static void Main(string[] args)
            ArmServiceImplService armService = new ArmServiceImplService();

            // TODO: Replace with live server URL when ready
            armService.Url             = "https://HUD will give you the url/ARM/ARM/";
            armService.PreAuthenticate = true;
            NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential();

            // TODO: Replace with userid/password issued by HUD for HCS system when ready
            credentials.UserName   = "******";
            credentials.Password   = "******";
            armService.Credentials = credentials;
            //These three removed per second post and fixed the last issue
            //api client = new api();
            //client.PreAuthenticate = true;
            //client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(credentials.UserName, credentials.Password);

            //removed for now to try only postAgencyData
            //postSubmissionResponse submissionId = doPostSubmission(armService);
            postSubmissionResponse psr = AgencyData(armService);

            while (dopostAgencyDataResponse(armService, psr) != true)
                // sleep for 60 seconds before checking agin.
        private static postSubmissionResponse AgencyData(ArmServiceImplService armService)
            postAgencyData     AgencyData = new postAgencyData();
            submissionHeader40 header     = new submissionHeader40();

            // TODO: Replace 80000 with your agency HCS id.
            header.agcHcsId = 80000;
            header.agcName  = "Your Agency Name";
            // TODO: Replace 8 with your CMS vendor id issued to you by ARM Development Team.
            header.fiscalYearId           = 17;
            header.reportingPeriodId      = 3;
            header.cmsVendorId            = yourVendorNUmber;
            AgencyData.submissionHeader40 = header;
            // TODO: Replace fake databag with valid databag of your own
            FileStream   file = new FileStream("c:/Users/Public/Documents/AgencyProfileData.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(file);
            string       str  = sr.ReadToEnd();

            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
            AgencyData.submissionData = encoding.GetBytes(str);
            postSubmissionResponse psr = armService.postAgencyData(AgencyData);

            Console.WriteLine("Submitted Data returned id : " + psr.submissionId);
        private static Boolean dopostAgencyDataResponse(ArmServiceImplService armService,
                                                        postSubmissionResponse postAgencyDataResponse)
            getSubmissionInfo getSubmissionInfo = new getSubmissionInfo();

            // TODO: Replace 80000 with your agency HCS id.
            getSubmissionInfo.agcHcsId     = 80000;
            getSubmissionInfo.submissionId = postAgencyDataResponse.submissionId;
            getSubmissionInfoResponse response = armService.getSubmissionInfo(getSubmissionInfo);

            Console.WriteLine("SubmissionInfo Status Date = " + response.statusDate);
            Console.WriteLine("SubmissionInfo Status Message = " + response.statusMessage);
            // if Done or Error returned, then return true to stop polling server.
            if (response.statusMessage.Equals("DONE") || response.statusMessage.Contains("ERROR"))