public void Read()
            // until this boolean is false - read on the serial port
            while (READ)
                    // check if thread is cancelled
                    if (m_EventStop.WaitOne(0, true))
                        // clean-up operations may be placed here
                        // ...
                        // inform main thread that this thread stopped
                        READ = false;

                    // Reset the timer
                    if (m_EventResetTimer.WaitOne(0, true))
                        // write "R" to the serial port and the timer should restart.

                    // read from port
                    string message = seriePort.ReadLine();

                    if (message.EndsWith("\r"))
                        message = message.Substring(0, message.Length - 1);

                    // this is for us! String should be of type @nnLxTmmm[CR+LF]
                    if (message.StartsWith("@"))
                        // some variables
                        string raceType = "";
                        string lane     = "";
                        string time     = "";
                        string timeDec  = "";

                        // get the racetype 00 or 01
                        raceType = message.Substring(2, 1);

                        // get the lane L1 or L2
                        lane = message.Substring(4, 1);

                        // get the time Txxxxx where xxxx is time in milliseconds, perhaps with a starting '-'
                        time = message.Substring(6);

                        // if this is not a negative time, and the length of the string is more than 3 characters
                        if (!time.StartsWith("-"))
                            // time string contains one digit. 1/1000 of a second
                            if (time.Length == 1)
                                timeDec = "0.00" + time;
                            // time string contains two digits. 1/100 of a second
                            if (time.Length == 2)
                                timeDec = "0.0" + time;
                            // time string contains three digits. 1/10 of a second
                            if (time.Length == 3)
                                timeDec = "0." + time;
                            // one digit to the left of the decimal sign
                            if (time.Length == 4)
                                timeDec = time.Substring(0, 1) + "." + time.Substring(1);
                            // two digits to the left of the decimal sign
                            if (time.Length == 5)
                                timeDec = time.Substring(0, 2) + "." + time.Substring(2);
                            // three digits to the left of the decimal sign
                            if (time.Length == 6)
                                timeDec = time.Substring(0, 3) + "." + time.Substring(3);

                        // negative case. Pretty much same as above, though you can only start
                        // 9.999 seconds early.
                        if (time.StartsWith("-"))
                            if (time.Length == 2)
                                timeDec = "-0.00" + time.Substring(1);
                            if (time.Length == 3)
                                timeDec = "-0.0" + time.Substring(1);
                            if (time.Length == 4)
                                timeDec = "-0." + time.Substring(1);
                            if (time.Length == 5)
                                timeDec = "-" + time.Substring(1, 1) + "." + time.Substring(2);

                        // if the racetype is reaction we output that
                        if (raceType == "0")
                            if (myTimer != null)
                                myTimer.Invoke(myTimer.mTrackMateCallback, timeDec, Convert.ToInt32(lane), Convert.ToInt32(raceType));
                        // rawtime
                            // race time
                            if (myTimer != null)
                                myTimer.Invoke(myTimer.mTrackMateCallback, timeDec, Convert.ToInt32(lane), Convert.ToInt32(raceType));
                catch (TimeoutException) { }