public int prCaptureMRZ() { try { /* Capturing images */ //_pr.Capture(); /* Getting the MRZ data */ _doc = _pr.GetMrz(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_INFRA, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL); if (!_doc.IsValid()) { throw new NoDocumentFoundException("No MRZ data found"); } } catch (gxException e) { return(_helper.GetErrorMessage(e, out _errorMessage)); } catch (NoDocumentFoundException e) { _errorMessage = e.Message; return(1303); } catch (Exception e) { _errorMessage = e.Message + " --- prCaptureMRZ()"; return(1305); } return(0); }
public int prGetMRZData(System.Collections.IList list) { try { if (_doc.IsValid()) { string fieldName, text; int j = "PR_DF_MRZ_".Length; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PR_DOCFIELD))) { if (i <= (int)PR_DOCFIELD.PR_DF_MRZ_FIELDS) { continue; } fieldName = Enum.GetName(typeof(PR_DOCFIELD), i); if (fieldName.StartsWith("PR_DF_MRZ_")) { text = _doc.Field(i); text = text.Replace('<', ' ').Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { text = fieldName.Substring(j).Replace('_', ' ') + ": " + text; list.Add(text); } } } } } catch (gxException e) { return(_helper.GetErrorMessage(e, out _errorMessage)); } catch (Exception e) { _errorMessage = e.Message + " --- prGetMRZData()"; return(1305); } return(0); }
public int prCaptureBarcode() { try { /* Capturing images */ //_pr.Capture(); /* Reading barcode from infra image */ _doc = _pr.GetBarcode(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_INFRA, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL, 0, 0); if (!_doc.IsValid()) { /* Reading barcode from white image */ _doc = _pr.GetBarcode(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_WHITE, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL, 0, 0); // bool statusOk = _doc.FieldStatus((int)PR_DOCFIELD.PR_DF_BC1) == 0; // if (!statusOk) // _doc = _pr.GetBarcode(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_UV, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL, 0, 0); } if (!_doc.IsValid()) { throw new NoDocumentFoundException("No barcode found"); } } catch (gxException e) { return(_helper.GetErrorMessage(e, out _errorMessage)); } catch (NoDocumentFoundException e) { _errorMessage = e.Message; return(1303); } catch (Exception e) { _errorMessage = e.Message + " --- prCaptureBarcode()"; return(1305); } return(0); }
public int prCaptureBarcode() { try { /* Capturing images */ //_pr.Capture(); /* Reading barcode from infra image */ _doc = _pr.GetBarcode(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_INFRA, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL, 0, 0); if (!_doc.IsValid()) { /* Reading barcode from white image */ _doc = _pr.GetBarcode(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_WHITE, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL, 0, 0); // bool statusOk = _doc.FieldStatus((int)PR_DOCFIELD.PR_DF_BC1) == 0; // if (!statusOk) // _doc = _pr.GetBarcode(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_UV, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL, 0, 0); } if (!_doc.IsValid()) throw new NoDocumentFoundException("No barcode found"); } catch (gxException e) { return _helper.GetErrorMessage(e, out _errorMessage); } catch (NoDocumentFoundException e) { _errorMessage = e.Message; return 1303; } catch (Exception e) { _errorMessage = e.Message + " --- prCaptureBarcode()"; return 1305; } return 0; }
public int prCaptureMRZ() { try { /* Capturing images */ //_pr.Capture(); /* Getting the MRZ data */ _doc = _pr.GetMrz(0, (int)PR_LIGHT.PR_LIGHT_INFRA, (int)PR_IMAGE_TYPE.PR_IT_ORIGINAL); if (!_doc.IsValid()) throw new NoDocumentFoundException("No MRZ data found"); } catch (gxException e) { return _helper.GetErrorMessage(e, out _errorMessage); } catch (NoDocumentFoundException e) { _errorMessage = e.Message; return 1303; } catch (Exception e) { _errorMessage = e.Message + " --- prCaptureMRZ()"; return 1305; } return 0; }