private void Temp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label lb = sender as Label; Tiname = lb.Text.Trim(); m_menu_list mml = new m_menu_list(); mml.Select("and tname='" + Tiname + "' and uname='" + Uiname + "'"); }
private void Uman_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex < -1) { return; } info.Text = "用户:" + Uman.SelectedRows[0].Cells["turename"].Value; info.Text += " 职务:" + Uman.SelectedRows[0].Cells["dept"].Value; Uiname = Uman.SelectedRows[0].Cells["turename"].Value.ToString(); List <m_menu_list> pp = new m_menu_list().Select("and tname='" + Tiname + "' and uname='" + Uiname + "'"); SetCheckBox((from r in pp select r.MNAME).ToList()); }
private void Ad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Uiname == "" || Uiname is null || Tiname == "" || Tiname is null) { return; } string Miname = string.Empty; if (Mlist.Count <= 0) { Miname = ""; } else { for (int i = 0; i < Mlist.Count; i++) { Miname += Mlist[i] + ","; } Miname = Ifun.Left(Miname, Miname.Length - 1); } m_menu_list mml = new m_menu_list(); List <m_menu_list> ms = mml.Select("and tname='" + Tiname + "' and uname='" + Uiname + "'"); mml.Reset_m_menu_list(); mml.UNAME = Uiname; mml.TNAME = Tiname; mml.MNAME = Miname; if (ms.Count > 0) { mml.Updata("and tname='" + Tiname + "' and uname='" + Uiname + "'"); } else { mml.Insert(); } Msg err = new Msg(3, "保存成功!"); }