Example #1
         * Returns true if the polygon contains point.  False otherwise.
         * Casts a ray from outside the bounds to the polygon and checks how
         * many edges are hit.
         * @param polygon A series of individual edges composing a polygon.  polygon length *must* be divisible by 2.
         * This overload accepts an array of points and an array of indices that compose the polygon.
        public static bool PointInPolygon(Vector2[] polygon, int[] indices, Vector2 point)
            pb_Bounds2D bounds = new pb_Bounds2D(polygon, indices);

            if (bounds.ContainsPoint(point))
                Vector2 rayStart   = bounds.center + Vector2.up * (bounds.size.y + 2f);
                int     collisions = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Length; i += 2)
                    if (GetLineSegmentIntersect(rayStart, point, polygon[indices[i]], polygon[indices[i + 1]]))

                return(collisions % 2 != 0);