private async Task Client_MessageDeleted(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> arg1, Cacheable <IMessageChannel, ulong> cached)
            var when = DateTime.Now;
            var arg2 = await cached.GetOrDownloadAsync();

            if (!(arg2 is ITextChannel txt))
            var service = Program.Services.GetRequiredService <MsgService>();
            var content = service.GetLatestContent(arg1.Id);
            var dbMsg   = await service.GetMessageAsync(arg1.Id);

            if (dbMsg == null)
            var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                          .WithTitle("Message Deleted")
                          .WithDescription(content?.Content ?? "[unknown last content]");

            builder.AddField("Channel", $"{txt.Mention}", true);
            builder.AddField("Author", $"{dbMsg.Author.Id}\r\n<@{dbMsg.Author.Id}>", true);
            builder.AddField("Original Sent", Discord.SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(arg1.Id).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss.fff"), true);
            var message = await SendLog(txt.Guild, "messages", builder, arg1.Id);

            if (isDirty)
            var data = new messageData()
                deleted = dbMsg,
                guild   = txt.Guild,
                builder = builder,
                log     = message,
                when    = when

            new Thread(threadCheckDeleter).Start(data);
Example #2
        public void Listen(StreamReader ear)
            try {
                while (ircHandle.netStream.CanRead) {
                    //listening things goes here
                    try {
                        string data = ear.ReadLine ();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (data)) {
                            string prefix;
                            string command;
                            string[] param = new string[]{};
                            ParsingUtilities.ParseIrcMessageWithRegex (data, out prefix, out command, out param);
                            switch (command) {
                            case "PING":
                                ircHandle.sendSrvData ("PONG " + param [0], ircHandle.strmWrite);
                                Console.WriteLine ("Received PING, sending PONG");

                            case "PRIVMSG":

                                if (ircHandle.ircChannels.Contains(param[0]))
                                    //this is to a channel, not to logbot. log it!

                                    messageData threadData = new messageData ();
                                    threadData.nick = prefix.Split ('!') [0];
                           = param [0];
                                    threadData.user = prefix;
                                    threadData.message = param [1];
                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} [{1}]: {2}", threadData.nick,, threadData.message));


                                    if ( == "#lounge")
                                        if (threadData.message.StartsWith("[KILL]"))
                                            //assume snapshot: collect
                                            snapshotData snapshot = new snapshotData();
                                                ParsingUtilities.ParseSnapshotMessageRegex(threadData.message, out snapshot);
                                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format ("{0} killed by {1} for {2} | {3}, {4}",
                                                                                 snapshot.username, snapshot.chatop, snapshot.reason,
                                                                                 snapshot.first_snapstamp, snapshot.second_snapstamp));
                                            catch (Exception e)
                                                Console.WriteLine (string.Format (">>SNAPSHOT FAILED<<: {0} | {1}", e.Source, e.Message));


                            //why is the string empty? have we dc'd --yes we have. why the f**k does tcpclient.connected not update??
                            Console.WriteLine ("String is null - resetting socket");
                            Disconnect ();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        //read error. shit. REESET THE F*****G SOCKETTT
                        Console.WriteLine ("Some sort of read error..SHIT");
                        Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine (e.StackTrace);
                        Disconnect ();


                //from here, ircConn has disconnected. Attempt to reconnect..

            } catch (Exception e) {
                //the listen routine is broken somehow. either an empty line has been sent and not handled, or the server has lost connection.
                Console.WriteLine ("Connection interrupted!");
                Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
                Console.WriteLine (e.StackTrace);
                Disconnect ();