Example #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        action_state = p_state.waiting;
        throw_power  = default_throw_power;
        throw_angle  = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, new Vector3(transform.forward.x, 0, transform.forward.z));
        throw_arc    = gameObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>();
        throw_arc.SetWidth(0f, .1f);
        throw_arc.enabled = false;

        player        = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player")[0];
        player_pickup = player.GetComponent <PickUp>();

        //GameObject wheel = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("UI")[0];
        //ui_wheel = wheel.GetComponent<UIWheelController>();
Example #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        offset = gameObject.transform.position + gameObject.transform.forward * 3f + gameObject.transform.right / 2f + gameObject.transform.up * 3f; // fake position, we'll change this ???
        //print("In Throw.cs: " + player_pickup.Inventory_items.Count);

        if (player_pickup.Inventory_items.Count != 0)

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && player_pickup.Inventory_items.Count != 0)
                //print("In Throw.cs: ok trying to hold an item now when inventory.count = " + player_pickup.Inventory_items.Count);
                //GameObject obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                //print("In Throw.cs: item_index = " + item_index);
                if (item_index >= player_pickup.Inventory_items.Count)
                    item_index -= player_pickup.Inventory_items.Count;


                throw_power = default_throw_power;
                throw_angle = Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, new Vector3(transform.forward.x, 0, transform.forward.z));
                if (transform.forward.y < 0)
                    throw_angle *= -1;
                action_state = p_state.aiming;

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
                action_state = p_state.throwing;
            action_state = p_state.waiting;

        if (action_state == p_state.aiming)
            if (!throw_arc.isVisible)
                throw_arc.enabled = true;

            //GameObject textOBJ = held_item_.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
            //print("setting the text object inactive");
            //TextMesh tm = textOBJ.GetComponent<TextMesh>();
            //print("this is a text mesh i promise --> " + tm.text);

            //  1. Get the inputs! (ScrollWheel and Mouse Y)
            float mouse_y     = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
            float scrollwheel = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");

            //  2. Use ScrollWheel to increase/decrease the power
            throw_power += scrollwheel * 2f;
            throw_power  = Mathf.Clamp(throw_power, 3f, 50f);

            //  3. Use mouse Y to increase/decrease the throw_angle
            throw_angle += mouse_y;
            throw_angle  = Mathf.Clamp(throw_angle, -45f, 90f);
            updateObjectFacing(held_item_, throw_angle);

            //  4. Display the line that will show the object's movement
            displayThrowArc(held_item_, throw_power);

            //  5. Check to see if the player wants/tries to cancel the throw

        if (action_state == p_state.throwing)
        {   //  1. Take the item out of the player's inventory
            //  2. Launch the item with the appropriate initial velocity and direction
            Vector3 launch_velocity = getThrowVelocity(held_item_, throw_power);
            throwItem(held_item_, launch_velocity);

            //  3. Remove the object from the player inventory
            item_index = player_pickup.Inventory_items.IndexOf(held_item_);

            //  4. Call update on the UI

            //  4. Set action_state back to waiting
            held_item_        = null;
            action_state      = p_state.waiting;
            throw_arc.enabled = false;