Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a string operator to a FilterType.ValueOptions enum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="op">string value of operator (supports =,!=,&lt;,&gt;,&lt;=,&gt;=)</param>
        /// <returns>FilterType.ValueOptions enum value</returns>
        private static libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions GetValueOptionFromOperator(string op)
            libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None;

            switch (op)
            case "=":
                valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.Equals;

            case "!=":
                valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.NotEquals;

            case ">":
                valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.GreaterThan;

            case ">=":
                valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.GreaterThanEquals;

            case "<":
                valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.LessThan;

            case "<=":
                valueOption = libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.LessThanEquals;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the given string for valid command line option flags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myArgs">String containing potential options.</param>
        /// <param name="args">CommandLineArguments structure to hold found options.</param>

        private static void ProcessFlags(Arguments myArgs, ref CommandLineArguments args)
            if (myArgs["s"] != null)
                args.StartSearch = true;

            if (myArgs["e"] != null)
                args.UseRegularExpressions = true;

            if (myArgs["c"] != null)
                args.IsCaseSensitive = true;

            if (myArgs["w"] != null)
                args.IsWholeWord = true;

            if (myArgs["r"] != null)
                args.UseRecursion = true;

            if (myArgs["n"] != null)
                args.IsNegation = true;

            if (myArgs["l"] != null)
                args.UseLineNumbers = true;

            if (myArgs["f"] != null)
                args.IsFileNamesOnly = true;

            if (myArgs["cl"] != null)
                    int num = int.Parse(myArgs["cl"]);

                    if (num >= 0 && num <= Constants.MAX_CONTEXT_LINES)
                        args.ContextLines = num;
                catch { }

            if (myArgs["sh"] != null)
                args.SkipHiddenFile      = true;
                args.SkipHiddenDirectory = true;

            if (myArgs["ss"] != null)
                args.SkipSystemFile      = true;
                args.SkipSystemDirectory = true;

            if (myArgs["shf"] != null)
                args.SkipHiddenFile = true;

            if (myArgs["shd"] != null)
                args.SkipHiddenDirectory = true;

            if (myArgs["ssf"] != null)
                args.SkipSystemFile = true;

            if (myArgs["ssd"] != null)
                args.SkipSystemDirectory = true;

            if (myArgs["spath"] != null)
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(myArgs["spath"]))
                    args.IsValidStartPath = true;
                    args.StartPath        = myArgs["spath"];

            if (myArgs["stypes"] != null)
                args.IsValidFileTypes = true;
                args.FileTypes        = myArgs["stypes"];

            if (myArgs["stext"] != null)
                args.IsValidSearchText = true;
                args.SearchText        = myArgs["stext"];

            if (myArgs["h"] != null || myArgs["?"] != null || myArgs["help"] != null)
                args.DisplayHelp = true;

            if (myArgs["opath"] != null)
                args.OutputPath = myArgs["opath"];

                // default to txt (override by supplying outputtype)
                args.OutputType = "txt";

                // since they want to save results, then we have to start search
                args.StartSearch = true;

            if (myArgs["otype"] != null)
                args.OutputType = myArgs["otype"].ToLower();

                // set default path if not defined
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.OutputPath))
                    args.OutputPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, string.Format("results.{0}", args.OutputType));

                // since they want to save results, then we have to start search
                args.StartSearch = true;

            if (myArgs["exit"] != null)
                args.ExitAfterSearch = true;

            if (myArgs["dmf"] != null)
                string[] values = myArgs["dmf"].Split('|');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = GetValueOptionFromOperator(values[0]);
                    DateTime value = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(values[1], out value) && valueOption != libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        args.DateModifiedFile = new ValueOptionPair()
                            Value = value, ValueOption = valueOption

            if (myArgs["dmd"] != null)
                string[] values = myArgs["dmd"].Split('|');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = GetValueOptionFromOperator(values[0]);
                    DateTime value = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(values[1], out value) && valueOption != libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        args.DateModifiedDirectory = new ValueOptionPair()
                            Value = value, ValueOption = valueOption

            if (myArgs["dcf"] != null)
                string[] values = myArgs["dcf"].Split('|');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = GetValueOptionFromOperator(values[0]);
                    DateTime value = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(values[1], out value) && valueOption != libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        args.DateCreatedFile = new ValueOptionPair()
                            Value = value, ValueOption = valueOption

            if (myArgs["dcd"] != null)
                string[] values = myArgs["dcd"].Split('|');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = GetValueOptionFromOperator(values[0]);
                    DateTime value = DateTime.MinValue;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(values[1], out value) && valueOption != libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        args.DateCreatedDirectory = new ValueOptionPair()
                            Value = value, ValueOption = valueOption

            if (myArgs["minfsize"] != null)
                string[] values = myArgs["minfsize"].Split('|');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = GetValueOptionFromOperator(values[0]);
                    long value = 0;
                    if (Int64.TryParse(values[1], out value) && valueOption != libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        args.MinFileSize = new ValueOptionPair()
                            Value = value, ValueOption = valueOption

            if (myArgs["maxfsize"] != null)
                string[] values = myArgs["maxfsize"].Split('|');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions valueOption = GetValueOptionFromOperator(values[0]);
                    long value = 0;
                    if (Int64.TryParse(values[1], out value) && valueOption != libbSearch.FilterType.ValueOptions.None)
                        args.MaxFileSize = new ValueOptionPair()
                            Value = value, ValueOption = valueOption

            if (myArgs["minfc"] != null)
                int value = 0;
                if (Int32.TryParse(myArgs["minfc"], out value))
                    args.MinFileCount = value;

            if (myArgs["srf"] != null)
                args.ReadOnlyFile = true;