public static ReturnObject DeleteHoliday(string current) { masters_holiday page_object = new masters_holiday(); DBConnection db_connection = new DBConnection(); ReturnObject return_object = new ReturnObject(); string query = string.Empty; int count = 0; string company_code = string.Empty, holiday_group_code = string.Empty, holiday_code = string.Empty, holiday_from = string.Empty, holiday_to = string.Empty, holiday_type = string.Empty; if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null) // checking session expired or not { return_object = page_object.DoLogout(); } else { try { JObject current_data = JObject.Parse(current); holiday_code = current_data["holiday_code"].ToString(); holiday_from = current_data["holiday_from"].ToString(); holiday_to = current_data["holiday_to"].ToString(); company_code = current_data["company_code"].ToString(); holiday_type = current_data["holiday_type"].ToString(); query = "select count(*) from HolidayListDetails where holcode in(select distinct holcode from HolidayMaster where holcode = '" + holiday_code + "')"; count = db_connection.GetRecordCount(query); if (count > 0) { return_object.status = "error"; return_object.return_data = "Holidays have been mapped to Holiday Group List. Please unassign the holidays from the Holiday Group List and try again."; } else { page_object.UpdateDatabase(holiday_code, null, holiday_from, holiday_to, company_code, "0", holiday_code, "D", holiday_type); return_object.status = "success"; return_object.return_data = "Holiday deleted successfully!"; } } catch (Exception Ex) { Logger.LogException(Ex, page, "DELETE_HOLIDAY"); return_object.status = "error"; return_object.return_data = "An error occurred while performing this operation. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact Support"; throw; } finally { page_object.Dispose(); } } return(return_object); }
public static ReturnObject EditHoliday(string current, string previous) { masters_holiday page_object = new masters_holiday(); DBConnection db_connection = new DBConnection(); ReturnObject return_object = new ReturnObject(); string query = string.Empty; string holiday_code = string.Empty; string holiday_name = string.Empty; string holiday_from = string.Empty; string holiday_to = string.Empty; string company_code = string.Empty; string holiday_type = string.Empty; string original_holiday_name = string.Empty; string original_holiday_from = string.Empty; string original_holiday_to = string.Empty; int count = 0; if (HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] == null) // checking session expired or not { return_object = page_object.DoLogout(); } else { try { JObject current_data = JObject.Parse(current); JObject original_data = JObject.Parse(previous); holiday_code = current_data["holiday_code"].ToString(); holiday_name = current_data["holiday_name"].ToString(); holiday_from = current_data["holiday_from"].ToString(); holiday_to = current_data["holiday_to"].ToString(); company_code = current_data["company_code"].ToString(); holiday_type = current_data["holiday_type"].ToString(); original_holiday_name = original_data["holiday_name"].ToString(); original_holiday_from = original_data["holiday_from"].ToString(); original_holiday_to = original_data["holiday_to"].ToString(); if (original_holiday_name != holiday_name) { count = page_object.CheckHolidayName(holiday_name, company_code); if (count > 0) { return_object.status = "error"; return_object.return_data = "A Holiday with the same Name has been created. Please try again with a different Holiday Name."; return(return_object); } } Debug.Write(original_holiday_from + " " + holiday_from); if (original_holiday_from != holiday_from || original_holiday_to != holiday_to) { count = page_object.CheckHolidayDates(holiday_from, holiday_to); if (count > 0) { return_object.status = "error"; return_object.return_data = "The selected From and To Dates have been mapped to another Holiday. Please try again with different Dates"; return(return_object); } } page_object.UpdateDatabase(holiday_code, holiday_name, holiday_from, holiday_to, company_code, "0", holiday_code, "U", holiday_type); return_object.status = "success"; return_object.return_data = "Holiday edited successfully!"; } catch (Exception Ex) { Logger.LogException(Ex, page, "EDIT_HOLIDAY"); return_object.status = "error"; return_object.return_data = "An error occurred while performing this operation. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact Support"; throw; } finally { page_object.Dispose(); } } return(return_object); }