protected void radSendTestMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int currentUserID = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);

        qPtl_User        user    = new qPtl_User(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]));
        qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]));

        string userMobile    = string.Empty;
        string smsMessage    = string.Empty;
        string smsMessageURI = string.Empty;

        userMobile = txtMobileNumber.Text;

        // create object
        string smsMode   = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSMode"];
        Guid   authToken = new Guid(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSLicenseKey"]);

        Quartz.Communication.qCom_SMSMessageLog sendLong = new Quartz.Communication.qCom_SMSMessageLog();

        // send message + add log
        if (smsMode == "did")
            // use custom number + key
            string did = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSDid"];
            Quartz.Communication.CDYNE.SMSResponse[] response = Quartz.Communication.qCom_SMSMessage.SendSMSAdvancedSendMessage(userMobile, smsMessage, authToken, did, 0, false);
            sendLong.Insert(1, DateTime.Now, user.UserID, 0, smsMessageURI, userMobile, did, smsMessage, "sent", Convert.ToString(response[0].MessageID), 0, 0, "", false, false, 0, false, false, 0, string.Empty);

        lblMessage.Text += "Finished sending text message to " + userMobile + "<br>";

        lblMessage.Visible = true;
    protected void radSendTestMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int currentUserID = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);

        qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]));
        qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]));

        string userMobile = string.Empty;
        string smsMessage = string.Empty;
        string smsMessageURI = string.Empty;

        userMobile = txtMobileNumber.Text;

        // create object
        string smsMode = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSMode"];
        Guid authToken = new Guid(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSLicenseKey"]);
        Quartz.Communication.qCom_SMSMessageLog sendLong = new Quartz.Communication.qCom_SMSMessageLog();

        // send message + add log
        if (smsMode == "did")
            // use custom number + key
            string did = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSDid"];
            Quartz.Communication.CDYNE.SMSResponse[] response = Quartz.Communication.qCom_SMSMessage.SendSMSAdvancedSendMessage(userMobile, smsMessage, authToken, did, 0, false);
            sendLong.Insert(1, DateTime.Now, user.UserID, 0, smsMessageURI, userMobile, did, smsMessage, "sent", Convert.ToString(response[0].MessageID), 0, 0, "", false, false, 0, false, false, 0, string.Empty);

        lblMessage.Text += "Finished sending text message to " + userMobile + "<br>";

        lblMessage.Visible = true;
Example #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // see if user already has a number signed up and that he user preference is set to mobile ok
            int  curr_user_id  = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
            bool mobile_exists = false;
            bool mobile_active = false;
            lblCampaignID.Text = Convert.ToString(campaign_id);
            lblReturnURL.Text  = return_url;
            qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(curr_user_id);

            string mobile_number = string.Empty;

            if (profile.Phone1Type == "Mobile")
                mobile_number = profile.Phone1;
            else if (profile.Phone2Type == "Mobile")
                mobile_number = profile.Phone2;

            plhCurrentlyVerified.Visible = false;
            plhNotYetVerified.Visible    = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile_number))
                mobile_exists  = true;
                litStatus.Text = "Use this form to change the number you want to use.<br><br>";
                btnEnroll.Text = "Update Number";
                plhCurrentlyVerified.Visible = true;
                plhNotYetVerified.Visible    = false;

            qCom_UserPreference pref = new qCom_UserPreference(curr_user_id);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(pref.MobilePINverified)) && pref.OkSms == "Yes")
                mobile_active = true;

            if (mobile_exists == true)
                txtMobileNumber.Text = mobile_number;

            if (mobile_active == true)
                btnEnroll.Text = "Turn Off Text Messages";

            if (mobile_active == false && mobile_verification_required == true)
                // mobile is required and has not been completed
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]);
        int training_id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTrainings.SelectedValue);

        qLrn_UserTraining u_training = qLrn_UserTraining.GetUserTraining(user_id, training_id);
        qPtl_UserProfile u_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(user_id);
        qLrn_Training training = new qLrn_Training(training_id);

        u_profile.Phone1 = txtPhone.Text;
        u_profile.Phone1Type = "Work";
        u_profile.LastModified = DateTime.Now;

        // if changing from waitlist then display option for email notification
        if (u_training.Status.Contains("Waitlist") && !Convert.ToString(ddlStatus.SelectedValue).Contains("Waitlist"))
            btnSendWaitlistEmail.Visible = true;
            btnSendWaitlistEmail.Visible = false;

        u_training.Status = Convert.ToString(ddlStatus.SelectedValue);
        u_training.PaymentMethod = rblPaymentOption.SelectedValue;
        u_training.ApplyingForCECredits = ddlCredits.SelectedValue;
        string evalDate = Convert.ToString(dpkCompletedDate.SelectedDate);
        DateTime newCompletedDate = new DateTime();

        if (training.TrainingTypeID == 3 && ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "Completed" && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(evalDate))
            if (DateTime.TryParse(evalDate, out newCompletedDate))
                u_training.Completed = newCompletedDate;
        else if (training.TrainingTypeID == 3 && ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "Completed")
            u_training.Completed = training.EndTime;
            u_training.Completed = null;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlSelectCredit.SelectedValue))
            u_training.CECreditID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSelectCredit.SelectedValue);
            u_training.CECreditID = 0;


        lblMessage.Text = " * Training information successfully updated";
    protected void btnAgreeRules_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
        qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(user_id);
        profile.AgreeRules = DateTime.Now;

        // see if this is the action page -- if so, update actionID
        int action_id = 0;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["actionID"])))
            action_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["actionID"]);
            qPtl_UserAction action = new qPtl_UserAction(user_id, action_id);
            action.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
            action.LastModifiedBy = user_id;
            action.UserCompleted = DateTime.Now;

Example #6
    protected void btnAgreeRules_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
        qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(user_id);

        profile.AgreeRules = DateTime.Now;

        // see if this is the action page -- if so, update actionID
        int action_id = 0;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["actionID"])))
            action_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["actionID"]);
            qPtl_UserAction action = new qPtl_UserAction(user_id, action_id);
            action.LastModified   = DateTime.Now;
            action.LastModifiedBy = user_id;
            action.UserCompleted  = DateTime.Now;

    protected void btnEnroll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // run check for mobile text
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lblCampaignID.Text))
            campaign_id = Convert.ToInt32(lblCampaignID.Text);
        return_url = lblReturnURL.Text;
        string mobile_number = txtMobileNumber.Text;
        bool error_occurred = false;
        bool phone_belongs_to_another_user = false;

        // check to see if this number is already being used by another user
        int curr_user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
        int scope_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]);

        var check_user = qPtl_User.GetUserByPhone(txtMobileNumber.Text, scope_id);

        if (check_user.UserID > 0)
            if (check_user.UserID != curr_user_id)
                error_occurred = true;
                phone_belongs_to_another_user = true;

        // replace characters
        if (mobile_number.Contains("-"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("-", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("."))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace(".", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("/"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("/", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("("))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("(", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains(")"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace(")", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("*"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("*", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains(" "))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace(" ", "");

            string first_char = mobile_number.Substring(0, 1);
            if (mobile_number.Length == 11 && first_char == "1")
                mobile_number = mobile_number.Substring(1, 10);
            litMsg.Text = "<br><br>* Make sure to enter a 10 digit phone number";
            error_occurred = true;

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile_number))
            litMsg.Text = "<br><br>* Make sure to enter a 10 digit phone number";
            error_occurred = true;

        string pat_m = @"^[0-9]{10}$";
        Regex r_m = new Regex(pat_m, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        Match m_m = r_m.Match(mobile_number);
        if (!m_m.Success)
            error_occurred = true;
            litMsg.Text = "<br><br>* Make sure to enter a 10 digit phone number";

        if (error_occurred == false)

            if (btnEnroll.Text == "Turn Off Text Messages")
                qCom_UserPreference pref = new qCom_UserPreference(curr_user_id);
                pref.OkSms = "No";
                // save phone number to profile
                qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(curr_user_id);
                if (profile.Phone1Type == "Mobile")
                    profile.Phone1 = string.Empty;
                    profile.Phone1Type = string.Empty;
                if (profile.Phone2Type == "Mobile")
                    profile.Phone2 = string.Empty;
                    profile.Phone2Type = string.Empty;
                profile.Phone1 = txtMobileNumber.Text;
                profile.Phone1Type = "Mobile";


                // add new mobile verification code to qCom_UserPreferences
                var pref = qCom_UserPreference.GetUserPreference(curr_user_id);
                int new_pin = qCom_UserPreference.GenerateMobilePIN();

                if (pref != null)
                    if (pref.UserID > 0)
                        pref.MobilePIN = Convert.ToString(new_pin);
                    qCom_UserPreference pref2 = new qCom_UserPreference();
                    pref2.ScopeID = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]);
                    pref2.Available = "Yes";
                    pref2.Created = DateTime.Now;
                    pref2.CreatedBy = curr_user_id;
                    pref2.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                    pref2.LastModifiedBy = curr_user_id;
                    pref2.UserID = curr_user_id;
                    pref2.OkBulkEmail = "Yes";
                    pref2.OkSms = "Yes";
                    pref2.OkEmail = "Yes";
                    pref2.MobilePIN = Convert.ToString(new_pin);

                // get correct DID
                string alt_did = string.Empty;
                // see if user has custom record
                var camp_pref = qCom_UserCampaignPreference.GetUserCampaignPreferences(campaign_id, curr_user_id);
                if (camp_pref != null)
                    alt_did = camp_pref.DID;
                    // see if campaign has available dedicated DIDs
                    qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(campaign_id);
                    qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(curr_user_id);
                    alt_did = AddCampaignUserPreference(campaign, user, scope_id);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(alt_did))
                        alt_did = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSDid"];

                string alt_pin_message_uri = string.Empty;
                var c_pref = qCom_CampaignPreference.GetCampaignPreferences(campaign_id);
                if (c_pref != null)
                    if (c_pref.CampaignPreferenceID > 0)
                        alt_pin_message_uri = c_pref.MobileVerifySMSURI;

                // send mobile pin
                qCom_UserPreference.SendMobilePIN(Convert.ToString(new_pin), curr_user_id, alt_did, alt_pin_message_uri);

                plhManage.Visible = false;
                plhVerify.Visible = true;
            if (phone_belongs_to_another_user == true)
                litMsg.Text = "<br><br>* This phone number belongs to another user.";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // see if user already has a number signed up and that he user preference is set to mobile ok
            int curr_user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
            bool mobile_exists = false;
            bool mobile_active = false;
            lblCampaignID.Text = Convert.ToString(campaign_id);
            lblReturnURL.Text = return_url;
            qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(curr_user_id);

            string mobile_number = string.Empty;

            if (profile.Phone1Type == "Mobile")
                mobile_number = profile.Phone1;
            else if (profile.Phone2Type == "Mobile")
                mobile_number = profile.Phone2;

            plhCurrentlyVerified.Visible = false;
            plhNotYetVerified.Visible = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile_number))
                mobile_exists = true;
                litStatus.Text = "Use this form to change the number you want to use.<br><br>";
                btnEnroll.Text = "Update Number";
                plhCurrentlyVerified.Visible = true;
                plhNotYetVerified.Visible = false;

            qCom_UserPreference pref = new qCom_UserPreference(curr_user_id);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(pref.MobilePINverified)) && pref.OkSms == "Yes")
                mobile_active = true;

            if (mobile_exists == true)
                txtMobileNumber.Text = mobile_number;

            if (mobile_active == true)
                btnEnroll.Text = "Turn Off Text Messages";

            if (mobile_active == false && mobile_verification_required == true)
                // mobile is required and has not been completed

    protected void btnSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (Page.IsValid)
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;
            string returnMessage = string.Empty;
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
            string register_mode = "new";
            int existing_user_id = 0;
            int scope_id = 1;   // would have to be changed to support multiple organizations on a single platform
            int role_id = 0;
            int moderator_role_id = 0;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_ModeratorRoleID"])))
                moderator_role_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_ModeratorRoleID"]);

            // ****************************************************
            if (plhMobileNumber.Visible == true)
                //Determine if upgrade of mobile account or new registration
                qPtl_UserProfile mobile_test = qPtl_UserProfile.GetProfileByMobileNumber(txtMobileNumber.Text);

                if (mobile_test != null)
                    if (mobile_test.UserID > 0)
                        // make sure that the user is eligible for upgrade from mobile only status
                        qPtl_User eval_user = new qPtl_User(mobile_test.UserID);

                        if (eval_user.HighestRole == "Mobile")
                            register_mode = "update";
                            existing_user_id = mobile_test.UserID;
                        register_mode = "new";
                    register_mode = "new";

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 2a: Mode == new; then add new user
            string currAvailableStatus = string.Empty;
            currAvailableStatus = "Yes";

            if (register_mode == "new")
                qPtl_User new_user = new qPtl_User();
                new_user.Available = "Yes";
                new_user.ScopeID = scope_id;
                new_user.Created = DateTime.Now;
                new_user.CreatedBy = 0;
                new_user.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                new_user.LastModifiedBy = 0;
                new_user.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                new_user.Status = "";       // used to include a default message for their status, now leave blank
                new_user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                new_user.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
                new_user.Email = txtEmail.Text;
                new_user.UserName = txtUserName.Text;
                string password_for_storing = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txtPassword.Text, "sha1");
                new_user.Password = password_for_storing;
                new_user.AccountStatus = "Active";
                existing_user_id = new_user.UserID;

                DateTime DOB;
                    DOB = new DateTime(int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlDay.SelectedValue)); ;//Convert.ToDateTime(ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlDay.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlYear.SelectedValue);
                    // no valid date so use default value
                    DOB = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); ////Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");
                qPtl_UserProfile new_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile();
                new_profile.UserID = existing_user_id;
                new_profile.ScopeID = scope_id;
                new_profile.Available = "Yes";
                new_profile.Created = DateTime.Now;
                new_profile.CreatedBy = existing_user_id;
                new_profile.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                new_profile.LastModifiedBy = existing_user_id;
                new_profile.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                new_profile.Style = "default";
                new_profile.Visibility = "all";
                new_profile.Gender = ddlGender.SelectedValue;
                new_profile.DOB = DOB;

                if (plhRace.Visible == true)
                    string race = string.Empty;
                    int n = 0;
                    foreach (ListItem item in cblRace.Items)
                        if (item.Selected)
                            if (n > 0)
                                race += "," + item.Value;
                                race += item.Value;
                    n = 0;
                    new_profile.Race = race;
            qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(existing_user_id);

            // STEP 2b: Mode == update; then update mobile info
            //mode mobile = update existing account
            if (register_mode == "update")
                user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                user.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
                user.UserName = txtEmail.Text;
                user.Email = txtEmail.Text;
                string password_for_storing = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txtPassword.Text, "sha1");
                user.Password = password_for_storing;
                user.AccountStatus = "Mobile Verification Pending";

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 3: Process invitation & perform invitation-specific work
            // OPTION #1 -- an invitation is required as part of the registration process and a collection of additional actions are related to that
            string code = string.Empty;
            string process_code_mode = string.Empty;
            if (plhInvitation.Visible == true)
                code = txtInvitationCode.Text;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(process_code_mode))
                    process_code_mode = "invitation";                // deal with default/null values
            else if (plhSpaceCode.Visible == true)
                code = txtSpaceCode.Text;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(process_code_mode))
                    qSoc_Space space = new qSoc_Space(code);

                    if (space.SpaceID > 0)
                        process_code_mode = "space";
                        qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(code);

                        if (campaign.CampaignID > 0)
                            process_code_mode = "campaign";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && process_code_mode == "invitation")
                //Process invitation
                int invitationID = 0;
                qPtl_Invitation invite = null;
                invite = new qPtl_Invitation(code);
                invitationID = invite.InvitationID;
                role_id = invite.RoleID;

                // update invitation records as necessary
                if (invite.InvitationAudience == "family")
                    invite.UserID = user.UserID;
                    invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed";
                    invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                    invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                    invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1;
                else if (invite.InvitationAudience == "individual")
                    invite.UserID = user.UserID;
                    invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed";
                    invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                    invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                    invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1;
                else if (invite.InvitationAudience == "group")
                    invite.UserID = user.UserID;
                    invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                    invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                    invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1;

                    if (invite.MaxRedemptions > 0 && invite.CurrRedemptions >= invite.MaxRedemptions)
                        invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed";
                else if (invite.InvitationAudience == "moderated group")
                    invite.UserID = user.UserID;
                    invite.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                    invite.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                    invite.CurrRedemptions = invite.CurrRedemptions + 1;

                    if (invite.MaxRedemptions > 0 && invite.CurrRedemptions >= invite.MaxRedemptions)
                        invite.InvitationStatus = "Redeemed";

                // add possible space associated with invitation & space-specific elements

                if (invite.SpaceID > 0)
                    qSoc_Space space = new qSoc_Space(invite.SpaceID);
                    if (space != null)
                        if (space.SpaceID > 0)
                            qSoc_UserSpace u_space = new qSoc_UserSpace();
                            u_space.ScopeID = scope_id;
                            u_space.Available = "Yes";
                            u_space.Created = DateTime.Now;
                            u_space.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                            u_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                            u_space.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                            u_space.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                            u_space.UserID = user.UserID;
                            u_space.SpaceID = space.SpaceID;
                            u_space.PrimarySpace = true;
                            if (role_id == moderator_role_id)
                                u_space.SpaceRole = "Moderator";

                        if (space.SchoolID > 0)
                            qOrg_UserSchool school = new qOrg_UserSchool();
                            school.UserID = user.UserID;
                            school.SchoolID = space.SchoolID;

                        // set space to visibile in directory it not already visible
                        if (space.VisibleInDirectory == "No")
                            space.VisibleInDirectory = "Yes";

                        // add campaign -- includes check to insure that campaigns aren't added twice
                        AddSpaceCampaigns(space, user, scope_id);

                // add possible campaign associated with invitation -- includes check to insure that campaigns aren't added twice
                if (invite.CampaignID > 0)
                    qSoc_UserCampaign checkc = new qSoc_UserCampaign(user.UserID, invite.CampaignID);
                    if (checkc.UserCampaignID == 0)
                        AddUserCampaign(invite.CampaignID, scope_id, user);

                if (invite.FunctionalRoleID > 0)
                    sqlCode = "INSERT INTO qLrn_UserFunctionalRoles ([UserID],[FunctionalRoleID]) VALUES(" + user.UserID + "," + invite.FunctionalRoleID + ")";

                    UserFunctions.AddUserTrainingsByFunctionalRole(user.UserID, invite.FunctionalRoleID);
                // else use default role types
                int teen_max_age = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_TeenMaxAge"]);

                qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(user.UserID);
                if (profile.Age <= teen_max_age)
                    role_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_TeenRoleID"]);
                    role_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_ParentRoleID"]);

            // OPTION #2 -- User might have entered a registration code; this will assign them to a space which might have one or more associated campaigns
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && process_code_mode == "space")
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                    qSoc_Space space = new qSoc_Space(code);

                    if (space != null)
                        if (space.SpaceID > 0)
                            qSoc_UserSpace u_space = new qSoc_UserSpace();
                            u_space.ScopeID = scope_id;
                            u_space.Available = "Yes";
                            u_space.Created = DateTime.Now;
                            u_space.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                            u_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                            u_space.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                            u_space.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                            u_space.UserID = user.UserID;
                            u_space.SpaceID = space.SpaceID;
                            u_space.PrimarySpace = true;
                            if (role_id == moderator_role_id)
                                u_space.SpaceRole = "Moderator";

                        space_redirect = true;
                        new_space_id = space.SpaceID;

                        AddSpaceCampaigns(space, user, scope_id);
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && process_code_mode == "campaign")
                qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(code);

                AddUserCampaign(campaign.CampaignID, scope_id, user);

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 4: Add School Information
            if (plhSchool.Visible == true)
                string school_name = string.Empty;
                string school_other_name = string.Empty;

                if (radCBSearch.Visible == true)
                    school_name = radCBSearch.SelectedValue;
                    school_other_name = txtSchoolOther.Text;
                    school_name = "Other";

                var school = qOrg_School.GetSchoolFromAutoPopulateDropdown(school_name);

                if (school != null)
                    if (school.SchoolID > 0)
                        qOrg_UserSchool user_school = new qOrg_UserSchool();
                        user_school.Available = "Yes";
                        user_school.ScopeID = scope_id;
                        user_school.Created = DateTime.Now;
                        user_school.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                        user_school.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                        user_school.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                        user_school.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                        user_school.UserID = user.UserID;
                        user_school.SchoolID = school.SchoolID;
                        user_school.OtherName = school_other_name;

                        // see if this school is already a space
                        var school_space = qSoc_Space.GetSpacesBySchool(school.SchoolID);

                        qSoc_Space curr_space = new qSoc_Space();
                        if (school_space == null)
                            qSoc_Space new_space = new qSoc_Space();
                            new_space.ScopeID = scope_id;
                            new_space.Available = "Yes";
                            new_space.Created = DateTime.Now;
                            new_space.CreatedBy = 0;
                            new_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                            new_space.LastModifiedBy = 0;
                            new_space.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                            new_space.SpaceName = school.School;
                            new_space.SpaceShortName = school.School;
                            new_space.SpaceType = "school";
                            new_space.AccessMode = "open";
                            new_space.VisibleInDirectory = "Yes";
                            new_space.SpaceCategoryID = 1;
                            new_space.SchoolID = school.SchoolID;

                            school_space = new_space;

                        if (school_space != null)
                            qSoc_UserSpace s_space = new qSoc_UserSpace();
                            s_space.ScopeID = scope_id;
                            s_space.Available = "Yes";
                            s_space.Created = DateTime.Now;
                            s_space.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                            s_space.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                            s_space.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                            s_space.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                            s_space.UserID = user.UserID;
                            s_space.SpaceID = school_space.SpaceID;
                            s_space.PrimarySpace = true;
                            if (role_id == moderator_role_id)
                                s_space.SpaceRole = "Moderator";

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 5: Add User Role & Supporting Role Structures
            // Add role
            qPtl_UserRole role = new qPtl_UserRole();
            role.UserID = user.UserID;
            role.RoleID = role_id;
            sqlCode = "INSERT INTO qPtl_UserRoles ([UserID],[RoleID]) VALUES(" + user.UserID + "," + role_id + ")";

            // Add possible role actions for the new user role
            AddRoleAction(role_id, scope_id, user);

            // Add possible role campaigns
            AddRoleCampaigns(role_id, scope_id, user);

            // Redundancy check -- write Highest Level into qPtl_User table in case DB trigger not working
            qPtl_Role role = new qPtl_Role(role_id);
            user.HighestRank = role.RoleRank;
            user.HighestRole = role.RoleName;

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 6: User Utilties to finalize/prep account
            // Add username folder for images
            string rootLocation = Server.MapPath("~/") + "user_data\\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(rootLocation + user.UserName))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(rootLocation + user.UserName);

            // Create default album
            qSoc_Album album = new qSoc_Album();
            album.ScopeID = scope_id;
            album.Available = "Yes";
            album.Created = DateTime.Now;
            album.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
            album.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
            album.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
            album.MarkAsDelete = 0;
            album.UserID = user.UserID;
            album.Name = "My Pics";

            // Add communications preferences
            if (register_mode == "new")
                qCom_UserPreference connect = new qCom_UserPreference();
                connect.UserID = user.UserID;
                connect.Created = DateTime.Now;
                connect.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                connect.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                connect.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                connect.Available = "Yes";
                connect.ScopeID = 1;
                connect.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                connect.OkBulkEmail = "Yes";
                connect.OkEmail = "Yes";
                connect.OkSms = "Yes";
                connect.LanguageID = 1;

            qCom_UserPreference user_connect = qCom_UserPreference.GetUserPreference(user.UserID);
            user_connect.OkBulkEmail = "Yes";
            user_connect.OkEmail = "Yes";

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 7: Log user in and redirect to account setup page/
            // initial session created -- will last for 24 hours before timing out
            qPtl_Sessions session = new qPtl_Sessions();
            session.Created = DateTime.Now;
            session.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
            session.LastTimeSeen = DateTime.Now;
            session.ScopeID = user.ScopeID;
            session.UserID = user.UserID;
            session.BrowserType = Request.Browser.Browser;
            session.ComputerType = Request.Browser.Platform;
            int sessionID = session.SessionID;
            int scopeID = user.ScopeID;

            var u_roles = qPtl_UserRole_View.GetUserRoles(user.UserID);
            string role_list = string.Empty;

            if (u_roles != null)
                foreach (var u in u_roles)
                    role_list += string.Format("{0},", u.RoleName, ",");


            string userData = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", sessionID, role_list, scopeID);

            FormsAuthenticationTicket tkt;
            string cookiestr;
            HttpCookie ck;
            tkt = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, user.UserID.ToString(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3600), false, userData);
            cookiestr = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tkt);
            ck = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, cookiestr);
            ck.Path = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath;

            HttpCookie cookie2 = new HttpCookie("UserID", Convert.ToString(user.UserID));
            if (tkt.IsPersistent) { cookie2.Expires = tkt.Expiration.AddMinutes(3605); }

            if (space_redirect == true && new_space_id > 0)
                Response.Redirect("~/utilities/manage-user-access.aspx?mode=registration&spaceID=" + new_space_id);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]);

            qPtl_User profile = new qPtl_User(profile_id);

            hplManageTrainings.NavigateUrl = "member-learning.aspx?userID=" + profile_id;
            string nav_mode = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Site_NavMode"];
            if (nav_mode == "lms")
                plhSchoolDisplay.Visible = false;

            string img_url = string.Empty;
            string baseUrl = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.ProfilePict))
                img_url = baseUrl + "user_data/" + profile.UserName + "/" + profile.ProfilePict + ".ashx?width=84&height=84&mode=crop";
                img_url = baseUrl + "images/mylife_portrait_default.jpg.ashx?width=84&height=84&mode=crop";

            litProfilePict.Text = "<img src=\"" + img_url + "\" />";

            lblUsername.Text = profile.UserName;
            lblFullName.Text = profile.FirstName + " " + profile.LastName;
            lblEmail.Text = profile.Email;
            lblUserID.Text = Convert.ToString(profile.UserID);
            lblCreated.Text = Convert.ToString(profile.Created);
            lblMostRecentLogin.Text = Convert.ToString(profile.LastTimeSeen);
            lblMostRecentIPAddress.Text = profile.LastIPAddress;
            lblRoleName.Text = profile.HighestRole;

            txtFirstName.Text = profile.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text = profile.LastName;
            txtEmail.Text = profile.Email;
            lblUsernameProfile.Text = profile.UserName;
            if (profile.HighestRole == "Mobile")
                lblMemberTypeProfile.Text = "Mobile Only";
                lblMemberTypeProfile.Text = "Social";
                required_indicator = " *";
                if (race_required == true)
                    race_required_indicator = " *";

            qPtl_UserProfile full_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(profile_id);
            DateTime check = new DateTime();
            check = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");
            if (full_profile.DOB != check)
                    rdtDOB.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(full_profile.DOB).Date;
                    // do nothing

            var user_space = qSoc_UserSpace_View.GetMostRecentUserspace(profile_id);

            if (user_space != null)
                if (user_space.UserSpaceID > 0)
                    lblSchool.Text = user_space.School;
                    string full_info = string.Empty;
                    full_info = user_space.SpaceShortName;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_space.CategoryName))
                        full_info += " [" + user_space.CategoryName + "]";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_space.School))
                        full_info += " at " + user_space.School;
                    lblGroupTabGroupName.Text = "<a href=\"/manage/members/space-edit.aspx?spaceID=" + user_space.SpaceID + "\">" + full_info + " <i class=\"icon-circle-arrow-right\"></i></a>";
                    string full_group_name = user_space.SpaceShortName;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_space.CategoryName))
                        full_group_name += " [" + user_space.CategoryName + "]";
                    lblGroupName.Text = "<a href=\"/manage/members/space-edit.aspx?spaceID=" + user_space.SpaceID + "\">" + full_group_name + " <i class=\"icon-circle-arrow-right\"></i></a>";
                    btnChangeGroup.Text = "Add To Group";

            // profile gender
            string gender_options = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Register_SupportedGenderValues"]);
            ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Intersex").Enabled = false;
            ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Transgender").Enabled = false;
            if (gender_options.Contains("Intersex"))
                ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Intersex").Enabled = true;
            if (gender_options.Contains("Transgender"))
                ddlGender.Items.FindByValue("Transgender").Enabled = true;
            ddlGender.SelectedValue = full_profile.Gender;

            // evaluate race
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(full_profile.Race))
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Asian/SouthAsian"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Asian/SouthAsian").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Biracial"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Biracial").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Black/African American"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Black/African American").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Latino/a"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Latino/a").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Middle Eastern"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Middle Eastern").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Multiracial"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Multiracial").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("Pacific Islander"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("Pacific Islander").Selected = true;
                if (full_profile.Race.Contains("White/European-American"))
                    cblRace.Items.FindByValue("White/European-American").Selected = true;

            // **** PERMISSIONS ****
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
            q_Helper helper = new q_Helper();

            // get roles
            sqlCode = "SELECT RoleID, RoleName FROM qPtl_Roles WHERE Available = 'Yes' ORDER BY RoleRank";

            DataTable dtRoles;

            using (dtRoles = sql.GetDataTable(sqlCode))

                cblRoles.DataSource = dtRoles;
                cblRoles.DataValueField = "RoleID";
                cblRoles.DataTextField = "RoleName";

            // mark current permissions
            sqlCode = "SELECT RoleID FROM qPtl_UserRoles WHERE UserID = " + Request.QueryString["userID"];

            SqlDataReader rReader;

            using (rReader = sql.GetDataReader(sqlCode))
                while (rReader.Read())
                    ListItem currentCheckBox = cblRoles.Items.FindByValue(rReader["RoleID"].ToString());
                    if (currentCheckBox != null)
                        currentCheckBox.Selected = true;

            // *** GROUP ***
            // load group information and all other available groups
            ddlSpaces.DataSource = qSoc_Space.GetSpaces();
            ddlSpaces.DataTextField = "SpaceShortName";
            ddlSpaces.DataValueField = "SpaceID";
            ddlSpaces.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "0"));

            /* // no longer used since we now want to automatically remove any existing user spaces from the list of options for adding
            if (user_space != null)
                if (user_space.UserSpaceID > 0)
                    ddlSpaces.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(user_space.SpaceID);

            // get other groups enrolled
            var u_groups = qSoc_UserSpace_View.GetAllAvailableUserSpacesOrderMostRecent(profile_id);
            if (u_groups != null)
                int j = 0;
                string group_list = string.Empty;
                foreach (var g in u_groups)
                    Quartz.Controls.MemberEnrolledGroup curr_group = (Quartz.Controls.MemberEnrolledGroup)LoadControl("~/manage/members/controls/MemberEnrolledGroup.ascx");
                    curr_group.UserSpaceID = g.UserSpaceID;
                    curr_group.UserID = g.UserID;
                    curr_group.SpaceID = g.SpaceID;
                    if (g.PrimarySpace == true)
                        curr_group.IsPrimary = true;

                    // remove each of these spaces from the spaces pull down
                    if (ddlSpaces.Items.Count > 0)
                            ddlSpaces.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(g.SpaceID)).Enabled = false;
                            // do nothing

            // *** TAB MANAGEMENT ***
            string curr_tab = string.Empty;
            curr_tab = Request.QueryString["currTab"];
            litOverviewClass.Text = "";
            litProfileClass.Text = "";
            litPermissionClass.Text = "";
            litGroupClass.Text = "";
            litWarningsClass.Text = "";
            litTabOverviewClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabProfileClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabPermissionsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabWarningsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            litTabGroupClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane\"";
            if (curr_tab == "profile")
                litProfileClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabProfileClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblProfileMessage.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "permissions")
                litPermissionClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabPermissionsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblPermissionsMessage.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***";
            else if (curr_tab == "group")
                litGroupClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabGroupClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["message"]))
                    lblGroupMessage.Text = " *** " + Request.QueryString["message"] + "***<br><br>";
            else if (curr_tab == "warnings")
                litWarningsClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabWarningsClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
                litOverviewClass.Text = "class='active'";
                litTabOverviewClass.Text = "class=\"tab-pane active\"";
    protected void btnUpdateProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["userID"]);

        if (Page.IsValid)
            qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(profile_id);
            user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
            user.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
            user.Email = txtEmail.Text;

            qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(profile_id);
            profile.Gender = ddlGender.SelectedValue;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtDOB)))
                profile.DOB = rdtDOB.SelectedDate;
            string race = string.Empty;
            int n = 0;
            foreach (ListItem item in cblRace.Items)
                if (item.Selected)
                    if (n > 0)
                        race += "," + item.Value;
                        race += item.Value;
            n = 0;
            profile.Race = race;

            Response.Redirect("/manage/members/member-profile.aspx?userID=" + profile_id + "&currTab=profile&message=successfully updated member profile");
    protected void DisplayManageTools(int user_id, int training_id)
        qLrn_UserTraining userTraining = qLrn_UserTraining.GetUserTraining(user_id, training_id);
        TrainingID = userTraining.TrainingID;

        if (userTraining != null && userTraining.UserTrainingID > 0)
            plhManage.Visible = true;
            qLrn_Training training = new qLrn_Training(userTraining.TrainingID);

            if (training.TrainingTypeID == 3)
                plhInPersonTraining.Visible = true;
                dpkCompletedDate.SelectedDate = userTraining.Completed;
                ddlStatus.SelectedValue = userTraining.Status;

                qPtl_UserProfile u_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(user_id);
                if (u_profile.Phone1Type == "Work")
                    txtPhone.Text = u_profile.Phone1;
                    txtPhone.Text = u_profile.Phone2;

                ddlCredits.SelectedValue = userTraining.ApplyingForCECredits;
                if (userTraining.CECreditID > 0)
                    ddlSelectCredit.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(userTraining.CECreditID);
                rblPaymentOption.SelectedValue = userTraining.PaymentMethod;
                plhInPersonTraining.Visible = false;

        public static qPtl_User RegisterNewUser(RegistrationData data)
            int existing_user_id = 0;
            int new_space_id = 0;
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;

            // Redundancy check -- write Highest Level into qPtl_User table in case DB trigger not working
            qPtl_Role role = new qPtl_Role(data.default_role_id);

            // add user
            qPtl_User new_user = new qPtl_User();
            new_user.Available = "Yes";
            new_user.OrgUnitID = data.scope_id;
            new_user.ScopeID = data.scope_id;
            new_user.Created = DateTime.Now;
            new_user.CreatedBy = 0;
            new_user.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
            new_user.LastModifiedBy = 0;
            new_user.MarkAsDelete = 0;
            new_user.Status = "";                   // used to include a default message for their status, now leave blank
            new_user.FirstName = data.firstname;
            new_user.LastName = data.lastname;
            new_user.Email =;
            new_user.UserName = data.username;
            string password_for_storing = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(data.password, "sha1");
            new_user.Password = password_for_storing;
            new_user.AccountStatus = "Active";
            new_user.HighestRank = role.RoleRank;
            new_user.HighestRole = role.RoleName;
            existing_user_id = new_user.UserID;

            DateTime DOB;
                DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(data.dob);
                // no valid date so use default value
                DOB = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");

            // add user profile
            qPtl_UserProfile new_profile = new qPtl_UserProfile();
            new_profile.UserID = existing_user_id;
            new_profile.ScopeID = data.scope_id;
            new_profile.Available = "Yes";
            new_profile.Created = DateTime.Now;
            new_profile.CreatedBy = existing_user_id;
            new_profile.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
            new_profile.LastModifiedBy = existing_user_id;
            new_profile.MarkAsDelete = 0;
            new_profile.Style = "default";
            new_profile.Visibility = "all";
            new_profile.Division = data.division;
            new_profile.Agency =;
            new_profile.Position = data.position;
            new_profile.Degrees = data.degrees;
            new_profile.Address1 = data.address;
            new_profile.Address2 = data.address2;
            new_profile.City =;
            new_profile.StateProvince = data.state;
            new_profile.PostalCode = data.postal_code;
            new_profile.Country =;
            new_profile.Gender = data.gender;
            new_profile.DOB = DOB;
            new_profile.Race = data.race;
            new_profile.EmploymentLocation = data.employment_location;
            new_profile.EmploymentSetting = data.employment_setting;
            new_profile.WorkSites = data.employment_sites;
            new_profile.Profession = data.profession;
            new_profile.Phone1 = data.work_phone;
            new_profile.Phone1Type = "work";

            qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(existing_user_id);

            // add user communication preference
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Email))
                qCom_UserPreference connect = new qCom_UserPreference();
                connect.UserID = user.UserID;
                connect.Created = DateTime.Now;
                connect.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                connect.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                connect.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                connect.Available = "Yes";
                connect.ScopeID = 1;
                connect.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                connect.OkBulkEmail = "Yes";
                connect.OkEmail = "Yes";
                connect.OkSms = "Yes";
                connect.LanguageID = 1;

            // ****************************************************
            // STEP 5: Add User Role & Supporting Role Structures
            // Add role
            qPtl_UserRole role = new qPtl_UserRole();
            role.UserID = user.UserID;
            role.RoleID = role_id;
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
            sqlCode = "INSERT INTO qPtl_UserRoles ([UserID],[RoleID]) VALUES(" + user.UserID + "," + data.default_role_id + ")";

            // Add possible role actions for the new user role
            AddRoleAction(data.default_role_id, data.scope_id, user);

            // add folder for user_data
            string rootLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/") + "user_data\\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(rootLocation + user.UserName))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(rootLocation + user.UserName);

            if (new_user.UserID > 0) return new_user;
            else return null;
Example #14
    protected void btnEnroll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // run check for mobile text
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lblCampaignID.Text))
            campaign_id = Convert.ToInt32(lblCampaignID.Text);
        return_url = lblReturnURL.Text;
        string mobile_number  = txtMobileNumber.Text;
        bool   error_occurred = false;
        bool   phone_belongs_to_another_user = false;

        // check to see if this number is already being used by another user
        int curr_user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
        int scope_id     = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]);

        var check_user = qPtl_User.GetUserByPhone(txtMobileNumber.Text, scope_id);

        if (check_user.UserID > 0)
            if (check_user.UserID != curr_user_id)
                error_occurred = true;
                phone_belongs_to_another_user = true;

        // replace characters
        if (mobile_number.Contains("-"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("-", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("."))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace(".", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("/"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("/", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("("))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("(", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains(")"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace(")", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains("*"))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace("*", "");

        if (mobile_number.Contains(" "))
            mobile_number = mobile_number.Replace(" ", "");

            string first_char = mobile_number.Substring(0, 1);
            if (mobile_number.Length == 11 && first_char == "1")
                mobile_number = mobile_number.Substring(1, 10);
            litMsg.Text    = "<br><br>* Make sure to enter a 10 digit phone number";
            error_occurred = true;

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile_number))
            litMsg.Text    = "<br><br>* Make sure to enter a 10 digit phone number";
            error_occurred = true;

        string pat_m = @"^[0-9]{10}$";
        Regex  r_m   = new Regex(pat_m, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        Match  m_m   = r_m.Match(mobile_number);

        if (!m_m.Success)
            error_occurred = true;
            litMsg.Text    = "<br><br>* Make sure to enter a 10 digit phone number";

        if (error_occurred == false)
            if (btnEnroll.Text == "Turn Off Text Messages")
                qCom_UserPreference pref = new qCom_UserPreference(curr_user_id);
                pref.OkSms = "No";
                // save phone number to profile
                qPtl_UserProfile profile = new qPtl_UserProfile(curr_user_id);
                if (profile.Phone1Type == "Mobile")
                    profile.Phone1     = string.Empty;
                    profile.Phone1Type = string.Empty;
                if (profile.Phone2Type == "Mobile")
                    profile.Phone2     = string.Empty;
                    profile.Phone2Type = string.Empty;
                profile.Phone1     = txtMobileNumber.Text;
                profile.Phone1Type = "Mobile";


                // add new mobile verification code to qCom_UserPreferences
                var pref    = qCom_UserPreference.GetUserPreference(curr_user_id);
                int new_pin = qCom_UserPreference.GenerateMobilePIN();

                if (pref != null)
                    if (pref.UserID > 0)
                        pref.MobilePIN = Convert.ToString(new_pin);
                    qCom_UserPreference pref2 = new qCom_UserPreference();
                    pref2.ScopeID        = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]);
                    pref2.Available      = "Yes";
                    pref2.Created        = DateTime.Now;
                    pref2.CreatedBy      = curr_user_id;
                    pref2.LastModified   = DateTime.Now;
                    pref2.LastModifiedBy = curr_user_id;
                    pref2.UserID         = curr_user_id;
                    pref2.OkBulkEmail    = "Yes";
                    pref2.OkSms          = "Yes";
                    pref2.OkEmail        = "Yes";
                    pref2.MobilePIN      = Convert.ToString(new_pin);

                // get correct DID
                string alt_did = string.Empty;
                // see if user has custom record
                var camp_pref = qCom_UserCampaignPreference.GetUserCampaignPreferences(campaign_id, curr_user_id);
                if (camp_pref != null)
                    alt_did = camp_pref.DID;
                    // see if campaign has available dedicated DIDs
                    qSoc_Campaign campaign = new qSoc_Campaign(campaign_id);
                    qPtl_User     user     = new qPtl_User(curr_user_id);
                    alt_did = AddCampaignUserPreference(campaign, user, scope_id);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(alt_did))
                        alt_did = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSDid"];

                string alt_pin_message_uri = string.Empty;
                var    c_pref = qCom_CampaignPreference.GetCampaignPreferences(campaign_id);
                if (c_pref != null)
                    if (c_pref.CampaignPreferenceID > 0)
                        alt_pin_message_uri = c_pref.MobileVerifySMSURI;

                // send mobile pin
                qCom_UserPreference.SendMobilePIN(Convert.ToString(new_pin), curr_user_id, alt_did, alt_pin_message_uri);

                plhManage.Visible = false;
                plhVerify.Visible = true;
            if (phone_belongs_to_another_user == true)
                litMsg.Text = "<br><br>* This phone number belongs to another user.";