public CBras(CAX_12 ax12) { m_position = (int)positionBras.detendu; m_ax12 = ax12; m_mode = mode.joint; m_ax12.setMode(m_mode); }
void NextMode() { PointCloudAdapter.pointcloud_reset(); switch(current_mode) { case mode.SLAM: current_mode = mode.IMAGE_TRACKING; modeButtonLabel = "Imaged Recognition"; PointCloudAdapter.pointcloud_disable_map_expansion(); PointCloudBehaviour.ActivateAllImageTargets(); break; case mode.IMAGE_TRACKING: current_mode = mode.IMAGE_TRACKING_SLAM; modeButtonLabel = "SLAM from Image"; PointCloudAdapter.pointcloud_enable_map_expansion(); PointCloudBehaviour.ActivateAllImageTargets(); break; case mode.IMAGE_TRACKING_SLAM: default: current_mode = mode.SLAM; modeButtonLabel = "SLAM"; PointCloudBehaviour.DeactivateAllImageTargets(); PointCloudAdapter.pointcloud_enable_map_expansion(); break; } OnPointCloudStateChanged(); }
public void setMode(int modenum) { switch(modenum){ case 1: curMode = mode.Preview; break; case 2: curMode = mode.Grab; break; case 3: curMode = mode.Draw; break; } }
public CPince(CAX_12 ax12) { m_etat = etat.fermee; m_ax12 = ax12; m_mode = mode.joint; m_ax12.setMode(m_mode); m_ax12.setMovingSpeed(speed.slow); }
public ActionResult Detail(int id, mode m) { ViewBag.mode = m; var v_order = (from i in db.shipTo where i.ID == id select i).FirstOrDefault(); return View(v_order); }
private void highlightToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { highlightToolStripMenuItem.Checked = !highlightToolStripMenuItem.Checked; if (highlightToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { cameraToolStripMenuItem.Checked = !highlightToolStripMenuItem.Checked; CurrentMode = mode.HighlightMode; RunningInMode = true; } else { CurrentMode = mode.FullScreen; RunningInMode = false; } }
//public frm_Click2Mail() // { // } public frm_Click2Mail(XmlDocument xml, string file, mode m, string username, string pw, SetupStationaryFields caller) { frm = caller; // This call is required by the designer. InitializeComponent(); if (m == { _url = _Lmainurl; } else { _url = _Smainurl; } _authinfo = username + ":" + pw; _XMLDOC = xml; _file = file; // Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call. }
public FormListeJoueurs(mode mMode) { InitializeComponent(); if (mMode == mode.selection) { btnSupprimer.Text = "Assigner"; btnSupprimer.Click -= btnSupprimer_Click; btnSupprimer.Click += btnAssigner_Click; btnSupprimer.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.Apply)); btnAjouter.Visible = false; btnModifier.Visible = false; lsvJoueurs.MultiSelect = true; } }
public frmGrid(mode inputmode, List<GridItem> items) { InitializeComponent(); Inputmode = inputmode; if (items != null) { GridItems = items; } else { GridItems = new List<GridItem>(); } dgGrid.ItemsSource = GridItems; }
//------------------- // DESTROYED - DEATH //------------------- void Do_Destroy_Mode() { sfx.Play_One_Shot_Particle(2, bigExplosionPosition); // Play a bigger Explosion with Blast wave sfx.Make_Metal_Debris(transform.position); pointsScript.Activate_Points_Label(transform.position, pointsValue); // SHOW POINTS sceneManagerScript.Permanently_Destroy_GameObject(this.gameObject); bigExplosionPosition =; state = mode.passive; dataSynch = false; damageDelayList = null; hitPositionList = null; damageList = null; damageDelayList = new List <float>(); // Delay before bullet arrives from Raycast damageList = new List <int>(); // Damage assigned from the Input script hitPositionList = new List <Vector3>(); // Vector assigned from the Input script }
public bool powerdown(mode m) { //Envoie de la commande pour arrêter les moteurs en mode drive ou Turn String commande; bool retour = false; byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; if (m_port.IsOpen) { commande = m.ToString() + ",powerdown\r\n"; buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(commande); m_port.Write(buffer, 0, commande.Length); retour = true; } return(retour); }
public FormCustomer(mode mode = mode.nomal) { InitializeComponent(); this.formMode = mode; if (formMode == { ReturnCustumerID = -1; ReturnCustumerName = ""; btnSelect.Show(); } ConfigDataGridView(); sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); control = new ControlHelper(); CustomerHelpers.ConfigSearch(cbFields); }
private static void DisplayLog(mode mode, string message) { switch (mode) { case mode.normal: Debug.Log(message); break; case mode.error: Debug.LogError(message); break; case mode.warning: Debug.LogWarning(message); break; } }
public bool start(mode m) { String commande; byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; bool retour = false; buffer[0] = (byte)m; commande = BitConverter.ToChar(buffer, 0).ToString() + ",start\r\n"; buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(commande); if (m_port.IsOpen) { m_port.Write(buffer, 0, commande.Length); retour = true; } return(retour); }
//------------------- // DAMAGE UPDATER //------------------- public void Calculate_Damage(int damage) { //Damage Saved from inputs script..gets set when raycast hits something health = (health - (damage - armour)); // UPDATE SCENE MANAGER ARRAY DATA sceneManagerScript.Update_GameObject_Health_OnHit(this.gameObject, health); if (health < 0) { state = mode.destroyed; } }
public void GoConnectMode(Box box, mode mode) { currentConnectBox = box; currentMode = mode; if (mode == mode.connectPrent) { foreach (var bw in this.boxWindows) { if ( == box) { continue; } if ( != box.programId && { bw.SetColor(positiveColor); bw.connectModeFlag = true; } else { bw.SetColor(negativeColor); bw.connectModeFlag = false; } } } else if (mode == mode.connectchild) { foreach (var bw in this.boxWindows) { if ( == box) { continue; } if ( != box.programId && box.adaptBoxTags.Contains( { bw.SetColor(positiveColor); bw.connectModeFlag = true; } else { bw.SetColor(negativeColor); bw.connectModeFlag = false; } } } }
public static void writeToDb(DBObject bObject, mode bMode) { using (var db = new LiteDatabase(dbName)) { switch (bMode) { case mode.Insert: //person: if (bObject is Person) { var rec = db.GetCollection <Person>(Person.CollectionName); rec.Insert((Person)bObject); } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Return informations about a replay. /// </summary> /// <param name="_m">The mode the score was played in.</param> /// <param name="_b">The beatmap ID (not beatmap set ID!) in which the replay was played.</param> /// <param name="_u">The user that has played the beatmap.</param> /// <param name="_mods">Specify a mod or mod combination (.</param> /// <returns>Fetch replay data.</returns> public OsuReplay GetReplay(mode _m, long _b, string _u, long?_mods) { string replay = str.Replay(_m, _b, _u); if (_mods != null) { replay = replay + "&mods=" + _mods; } OsuReplay obj; string html = utl.GetUrl(replay); obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OsuReplay>(html); utl.ErrorHandler(obj); return(obj); // Note that the binary data you get when you decode above base64-string, is not the contents of an.osr-file.It is the LZMA stream referred to by the osu-wiki here: // The remaining data contains information about mouse movement and key presses in an wikipedia:LZMA stream( }
//------------------- // START... REMEMBER - A RE-USED POOL OBJECT CALLS START() EACH TIME - so any relevant individual values need setting here & not in Awake() //------------------- void Start() { dataSynch = false; state = mode.passive; bigExplosionPosition =; //Final Death Big explosion trigger Get_Prefab_Pointers(); turnRate = Random.Range(40f, 60f); //hinge.Rotate(Vector3.up * (int)Random.Range(0f, 355f)); turret.eulerAngles = new Vector3((int)Random.Range(-5f, -15f), turret.eulerAngles.y, turret.eulerAngles.z); state = mode.attack; }
/// <summary> /// Detects which mode to use. /// </summary> protected void DetectMode() //might just do 'return' { if (!modeSet) { if (gameObject.transform.parent != null) { if (gameObject.transform.parent.CompareTag("Rope")) { currentMode = mode.Rope; } } else { currentMode = mode.Hook; } modeSet = true; } }
public bool start(mode m) { //Envoie de la commande Start précédée du mode (Drive ou Turn) //Obligatoire ?envoyer avant chaque commande ! String commande; byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; bool retour = false; buffer[0] = (byte)m; commande = BitConverter.ToChar(buffer, 0).ToString() + ",start\r\n"; buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(commande); if (m_port.IsOpen) { m_port.Write(buffer, 0, commande.Length); retour = true; } return(retour); }
public NetConn(callBack cb, string _IP, int _PORT, mode _MODE) { netMode = _MODE; IP = _IP; port = _PORT; if (netMode == mode.HOST) { _server = new NetServer(IP, port); _server.setPWrp(pw); _server.StartServer(cb); } else { _client = new NetClient(IP, port); _client.setPWrp(pw); _client.startConnection(); } }
public void Load(DataTable dtDepartments, DataTable dtGroups, DataTable dtAssociates, DataTable dtClaimsCenterLimits, DataTable dtDataHavenLimits) { cbDepartment.ItemsSource = dtDepartments.DefaultView; cbGroup.ItemsSource = dtGroups.DefaultView; txtFirst.Text = ""; txtLast.Text = ""; txtTicket.Text = ""; cbDepartment.SelectedIndex = -1; cbGroup.SelectedIndex = -1; dtAssoc = dtAssociates; eMode = mode.add; lblTitle.Text = "Add Associate"; btnSave.Content = "Save"; txtFirst.IsReadOnly = txtLast.IsReadOnly = cbDepartment.IsReadOnly = cbGroup.IsReadOnly = false; cbDepartment.IsHitTestVisible = cbGroup.IsHitTestVisible = true; hideTicketInfo(hide: true); fillCCID(dtClaimsCenterLimits); fillDHID(dtDataHavenLimits); }
//------------------- //ATTACK BEHAVIOUR & ANIMATION //------------------- void Do_Attack_Mode() { //-------------- if (Time.time > animTime) // This swaps between a 'Kneel Shoot' and a 'Stand Shoot' { animTime = Time.time + Random.Range(2f, 5f); FRAME_ARRAY[currentFrame].renderer.enabled = false; // Hide current frame; currentFrame = Random.Range(6, 8); // Choose new random pose FRAME_ARRAY[currentFrame].renderer.enabled = true; // Show the mesh frame FRAME_ARRAY[0].renderer.enabled = false; // Hide Muzzle flashes to be safe FRAME_ARRAY[1].renderer.enabled = false; } //-------------- locked = Track_Target(); //-------------- if (targetDistance < attackRadius) { if (locked) { if (Time.time > reloadTimer) { reloadTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(0.3f, 1.2f); reload = (!reload); } DoShooting(); } } else { state = mode.passive; } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public window(d3d_device device, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, float z) { m_device = device; m_pos = pos; m_size = size; m_z = z; title = "タイトル"; m_back_color = Color.FromArgb(180, 170, 170, 170).ToArgb(); title_color = Color.SkyBlue.ToArgb(); m_frame_color = Color.Black.ToArgb(); m_window_mode = mode.normal; m_screen_size = new Vector2(0, 0); is_draw_header = true; update_pos(); update_size(); }
public Form2(mode MODE) { InitializeComponent(); this.NextLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(MODE.nextLabel_X(), MODE.nextLabel_Y()); block_type = (uint)rander.Next(0, 7) + 1; block_type_pre = block_type; block_type_next = block_type; // generate 20x10 labels for "main" area, dynamically. for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { grids[i, j] = new Label(); grids[i, j].Width = 30; grids[i, j].Height = 30; grids[i, j].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; grids[i, j].BackColor = Color.Black; grids[i, j].Left = MODE.get_grids_Left() + 30 * j; //遊戲畫面的左右位置 grids[i, j].Top = 600 - i * 30; //遊戲畫面的上下位置 grids[i, j].Visible = true; this.Controls.Add(grids[i, j]); } } // generate 4x3 labels for "next" area, dynamically. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { next[i, j] = new Label(); next[i, j].Width = 20; next[i, j].Height = 20; next[i, j].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; next[i, j].BackColor = Color.White; next[i, j].Left = MODE.get_next_Left() + 20 * j; next[i, j].Top = MODE.get_next_Top() - i * 20; next[i, j].Visible = true; this.Controls.Add(next[i, j]); } } // init variables of the game init_game(); }
/// <summary> /// Get informations about a replay. /// </summary> /// <param name="_m">The mode the score was played in.</param> /// <param name="_b">The beatmap ID (not beatmap set ID!) in which the replay was played.</param> /// <param name="_u">The user that has played the beatmap.</param> /// <returns>Fetch replay data.</returns> public async Task <OsuReplay> GetReplay(mode _m, int _b, string _u) { OsuReplay obj; string replay = str.Replay(_m, _b, _u); string html = await GetUrl(replay); obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OsuReplay>(html); if (obj.error == null) { obj.error = "none"; } else { throw new Exception("Replay data not available: " + obj.error); } return(obj); // Note that the binary data you get when you decode above base64-string, is not the contents of an.osr-file.It is the LZMA stream referred to by the osu-wiki here: // The remaining data contains information about mouse movement and key presses in an wikipedia:LZMA stream( }
//コンストラクタ public GameMain() { //変数の初期化 this.key = new int[256]; this.gameMode = mode.TITLE; //ゲームモードをゲームの新規開始にする //フォントの色とフォントの指定(ゲームクリア時に使用) this.fontType = DX.CreateFontToHandle(null, 64, 5, -1); this.white = DX.GetColor(255, 255, 255); //画面のキャラクターを読み込む this.stickbuf = DX.LoadGraph("gamedata\\stick.png"); this.ballbuf = DX.LoadGraph("gamedata\\ball.png"); this.wallbuf = DX.LoadGraph("gamedata\\wall.png"); this.blockbuf = DX.LoadGraph("gamedata\\block.png"); //ボールとスティックを作る this.ball = new Ball(); this.stick = new Stick(); }
public void UpdateVision(bool canSee, GameObject whatIsSeen) { if (canSee == true) { GameObject newPop = Instantiate(popUpText); newPop.transform.position = this.transform.position; newPop.GetComponent <PopText>().owner = this; enemyState = mode.startled; moving = false; isStartled = true; target = whatIsSeen; } if (canSee == false) { moving = true; speed = patrolSpeed; enemyState = mode.patrol; } }
private void OnBottomNavigationItemClick(object sender, BottomNavigationView.NavigationItemSelectedEventArgs e) { switch (e.Item.ItemId) { case Resource.Id.bottomNav_exercises: ViewMode = mode.exercise; //Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "exercise", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; case Resource.Id.bottomNav_trainings: //Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "training", ToastLength.Short).Show(); ViewMode =; break; case Resource.Id.bottomNav_plans: //Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "plans", ToastLength.Short).Show(); ViewMode = mode.plan; break; } }
//------------------- // OLD DAMAGE UPDATER //------------------- void Calculate_DamageOLD_NO_LONGER_USED() { if (inp.tapObject == this.transform) { //get from inputs script..gets set when raycast hits something health = (health - (inp.hitDamage - armour)); } // UPDATE SCENE MANAGER ARRAY DATA sceneManagerScript.Update_GameObject_Health_OnHit(this.gameObject, health); if (health < 0) { state = mode.destroyed; } }
//------------------- // START... REMEMBER - A RE-USED POOL OBJECT CALLS START() EACH TIME - so any relevant individual values need setting here & not in Awake() //------------------- void Start() { dataSynch = false; state = mode.passive; bigExplosionPosition =; //Final Death Big explosion trigger Get_Prefab_Pointers(); turnRate = Random.Range(40f, 60f); hinge.Rotate(Vector3.up * (int)Random.Range(0f, 355f)); // Reset Rapier missiles - troublesome things NEED MORE CODE!! foreach (Transform t in hinge.transform) { t.eulerAngles = new Vector3((int)Random.Range(-5f, -15f), t.eulerAngles.y, t.eulerAngles.z); } }
private void CreatePatientBut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //try //{ Patients pat = new Patients(); LoadFormInPatient(pat); ctx.Patients.Add(pat); ctx.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Пацієнта створено"); patient = pat; m = mode.Redact; Configure(); //} //catch //{ MessageBox.Show("Для створення нового пацієнта необхідно заповнити прізвище та ім'я"); SurnameTB.Select(); // } }
public void switchWeapon() { if (lastSwap > swapCd) { if (attackType == mode.shotgun) { attackType = mode.closeCombat; mistletoePrefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(PlayerProgress.mistleSize, PlayerProgress.mistleSize, 0); mistletoe = (GameObject)Instantiate(mistletoePrefab, GameObject.Find("HandPosition").transform.position, gameObject.transform.rotation); mistletoe.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; } else if (attackType == mode.closeCombat) { attackType = mode.shotgun; GameObject.Destroy(mistletoe); mistletoe = null; } lastSwap = 0; } }
private void btnThem_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { gcChitiet.Enabled = true; gcProduct.Enabled = false; btnThem.Enabled = false; btnSua.Enabled = false; btnXoa.Enabled = false; btnGhi.Enabled = true; tvCategories.Enabled = false; ptbHinhsach.ImageLocation = "NotFound"; txtTensach.Text = txtMasach.Text = txtGiatien.Text = txtGioithieu.Text = txtMota.Text = ""; tgsTinhtrang.IsOn = false; txtTensach.Focus(); status = mode.them; }
void OnGUI() { // start the scroll view scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrollPos); // store if the GUI is enabled so we can restore it later bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled; //Enum Drop Down Followed by fucntion that sets relative GUI elements bm = (mode) EditorGUI.EnumPopup ( EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "Bundle Mode:", bm); setMode (); //Button to perform task if(GUI.Button(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), "BUILD BUNDLES!")) performMode (); // restore the GUI GUI.enabled = guiEnabled; // close the scroll view EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public void goToPos(URCoordinates goC, bool waitDone = false) { StreamWriter txt; txt = new StreamWriter("Pos//GoTo.pos", false); txt.WriteLine("position"); txt.WriteLine(goC.ToPos()); txt.Flush(); txt.Close(); ReadingFile = "Pos//GoTo.pos"; cmd = mode.moveByFile; if (waitDone) { while (cmd == mode.stop) { ; } } }
//------------------- // START... REMEMBER - A RE-USED POOL OBJECT CALLS START() EACH TIME - so any relevant individual values need setting here & not in Awake() //------------------- void Start() { burst = 0; // Reset so sound plays immediately when shooting for the first time dataSynch = false; bigExplosionPosition =; //Final Death Big explosion trigger state = mode.passive; if (projectile == null) { Get_Prefab_Pointers(); } turnRate = Random.Range(40f, 60f); //hinge.Rotate(Vector3.up * (int)Random.Range(0f, 355f)); turret.localEulerAngles = new Vector3((int)Random.Range(-5f, -25f), turret.localEulerAngles.y, turret.localEulerAngles.z); }
//------------------- // AWAKE //------------------- void Awake() { pointsValue = 850; armour = 15; // subtracted from any hit damage values this enemy may receive state = mode.passive; attackRadius = 260; GameObject tempObject = GameObject.Find("GunView"); target = tempObject.transform; tempObject = GameObject.Find("PlayerCamera"); playerCamera = tempObject.GetComponent <Camera>(); // sfx = tempObject.GetComponent <FXManager>(); // //Find and get INPUT MANAGER SCRIPT - Totally necessary :) tempObject = GameObject.Find("A_GameWrapper"); inp = tempObject.GetComponent <ScriptAInputManager>(); // tempObject = GameObject.Find("A_Scene_Manager"); sceneManagerScript = tempObject.GetComponent <ScriptASceneManager>(); // Access to 'LEVEL DATA[]' file necessary // NGUI LABELS POOL //tempObject = GameObject.Find("A_Null_Labels"); //pointsScript = tempObject.GetComponent<ScriptPointsManager>(); // Get Turret hinge for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { Transform c = transform.GetChild(i); if ( == "hinge") { hinge = c; } } }
/* Vérifie le premier caractère de la commande et lance le bon mode */ public void ParseCmd(string cmd) { switch (cmd[0]) { case '*': BuyProduct(cmd); break; case '#': AddMoney(cmd); break; case 'A': if (test == mode.technician) { AddItem(cmd); } break; case 'C': GiveMoney(cmd); break; case 'D': if (cmd[1] == 'D' && test == mode.user) { test = mode.technician; Display("Mode", "technicien"); timer1.Start(); } else if (cmd[1] == 'D' && test == mode.technician) { test = mode.user; Display("Mode", "utilisateur"); timer1.Start(); } break; } }
public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); drawingMode = mode.idle; FlightPath = new FlightPath(); Geometry = new Geometry(); //sets which server the Control will get its map from and what mode it will be in gMapMain.MapProvider = GMapProviders.GoogleSatelliteMap; gMapMain.Manager.Mode = AccessMode.ServerAndCache; //details for access to map servers through school proxy /*GMapProvider.WebProxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); GMapProvider.WebProxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("daniel.mann2", "5t3v3n"); */ gMapMain.SetPositionByKeywords("Gosford, Australia"); //sets limits and initial value for zoom of map trBarZoom.Maximum = gMapMain.MaxZoom = iMaxZoom; trBarZoom.Minimum = gMapMain.MinZoom = iMinZoom; trBarZoom.Value = iStartZoom; gMapMain.Zoom = iStartZoom; //adds overlays to the map which markers paths and polygons can then be placed on MarkerOverlay = new GMapOverlay("Markers"); PathOverlay = new GMapOverlay("Path"); PolyOverlay = new GMapOverlay("Poly"); gMapMain.Overlays.Add(MarkerOverlay); gMapMain.Overlays.Add(PathOverlay); gMapMain.Overlays.Add(PolyOverlay); //initializes lists of points used for paths and polygons lPointsPath = new List<PointLatLng>(); lPointsPoly = new List<PointLatLng>(); lPointsConvexHull = new List<PointLatLng>(); }
public virtual void Update(EkkoCore core) { var check = core._menu.ComboMenu["TeamfiveCheckC"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue; var target = core.targetSelected.getTarget(check); if (target == null) { this.modeActive = mode.Normal; return; } if (core.Player.Distance(target) < core.Player.Distance(Prediction.Position.PredictUnitPosition(target, 1000))) { this.modeActive=mode.Chase; } else { this.modeActive = mode.Normal; } if (this.getNumTargetsRange((int)core.spells.R.Range, 3)) { this.modeActive = mode.TeamFive; } }
public ActionResult pvIndex(mode m ) { ViewBag.mode = m; string pattern; if(User.IsInRole("Administrators")) pattern=""; else pattern=User.Identity.Name; var obj = (from i in db.shipTo orderby i.OrderDateTime descending where i.Tables.Waiters.login.Contains(pattern) select i).AsEnumerable(); if (m == mode.Active) { obj = obj.Where(o => !o.getOState.Descr.Contains("Доставлено") || !o.getPState.Descr.Contains("Оплачено")); } if (m == mode.Archive) { obj = obj.Where(o => o.getOState.Descr.Contains("Доставлено") && o.getPState.Descr.Contains("Оплачено")); } return View(obj); }
private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { clearData(); Mode = mode.newdata; }
/* Vérifie le premier caractère de la commande et lance le bon mode */ public void ParseCmd(string cmd) { switch (cmd[0]) { case '*': BuyProduct(cmd); break; case '#': AddMoney(cmd); break; case 'A': if (test == mode.technician) AddItem(cmd); break; case 'C': GiveMoney(cmd); break; case 'D': if (cmd[1] == 'D' && test == mode.user) { test = mode.technician; Display("Mode", "technicien"); timer1.Start(); } else if (cmd[1] == 'D' && test == mode.technician) { test = mode.user; Display("Mode", "utilisateur"); timer1.Start(); } break; } }
private void endPoly() { //disables all buttons and textboxes necessary for creating a polygon //sets the correct drawing mode drawingMode = mode.idle; btnPolyBegin.Enabled = true; btnPolyEnd.Enabled = false; txbxLatPoly.Enabled = false; txbxLngPoly.Enabled = false; btnAddPolyPoint.Enabled = false; lPointsConvexHull = new List<PointLatLng>(lPointsPoly); Geometry.ConvexHull(lPointsConvexHull); }
public StockProduct() { InitializeComponent(); txtProductName.ReadOnly = true; Mode = mode.newdata; }
private void beginPoly() { //enables all buttons and textboxes necessary for creating a path //sets the correct drawing mode drawingMode = mode.poly; btnPolyBegin.Enabled = false; btnPolyEnd.Enabled = true; txbxLatPoly.Enabled = true; txbxLngPoly.Enabled = true; btnAddPolyPoint.Enabled = true; }
private void endPath() { //disables all buttons and textboxes necessary for creating a path //sets the correct drawing mode drawingMode = mode.idle; btnPathBegin.Enabled = true; btnPathEnd.Enabled = false; txbxLatPath.Enabled = false; txbxLngPath.Enabled = false; btnAddPathPoint.Enabled = false; }
public void SelectMode() { switch(pressedKey) { case "a": activeMode = mode.Menu; playmodeParameter = null; activeParameter = 0; activeIndex = 0; break; case "b": if(activeMenu != menu.None) { activeMode = mode.Parameter; activeParameter = 0; playmodeParameter = playmodeParameters.Get(activeParameter); activeIndex = 0; } break; case "c": if(playmodeParameter.type == "Vector2" || playmodeParameter.type == "Vector3") { activeMode = mode.Index; } break; } }
public void Update() { if(flyStick != null) { if(flyStick.GetComponent<ControllerFlyStick>().go == gameObject) { //Check for input if(Input.inputString != "") { pressedKey = Input.inputString; } //Select mode if(pressedKey == "a" || pressedKey == "b" || pressedKey == "c") { SelectMode(); pressedKey = ""; return; } //Select menu / parameter / index if(activeMode != mode.None && (pressedKey == "l" || pressedKey == "r")) { switch(activeMode) { case mode.Menu: SelectMenu(); break; case mode.Parameter: SelectParameter(); break; case mode.Index: SelectIndex(); break; } pressedKey = ""; return; } //Change value if(activeMode != mode.None && activeMenu != menu.None && playmodeParameter != null && (pressedKey == "u" || pressedKey == "d")) { switch(pressedKey) { case "u": switch(playmodeParameter.type) { case "int": IncreaseInt(); break; case "Vector2": IncreaseVector2(); break; case "Vector3": IncreaseVector3(); break; } break; case "d": switch(playmodeParameter.type) { case "int": DecreaseInt(); break; case "Vector2": DecreaseVector2(); break; case "Vector3": DecreaseVector3(); break; } break; } pressedKey = ""; return; } } else { activeMode = mode.None; activeMenu = menu.None; activeParameter = 0; activeIndex = 0; playmodeParameter = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Load the category definitions. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the file has been loaded; false otherwise.</returns> public static bool Load() { if (RunParameters.Instance.Options.Contains("WMCIMPORT")) currentMode = mode.wmc; else { if (RunParameters.Instance.Options.Contains("DVBVIEWERIMPORT") || RunParameters.Instance.Options.Contains("DVBVIEWERRECSVCIMPORT")) currentMode = mode.dvbViewer; else { if (CommandLine.PluginMode && !RunParameters.Instance.OutputFileSet) currentMode = mode.dvbLogic; else currentMode = mode.native; } } string actualFileName = Path.Combine(RunParameters.DataDirectory, FileName + ".cfg"); if (!File.Exists(actualFileName)) { actualFileName = Path.Combine(RunParameters.ConfigDirectory, Path.Combine("Program Categories", FileName + ".cfg")); if (!File.Exists(actualFileName)) return (true); } return (Load(actualFileName)); }
public void Initialize() { this.flyStick = GameObject.Find ("FlyStick"); this.root = gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent<VTKRoot> (); this.filter = node.filter; =; activeMode = mode.None; activeMenu = menu.None; activeParameter = 0; activeIndex = 0; playmodeParameter = null; }
private void toolStripButtonpan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentmode = mode.panmode; }
static string GetHD(mode upMode) { switch (upMode) { case mode.detail: return "D"; case mode.header: return "H"; case mode.asyncHeader: return "H_Temp"; case mode.asyncDetail: return "D_Temp"; default: return "H";//non-reachable } }
public static result UploadAndSave(HttpPostedFileBase upFile, ref string docName, string ClaimGUID, int? DetailId, mode upMode) { #region Init variables string subsubDir = GetHD(upMode); bool hasDetail = (DetailId != null); result resultIO = result.emptyNoFile; string ext = Path.GetExtension(upFile.FileName);//Get extension docName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(upFile.FileName);//Get only file name #endregion #region Issue with file name/ path / extension if (upFile == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(upFile.FileName) || upFile.ContentLength < 1) return resultIO; else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) //Security (review in future) //if (ext.ToLower() == "exe" || ext.ToLower() == "ddl") return result.noextension; #endregion try { if (upFile.ContentLength > Config.MaxFileSizMB*1024*1024) return result.contentLength; else { //Get full path string fullPath = CheckOrCreateDirectory(Config.UploadPath, ClaimGUID, subsubDir); //Special case for Details dir (check & create a claimID/D/detailID directory) if (hasDetail) fullPath = CheckOrCreateDirectory(fullPath, DetailId.ToString()); // Gen doc name docName = docName + ext; // Check file duplication if (//upMode != mode.asyncDetail && upMode != mode.asyncHeader && File.Exists(Path.Combine(fullPath, docName))) return result.duplicate;//Duplicate file exists! // All OK - so finally upload upFile.SaveAs(Path.Combine(fullPath, docName));//Save or Overwrite the file } } catch { return result.fileUploadIssue; } return result.successful; }
public static string GetClaimFilePath(string ClaimGUID, int? ClaimDetailID, mode upMode, string FileName, bool webURL) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClaimGUID) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName) && webURL)) return "#"; string basePath = webURL ? Config.DownloadUrl : Config.UploadPath; char sep = (webURL ? webPathSep : dirPathSep); string dirPath = basePath + sep + ClaimGUID + sep + GetHD(upMode); // might be web url or physical path so can't use Path.Combine if (ClaimDetailID != null) //Special case for Details file dirPath = dirPath + sep + ClaimDetailID.Value.ToString(); return string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileName) ? dirPath : dirPath + sep + FileName; }
private void toolStripButtonmovebox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { currentmode = mode.movebox; }