/// <summary>
        /// Example5s this instance.
        /// </summary>

        /** <example><para></para>
         * <code> var files = folderResources.findFiles("*.bib*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
         * var targetFolder = folderResults.Add("WithoutTemplate", "Without template", "Exporting Excel files without column data annotation template");
         * BibTexTools.ExportToExcel(files, notation, log, null, targetFolder);
         * targetFolder = folderResults.Add("WithTemplate", "With template", "Exporting Excel files with column data annotation template");
         * // creating template from Type
         * propertyAnnotationPreset template = new propertyAnnotationPreset(typeof(BibTexEntryModel));
         * template.defaultItem.definitions.Add(templateFieldDataTable.columnWidth, 10);
         * template.defaultItem.definitions.Add(templateFieldDataTable.col_color, "#FF6600");
         * BibTexTools.ExportToExcel(files, notation, log, template, targetFolder); </code>
         * </example>
        public void Example5_SpecifyFormattingManually()
            var files = folderResources.findFiles("*.bib*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            var targetFolder = folderResults.Add("WithoutTemplate", "Without template", "Exporting Excel files without column data annotation template");

            BibTexTools.ExportToExcel(files, notation, log, null, targetFolder);

            targetFolder = folderResults.Add("WithTemplate", "With template", "Exporting Excel files with column data annotation template");

            // creating template from Type
            propertyAnnotationPreset template = new propertyAnnotationPreset(typeof(BibTexEntryModel));

            template.defaultItem.definitions.Add(templateFieldDataTable.columnWidth, 10);
            template.defaultItem.definitions.Add(templateFieldDataTable.col_color, "#FF6600");

            template.GetAnnotationPresetItem(nameof(BibTexEntryModel.journal)).definitions.Add(templateFieldDataTable.col_color, Color.Red);

            BibTexTools.ExportToExcel(files, notation, log, template, targetFolder);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports all acceptable file formats, to excel tables with the same name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePaths">The file paths.</param>
        /// <param name="author">The author.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <DataTableForStatistics> ExportToExcel(IEnumerable <String> filePaths, aceAuthorNotation author, ILogBuilder log = null, propertyAnnotationPreset customTemplate = null, folderNode outputFolder = null)
            List <DataTableForStatistics> output = new List <DataTableForStatistics>();
            Int32 c = 0;

            if (ExportInParallel)
                Stack <DataTableForStatistics> outputStack = new Stack <DataTableForStatistics>();

                Parallel.ForEach(filePaths, x =>
                    if (CheckExtension(x))
                        var excel = ExportToExcel(x, author, log, customTemplate, outputFolder);

                        c = 0;

                foreach (String f in filePaths)
                    //if (c > FileExtensionAbortCount)
                    //    if (log != null) log.log("File list aborted after [" + c.ToString() + "] incompatibile files");

                    //    break;

                    if (CheckExtension(f))
                        output.Add(ExportToExcel(f, author, log, customTemplate, outputFolder));
                        c = 0;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the BibTex file and converts it to Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
        /// <param name="author">The author.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
        /// <param name="customTemplate">Custom data annotation template, to be used for Excel file generation. If not specified, default <see cref="template"/> is used</param>
        /// <returns>Extended DataTable that is written in Excel file</returns>
        public static DataTableForStatistics ExportToExcel(String filePath, aceAuthorNotation author, ILogBuilder log = null, propertyAnnotationPreset customTemplate = null, folderNode outputFolder = null)
            BibTexDataFile bibFile = new BibTexDataFile(filePath);
            FileInfo       fi      = new FileInfo(filePath);

            if (outputFolder == null)
                outputFolder = fi.Directory;

            if (customTemplate == null)
                customTemplate = template;

            DataTable reportTable = bibFile.ConvertToDataTable(null, customTemplate, log); //.GetReportAndSave(fi.Directory, author, bibFile.name);

            DataTableForStatistics report = reportTable.GetReportAndSave(outputFolder, author);

            if (log != null)
                log.log("BibTex [" + filePath + "] -> Excel [" + report.lastFilePath + "]");

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds data table - from BibTex entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tagsFilter">List of tag names to include as columns. Include all found, if null</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable ConvertToDataTable(List <String> tagsFilter = null, propertyAnnotationPreset preset = null, ILogBuilder log = null)
            DataTable output = new DataTable();


            List <String> fieldsToUse = new List <string>();

            if (tagsFilter == null)
                foreach (String field in fields)
                    if (tagsFilter.Contains(field))

            foreach (String field in fieldsToUse)
                DataColumn dc = output.Columns.Add(field);

                //  dc.SetDefaultBackground(ColorWorks.ColorLightGray);

            if (preset != null)
                output.SetAdditionalInfoEntry("Format template", preset.name);
                preset.DeployTo(output, false, log);

            foreach (BibTexEntryBase ent in UntypedEntries)
                var row = output.NewRow();

                foreach (String field in fieldsToUse)
                    if (field == typeColumn)
                        row[typeColumn] = ent.type;
                    else if (field == keyColumn)
                        row[keyColumn] = ent.Key;
                        row[field] = ent.Get(field);


            output.SetDescription("BibTex bibliography entries, converted to table using imbSCI.Tools library");

            output.SetAdditionalInfoEntry("Source file", sourcePath);
            output.SetAdditionalInfoEntry("Conversion date", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
