Example #1
        Calculation of all types of errors at once for a subset or  full  dataset,
        which can be represented in different formats.


          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 26.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpallerrorsx(multilayerperceptron network,
            double[,] densexy,
            sparse.sparsematrix sparsexy,
            int datasetsize,
            int datasettype,
            int[] idx,
            int subset0,
            int subset1,
            int subsettype,
            alglib.smp.shared_pool buf,
            modelerrors rep)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int rowsize = 0;
            bool iscls = new bool();
            int srcidx = 0;
            int cstart = 0;
            int csize = 0;
            int j = 0;
            hpccores.mlpbuffers pbuf = null;
            int len0 = 0;
            int len1 = 0;
            modelerrors rep0 = new modelerrors();
            modelerrors rep1 = new modelerrors();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(datasetsize>=0, "MLPAllErrorsX: SetSize<0");
            alglib.ap.assert(datasettype==0 || datasettype==1, "MLPAllErrorsX: DatasetType is incorrect");
            alglib.ap.assert(subsettype==0 || subsettype==1, "MLPAllErrorsX: SubsetType is incorrect");
            // Determine network properties
            mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            iscls = mlpissoftmax(network);
            // Split problem.
            // Splitting problem allows us to reduce  effect  of  single-precision
            // arithmetics (SSE-optimized version of MLPChunkedProcess uses single
            // precision  internally, but converts them to  double precision after
            // results are exported from HPC buffer to network). Small batches are
            // calculated in single precision, results are  aggregated  in  double
            // precision, and it allows us to avoid accumulation  of  errors  when
            // we process very large batches (tens of thousands of items).
            // NOTE: it is important to use real arithmetics for ProblemCost
            //       because ProblemCost may be larger than MAXINT.
            if( subset1-subset0>=2*microbatchsize && (double)(apserv.inttoreal(subset1-subset0)*apserv.inttoreal(wcount))>(double)(gradbasecasecost) )
                apserv.splitlength(subset1-subset0, microbatchsize, ref len0, ref len1);
                mlpallerrorsx(network, densexy, sparsexy, datasetsize, datasettype, idx, subset0, subset0+len0, subsettype, buf, rep0);
                mlpallerrorsx(network, densexy, sparsexy, datasetsize, datasettype, idx, subset0+len0, subset1, subsettype, buf, rep1);
                rep.relclserror = (len0*rep0.relclserror+len1*rep1.relclserror)/(len0+len1);
                rep.avgce = (len0*rep0.avgce+len1*rep1.avgce)/(len0+len1);
                rep.rmserror = Math.Sqrt((len0*math.sqr(rep0.rmserror)+len1*math.sqr(rep1.rmserror))/(len0+len1));
                rep.avgerror = (len0*rep0.avgerror+len1*rep1.avgerror)/(len0+len1);
                rep.avgrelerror = (len0*rep0.avgrelerror+len1*rep1.avgrelerror)/(len0+len1);
            // Retrieve and prepare
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(buf, ref pbuf);
            if( iscls )
                rowsize = nin+1;
                bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref pbuf.tmp0);
                rowsize = nin+nout;
                bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref pbuf.tmp0);
            // Processing
            hpccores.hpcpreparechunkedgradient(network.weights, wcount, mlpntotal(network), nin, nout, pbuf);
            cstart = subset0;
            while( cstart<subset1 )
                // Determine size of current chunk and copy it to PBuf.XY
                csize = Math.Min(subset1, cstart+pbuf.chunksize)-cstart;
                for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                    srcidx = -1;
                    if( subsettype==0 )
                        srcidx = cstart+j;
                    if( subsettype==1 )
                        srcidx = idx[cstart+j];
                    alglib.ap.assert(srcidx>=0, "MLPAllErrorsX: internal error");
                    if( datasettype==0 )
                        for(i_=0; i_<=rowsize-1;i_++)
                            pbuf.xy[j,i_] = densexy[srcidx,i_];
                    if( datasettype==1 )
                        sparse.sparsegetrow(sparsexy, srcidx, ref pbuf.xyrow);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=rowsize-1;i_++)
                            pbuf.xy[j,i_] = pbuf.xyrow[i_];
                // Unpack XY and process (temporary code, to be replaced by chunked processing)
                for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                    for(i_=0; i_<=rowsize-1;i_++)
                        pbuf.xy2[j,i_] = pbuf.xy[j,i_];
                mlpchunkedprocess(network, pbuf.xy2, 0, csize, pbuf.batch4buf, pbuf.hpcbuf);
                for(j=0; j<=csize-1; j++)
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                        pbuf.x[i_] = pbuf.xy2[j,i_];
                    i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        pbuf.y[i_] = pbuf.xy2[j,i_+i1_];
                    if( iscls )
                        pbuf.desiredy[0] = pbuf.xy[j,nin];
                        i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                            pbuf.desiredy[i_] = pbuf.xy[j,i_+i1_];
                    bdss.dserraccumulate(ref pbuf.tmp0, pbuf.y, pbuf.desiredy);
                // Process chunk and advance line pointer
                cstart = cstart+pbuf.chunksize;
            bdss.dserrfinish(ref pbuf.tmp0);
            rep.relclserror = pbuf.tmp0[0];
            rep.avgce = pbuf.tmp0[1]/Math.Log(2);
            rep.rmserror = pbuf.tmp0[2];
            rep.avgerror = pbuf.tmp0[3];
            rep.avgrelerror = pbuf.tmp0[4];
            // Recycle
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(buf, ref pbuf);
Example #2
        Calculation of all types of errors on subset of dataset.


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support 
          ! First improvement gives close-to-linear speedup on multicore  systems.
          ! Second improvement gives constant speedup (2-3x depending on your CPU)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

            Network -   network initialized with one of the network creation funcs
            XY      -   original dataset given by sparse matrix;
                        one sample = one row;
                        first NIn columns contain inputs,
                        next NOut columns - desired outputs.
            SetSize -   real size of XY, SetSize>=0;
            Subset  -   subset of SubsetSize elements, array[SubsetSize];
            SubsetSize- number of elements in Subset[] array:
                        * if SubsetSize>0, rows of XY with indices Subset[0]...
                          ...Subset[SubsetSize-1] are processed
                        * if SubsetSize=0, zeros are returned
                        * if SubsetSize<0, entire dataset is  processed;  Subset[]
                          array is ignored in this case.

            Rep     -   it contains all type of errors.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.09.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpallerrorssparsesubset(multilayerperceptron network,
            sparse.sparsematrix xy,
            int setsize,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize,
            modelerrors rep)
            int idx0 = 0;
            int idx1 = 0;
            int idxtype = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(sparse.sparseiscrs(xy), "MLPAllErrorsSparseSubset: XY is not in CRS format.");
            alglib.ap.assert(sparse.sparsegetnrows(xy)>=setsize, "MLPAllErrorsSparseSubset: XY has less than SetSize rows");
            if( setsize>0 )
                if( mlpissoftmax(network) )
                    alglib.ap.assert(sparse.sparsegetncols(xy)>=mlpgetinputscount(network)+1, "MLPAllErrorsSparseSubset: XY has less than NIn+1 columns");
                    alglib.ap.assert(sparse.sparsegetncols(xy)>=mlpgetinputscount(network)+mlpgetoutputscount(network), "MLPAllErrorsSparseSubset: XY has less than NIn+NOut columns");
            if( subsetsize>=0 )
                idx0 = 0;
                idx1 = subsetsize;
                idxtype = 1;
                idx0 = 0;
                idx1 = setsize;
                idxtype = 0;
            mlpallerrorsx(network, network.dummydxy, xy, setsize, 1, subset, idx0, idx1, idxtype, network.buf, rep);
Example #3
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_mlpallerrorssparsesubset(multilayerperceptron network,
     sparse.sparsematrix xy,
     int setsize,
     int[] subset,
     int subsetsize,
     modelerrors rep)
Example #4
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_mlpallerrorssubset(multilayerperceptron network,
     double[,] xy,
     int setsize,
     int[] subset,
     int subsetsize,
     modelerrors rep)
Example #5
        Calculation of all types of errors on subset of dataset.


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support 
          ! First improvement gives close-to-linear speedup on multicore  systems.
          ! Second improvement gives constant speedup (2-3x depending on your CPU)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

            Network -   network initialized with one of the network creation funcs
            XY      -   original dataset; one sample = one row;
                        first NIn columns contain inputs,
                        next NOut columns - desired outputs.
            SetSize -   real size of XY, SetSize>=0;
            Subset  -   subset of SubsetSize elements, array[SubsetSize];
            SubsetSize- number of elements in Subset[] array:
                        * if SubsetSize>0, rows of XY with indices Subset[0]...
                          ...Subset[SubsetSize-1] are processed
                        * if SubsetSize=0, zeros are returned
                        * if SubsetSize<0, entire dataset is  processed;  Subset[]
                          array is ignored in this case.

            Rep     -   it contains all type of errors.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.09.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpallerrorssubset(multilayerperceptron network,
            double[,] xy,
            int setsize,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize,
            modelerrors rep)
            int idx0 = 0;
            int idx1 = 0;
            int idxtype = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.rows(xy)>=setsize, "MLPAllErrorsSubset: XY has less than SetSize rows");
            if( setsize>0 )
                if( mlpissoftmax(network) )
                    alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.cols(xy)>=mlpgetinputscount(network)+1, "MLPAllErrorsSubset: XY has less than NIn+1 columns");
                    alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.cols(xy)>=mlpgetinputscount(network)+mlpgetoutputscount(network), "MLPAllErrorsSubset: XY has less than NIn+NOut columns");
            if( subsetsize>=0 )
                idx0 = 0;
                idx1 = subsetsize;
                idxtype = 1;
                idx0 = 0;
                idx1 = setsize;
                idxtype = 0;
            mlpallerrorsx(network, xy, network.dummysxy, setsize, 0, subset, idx0, idx1, idxtype, network.buf, rep);
Example #6
 public override void init()
     hllayersizes = new int[0];
     hlconnections = new int[0];
     hlneurons = new int[0];
     structinfo = new int[0];
     weights = new double[0];
     columnmeans = new double[0];
     columnsigmas = new double[0];
     neurons = new double[0];
     dfdnet = new double[0];
     derror = new double[0];
     x = new double[0];
     y = new double[0];
     xy = new double[0,0];
     xyrow = new double[0];
     nwbuf = new double[0];
     integerbuf = new int[0];
     err = new modelerrors();
     rndbuf = new double[0];
     buf = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();
     gradbuf = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();
     dummydxy = new double[0,0];
     dummysxy = new sparse.sparsematrix();
     dummyidx = new int[0];
     dummypool = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();
Example #7
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     modelerrors _result = new modelerrors();
     _result.relclserror = relclserror;
     _result.avgce = avgce;
     _result.rmserror = rmserror;
     _result.avgerror = avgerror;
     _result.avgrelerror = avgrelerror;
     return _result;
Example #8
        Calculation of all types of errors.

            Network -   network initialized with one of the network creation funcs
            XY      -   original dataset given by sparse matrix;
                        one sample = one row;
                        first NIn columns contain inputs,
                        next NOut columns - desired outputs.
            SetSize -   real size of XY, SetSize>=0;
            Subset  -   subset of SubsetSize elements, array[SubsetSize];
            SubsetSize- number of elements in Subset[] array.

            Rep     -   it contains all type of errors.

        NOTE: when SubsetSize<0 is used full dataset by call MLPGradBatch function.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 04.09.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpallerrorssparsesubset(multilayerperceptron network,
            sparse.sparsematrix xy,
            int setsize,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize,
            modelerrors rep)
            double[] buf = new double[0];
            double[] dy = new double[0];
            int rowsize = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            bool iscls = new bool();
            int i = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(setsize>=0, "MLPAllErrorsSparseSubset: SetSize<0");
            mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            iscls = mlpissoftmax(network);
            // Estimate error using subset of training set.
            apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref network.x, nin);
            if( iscls )
                rowsize = nin+1;
                apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref network.y, 1);
                dy = new double[1];
                bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref buf);
                rowsize = nin+nout;
                apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref network.y, nout);
                dy = new double[nout];
                bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref buf);
            if( subsetsize<0 )
                for(i=0; i<=setsize-1; i++)
                    sparse.sparsegetrow(xy, i, ref network.xyrow);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                        network.x[i_] = network.xyrow[i_];
                    mlpprocess(network, network.x, ref network.y);
                    if( iscls )
                        dy[0] = network.xyrow[nin];
                        i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                            dy[i_] = network.xyrow[i_+i1_];
                    bdss.dserraccumulate(ref buf, network.y, dy);
                for(i=0; i<=subsetsize-1; i++)
                    sparse.sparsegetrow(xy, subset[i], ref network.xyrow);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                        network.x[i_] = network.xyrow[i_];
                    mlpprocess(network, network.x, ref network.y);
                    if( iscls )
                        dy[0] = network.xyrow[nin];
                        i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                            dy[i_] = network.xyrow[i_+i1_];
                    bdss.dserraccumulate(ref buf, network.y, dy);
            bdss.dserrfinish(ref buf);
            rep.relclserror = buf[0];
            rep.avgce = buf[1];
            rep.rmserror = buf[2];
            rep.avgerror = buf[3];
            rep.avgrelerror = buf[4];