Example #1
// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // check to see if the player droid should be removed from the stage for maintenance
        if (maintenancePoints <= 0)
            // if the droid has maintenance points, we play with it
            moveSpeed = Random.Range(20000f, 21000f);

            // Create a new opponent on stage if
            //    1) we can find an opponent on the stage with less than 12 maintenance points,
            //    2) the total number of opponents on stage is less than maxOpponents, and
            //    3) there has not been an opponent created for the minSecondsTweenOpponents,
            // and set it in place on the stage
            int            i;
            opponentScript ptrOppoScript = null;
            for (i = 1; i < maxOpponents; i++)
                objOpponentOnStage = (GameObject)GameObject.FindWithTag("Opponent0" + i.ToString());
                if (objOpponentOnStage != null)
                    ptrOppoScript = (opponentScript)objOpponentOnStage.GetComponent(typeof(opponentScript));
                    if (ptrOppoScript.maintenancePoints <= 12)
            if (objOpponentOnStage != null && opponentCount < maxOpponents && (Time.time - opponentSpawnedAtTime) > minSecondsTweenOpponents)
                if (ptrOppoScript.maintenancePoints <= 12)
                    if (preFabOpponent != null)
                        GameObject objCreatedOpponent = (GameObject)Instantiate(preFabOpponent, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(((float)Random.Range(1, 3)), 0, ((float)Random.Range(0, 3)))));
                        for (i = 1; i < maxOpponents; i++)
                            objOpponentOnStage = (GameObject)GameObject.FindWithTag("Opponent0" + i.ToString());
                            if (objOpponentOnStage == null)
                        objCreatedOpponent.tag          = "Opponent0" + i.ToString();
                        ptrOppoScript                   = (opponentScript)objCreatedOpponent.GetComponent(typeof(opponentScript));
                        ptrOppoScript.maintenancePoints = 20;
                        // set the time when this opponent was spawned
                        opponentSpawnedAtTime = Time.time;
Example #2
 void checkForSwarmMode()
     if (!inSwarmMode && (Time.time - stopSwarmTime) > 30f)
         // if the opponent droids are not presently in swarm mode, and
         // more than 30 seconds have passed since the last swarm,
         // check to see if there's a new swarm at hand
         // trigger swarm mode 30% of the time
         if (Random.Range(0, 99) > 65)
             inSwarmMode = true;
             // need to communicate with all the opponent scripts and put them into swarm mode here
             int            i;
             opponentScript ptrOppoScript = null;
             for (i = 1; i < maxOpponents; i++)
                 objOpponentOnStage = (GameObject)GameObject.FindWithTag("Opponent0" + i.ToString());
                 if (objOpponentOnStage != null)
                     ptrOppoScript             = (opponentScript)objOpponentOnStage.GetComponent(typeof(opponentScript));
                     ptrOppoScript.inSwarmMode = true;
             swarmedAtTime = Time.time;
     else if (inSwarmMode && (Time.time - swarmedAtTime) > 10f)
         // if the opponent droids are presently in swarm mode, and
         // more than 10 seconds have passed since swarm mode began,
         // stop swarm mode
         inSwarmMode = false;
         // need to communicate with all the opponent scripts and get them out of swarm mode here
         int            i;
         opponentScript ptrOppoScript = null;
         for (i = 1; i < maxOpponents; i++)
             objOpponentOnStage = (GameObject)GameObject.FindWithTag("Opponent0" + i.ToString());
             if (objOpponentOnStage != null)
                 ptrOppoScript             = (opponentScript)objOpponentOnStage.GetComponent(typeof(opponentScript));
                 ptrOppoScript.inSwarmMode = false;
         stopSwarmTime = Time.time;
Example #3
    void ProcessAnimation()
        // iteration int i
        int i;

        // the animation framerate is managed by setting animationTime initially to 1/framerate
        // then subtracting the gameplay framerate passed since the last call to ProcessAnimation
        // When animationTime eventually becomes negative after enough subtractions, it is time
        // to display a new frame of animation. Then, after the new animation frame is displayed, we
        // reset animationTime to 1/framerate, so we can begin the process again
        // This essentially creates a Flash-like local timeline for this sprite using the gameplay framerate
        animationTime -= Time.deltaTime;
        // if the game is running at 30 frames per second
        // animationTime will subtract 0.033 of a second (1/30)
        if (animationTime <= 0)
            frameNumber += 1;
            // manage the animationFight animation
            if (currentAnimation == AnimationLoops.animationFight)
                frameNumber   = Mathf.Clamp(frameNumber, fightAnimationMin, fightAnimationMax + 1);
                spriteScalerY = 0.9150f;
                spriteFightY  = -0.009f;
                if (frameNumber > fightAnimationMax)
                    // once we have finished the fight animation, detect if we are still in FightingPlayer state
                    doFightDamage = false;
                    if (state == ControlState.FightingPlayer)
                        // when looping the fight animation it looks better to start at fightAnimationMin + 4
                        frameNumber = fightAnimationMin + 4;
                        currentAnimation = AnimationLoops.animationWalk;
                        frameNumber      = walkAnimationMin;
                // if the player is within 2 units of the opponent and
                // we are at least 4 frames into the animation, and we haven't attacked yet
                if (state == ControlState.FightingPlayer && frameNumber > fightAnimationMin + 4 && doFightDamage == false)
                    // damage the droid
                    doFightDamage = true;
                    for (i = 1; i <= maxOpponents; i++)
                        objOpponentOnStage = (GameObject)GameObject.FindWithTag("Opponent0" + i.ToString());
                        if (objOpponentOnStage != null)
                            if (Vector3.Distance(objPlayer.transform.position, objOpponentOnStage.transform.position) < 2.0f)
                                opponentScript ptrOppoScript = (opponentScript)objOpponentOnStage.GetComponent(typeof(opponentScript));
                                ptrOppoScript.maintenancePoints -= fightDamage;
                                //print ("Opponent0" + i.ToString () + " damaged");
            // manage the animationWave animation
            if (currentAnimation == AnimationLoops.animationWave)
                frameNumber   = Mathf.Clamp(frameNumber, waveAnimationMin, waveAnimationMax + 1);
                spriteScalerY = 0.8918f;
                spriteFightY  = 0f;
                if (frameNumber > waveAnimationMax)
                    frameNumber = waveAnimationMin;
            // manage the animationWalk animation
            if (currentAnimation == AnimationLoops.animationWalk)
                frameNumber   = Mathf.Clamp(frameNumber, walkAnimationMin, walkAnimationMax + 1);
                spriteScalerY = 0.9150f;
                spriteFightY  = 0f;
                if (frameNumber > walkAnimationMax)
                    frameNumber = walkAnimationMin;
            // reset the animationTime to 1/framerate, so we can begin the local timeline process again
            animationTime += (1 / animationFrameRate);

        // The remaining code finds the image for the animation frame on the sprite sheet,
        // then displays it on the surface of the droid's plane model as a texture
        // First, find the number of frames down the animation is on the sprite sheet and set the y coordinate accordingly
        spriteSheetCount.y = 0;
        for (i = (int)frameNumber; i > (int)spriteSheetTotalRows; i -= (int)spriteSheetTotalRows)
            spriteSheetCount.y += 1;
        // Second, find the number of frames across the animation is on the sprite sheet and set the x coordinate accordingly
        spriteSheetCount.x = i - 1;

        // Third, calculate the exact X and Y pixel coordinate on the sprite sheet of the frame to display
        double calcY = spriteScalerY * (spriteSheetCount.y / spriteSheetTotalRows) + spriteFightY;
        double calcX = 0.9150 * (spriteSheetCount.x / spriteSheetTotalCols) + 0.033;

        spriteSheetOffset = new Vector2((float)(1 - calcX), (float)(1 - calcY));

        // Last, offset the texture to display the correct frame
        renderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", spriteSheetOffset);