public ActionResult SaveRecord(pfm_Scheme_FundRepo pfm_scheme_fundrepo) { var log = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Seq("http://localhost:5341").CreateLogger(); try { pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Maker_Id = GlobalValue.User_ID; pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Make_Date = GlobalValue.Scheme_Today_Date; pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Update_Id = GlobalValue.User_ID; pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Update_Date = GlobalValue.Scheme_Today_Date; if (ModelState.IsValid) { this.schemefundrepo.SaveRecord(pfm_scheme_fundrepo); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Saved Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); Store store = X.GetCmp <Store>("SchemeFundStore"); store.Reload(); var reset = X.GetCmp <FormPanel>("SchemeFundPan"); reset.Reset(); return(this.Direct()); } string messages = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ModelState.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Errors).Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).FirstOrDefault()); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = messages, // " Insufficient data. Operation Aborted", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { string ora_code = ex.Message.Substring(0, 9); if (ora_code == "ORA-20000") { ora_code = "Record already exist. Process aborted.."; } else if (ora_code == "ORA-20100") { ora_code = "Not all records are supplied. Process aborted.."; } else { ora_code = ex.ToString(); } X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = ora_code, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); log.Write(level: Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information, messageTemplate: ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); return(this.Direct()); } finally { } }
public ActionResult UploadUP(Invest_ProductRepo PRepo, pfm_Scheme_FundRepo SFRepo) { try { if (!PRepo.E_Unit_Date.HasValue) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Date is required.Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } //Check if file Exist file_upload1 if (this.GetCmp <FileUploadField>("file_upload_UP_EC").HasFile) { HttpPostedFile file_posted = this.GetCmp <FileUploadField>("file_upload_UP_EC").PostedFile; string extension = Path.GetExtension(file_posted.FileName); if (extension != ".xlsx" && extension != ".xls") { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "selected file must be an excel file.Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } ImageWork.Upload_Any_File_Not_Image(file_posted); if (ECUpload(ImageWork.Current_Path_For_Other_Files, PRepo)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Unit Prices successfully uploaded.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); this.ClearControls(); //var pvr = new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult //{ // ViewName = "LoadUnitPricePartial", // ContainerId = "MainArea", // RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo, //}; //this.GetCmp<TabPanel>("MainArea").SetLastTabAsActive(); //return pvr; } } else { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please select a file to upload.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Sorry! File upload failed. Contact System Administrator", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public ActionResult ApproveRecord(pfm_Scheme_FundRepo pfm_Schemefundrepo) { pfm_Schemefundrepo.Auth_Id = GlobalValue.User_ID; pfm_Schemefundrepo.Auth_Date = DateTime.Now; var log = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Seq("http://localhost:5341").CreateLogger(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pfm_Schemefundrepo.Fund_Id)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please select a record to approve.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } schemefundrepo.ApproveRecord(pfm_Schemefundrepo); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Deleted Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); Store store = X.GetCmp <Store>("SchemeFundStore"); store.Reload(); var reset = X.GetCmp <FormPanel>("SchemeFundPan"); reset.Reset(); return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { string ora_code = ex.Message.Substring(0, 9); if (ora_code == "ORA-20000") { ora_code = "Record already exist. Process aborted.."; } else if (ora_code == "ORA-20100") { ora_code = "Record is uniquely defined in the system. Process aborted.."; } else { ora_code = ex.ToString(); } X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = ora_code, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); log.Write(level: Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information, messageTemplate: ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); return(this.Direct()); } finally { } }
public ActionResult SaveRecord(pfm_Scheme_FundRepo pfm_scheme_fundrepo) { var log = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Seq("http://localhost:5341").CreateLogger(); try { pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Maker_Id = GlobalValue.User_ID; pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Make_Date = System.DateTime.Now; pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Update_Id = GlobalValue.User_ID; pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Update_Date = System.DateTime.Now; { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Account_Name)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Account Name is required", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pfm_scheme_fundrepo.Scheme_Id)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Scheme is required", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pfm_scheme_fundrepo.GL_Account_No)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "GL Account is required", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } this.schemefundrepo.SaveRecordGL(pfm_scheme_fundrepo); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Added Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); var pvr = new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult { ViewName = "GLConsolidated", ContainerId = "MainArea", RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo, }; this.GetCmp <TabPanel>("MainArea").SetLastTabAsActive(); return(pvr); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ora_code = ex.Message.Substring(0, 9); if (ora_code == "ORA-20000") { ora_code = "Record already exist. Process aborted.."; } else if (ora_code == "ORA-20100") { ora_code = "Not all records are supplied. Process aborted.."; } else { ora_code = ex.ToString(); } X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = ora_code, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); log.Write(level: Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information, messageTemplate: ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); return(this.Direct()); } finally { } }