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                    // collect the indices for the point feature class once
                    int lineOSMIDFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                    int lineChangesetFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                    int lineVersionFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                    int lineUIDFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                    int lineUserFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                    int lineTimeStampFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                    int lineVisibleFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                    int lineTagsFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmTags");
                    int lineMembersFieldIndex = osmLineFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmMembers");

                    IWorkspace lineWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmLineFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentFeature != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loaded so far
                            waysExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_ways_exported_msg"), lineCounter);


                        //test if the feature geometry has multiple parts
                        IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = currentFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;

                        if (geometryCollection != null)
                            if (geometryCollection.GeometryCount == 1)
                                // convert the found polyline feature into a osm way representation to store into the OSM XML file
                                way osmWay = ConvertFeatureToOSMWay(currentFeature, lineWorkspace, osmPointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, lineTagsFieldIndex, lineOSMIDFieldIndex, lineChangesetFieldIndex, lineVersionFieldIndex, lineUIDFieldIndex, lineUserFieldIndex, lineTimeStampFieldIndex, lineVisibleFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);
                                waySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmWay, xmlnsEmpty);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report
                                relation osmRelation = ConvertRowToOSMRelation((IRow)currentFeature, lineWorkspace, lineTagsFieldIndex, lineOSMIDFieldIndex, lineChangesetFieldIndex, lineVersionFieldIndex, lineUIDFieldIndex, lineUserFieldIndex, lineTimeStampFieldIndex, lineVisibleFieldIndex, lineMembersFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report

                        currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                IFeatureClass osmPolygonFeatureClass = osmFeatureClasses.get_ClassByName(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ply");
                IFeatureWorkspace commonWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPolygonFeatureClass).Workspace as IFeatureWorkspace;

                if (osmPolygonFeatureClass == null)
                    message.AddError(120024, string.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_polygonfeatureclass"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_ply"));

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    searchCursor = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

                    IFeature currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                    // collect the indices for the point feature class once
                    int polygonOSMIDFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                    int polygonChangesetFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                    int polygonVersionFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                    int polygonUIDFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                    int polygonUserFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                    int polygonTimeStampFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                    int polygonVisibleFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                    int polygonTagsFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmTags");
                    int polygonMembersFieldIndex = osmPolygonFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("osmMembers");

                    IWorkspace polygonWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPolygonFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentFeature != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loaded so far
                            waysExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_ways_exported_msg"), lineCounter);


                        //test if the feature geometry has multiple parts
                        IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = currentFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;

                        if (geometryCollection != null)
                            if (geometryCollection.GeometryCount == 1)
                                // convert the found polyline feature into a osm way representation to store into the OSM XML file
                                way osmWay = ConvertFeatureToOSMWay(currentFeature, polygonWorkspace, osmPointFeatureClass, pointOSMIDFieldIndex, polygonTagsFieldIndex, polygonOSMIDFieldIndex, polygonChangesetFieldIndex, polygonVersionFieldIndex, polygonUIDFieldIndex, polygonUserFieldIndex, polygonTimeStampFieldIndex, polygonVisibleFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);
                                waySerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmWay, xmlnsEmpty);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report
                                relation osmRelation = ConvertRowToOSMRelation((IRow)currentFeature, polygonWorkspace, polygonTagsFieldIndex, polygonOSMIDFieldIndex, polygonChangesetFieldIndex, polygonVersionFieldIndex, polygonUIDFieldIndex, polygonUserFieldIndex, polygonTimeStampFieldIndex, polygonVisibleFieldIndex, polygonMembersFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);

                                // increase the line counter for later status report

                        currentFeature = searchCursor.NextFeature();

                waysExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_ways_exported_msg"), lineCounter);

                // now let's go through the relation table 
                ITable relationTable = commonWorkspace.OpenTable(nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_relation");

                if (relationTable == null)
                    message.AddError(120025, String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_no_relationTable"), nameOfFeatureDataset + "_osm_relation"));

                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer relationSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(relation));
                string relationsExportedMessage = String.Empty;

                using (ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    ICursor rowCursor = relationTable.Search(null, false);

                    IRow currentRow = rowCursor.NextRow();

                    // collect the indices for the relation table once
                    int relationOSMIDFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("OSMID");
                    int relationChangesetFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmchangeset");
                    int relationVersionFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmversion");
                    int relationUIDFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmuid");
                    int relationUserFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmuser");
                    int relationTimeStampFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmtimestamp");
                    int relationVisibleFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmvisible");
                    int relationTagsFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmTags");
                    int relationMembersFieldIndex = relationTable.Fields.FindField("osmMembers");

                    IWorkspace polygonWorkspace = ((IDataset)osmPolygonFeatureClass).Workspace;

                    while (currentRow != null)
                        if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                            // properly close the document
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                            xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                            // report the number of elements loaded so far
                            relationsExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_relations_exported_msg"), relationCounter);


                        relation osmRelation = ConvertRowToOSMRelation(currentRow, (IWorkspace)commonWorkspace, relationTagsFieldIndex, relationOSMIDFieldIndex, relationChangesetFieldIndex, relationVersionFieldIndex, relationUIDFieldIndex, relationUserFieldIndex, relationTimeStampFieldIndex, relationVisibleFieldIndex, relationMembersFieldIndex, internalOSMExtensionVersion);
                        relationSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, osmRelation, xmlnsEmpty);

                        // increase the line counter for later status report

                        currentRow = rowCursor.NextRow();

                // lastly let's serialize the collected multipart-geometries back into relation elements
                foreach (relation currentRelation in multiPartElements)
                    if (TrackCancel.Continue() == false)
                        // properly close the document
                        xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                        xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                        xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document

                        // report the number of elements loaded so far
                        relationsExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_relations_exported_msg"), relationCounter);


                    relationSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, currentRelation, xmlnsEmpty);

                relationsExportedMessage = String.Format(resourceManager.GetString("GPTools_OSMGPExport2OSM_relations_exported_msg"), relationCounter);

                xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // closing the osm root element
                xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // finishing the document

                xmlWriter.Close(); // closing the document
            catch (Exception ex)
                message.AddError(11111, ex.StackTrace);
                message.AddError(120026, ex.Message);
        private relation ConvertRowToOSMRelation(IRow currentRow, IWorkspace featureWorkspace, int tagsFieldIndex, int osmIDFieldIndex, int changesetIDFieldIndex, int osmVersionFieldIndex, int userIDFieldIndex, int userNameFieldIndex, int timeStampFieldIndex, int visibleFieldIndex, int membersFieldIndex, int extensionVersion)

            if (currentRow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("currentRow");

            relation osmRelation = new relation();
            object featureValue = DBNull.Value;
            List<object> relationItems = new List<object>();

            if (membersFieldIndex != -1)
                member[] members = _osmUtility.retrieveMembers(currentRow, membersFieldIndex);

            if (osmIDFieldIndex != -1)
                osmRelation.id = Convert.ToString(currentRow.get_Value(osmIDFieldIndex));

            if (changesetIDFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentRow.get_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmRelation.changeset = Convert.ToString(currentRow.get_Value(changesetIDFieldIndex));

            if (osmVersionFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentRow.get_Value(osmVersionFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmRelation.version = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (userIDFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentRow.get_Value(userIDFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmRelation.uid = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (userNameFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentRow.get_Value(userNameFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmRelation.user = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (timeStampFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentRow.get_Value(timeStampFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmRelation.timestamp = Convert.ToDateTime(featureValue).ToUniversalTime().ToString("u");

            if (visibleFieldIndex != -1)
                featureValue = currentRow.get_Value(visibleFieldIndex);

                if (featureValue != DBNull.Value)
                    osmRelation.visible = Convert.ToString(featureValue);

            if (tagsFieldIndex > -1)
                tag[] tags = null;
                tags = _osmUtility.retrieveOSMTags((IRow)currentRow, tagsFieldIndex, featureWorkspace);

                //// if the row is of type IFeature and a polygon then add the type=multipolygon tag
                //if (currentRow is IFeature)
                //    IFeature currentFeature = currentRow as IFeature;

                //    if (currentFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                //    {
                //        tag mpTag = new tag();
                //        mpTag.k = "type";
                //        mpTag.v = "multipolygon";

                //        relationItems.Add(mpTag);
                //    }

                if (tags.Length != 0)

            // add all items (member and tags) to the relation element
            osmRelation.Items = relationItems.ToArray();

            return osmRelation;
Example #9
        void ProductReverseAdd()
            string detailid = "";
            int lastAdd = lProidOld.Count - 1;
            int count = lProidOld.Where(q => q.ProductId == lProidOld[lastAdd].ProductId).Count();

            if (count > 2)
                #region if more than one
                SalePosReverseDialog dig = new SalePosReverseDialog();

                int cnt = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; ++i)
                    if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString() == dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[1].Value.ToString() && cnt < count - 1)

                        List<object> str = new List<object>();

                        for (int c = 0; c < dataGridView1.Columns.Count; ++c)



                if (dig.dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
                    detailid = dig.GetDetailId;

            for (int idx = 0; idx <= lastAdd - 1; ++idx)
                if (lProidOld[idx].ProductId == lProidOld[lastAdd].ProductId || lProidOld[idx].DetailId == detailid)
                    relation r = new relation();
                    r.detailId = lProidOld[idx].DetailId;
                    r.detailIdReturn = lProidOld[lastAdd].DetailId;
                    r.qtyPack = lProidOld[idx].QuantityPack.ToDouble();
                    r.qty = lProidOld[idx].Quantity.ToDouble();
                    r.price = lProidOld[idx].price.ToDecimal();

                    lProidOld[lastAdd].QuantityPack = "-" + lProidOld[idx].QuantityPack;
                    lProidOld[lastAdd].Quantity = "-" + lProidOld[idx].Quantity;

                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[3].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[3].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[3].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[3].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[3].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[5].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[5].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[5].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[5].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[5].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[7].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[7].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[7].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[7].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[7].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[8].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[8].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[8].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[8].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[8].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[9].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[9].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[9].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[9].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[9].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[10].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[10].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[10].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[10].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[10].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[11].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[11].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[11].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[11].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[11].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[12].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[12].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[12].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[12].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[12].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[14].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[14].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[14].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[14].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[14].Value;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[lastAdd].Cells[15].Value = dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[15].Value == "" || dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[15].Value.ToDouble() == 0 ? dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[15].Value : "-" + dataGridView1.Rows[idx].Cells[15].Value;

                    txtMsgForDelete.Visible = false;


            if (txtMsgForDelete.Visible)
 public Relation(string a, string b, relation relationBetweenWords)
     this.a = a;
     this.b = b;
     this.relationBetweenWords = relationBetweenWords;
Example #11
        public override void AddRelation(Relation simpleRelation)
            relation relation1 = new relation();

            relation1.idSpecified = false;

            if (simpleRelation.Id.HasValue)
                relation1.idSpecified = true;
                relation relation2 = relation1;
                nullable = simpleRelation.Id;
                long num = nullable.Value;
                relation2.id = num;
            relation1.changesetSpecified = false;
            nullable = simpleRelation.ChangeSetId;
            if (nullable.HasValue)
                relation relation2 = relation1;
                nullable = simpleRelation.ChangeSetId;
                long num = nullable.Value;
                relation2.changeset          = num;
                relation1.changesetSpecified = true;
            relation1.visibleSpecified = false;
            if (simpleRelation.Visible.HasValue)
                relation1.visible          = simpleRelation.Visible.Value;
                relation1.visibleSpecified = true;
            relation1.timestampSpecified = false;
            if (simpleRelation.TimeStamp.HasValue)
                relation1.timestamp          = simpleRelation.TimeStamp.Value;
                relation1.timestampSpecified = true;
            relation1.uidSpecified = false;
            nullable = simpleRelation.UserId;
            if (nullable.HasValue)
                relation relation2 = relation1;
                nullable = simpleRelation.UserId;
                long num = nullable.Value;
                relation2.uid          = num;
                relation1.uidSpecified = true;
            relation1.user = simpleRelation.UserName;
            relation1.tag  = this.ConvertToXmlTags(simpleRelation.Tags);
            if (simpleRelation.Members != null)
                relation1.member = new member[simpleRelation.Members.Count];
                for (int index = 0; index < simpleRelation.Members.Count; ++index)
                    member         member1 = new member();
                    RelationMember member2 = simpleRelation.Members[index];
                    member1.refSpecified = false;
                    nullable             = member2.MemberId;
                    if (nullable.HasValue)
                        member member3 = member1;
                        nullable = member2.MemberId;
                        long num = nullable.Value;
                        member3.@ref         = num;
                        member1.refSpecified = true;
                    member1.typeSpecified = false;
                    if (member2.MemberType.HasValue)
                        switch (member2.MemberType.Value)
                        case OsmGeoType.Node:
                            member1.type = memberType.node;

                        case OsmGeoType.Way:
                            member1.type = memberType.way;

                        case OsmGeoType.Relation:
                            member1.type = memberType.relation;
                        member1.typeSpecified = true;
                    member1.role            = member2.MemberRole;
                    relation1.member[index] = member1;
            if (simpleRelation.Version.HasValue)
                relation1.version          = simpleRelation.Version.Value;
                relation1.versionSpecified = true;
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            namespaces.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);
            MemoryStream      memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            XmlWriterSettings settings     = this._settings;
            XmlWriter         xmlWriter    = XmlWriter.Create((Stream)memoryStream, settings);

            new XmlSerializer(typeof(relation), string.Empty).Serialize(xmlWriter, (object)relation1, namespaces);
            Stream stream = this._stream;

Example #12
 public fact(pair p = default, relation r = default)
     this.p = p;
     this.r = r;
Example #13
 public PSObject AdaptRelationObject(Cmdlet myCmdlet, relation[] relObjects,string domain)
     var promotedObject = new PSObject(relObjects);
     promotedObject.TypeNames.Insert(1, relObjects.GetType().FullName);
     promotedObject.TypeNames[0] = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "RelationObject#{0}",domain);
     return promotedObject;
Example #14
        protected override void ProcessRecord()

                var rel = new relation {domainName = _name, card1Id = SourceId, card2Id = TargetId};
                var rval = _clientconnection.createRelation(rel);

            catch (Exception e)

                WriteError(new ErrorRecord(e, "Unknown error", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, _name));
Example #15
    public List<relation> getRelations(string cadconexion, string table)
        SqlConnection conexion = null;

            List<relation> lista = new List<relation>();

            conexion = new SqlConnection(cadconexion);
            miComando = new SqlCommand("");
            miComando.Connection = conexion;
            conexion.ConnectionString = cadconexion;

            System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
            dt = conexion.GetSchema(SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames.ForeignKeys, new String[] { null, null, table, null });

            foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                relation rel = new relation();

                //      rel.name = sf.cadena(row["FK_NAME"]);
                //                descripcion = schemaTable.Rows(i)("PK_NAME").ToString

                //tablaPadre = schemaTable.Rows(i)("PK_TABLE_NAME").ToString
                //campoPadre = schemaTable.Rows(i)("PK_COLUMN_NAME").ToString

                //tablaHijo = schemaTable.Rows(i)("FK_TABLE_NAME").ToString
                //campoHijo = schemaTable.Rows(i)("FK_COLUMN_NAME").ToString

                //If schemaTable.Rows(i)("UPDATE_RULE").ToString.IndexOf("CASCADE") <> -1 Then
                //    update = True
                //End If

                //If schemaTable.Rows(i)("DELETE_RULE").ToString.IndexOf("CASCADE") <> -1 Then
                //    delete = True
                //End If



            return lista;

        catch (Exception ep)
            //  lo.tratarError(ep, "Error en dbClass.new", "");
            return null;
Example #16
    // get all relations for project
    public List<relation> getRelations(string cadconexion)
        SqlConnection conexion = null;

            List<relation> lista = new List<relation>();

            String sql = @"SELECT tablesA.name AS ParentTable, columnsA.name AS ParentPK, tablesB.name AS ReferencedTable, columnsB.name AS ReferencedFK
                            FROM sys.foreign_key_columns
                            INNER JOIN sys.columns AS columnsA
                            ON sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id = columnsA.object_id
                            AND sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_column_id = columnsA.column_id
                            INNER JOIN sys.columns AS columnsB
                            ON sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_object_id = columnsB.object_id
                            AND sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_column_id = columnsB.column_id
                            INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tablesA
                            ON sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_object_id = tablesA.object_id
                            INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tablesB
                            ON sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_object_id = tablesB.object_id ";

            conexion = new SqlConnection(cadconexion);
            miComando = new SqlCommand(sql);
            miComando.Connection = conexion;
            conexion.ConnectionString = cadconexion;

            // System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
            miLector = miComando.ExecuteReader();

            while (miLector.Read())
                relation rel = new relation();

                rel.name = sf.cadena(miLector["ParentTable"]) + "_" + sf.cadena(miLector["ReferencedTable"]);
                rel.parentTable = sf.cadena(miLector["ParentTable"]);
                rel.parentField = sf.cadena(miLector["ParentPK"]);

                rel.childTable = sf.cadena(miLector["ReferencedTable"]);
                rel.childField = sf.cadena(miLector["ReferencedFK"]);

                //                descripcion = schemaTable.Rows(i)("PK_NAME").ToString

                //tablaPadre = schemaTable.Rows(i)("PK_TABLE_NAME").ToString
                //campoPadre = schemaTable.Rows(i)("PK_COLUMN_NAME").ToString

                //tablaHijo = schemaTable.Rows(i)("FK_TABLE_NAME").ToString
                //campoHijo = schemaTable.Rows(i)("FK_COLUMN_NAME").ToString

                //If schemaTable.Rows(i)("UPDATE_RULE").ToString.IndexOf("CASCADE") <> -1 Then
                //    update = True
                //End If

                //If schemaTable.Rows(i)("DELETE_RULE").ToString.IndexOf("CASCADE") <> -1 Then
                //    delete = True
                //End If

                // if the name of fields its equal...
                if (rel.childField.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentField.ToLower()))
                    rel.relationType = relation.typeOfRelation.hasMany;
                    rel.relationType = relation.typeOfRelation.hasOne;


            return lista;

        catch (Exception ep)
            //  lo.tratarError(ep, "Error en dbClass.new", "");
            return null;