/// <summary>
        /// Create a AutoJSContext using the SafeJSContext.
        /// If context is IntPtr.Zero use the SafeJSContext
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public AutoJSContext(IntPtr context)
            if (context == IntPtr.Zero)
                _jsContextStack = Xpcom.GetService <nsIThreadJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");
                context         = _jsContextStack.GetSafeJSContextAttribute();

            _cx = context;

            // begin a new request

            // push the context onto the context stack
            _contextStack = Xpcom.GetService <nsIJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");

            // obtain the system principal (no security checks) (one could get a different principal by calling securityManager.GetObjectPrincipal())
            _securityManager = Xpcom.GetService <nsIScriptSecurityManager>("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1");

            _systemPrincipal = _securityManager.GetSystemPrincipal();
            _jsPrincipals    = _systemPrincipal.GetJSPrincipals(_cx);

            _securityManager.PushContextPrincipal(_cx, IntPtr.Zero, _systemPrincipal);
Example #2
        public AutoJSContext()
            nsIJSRuntimeService runtimeService = (nsIJSRuntimeService)Xpcom.GetService("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/RuntimeService;1");
            IntPtr jsRuntime = runtimeService.GetRuntime();

            IntPtr cx = JS_NewContext(jsRuntime, 8192);

            nsIJSContextStack contextStack = Xpcom.GetService <nsIJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");


            nsIPrincipal system       = Xpcom.GetService <nsIScriptSecurityManager>("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1").GetSystemPrincipal();
            IntPtr       jsPrincipals = system.GetJSPrincipals(cx);

            JSStackFrame frame = new JSStackFrame();

            frame.script = JS_CompileScriptForPrincipals(cx, JS_GetGlobalObject(cx), jsPrincipals, "", 0, "", 1);

            //NOTE: this code is based on the definition of JSContext from mozilla 1.8 and will not work for other versions
            IntPtr old = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cx, 0x34);

            frame.down = old;

            IntPtr framePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(JSStackFrame)));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(frame, framePtr, true);

            // cx->fp = framePtr;
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(cx, 0x34, framePtr);
Example #3
 internal CssUriValue(string aString, Uri aBaseURI, Uri aReferrer, nsIPrincipal aOriginPrincipal)
     mString = aString;
     mURI = aBaseURI;
     mReferrer = aReferrer;
     mOriginPrincipal = aOriginPrincipal;
     mURIResolved = false;
Example #4
 internal CssUriValue(string aString, Uri aBaseURI, Uri aReferrer, nsIPrincipal aOriginPrincipal)
     mString          = aString;
     mURI             = aBaseURI;
     mReferrer        = aReferrer;
     mOriginPrincipal = aOriginPrincipal;
     mURIResolved     = false;
Example #5
        public AutoJSContext()
            var jsContextStack = Xpcom.GetService <nsIThreadJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");

            cx = jsContextStack.GetSafeJSContextAttribute();

            // begin a new request

            // push the context onto the context stack
            nsIJSContextStack contextStack = Xpcom.GetService <nsIJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");


            // obtain the system principal (no security checks)
            nsIScriptSecurityManager securityManager = Xpcom.GetService <nsIScriptSecurityManager>("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1");
            nsIPrincipal             system          = securityManager.GetSystemPrincipal();
            IntPtr jsPrincipals = system.GetJSPrincipals(cx);

            securityManager.PushContextPrincipal(cx, IntPtr.Zero, system);
        public AutoJSContext()
            // obtain the JS runtime used by gecko
            nsIJSRuntimeService runtimeService = (nsIJSRuntimeService)Xpcom.GetService("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/RuntimeService;1");
            IntPtr jsRuntime = runtimeService.GetRuntimeAttribute();

            // create a new JSContext
            cx = JS_NewContext(jsRuntime, 8192);

            // begin a new request

            // push the context onto the context stack
            nsIJSContextStack contextStack = Xpcom.GetService <nsIJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");


            // obtain the system principal (no security checks) which we will use when compiling the empty script below
            nsIPrincipal system       = Xpcom.GetService <nsIScriptSecurityManager>("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1").GetSystemPrincipal();
            IntPtr       jsPrincipals = system.GetJSPrincipals(cx);

            // create a fake stack frame
            JSStackFrame frame = new JSStackFrame();

            frame.script = JS_CompileScriptForPrincipals(cx, JS_GetGlobalObject(cx), jsPrincipals, "", 0, "", 1);

            // put a pointer to the fake stack frame on the JSContext

            // frame.down = cx->fp
            IntPtr old = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(cx, OfsetOfFP);

            frame.down = old;

            IntPtr framePtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(JSStackFrame)));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(frame, framePtr, true);

            // cx->fp = framePtr;
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(cx, OfsetOfFP, framePtr);
Example #7
        internal bool EvaluateSupportsDeclaration(string aProperty,
                                                   string aValue,
                                                   Uri aDocURL,
                                                   Uri aBaseURL,
                                                   nsIPrincipal aDocPrincipal)
            nsCSSProperty propID = nsCSSProps.LookupProperty(aProperty,
              if (propID == nsCSSProperty.Unknown) {
            return false;

              var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aValue, 0);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aDocURL);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aDocURL, aBaseURL, aDocPrincipal);
              using (/*var suppressErrors = */new nsAutoSuppressErrors(this)) {

            bool parsedOK = ParseProperty(propID) && !GetToken(true);



            return parsedOK;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a AutoJSContext using the SafeJSContext.
        /// If context is IntPtr.Zero use the SafeJSContext
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public AutoJSContext(IntPtr context)
            if (context == IntPtr.Zero)
                _jsContextStack = Xpcom.GetService<nsIThreadJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");
                context = _jsContextStack.GetSafeJSContextAttribute();

            _cx = context;

            // begin a new request

            // push the context onto the context stack
            _contextStack = Xpcom.GetService<nsIJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");

            // obtain the system principal (no security checks) (one could get a different principal by calling securityManager.GetObjectPrincipal())
            _securityManager = Xpcom.GetService<nsIScriptSecurityManager>("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1");
            _systemPrincipal = _securityManager.GetSystemPrincipal();
            _securityManager.PushContextPrincipal(_cx, IntPtr.Zero, _systemPrincipal);
 public bool IsSystemPrincipal(nsIPrincipal aPrincipal)
     return true;
Example #10
        internal nsresult ParseSheet(string aInput,
                                  Uri          aSheetURI,
                                  Uri          aBaseURI,
                                  nsIPrincipal    aSheetPrincipal,
                                  uint32_t         aLineNumber,
                                  bool             aAllowUnsafeRules)
            if (aSheetPrincipal == null) throw new ArgumentException("Must have principal here!");
              if (aBaseURI == null) throw new ArgumentException("need base URI");
              if (aSheetURI == null) throw new ArgumentException("need sheet URI");
              if (mSheet == null) throw new ArgumentException("Must have sheet to parse into");
              if (mSheet == null) return nsresult.ERROR_UNEXPECTED;

            #if DEBUG
              Uri uri = mSheet.GetSheetURI();
              bool equal;
              Debug.Assert(aSheetURI.Equals(uri, out equal).Succeeded() && equal,
                       "Sheet URI does not match passed URI");
                                                                out equal).Succeeded() &&
                       "Sheet principal does not match passed principal");

              var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aInput, aLineNumber);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aSheetURI);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aSheetURI, aBaseURI, aSheetPrincipal);

              int32_t ruleCount = mSheet.StyleRuleCount();
              if (0 < ruleCount) {
            Rule lastRule = null;
            mSheet.GetStyleRuleAt(ruleCount - 1, ref lastRule);
            if (lastRule != null) {
              switch (lastRule.GetKind()) {
                case CssRuleKind.Charset:
                case CssRuleKind.Import:
                  mSection = nsCSSSection.Import;
                case CssRuleKind.Namespace:
                  mSection = nsCSSSection.NameSpace;
                  mSection = nsCSSSection.General;
              lastRule = null;
              else {
            mSection = nsCSSSection.Charset; // sheet is empty, any rules are fair

              mUnsafeRulesEnabled = aAllowUnsafeRules;

              nsCSSToken tk = mToken;
              for (;;) {
            // Get next non-whitespace token
            if (!GetToken(true)) {
            if (nsCSSTokenType.HTMLComment == tk.mType) {
              continue; // legal here only
            if (nsCSSTokenType.AtKeyword == tk.mType) {
              ParseAtRule((rule, _) => AppendRule(rule), this, false);
            if (ParseRuleSet((rule, _) => AppendRule(rule), this)) {
              mSection = nsCSSSection.General;

              mUnsafeRulesEnabled = false;

              // XXX check for low level errors
              return nsresult.OK;
Example #11
        internal nsresult ParseStyleAttribute(string aAttributeValue,
                                           Uri          aDocURI,
                                           Uri          aBaseURI,
                                           nsIPrincipal    aNodePrincipal,
                                           ref StyleRule aResult)
            if (aNodePrincipal == null) throw new ArgumentException("Must have principal here!");
              if (aBaseURI == null) throw new ArgumentException("need base URI");

              // XXX line number?
              var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aAttributeValue, 0);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aDocURI);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aDocURI, aBaseURI, aNodePrincipal);

              mSection = nsCSSSection.General;

              // In quirks mode, allow style declarations to have braces or not
              // (bug 99554).
              bool haveBraces;
              if (mNavQuirkMode && GetToken(true)) {
            haveBraces = nsCSSTokenType.Symbol == mToken.mType &&
                         '{' == mToken.mSymbol;
              else {
            haveBraces = false;

              nsParseDeclaration parseFlags = nsParseDeclaration.AllowImportant;
              if (haveBraces) {
            parseFlags |= nsParseDeclaration.InBraces;

              Declaration declaration = ParseDeclarationBlock(parseFlags);
              if (declaration != null) {
            // Create a style rule for the declaration
            aResult = new StyleRule(null, declaration);
              } else {
            aResult = null;


              // XXX check for low level errors
              return nsresult.OK;
Example #12
        internal void InitScanner(nsCSSScanner aScanner,
                                   ErrorReporter aReporter,
                                   Uri aSheetURI, Uri aBaseURI,
                                   nsIPrincipal aSheetPrincipal)
            if (!(!mHTMLMediaMode)) throw new ArgumentException("Bad initial state");
              if (!(!mParsingCompoundProperty)) throw new ArgumentException("Bad initial state");
              if (!(mScanner == null)) throw new ArgumentException("already have scanner");

              mScanner = aScanner;
              mReporter = aReporter;

              mBaseURI = aBaseURI;
              mSheetURI = aSheetURI;
              mSheetPrincipal = aSheetPrincipal;
              mHavePushBack = false;
Example #13
        internal nsresult ParseRule(string        aRule,
                                 Uri                 aSheetURI,
                                 Uri                 aBaseURI,
                                 nsIPrincipal           aSheetPrincipal,
                                 ref Rule             aResult)
            if (aSheetPrincipal == null) throw new ArgumentException("Must have principal here!");
              if (aBaseURI == null) throw new ArgumentException("need base URI");

              aResult = null;

              var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aRule, 0);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aSheetURI);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aSheetURI, aBaseURI, aSheetPrincipal);

              mSection = nsCSSSection.Charset; // callers are responsible for rejecting invalid rules.

              nsCSSToken tk = mToken;
              // Get first non-whitespace token
              nsresult rv = nsresult.OK;
              if (!GetToken(true)) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEParseRuleWSOnly"); };
            rv = nsresult.ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR;
              } else {
            if (nsCSSTokenType.AtKeyword == tk.mType) {
              // FIXME: perhaps aInsideBlock should be true when we are?
              Rule result = null; ParseAtRule((rule, _) => result = rule, aResult, false); aResult = result;
            } else {
              Rule result = null; ParseRuleSet((rule, _) => result = rule, aResult); aResult = result;

            if (aResult != null && GetToken(true)) {
              // garbage after rule
              { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PERuleTrailing", mToken); };
              aResult = null;

            if (aResult == null) {
              rv = nsresult.ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR;

              return rv;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a AutoJSContext using the SafeJSContext.
        /// If context is IntPtr.Zero use the SafeJSContext
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public AutoJSContext(IntPtr context)
            if (context == IntPtr.Zero)
                _jsContextStack = Xpcom.GetService<nsIThreadJSContextStack>("@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1");
                // Due to GetSafeJSContext (being changed from an attribute to a virtual method in FF 15) we can no longer call
                // it safely from C#. // TODO: find a better solution for this.
                context = _jsContextStack.GetSafeJSContext();

            _cx = context;

            // TODO: calling BeginRequest may not be neccessary anymore.
            // begin a new request

            // TODO: pushing the context onto the context stack may not be neccessary anymore.
            // push the context onto the context stack
            _contextStack = Xpcom.GetService<nsIJSContextStack>( Contracts.JsContextStack );

            // PushContextPrinciple was removed in firefox 16.
            // TODO: It would be nice to get elevated security when running javascript from geckofx.
            #if false
            // obtain the system principal (no security checks) (one could get a different principal by calling securityManager.GetObjectPrincipal())
            if (_securityManager == null)
                _securityManager = Xpcom.GetService<nsIScriptSecurityManager>("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1");

            _systemPrincipal = _securityManager.GetSystemPrincipal();

            _securityManager.PushContextPrincipal(_cx, IntPtr.Zero, _systemPrincipal);
Example #15
        internal nsresult ParseProperty(nsCSSProperty aPropID,
                                     string aPropValue,
                                     Uri aSheetURI,
                                     Uri aBaseURI,
                                     nsIPrincipal aSheetPrincipal,
                                     Declaration aDeclaration,
                                     ref bool aChanged,
                                     bool aIsImportant,
                                     bool aIsSVGMode)
            if (aSheetPrincipal == null) throw new ArgumentException("Must have principal here!");
              if (aBaseURI == null) throw new ArgumentException("need base URI");
              if (aDeclaration == null) throw new ArgumentException("Need declaration to parse into!");


              var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aPropValue, 0);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aSheetURI);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aSheetURI, aBaseURI, aSheetPrincipal);
              mSection = nsCSSSection.General;

              aChanged = false;

              // Check for unknown or preffed off properties
              if (nsCSSProperty.Unknown == aPropID || !nsCSSProps.IsEnabled(aPropID)) {
            string propName = nsCSSProps.GetStringValue(aPropID);
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEUnknownProperty", propName); };
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEDeclDropped"); };
            return nsresult.OK;

              bool parsedOK = ParseProperty(aPropID);
              // We should now be at EOF
              if (parsedOK && GetToken(true)) {
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEExpectEndValue", mToken); };
            parsedOK = false;

              if (!parsedOK) {
            string propName = nsCSSProps.GetStringValue(aPropID);
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEValueParsingError", propName); };
            { if (!mSuppressErrors) mReporter.ReportUnexpected("PEDeclDropped"); };
              } else {

            // We know we don't need to force a ValueAppended call for the new
            // value.  So if we are not processing a shorthand, and there's
            // already a value for this property in the declaration at the
            // same importance level, then we can just copy our parsed value
            // directly into the declaration without going through the whole
            // expand/compress thing.
            if (!aDeclaration.TryReplaceValue(aPropID, aIsImportant, mTempData, ref aChanged)) {
              // Do it the slow way
              aChanged = mData.TransferFromBlock(mTempData, aPropID, aIsImportant,
                                                  true, false, aDeclaration);


              return nsresult.OK;
Example #16
        internal bool EvaluateSupportsCondition(string aDeclaration,
                                                 Uri aDocURL,
                                                 Uri aBaseURL,
                                                 nsIPrincipal aDocPrincipal)
            var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aDeclaration, 0);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aDocURL);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aDocURL, aBaseURL, aDocPrincipal);
              using (/*var suppressErrors = */new nsAutoSuppressErrors(this)) {

            bool conditionMet = false;
            bool parsedOK = ParseSupportsCondition(ref conditionMet) && !GetToken(true);


            return parsedOK && conditionMet;
Example #17
        internal nsresult ParseDeclarations(string  aBuffer,
                                         Uri           aSheetURI,
                                         Uri           aBaseURI,
                                         nsIPrincipal     aSheetPrincipal,
                                         Declaration aDeclaration,
                                         ref bool           aChanged)
            aChanged = false;

              if (aSheetPrincipal == null) throw new ArgumentException("Must have principal here!");

              var scanner = new nsCSSScanner(aBuffer, 0);
              var reporter = new ErrorReporter(scanner, mSheet, mChildLoader, aSheetURI);
              InitScanner(scanner, reporter, aSheetURI, aBaseURI, aSheetPrincipal);

              mSection = nsCSSSection.General;

              // We could check if it was already empty, but...
              aChanged = true;

              for (;;) {
            // If we cleared the old decl, then we want to be calling
            // ValueAppended as we parse.
            if (!ParseDeclaration(aDeclaration, nsParseDeclaration.AllowImportant,
                                  true, ref aChanged)) {
              if (!SkipDeclaration(false)) {

              return nsresult.OK;
 public void CheckLoadURIWithPrincipal(nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, nsIURI uri, uint flags)
 public void CheckLoadURIStrWithPrincipal(nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, nsAUTF8StringBase uri, uint flags)
 public bool CanExecuteScripts(IntPtr cx, nsIPrincipal principal)
     return true;