         * Returns true if the specified file store path can be opened as an XML document, and calling {@link
         * #accept(org.w3c.dom.Document)} returns true.
         * @param fileStore the file store containing the named file path.
         * @param fileName  the named file path in question.
         * @return true if the file name should be accepted; false otherwise.
         * @throws ArgumentException if either the file store or the file name are null.
        public bool accept(FileStore fileStore, String fileName)
            if (fileStore == null)
                String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FileStoreIsNull");
                throw new ArgumentException(msg);

            if (fileName == null)
                String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FilePathIsNull");
                throw new ArgumentException(message);

            // Attempt to locate the named path in the FileStore, optionally checking the class path. If a file with that
            // name cannot be located, then return false.
            java.net.URL url = fileStore.findFile(fileName, true);
            if (url == null)

            // Attempt to convert the URL to a local file path. If that succeeds, then continue treating the URL as if
            // it were a File.
            java.io.File file = WWIO.convertURLToFile(url);
            if (file != null)

Example #2
 public Spriter(com.discobeard.spriter.dom.SpriterData spriterData, com.brashmonkey.spriter.file.FileLoader loader, java.io.File scmlFile)
     this.scmlFile = scmlFile;
     this.spriterData = spriterData;
     this.loader = loader;
         * Returns true if the specified file can be opened as an XML document, and calling {@link
         * #accept(org.w3c.dom.Document)} returns true.
         * @param file the file in question.
         * @return true if the file should be accepted; false otherwise.
         * @throws ArgumentException if the file is null.
        public bool accept(java.io.File file)
            if (file == null)
                String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FileIsNull");
                throw new ArgumentException(msg);

            // First check the file path, optionally returning false if the path cannot be accepted for any reason.
            if (!this.acceptFilePath(file.getPath()))

            Document doc = null;

                doc = WWXML.openDocumentFile(file.getPath(), this.GetType());
            catch (Exception e)
                // Not interested in logging the exception. We just want to return false, indicating that the File cannot
                // be opened as an XML document.

            return((doc != null) && (doc.getDocumentElement() != null) && this.accept(doc));
Example #4
        public static int getBooleanAttributes0(object @this, java.io.File file)
            int rv   = 0;
            var path = GetPath(file);

            if (File.Exists(path) || Directory.Exists(path))
                rv |= 1;

            if (File.Exists(path))
                rv |= 2;

            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                rv |= 4;

            if (rv != 0)
                var attrs = File.GetAttributes(path);
                if ((attrs & FileAttributes.Hidden) != 0)
                    rv |= 8;

Example #5
        public static bool checkAccess(object @this, java.io.File file, int access)
            var path = GetPath(file);

            if ((access & 4) != 0)
                catch (IOException)

            if ((access & 2) != 0)
                    File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write).Dispose();
                catch (IOException)

        static public void query(Sentence[] sentences, string query, string indexPath = "luceneIndex")
            Dictionary <string, Sentence> map = new Dictionary <string, Sentence>();

            foreach (Sentence s in sentences)
                if (!map.ContainsKey(s.sentnece))
                    map.Add(s.sentnece, s);

            java.io.File    indexDir       = new java.io.File(indexPath);
            FSDirectory     indexFSDir     = new SimpleFSDirectory(indexDir);
            IndexSearcher   searcher       = new IndexSearcher(IndexReader.open(indexFSDir));
            EnglishAnalyzer luceneAnalyzer = new EnglishAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35);
            QueryParser     qp             = new QueryParser(org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_35, "text", luceneAnalyzer);

            Query   q     = qp.parse(query);
            TopDocs tdocs = searcher.search(q, 99999999);

            ScoreDoc[] sdocs = tdocs.scoreDocs;
            for (int i = 0; i < sdocs.Length; i++)
                ScoreDoc sd  = sdocs[i];
                Document res = searcher.doc(sd.doc);

                string docText = res.get("text");
                float  score   = sd.score;

                map[docText].lucene = score;
Example #7
        public static string InternalGetHintPath()
            var ff = "";

                var ct   = typeof(CPtr);
                var c    = ct.ToClass();
                var url  = c.getResource("");
                var path = url.ToString();

                // jar:file:/W:x/bin/Debug/staging/web/bin/x.__interface.__delegate.clr.dll!/EstEIDPerso/ChipXpressPlugin/
                if (path.StartsWith("jar:file:"))
                    path = path.Substring("jar:file:".Length);

                    if (path.StartsWith("/"))
                        path = path.Substring(1);

                    path = path.Substring(0, path.IndexOf("!"));

                ff = new java.io.File(path).getCanonicalPath();
            catch (csharp.ThrowableException ex)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("InternalGetHintPath");

Example #8
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\android\AndroidFileExplorerActivity\AndroidFileExplorerActivity\ApplicationActivity.cs
        public static string[] GetFiles(string p)
            var f     = new java.io.File(p);
            var files = f.listFiles();

            return(files.Where(x => x.isFile()).Select(x => x.getAbsolutePath()).ToArray());
Example #9
        public void SetMigrationStatus(Org.Neo4j.Io.fs.FileSystemAbstraction fs, java.io.File stateFile, string info)
            if (fs.FileExists(stateFile))
                    fs.Truncate(stateFile, 0);
                catch (IOException e)
                    throw new Exception(e);

                using (Writer writer = fs.OpenAsWriter(stateFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, false))
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new Exception(e);
Example #10
 public Spriter(com.discobeard.spriter.dom.SpriterData spriterData, com.brashmonkey.spriter.file.FileLoader loader, java.io.File scmlFile)
     this.scmlFile    = scmlFile;
     this.spriterData = spriterData;
     this.loader      = loader;
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Create information about a new .apk
 /// NOTE: This constructor is called with ActivityThread's lock held,
 /// so MUST NOT call back out to the activity manager.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Create information about a new .apk
 /// NOTE: This constructor is called with ActivityThread's lock held,
 /// so MUST NOT call back out to the activity manager.
 /// </remarks>
 public LoadedApk(android.app.ActivityThread activityThread, android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo
                  aInfo, android.content.res.CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, android.app.ActivityThread
                  mainThread, java.lang.ClassLoader baseLoader, bool securityViolation, bool includeCode
     mActivityThread    = activityThread;
     mApplicationInfo   = aInfo;
     mPackageName       = aInfo.packageName;
     mAppDir            = aInfo.sourceDir;
     mResDir            = aInfo.uid == android.os.Process.myUid() ? aInfo.sourceDir : aInfo.publicSourceDir;
     mSharedLibraries   = aInfo.sharedLibraryFiles;
     mDataDir           = aInfo.dataDir;
     mDataDirFile       = mDataDir != null ? new java.io.File(mDataDir) : null;
     mLibDir            = aInfo.nativeLibraryDir;
     mBaseClassLoader   = baseLoader;
     mSecurityViolation = securityViolation;
     mIncludeCode       = includeCode;
     if (mAppDir == null)
         if (android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext == null)
             android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext = android.app.ContextImpl.createSystemContext
                                                                                          .getConfiguration(), mainThread.getDisplayMetricsLocked(compatInfo, false), compatInfo
         //Slog.i(TAG, "Created system resources "
         //        + mSystemContext.getResources() + ": "
         //        + mSystemContext.getResources().getConfiguration());
         mClassLoader = android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext.getClassLoader();
         mResources   = android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext.getResources();
Example #12
        // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\android\AndroidFileExplorerActivity\AndroidFileExplorerActivity\ApplicationActivity.cs
        public static string[] GetFiles(string p)
            var f = new java.io.File(p);
            var files = f.listFiles();

            return files.Where(x => x.isFile()).Select(x => x.getAbsolutePath()).ToArray();
Example #13
        private java.io.FileInputStream searchDefaultCacerts()
                string javaHome = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home");
                if (javaHome == null)

                string keyStorePath = javaHome + "/lib/security/cacerts";
                //Console.WriteLine("keyStorePath = {0}", keyStorePath);

                java.io.File f = new java.io.File(keyStorePath);
                if (!f.exists())
                return(new java.io.FileInputStream(f));
            catch (Exception e)
                //todo log it
                Console.WriteLine(e.GetType() + ":" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
Example #14
 public Spriter(string scmlPath, com.brashmonkey.spriter.file.FileLoader loader
     this.scmlFile    = new java.io.File(scmlPath);
     this.spriterData = com.brashmonkey.spriter.xml.SCMLReader.load(scmlPath);
     this.loader      = loader;
Example #15
        public java.lang.Class parseClass(java.io.File file)
            java.lang.Class[]        args       = new java.lang.Class[] { java.lang.Class.forName("java.io.File") };
            java.lang.reflect.Method parseClass = this._groovyClassLoaderClass.getMethod("parseClass", args);
            java.lang.Class          clazz      = (java.lang.Class)parseClass.invoke(this._classLoader, file);

Example #16
        public Spriter(string scmlPath, com.brashmonkey.spriter.file.FileLoader loader
            this.scmlFile = new java.io.File(scmlPath);
            this.spriterData = com.brashmonkey.spriter.xml.SCMLReader.load(scmlPath);
            this.loader = loader;
Example #17
 public static readonly FileOperation private static java.io.File fromFile(Org.Neo4j.Io.fs.FileSystemAbstraction fs, java.io.File directory, String name, boolean skipNonExistent)
     java.io.File fromFile = new java.io.File(directory, name); if (skipNonExistent && !fs.fileExists(fromFile))
Example #18
        public static void SaveInstances(weka.core.Instances instances, string fileName)
            var file = new java.io.File(fileName);

Example #19
        public string MaybeReadInfo(Org.Neo4j.Io.fs.FileSystemAbstraction fs, java.io.File stateFile, string currentInfo)
            if (!string.ReferenceEquals(currentInfo, null))

            Pair <string, string> data = ReadFromFile(fs, stateFile, this);

            return(data == null ? null : data.Other());
Example #20
        private static string GenerateDependencyXml(string inputFolderPath)
            string dependencyFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.XMLUISummary analyzer = new com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.XMLUISummary();
            java.io.File inputFolder = new java.io.File(inputFolderPath);
            java.io.File outputFile  = new java.io.File(dependencyFilePath);
            analyzer.createSummary(inputFolder, outputFile);

Example #21
        public static bool Exists(string path)
            bool exists = false;

            if (path != null && path.Length != 0)
                var file = new java.io.File(path);
                exists = file.exists() && file.isDirectory();
         * Returns true if the specified file is a Feature Table.
         * @param file the file in question.
         * @return true if the file should be accepted; false otherwise.
         * @throws ArgumentException if the file is null.
        public bool accept(java.io.File file)
            if (file == null)
                String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FileIsNull");
                throw new ArgumentException(msg);

            return(VPFUtils.getFeatureTypeName(file.getName()) != null);
Example #23
        private static string GenerateDependencyXml(string inputFolderPath)
            string dependencyFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.XMLUISummary analyzer = new com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.XMLUISummary();
            java.io.File inputFolder = new java.io.File(inputFolderPath);
            java.io.File outputFile = new java.io.File(dependencyFilePath);
            analyzer.createSummary(inputFolder, outputFile);

            return dependencyFilePath;
        private void loadGroovyTasksFromClass(java.lang.Class clazz, java.io.File file)
            java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods = GroovyUtil.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(clazz, "com.agilex.ci.cifactory.nant.task");

            foreach (java.lang.reflect.Method method in methods)
                string[]          args    = GroovyUtil.extractTaskArgumentNames(method.getName(), new StreamReader(file.getAbsolutePath()).ReadToEnd());
                GroovyTaskBuilder builder = new GroovyTaskBuilder(method.getName(), clazz, method, args);
Example #25
        private static string GetPath(java.io.File file)
            string path = file.getPath();

            if (path.StartsWith("file:/") || path.StartsWith("file:\\"))
                path = path.Substring("file:/".Length);

Example #26
 bool java.io.FilenameFilter.accept(java.io.File arg0, java.lang.String arg1)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     if (!IsClrObject)
         return(@__env.CallBooleanMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.io.FilenameFilter_._accept12580, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg1)));
         return(@__env.CallNonVirtualBooleanMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.io.FilenameFilter_.staticClass, global::java.io.FilenameFilter_._accept12580, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg1)));
Example #27
 public virtual void addFile(java.lang.String arg0, java.io.File arg1, int arg2)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     if (!IsClrObject)
         @__env.CallVoidMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::android.os.DropBoxManager._addFile6394, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg1), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg2));
         @__env.CallNonVirtualVoidMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::android.os.DropBoxManager.staticClass, global::android.os.DropBoxManager._addFile6394, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg1), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg2));
Example #28
 public virtual int compareTo(java.io.File arg0)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     if (!IsClrObject)
         return(@__env.CallIntMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.io.File._compareTo12498, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0)));
         return(@__env.CallNonVirtualIntMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.io.File.staticClass, global::java.io.File._compareTo12498, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0)));
Example #29
 public virtual bool renameTo(java.io.File arg0)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     if (!IsClrObject)
         return(@__env.CallBooleanMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.io.File._renameTo12530, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0)));
         return(@__env.CallNonVirtualBooleanMethod(this.JvmHandle, global::java.io.File.staticClass, global::java.io.File._renameTo12530, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0)));
Example #30
        public static long getLastModifiedTime(object @this, java.io.File file)
            var path = GetPath(file);

            catch (IOException)
Example #31
        public static DirectoryInfo CreateDirectory(string path)
            path = path.Trim();
            if (path.Length == 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();
            var file = new java.io.File(path);

            return(new DirectoryInfo(file));
Example #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new
 /// <code>PrintStream</code>
 /// with
 /// <code>file</code>
 /// as its target. The
 /// character set named
 /// <code>csn</code>
 /// is used for character encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 /// the target file. If the file already exists, its contents are
 /// removed, otherwise a new file is created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="csn">the name of the character set used for character encoding.</param>
 /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">if an error occurs while opening or creating the target file.
 ///     </exception>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
 /// if
 /// <code>csn</code>
 /// is
 /// <code>null</code>
 /// .
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="UnsupportedEncodingException">
 /// if the encoding specified by
 /// <code>csn</code>
 /// is not supported.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="java.io.FileNotFoundException"></exception>
 /// <exception cref="java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException"></exception>
 public PrintStream(java.io.File file, string csn) : base(new java.io.FileOutputStream
     if (csn == null)
         throw new System.ArgumentNullException();
     if (!java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(csn))
         throw new java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException(csn);
     encoding = csn;
 private void loadGroovyTargetFile(java.io.File file)
     java.lang.Class clazz;
         clazz = _groovyClassManager.parseClass(file);
     catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e)
         throw new BuildException("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " did not compile correctly.", e);
     loadGroovyTasksFromClass(clazz, file);
Example #34
        public static long getLength(object @this, java.io.File file)
            var path = GetPath(file);

                using (var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            catch (IOException)
Example #35
        public void CanLoadTypeChecker()
            var log = LogManager.Create("repo");
            var repos = new java.util.ArrayList();
            var mgr = CeylonUtils.makeRepositoryManager(repos, OutRepoLocation, log);

            var tcb = new TypeCheckerBuilder();
            var srcFile=new java.io.File("hello.ceylon");

               var typeChecker= tcb.getTypeChecker();
        public JsonResult<Dictionary<string, string>> Categorize(string jsonContent)
            Dictionary<string, string> docValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(jsonContent);
            string text = docValues.ContainsKey("Text") ? docValues["Text"] : docValues["text"];

            string modulesConfig, inputRawFile, classLabelsOutputFileName, featuresDictOutputFile, modelOutputFileName, libSvmOutputFileName;
            SolverType liblinearSolver;
            double liblinearC, liblinearEps;
            int minFeaturesFrequency;
            bool normalize;
            ScaleRange scaleRange;

            ModelConfiguration.SetParams(out modulesConfig, out inputRawFile, out classLabelsOutputFileName, out featuresDictOutputFile, out modelOutputFileName, out libSvmOutputFileName, out liblinearSolver, out liblinearC, out liblinearEps, out minFeaturesFrequency, out normalize, out scaleRange);

            //LOAD PIPELINE
            List<FeatureExtractionModule> modules = PipelineConfiguration.GetExtractionModules();
            FeatureExtractionPipeline pipeline = PipelineConfiguration.BuildPipeline(modulesConfig, modules);

            //load features
            FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder featureStatisticsDictBuilder = new FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder();

            //load labels
            var classLabels = LexiconReaderHelper.LoadDictionaryFromFile(classLabelsOutputFileName);

            //load model
            var modelFileLoad = new java.io.File(modelOutputFileName);
            var modelLoaded = Model.load(modelFileLoad);

            SparseItemInt sparseItem = ProcessingHelpers.ProcessTextAndGetSparseItem(pipeline, featureStatisticsDictBuilder, minFeaturesFrequency, normalize, scaleRange, text, 0);
            var itemFeatureNodes = ProcessingHelpers.ConvertToSortedFeatureNodeArray(sparseItem.Features);

            double prediction = Linear.predict(modelLoaded, itemFeatureNodes);
            int label = (int)prediction;
            string labelName = "unknown";
            if (classLabels.ContainsValue(label))
                labelName = classLabels.ToList().Where(k => k.Value == label).Select(k => k.Key).FirstOrDefault();

            docValues["LabelName"] = labelName;
            docValues["Label"] = (prediction).ToString();
            docValues["Confidence"] = (0.00).ToString();

            return Json(docValues);
Example #37
		// Don't allow others to instantiate this class
		/// <summary>Scan a file for OBB information.</summary>
		/// <remarks>Scan a file for OBB information.</remarks>
		/// <param name="filePath">path to the OBB file to be scanned.</param>
		/// <returns>ObbInfo object information corresponding to the file path</returns>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">if the OBB file couldn't be found</exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">if the OBB file couldn't be read</exception>
		public static android.content.res.ObbInfo getObbInfo(string filePath)
			if (filePath == null)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("file path cannot be null");
			java.io.File obbFile = new java.io.File(filePath);
			if (!obbFile.exists())
				throw new System.ArgumentException("OBB file does not exist: " + filePath);
			string canonicalFilePath = obbFile.getCanonicalPath();
			android.content.res.ObbInfo obbInfo = new android.content.res.ObbInfo();
			obbInfo.filename = canonicalFilePath;
			getObbInfo_native(canonicalFilePath, obbInfo);
			return obbInfo;
Example #38
        // called by?
        public static string __GetFullPath(string e)
            // http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/13804

            var f = new java.io.File(e);
            var c = default(string);

                c = f.getCanonicalPath();

            return c;
Example #39
        public static Type ToType(this string jar, string TypeFullName)
            Type t = null;
                var url = new java.io.File(jar).toURL();
                var clazzLoader = new InternalURLClassLoader(new URL[] { url }, null);

                var c = clazzLoader.loadClass(TypeFullName);

                t = c.ToType();

            return t;
Example #40
        public void CanInheritVisitor()
            var log = LogManager.Create("repo");
            var repos = new java.util.ArrayList();
            var mgr = CeylonUtils.makeRepositoryManager(repos, OutRepoLocation, log);

            var tcb = new TypeCheckerBuilder();
            var srcFile = new java.io.File("hello.ceylon");

            var tc = tcb.getTypeChecker();

            var v = new TestVisitor(log);

            foreach(var unit in  tc.getPhasedUnits().getPhasedUnits().Enumerate<PhasedUnit>())
Example #41
		private SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory()
			SSLSocketFactory factory = null;

				//reading the keyStore path and password from the environment properties
				string keyStorePath = java.lang.System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore");
				java.io.FileInputStream keyStoreStream = null;
				if (keyStorePath != null)
					java.io.File file = new java.io.File(keyStorePath);
						keyStoreStream = new java.io.FileInputStream(file);
						keyStoreStream = searchDefaultCacerts();
					keyStoreStream = searchDefaultCacerts();

				string keyStorePassWord = java.lang.System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword");
				if (keyStorePassWord == null)
					keyStorePassWord = "******";
				char[] passphrase = keyStorePassWord.ToCharArray();				
				//initiating SSLContext
				SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
				KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
				TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
				KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
				if (keyStoreStream != null)
				kmf.init(ks, passphrase);
				ctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);

				factory = ctx.getSocketFactory();
			catch (Exception e)
				factory = null;
				Console.WriteLine("Can't get SSL Socket Factory, the exception is {0}, {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message);

			return factory;
Example #42
        public static string InternalGetHintPath()
            var ff = "";

                var ct = typeof(CPtr);
                var c = ct.ToClass();
                var url = c.getResource("");
                var path = url.ToString();

                // jar:file:/W:x/bin/Debug/staging/web/bin/x.__interface.__delegate.clr.dll!/EstEIDPerso/ChipXpressPlugin/
                if (path.StartsWith("jar:file:"))
                    path = path.Substring("jar:file:".Length);

                    if (path.StartsWith("/"))
                        path = path.Substring(1);

                    path = path.Substring(0, path.IndexOf("!"));


                ff = new java.io.File(path).getCanonicalPath();
            catch (csharp.ThrowableException ex)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("InternalGetHintPath");

            return Path.GetDirectoryName(ff);
        public void WebMethod2(string e, Action<string, string> y)
            // https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor.git
            // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20150722

            // jsc, on android how do I get the exif thumbnail of the pictures?
            // firs let make sure we have .android referenced

            var DIRECTORY_DCIM = global::android.os.Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM;

            var path = global::android.os.Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(DIRECTORY_DCIM).getAbsolutePath();
            path += "/Camera";

            var s = new Stopwatch();


            var files0 =
                from fname in Directory.GetFiles(path)
                let f = new FileInfo(fname)
                orderby f.LastWriteTime descending
                select f;

            var dir = new java.io.File(path);

            Console.WriteLine("before listFiles " + new { s.Elapsed });

            var files = files0.Take(350).ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("after listFiles " + new { s.Elapsed });

            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                ff =>

                    //I/System.Console(20875): 518b:ab3a { Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150430_183822.jpg }
                    //I/System.Console(20875): 518b:ab3a { Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150430_183825.mp4 }

                    var f = new java.io.File(ff.FullName);

                    Console.WriteLine(new { sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, ff.Name, ff.Length });

                    if (ff.Extension != ".jpg")
                        //if (!ff.Name.EndsWith(".jpg"))
                        if (!ff.Name.EndsWith(".png"))

                    //               I/System.Console(31633): 7b91:b252 { Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150721_143000.jpg, dir = JPEG, tag = Image Height }
                    //I/System.Console(31633): 7b91:b252 { Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150721_143000.jpg, dir = JPEG, tag = Image Width }

                        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8578441/can-the-android-sdk-work-with-jdk-1-7
                        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15848332/does-adt-support-java-7-api
                        // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=22970
                        //                        [dx] trouble processing:
                        //[dx] bad class file magic (cafebabe) or version (0033.0000)
                        //[dx] ...while parsing com/drew/imaging/bmp/BmpMetadataReader.class
                        //[dx] ...while processing com/drew/imaging/bmp/BmpMetadataReader.class

                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] Thumbnail Compression - JPEG (old-style) }
                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] Orientation - Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) }
                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] X Resolution - 72 dots per inch }
                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] Y Resolution - 72 dots per inch }
                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] Resolution Unit - Inch }
                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] Thumbnail Offset - 1292 bytes }
                        //{ tag = [Exif Thumbnail] Thumbnail Length - 9092 bytes }

                        // http://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
                        var m = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(f);

                        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10166373/metadata-extraction-java

                        var src = default(string);
                        var ButtonTitle = ff.Name;
                        int w = 0;
                        int h = 0;

                        // I/System.Console(  814): 032e:b35d { Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_105032.jpg, dir = Xmp, tag = XMP Value Count }

                        var cJpegDirectory = typeof(com.drew.metadata.jpeg.JpegDirectory).ToClass();
                        if (m.containsDirectoryOfType(cJpegDirectory))
                            var x = (com.drew.metadata.jpeg.JpegDirectory)m.getFirstDirectoryOfType(cJpegDirectory);

                            w = x.getImageWidth();
                            h = x.getImageHeight();

                            ButtonTitle += " " + w + ":" + h;

                            //if (w < 6000)
                            //    return;

                            // http://exsight360.com/blog/how-to-upload-non-android-360-panoramas-to-google-maps/
                            var cXmpDirectory = typeof(com.drew.metadata.xmp.XmpDirectory).ToClass();
                            if (m.containsDirectoryOfType(cXmpDirectory))
                                var xmp = (com.drew.metadata.xmp.XmpDirectory)m.getFirstDirectoryOfType(cXmpDirectory);

                                var p = xmp.getXmpProperties();

                                var equirectangular = ((string)p.get("GPano:ProjectionType")) == "equirectangular";

                                if (equirectangular)
                                    // link it into vr..
                                    // http://androidwarzone.blogspot.com/2012/03/creating-symbolic-links-on-android-from.html

                                    // or just copy?
                                    //ff.CopyTo("sdcard/oculus/360Photos/" + ff.Name, true);


                                    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/106770/standard-concise-way-to-copy-a-file-in-java
                                    // http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/Files.html

                                    var copysw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                                    //  Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: /sdcard/oculus/360Photos/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150710_202301.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

                                    //I/System.Console(17759): 455f:bd8c InternalReadAllBytes { path = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150624_120258.jpg }
                                    //I/System.Console(17759): 455f:bd8c { copysw = 00:00:00.19.0, target = /sdcard/oculus/360Photos//storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150624_120258.jpg }

                                    // I/System.Console(20294): 4f46:bf53 GetFileName /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150624_120258.jpg

                                    //Console.WriteLine("GetFileName " + Path.GetFileName(ff.FullName));

                                    var target = "/sdcard/oculus/360Photos/" + ff.Name;

                                    // 20ms
                                    var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(ff.FullName);

                                    File.WriteAllBytes(target, bytes);

                                    Console.WriteLine(new { copysw, target });

                                    //f.co.CopyTo("sdcard/oculus/360Photos/" + ff.Name, true);


                                ButtonTitle += new { equirectangular };

                                Console.WriteLine(new { ButtonTitle });

                                // http://search.cpan.org/dist/Image-ExifTool-9.76/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod#XMP_GPano_Tags
                                // http://www.panotwins.de/technical/how-to-add-mandatory-photo-sphere-meta-data-to-an-equirectangular-image/

                                //                            public virtual XMPMeta getXMPMeta();
                                //public virtual Map getXmpProperties();

                                //var xmpmeta = xmp.getXMPMeta();

                                var pk = p.keySet();

                                var pka = pk.toArray();

                                for (int i = 0; i < pka.Length; i++)
                                    var key = pka[i];

                                    Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + p.get(key));


                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 0, key = GPano:ProjectionType, value = equirectangular }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 1, key = GPano:LargestValidInteriorRectTop, value = 0 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 2, key = GPano:CroppedAreaLeftPixels, value = 0 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 3, key = GPano:CroppedAreaTopPixels, value = 0 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 4, key = GPano:FullPanoHeightPixels, value = 3290 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 5, key = GPano:CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels, value = 3290 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 6, key = GPano:LargestValidInteriorRectLeft, value = 0 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 7, key = GPano:FullPanoWidthPixels, value = 6582 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 8, key = GPano:LargestValidInteriorRectHeight, value = 3290 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 9, key = GPano:FirstPhotoDate, value = 2015-07-08T08:04:44.035Z }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 10, key = GPano:CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels, value = 6582 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 11, key = GPano:UsePanoramaViewer, value = True }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 12, key = GPano:LargestValidInteriorRectWidth, value = 6582 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 13, key = GPano:LastPhotoDate, value = 2015-07-08T08:06:40.751Z }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 14, key = GPano:PoseHeadingDegrees, value = 300.4 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ButtonTitle = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110444.jpg 6582:3290, i = 15, key = GPano:SourcePhotosCount, value = 64 }
                                //I/System.Console(10680): 29b8:b8f0 { ElapsedMilliseconds = 2442, Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_110137.jpg, Length = 5759881 }

                            // NDK implement JDK implement CLR?
                            #region ExifThumbnailDirectory
                            var cExifThumbnailDirectory = typeof(com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifThumbnailDirectory).ToClass();
                            var containsDirectoryOfType = m.containsDirectoryOfType(cExifThumbnailDirectory);
                            if (containsDirectoryOfType)
                                var xExifThumbnailDirectory = (com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifThumbnailDirectory)m.getFirstDirectoryOfType(cExifThumbnailDirectory);

                                // in 3sec load thumbnails...
                                if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 3000)
                                    //   f.getName()

                                    var data = (byte[])(object)xExifThumbnailDirectory.getThumbnailData();

                                    //Console.WriteLine(new { data });

                                    if (data != null)
                                        src = "data:image/jpg;base64," +



                        // we have static memory. on android..
                        __inspect[ButtonTitle] = delegate

                            //var m = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(f);

                            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10166373/metadata-extraction-java

                            //var t = typeof(com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifThumbnailDirectory).ToClass();


                            var i = m.getDirectories().iterator();

                            while (i.hasNext())
                                var directory = (com.drew.metadata.Directory)i.next();
                                var tags = directory.getTags().toArray();

                                foreach (com.drew.metadata.Tag tag in tags)
                                    // https://developers.google.com/photo-sphere/metadata/

                                    // GPano:ProjectionType

                                    // -xmp:UsePanoramaViewer=True

                                    Console.WriteLine(new { ff.Name, dir = directory.getName(), tag = tag.getTagName() });
                                    // I/System.Console( 7296): 1c80:b6bc { Name = /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20150708_133445.jpg, dir = Xmp, tag = XMP Value Count }

                                    if (directory.getName() == "Xmp")
                                        //directory as Xmp

                                    //y(new { tag }.ToString());



                        //  Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: File format is not supported


                new { s.Elapsed }
Example #44
		private java.io.File getPreferencesDir()
			lock (mSync)
				if (mPreferencesDir == null)
					mPreferencesDir = new java.io.File(getDataDirFile(), "shared_prefs");
				return mPreferencesDir;
Example #45
        public static void LoadAndRegisterAssemblyFrom(File assemblyFile, ClassLoader classLoader)
            string assemblyPath = new Uri(assemblyFile.getCanonicalFile().toURI().toString()).LocalPath;

            Assembly assembly;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(assemblyPath))
                assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                string current = Path.Combine(homeDir, assemblyPath);
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(current))
                    assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(current);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(assemblyPath);
            if (knownAssemblies.ContainsKey(assembly))
                if (Setup.Verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("skipped " + assembly + " from " + assembly.Location);
            if (Setup.Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("loading " + assembly + " from " + assembly.Location);
            knownAssemblies.Add(assembly, assembly);
            Registry.RegisterAssembly(assembly, true, classLoader);

            if (Setup.Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("loaded " + assembly + " from " + assembly.Location);
Example #46
		private java.io.FileInputStream searchDefaultCacerts()
				string javaHome = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home");
				if(javaHome == null)
					return null;

				string keyStorePath = javaHome + "/lib/security/cacerts";
				//Console.WriteLine("keyStorePath = {0}", keyStorePath);

				java.io.File f = new java.io.File(keyStorePath);
					return null;
				return new java.io.FileInputStream(f);
			catch(Exception e)
				//todo log it
				Console.WriteLine(e.GetType() + ":" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
				return null;
Example #47
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string modulesConfig = "annotate_words,plain_bow,nsuff_3,chngram_3,word2gram,doc_end";
            if (args.Length > 1)
                modulesConfig = args[1];

            //Process input file
            string inputFile = "data\troll-comments.txt";
            if (args.Length > 0)
                inputFile = args[0];

            //Define feature extraction modules
            #region 1 - Define all possible feature extraction modules
            List<FeatureExtractionModule> modules = new List<FeatureExtractionModule>();
            //Extract words from text and add them as annotations for later use
            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("annotate_words", (text, features, annotations) =>
                FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.TokenizeAndAppendAnnotations(text, annotations);

                var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word").ToList();
                foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                    var loweredWordAnnotation = new Annotation() { Type = "Word_Lowered", Text = wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), FromIndex = wordAnn.FromIndex, ToIndex = wordAnn.ToIndex };

            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("annotate_words_troll_sentence", (text, features, annotations) =>
                List<Annotation> annotationsAll = new List<Annotation>();

                string txt = text.Replace(",", " , ").Replace(";", " ; ").Replace("?", " ? ");
                FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.TokenizeAndAppendAnnotationsRegEx(txt, annotationsAll, @"([#\w,;?-]+)");

                var annotationsTroll = annotationsAll.Where(a => a.Text.ToLower().StartsWith("трол") || a.Text.ToLower().StartsWith("мурзи")).ToList();

                var annotationsTrollWindow = new List<Annotation>();

                int wordScope = 2;
                foreach (var ann in annotationsTroll)
                    int trollIndex = annotationsAll.IndexOf(ann);
                    for (int i = Math.Max((trollIndex - wordScope), 0); i < Math.Min((trollIndex + wordScope), annotationsAll.Count); i++)
                        var annToAdd = annotationsAll[i];
                        if (!annotationsTrollWindow.Contains(annToAdd))

                foreach (var ann in annotationsTrollWindow)

                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", annotations.Select(a => a.Text)));
                var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word").ToList();
                foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                    var loweredWordAnnotation = new Annotation() { Type = "Word_Lowered", Text = wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), FromIndex = wordAnn.FromIndex, ToIndex = wordAnn.ToIndex };

            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("annotate_words_troll_words", (text, features, annotations) =>
                List<Annotation> annotationsAll = new List<Annotation>();

                string txt = text.Replace(",", " , ").Replace(";", " ; ").Replace("?", " ? ");
                FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.TokenizeAndAppendAnnotationsRegEx(txt, annotationsAll, @"([#\w,;?-]+)");

                List<string> allowedWords = new List<string>()
                    "ги", "го", "я"

                annotationsAll = annotationsAll.Where(a => a.Text.ToLower().StartsWith("трол") || a.Text.ToLower().StartsWith("мурзи") || allowedWords.Contains(a.Text.ToLower())).ToList();

                foreach (var ann in annotationsAll)

                Debug.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", annotations.Select(a => a.Text)));
                var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word").ToList();
                foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                    var loweredWordAnnotation = new Annotation() { Type = "Word_Lowered", Text = wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), FromIndex = wordAnn.FromIndex, ToIndex = wordAnn.ToIndex };

            //Generate bag of words features
            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("plain_bow", (text, features, annotations) =>
                var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word_Lowered").ToList();
                foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                    FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "plain_bow_" + wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), 1.0);

            //Generate word prefixes from all lowered word tokens
            int[] charPrefixLengths = new int[] { 2, 3, 4 };
            foreach (var charPrefLength in charPrefixLengths)
                modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("npref_" + charPrefLength, (text, features, annotations) =>
                    var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word_Lowered").ToList();
                    foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                        FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractPrefixFeatureFromSingleTokenAndUpdateItemFeatures(features, wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), charPrefLength);

            //Generate word suffixes from all lowered word tokens
            int[] charSuffixLengths = new int[] { 2, 3, 4 };
            foreach (var charSuffLength in charSuffixLengths)
                modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("nsuff_" + charSuffLength, (text, features, annotations) =>
                    var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word_Lowered").ToList();
                    foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                        FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractSuffixFeatureFromSingleTokenAndUpdateItemFeatures(features, wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), charSuffLength);

            //Generate word character ngrams
            int[] charNGramLengths = new int[] { 2, 3, 4 };
            foreach (var charNGramLength in charNGramLengths)
                modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("chngram_" + charNGramLength, (text, features, annotations) =>
                    var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word_Lowered").ToList();
                    foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                        FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractCharNgramFeaturesFromSingleTokenAndUpdateItemFeatures(features, wordAnn.Text.ToLower(), charNGramLength);

            //Generate Stemmed word features, using Bulstem(P.Nakov)
            bool useStemmer = true;
            Stemmer stemmer = useStemmer ? new Stemmer(StemmingLevel.Medium) : null;
            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("plain_word_stems", (text, features, annotations) =>
                var wordAnnotations = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word_Lowered").ToList();
                foreach (var wordAnn in wordAnnotations)
                    FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractStemFeatureFromSingleTokenAndUpdateItemFeatures(stemmer, features, wordAnn.Text.ToLower());

            //Generate Word Ngram features
            int[] wordNgramLengths = new int[] { 2, 3, 4 };
            foreach (var ngramLength in wordNgramLengths)
                modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule(string.Format("word{0}gram", ngramLength), (text, features, annotations) =>
                    var wordTokens = annotations.Where(a => a.Type == "Word_Lowered").Select(a => a.Text).ToList();
                    FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractWordNGramFeaturesFromTextTokensAndUpdateItemFeatures(features, wordTokens, ngramLength);

            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("count_punct", (text, features, annotations) =>
                FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractTextPunctuationFeaturesAndUpdateItemFeatures(text, features);

            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("emoticons_dnevnikbg", (text, features, annotations) =>
                FeatureExtractionNlpHelpers.ExtractDnevnikEmoticonsFeaturesAndUpdateItemFeatures(text, features);

            //Doc starts with
            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("doc_start", (text, features, annotations) =>
                if (text.Length < 3)
                FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "doc_starts_3_" + text.Substring(0, 3), 1.0);

                if (text.Length < 4)
                FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "doc_starts_4_" + text.Substring(0, 4), 1.0);

                if (text.Length < 5)
                FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "doc_starts_5_" + text.Substring(0, 5), 1.0);

            //Doc ends with
            modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("doc_end", (text, features, annotations) =>
                if (text.Length < 3)
                FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "doc_ends_3_" + text.Substring(text.Length - 3, 3), 1.0);
                if (text.Length < 4)
                FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "doc_ends_4_" + text.Substring(text.Length - 4, 4), 1.0);
                if (text.Length < 5)
                FeaturesDictionaryHelpers.IncreaseFeatureFrequency(features, "doc_ends_5_" + text.Substring(text.Length - 5, 5), 1.0);

            //custom module
            //modules.Add(new ActionFeatureExtractionModule("", (text, features, annotations) => {


            //Print possible module options
            foreach (var module in modules)
                Debug.Write(module.Name + ",");

            //configure which modules to use
            #region 2 - Configure which module configurations
            //string modulesConfig = "annotate_words,plain_bow,npref_2,npref_3,npref_4,nsuff_2,nsuff_3,nsuff_4,chngram_2,chngram_3,chngram_4,plain_word_stems,word2gram,word3gram, word4gram,count_punct,emoticons_dnevnikbg,doc_start,doc_end";

            //string settingsConfig = "annotate_words,plain_word_stems, npref_4, nsuff_3";

            Console.WriteLine("Module configurations:");

            var moduleNamesToConfigure = modulesConfig.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (var moduleName in moduleNamesToConfigure)

            var modulesToRegister = modules.Where(m => moduleNamesToConfigure.Contains(m.Name)).ToList();

            FeatureExtractionPipeline pipeline = new FeatureExtractionPipeline();

            foreach (var module in modulesToRegister)

            string classLabelsFileName = inputFile + ".classlabels";
            string featuresDictFile = inputFile + ".features";
            string libSvmFileName = inputFile + ".libsvm";

            Console.WriteLine("Input file:{0}", inputFile);
            //char fieldSeparator = '\t';

            #region 3 - Build features dictionary - process documents and extract all possible features
            //build features dictionary
            var featureStatisticsDictBuilder = new FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder();

            Console.WriteLine("Building a features dictionary...");
            var timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            int itemsCnt = 0;
            Dictionary<string, int> classLabels = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            int maxClassLabelIndex = 0;

            using (var filereader = new LabeledTextDocumentFileReader(inputFile))
                while (!filereader.EndOfSource())
                    var doc = filereader.ReadDocument();

                    //class label and doc contents
                    string classLabel = doc.ClassLabel;
                    string docContent = doc.DocContent;

                    //build class labels dictionary
                    if (!classLabels.ContainsKey(classLabel))
                        classLabels[classLabel] = maxClassLabelIndex;

                    Dictionary<string, double> docFeatures = new Dictionary<string, double>();
                    pipeline.ProcessDocument(docContent, docFeatures);

                    if (itemsCnt % 500 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} processed so far", itemsCnt);

            //order classes by name - until now they are ordered by first occurence in dataset

            var ordered = classLabels.OrderBy(cv => cv.Key);
            var orderedClassLabels = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            int classIndexCounter = 0;
            foreach (var item in ordered)
                orderedClassLabels.Add(item.Key, classIndexCounter);
            classLabels = orderedClassLabels;
            LexiconReaderHelper.SaveDictionaryToFile(classLabels, classLabelsFileName);
            Console.WriteLine("Class labels saved to file {0}", classLabelsFileName);

            Console.WriteLine("Extracted {0} features from {1} documents", featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics.Count, itemsCnt);
            Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));

            int minFeaturesFrequency = 5;
            RecomputeFeatureIndexes(featureStatisticsDictBuilder, minFeaturesFrequency);
            Console.WriteLine("Selected {0} features with min freq {1} ", featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics.Count, minFeaturesFrequency);

            //save fetures for later use
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(featuresDictFile))

            Console.WriteLine("Features saved to file {0}", featuresDictFile);

            //4- Load features from file
            classLabels = LexiconReaderHelper.LoadDictionaryFromFile(classLabelsFileName);

            #region 5 - Build items with features from text documents and features dictionary
            //Build libsvm file from text insput file and features dictionary

            var sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures = new List<SparseItemInt>();
            timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Exporting to libsvm file format...");

            bool normalize = false;
            var scaleRange = ScaleRange.ZeroToOne;
            using (System.IO.TextWriter textWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(libSvmFileName, false))
                LibSvmFileBuilder libSvmFileBuilder = new LibSvmFileBuilder(textWriter);
                using (var filereader = new LabeledTextDocumentFileReader(inputFile))
                    while (!filereader.EndOfSource())
                        var doc = filereader.ReadDocument();

                        //class label and doc contents
                        string classLabel = doc.ClassLabel;
                        string docContent = doc.DocContent;

                        Dictionary<string, double> docFeatures = new Dictionary<string, double>();
                        pipeline.ProcessDocument(docContent, docFeatures);

                        int classLabelIndex = classLabels[classLabel];

                        //Append extracted features

                        //A - Extracted indexed features
                        var itemIndexedFeatures = LibSvmFileBuilder.GetIndexedFeaturesFromStringFeatures(docFeatures, featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics, minFeaturesFrequency, normalize, scaleRange);
                        libSvmFileBuilder.AppendItem(classLabelIndex, itemIndexedFeatures);
                        sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Add(new SparseItemInt() { Label = classLabelIndex, Features = itemIndexedFeatures });

                        //B - Or extract indexed features and append
                        //libSvmFileBuilder.PreprocessStringFeaturesAndAppendItem(classLabelIndex, docFeatures, featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics, minFeaturesFrequency);

            Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));
            Console.WriteLine("Libsvm file saved to {0}", libSvmFileName);

            #region 6 - Train and test classifier
            //Build problem X and Y

            var solver = SolverType.L1R_LR;//L2R_LR
            var c = 1.0;
            var eps = 0.01;

            //Split data on train and test dataset
            int trainRate = 4;
            int testRate = 1;

            FeatureNode[][] problemXTrain = null;
            double[] problemYTrain = null;

            int allItemsCnt = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Count;
            int trainCnt = (int)((double)allItemsCnt * trainRate / (double)(trainRate + testRate));
            int testCnt = allItemsCnt - trainCnt;

            var trainItems = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Take(trainCnt).ToList();
            var testItems = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Skip(trainCnt).Take(testCnt).ToList();

            SetLibLinearProblemXandYFromSparseItems(trainItems, out problemXTrain, out problemYTrain);

            //Create liblinear problem
            var problem = new Problem();
            problem.l = problemXTrain.Length;
            problem.n = featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics.Count;
            //problem.x = new FeatureNode[][]{
            //    new FeatureNode[]{new FeatureNode(1,0.0), new FeatureNode(2,1.0)},
            //    new FeatureNode[]{new FeatureNode(1,2.0), new FeatureNode(2,0.0)}
            //problem.y = new double[] { 1, 2 };

            problem.x = problemXTrain;
            problem.y = problemYTrain;

            Console.WriteLine("Training a classifier with {0} items...", sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Count);
            timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            var parameter = new Parameter(solver, c, eps);
            var model = Linear.train(problem, parameter);

            Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));
            string modelFileName = inputFile + ".train.model";
            var modelFile = new java.io.File(modelFileName);
            Console.WriteLine("Model saved to {0}", modelFileName);

            var modelLoaded = Model.load(modelFile);

            List<FeatureNode[]> problemXEvalList = new List<FeatureNode[]>();
            List<double> problemYEvalList = new List<double>();
            //SetLibLinearProblemXandYFromSparseItems(testItems, out problemXEval, out problemYEval);

            List<double> predictedY = new List<double>();
            foreach (var item in testItems)
                var itemFeatureNodes = ConvertToSortedFeatureNodeArray(item.Features);

                //fill eval list

                double prediction = Linear.predict(model, itemFeatureNodes);

            int[][] matrix = ResultCalculationMetricsHelpers.BuildConfusionMatrix(problemYEvalList.ToArray(), predictedY, classLabels.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Class labels:");
            foreach (var label in classLabels)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1} - {0}", label.Key, label.Value));
            ResultCalculationMetricsHelpers.PrintMatrix(matrix, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length; i++)
                int truePositivesCnt = matrix[i][i];
                int falsePositievesCnt = matrix[i].Sum() - matrix[i][i];
                int falseNegativesCnt = matrix.Select(m => m[i]).Sum() - matrix[i][i];

                double precision;
                double recall;
                double fScore;

                ResultCalculationMetricsHelpers.CalculatePRF(truePositivesCnt, falsePositievesCnt, falseNegativesCnt, out precision, out recall, out fScore);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0} - {4}] P={1:0.0000}, R={2:0.0000}, F={3:0.0000} ", i, precision, recall, fScore, orderedClassLabels.ToList().ToDictionary(kv => kv.Value, kv => kv.Key)[i]));

            int truePositivesCntOverall = 0;
            int testedCnt = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length; i++)
                truePositivesCntOverall += matrix[i][i];
                testedCnt += matrix[i].Sum();

            double accuracyOverall = (double)truePositivesCntOverall / (double)testedCnt;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] Accuracy={1:0.0000}", "Overall", accuracyOverall));

            //int crossValidationFold = 5;
            //Console.WriteLine("Training with {0} items and 5 fold crossvalidation...", sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Count);
            //timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            //double[] target = new double[problem.l];
            //Linear.crossValidation(problem, parameter, crossValidationFold, target);
            //Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));



            //var instancesToTest = new Feature[] { new FeatureNode(1, 0.0), new FeatureNode(2, 1.0) };
            //var prediction = Linear.predict(model, instancesToTest);

            //string docToProcess = "Оставете правителството да си работи на спокойствие!";
            //SparseItemString docItem = new SparseItemString()
            //    Label = 1,

            //pipeline.ProcessDocument(docToProcess, docItem.Features);

            //foreach (var feature in docItem.Features)
            //    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}", feature.Key, feature.Value));
Example #48
        private static void TrainLibLinearProblemAndSveModel(SolverType liblinearSolver, double liblinearC, double liblinearEps, FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder featureStatisticsDictBuilder, string trainDataModelFileName, FeatureNode[][] problemXTrain, double[] problemYTrain)
            //Create liblinear problem
            var problem = new Problem();
            problem.l = problemXTrain.Length;
            problem.n = featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics.Count;
            problem.x = problemXTrain;
            problem.y = problemYTrain;

            Console.WriteLine("Training a classifier with {0} items...", problemXTrain.Length);
            DateTime timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            var parameter = new Parameter(liblinearSolver, liblinearC, liblinearEps);
            Model model = Linear.train(problem, parameter);
            Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));

            var modelFile = new java.io.File(trainDataModelFileName);
            Console.WriteLine("Train data model saved to {0}", trainDataModelFileName);
Example #49
 protected override Local create(File path)
     return new LocalImpl(path);
Example #50
        public static void LoadAndRegisterAssemblyFromClassLoader(File assemblyFile, ClassLoader classLoader)
            string assemblyPath = new Uri(assemblyFile.getCanonicalFile().toURI().toString()).LocalPath;

            Assembly assembly;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(assemblyPath))
                assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                string current = Path.Combine(homeDir, assemblyPath);
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(current))
                    assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(current);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(assemblyPath);
            RegisterAssembly(assembly, classLoader);
Example #51
 public static void LoadAndRegisterAssemblyFrom(File assemblyFile)
     LoadAndRegisterAssemblyFromClassLoader(assemblyFile, null);
        public JsonResult<Dictionary<string, string>> CategorizeTextDoc(Dictionary<string, string> docValues)
            //Load model configuration
            string modulesConfig, inputRawFile, classLabelsOutputFileName, featuresDictOutputFile, modelOutputFileName, libSvmOutputFileName;
            SolverType liblinearSolver;
            double liblinearC, liblinearEps;
            int minFeaturesFrequency;
            bool normalize;
            ScaleRange scaleRange;
            ModelConfiguration.SetParams(out modulesConfig, out inputRawFile, out classLabelsOutputFileName, out featuresDictOutputFile, out modelOutputFileName, out libSvmOutputFileName, out liblinearSolver, out liblinearC, out liblinearEps, out minFeaturesFrequency, out normalize, out scaleRange);

            //Load pipeline
            List<FeatureExtractionModule> modules = PipelineConfiguration.GetExtractionModules();
            FeatureExtractionPipeline pipeline = PipelineConfiguration.BuildPipeline(modulesConfig, modules);

            //Load features
            FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder featureStatisticsDictBuilder = new FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder();

            //Load labels
            var classLabels = LexiconReaderHelper.LoadDictionaryFromFile(classLabelsOutputFileName);

            //Load model
            var modelFileLoad = new java.io.File(modelOutputFileName);
            var modelLoaded = Model.load(modelFileLoad);

            //Categorize single item
            string text = docValues.ContainsKey("Text") ? docValues["Text"] : docValues["text"];
            double prediction, confidence;
            int label;
            string labelName;
            CategorizeText(text, minFeaturesFrequency, normalize, scaleRange, pipeline, featureStatisticsDictBuilder, classLabels, modelLoaded, out prediction, out label, out labelName, out confidence);

            docValues["LabelName"] = labelName;
            docValues["Label"] = (prediction).ToString();//label might also be used for categorization
            docValues["Confidence"] = (confidence).ToString();

            return Json(docValues);
Example #53
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve overall information about an application package defined
		/// in a package archive file
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="archiveFilePath">The path to the archive file</param>
		/// <param name="flags">
		/// Additional option flags. Use any combination of
		/// <see cref="GET_ACTIVITIES">GET_ACTIVITIES</see>
		/// ,
		/// <see cref="GET_GIDS">GET_GIDS</see>
		/// ,
		/// ,
		/// ,
		/// ,
		/// <see cref="GET_PROVIDERS">GET_PROVIDERS</see>
		/// ,
		/// <see cref="GET_RECEIVERS">GET_RECEIVERS</see>
		/// ,
		/// <see cref="GET_SERVICES">GET_SERVICES</see>
		/// ,
		/// <see cref="GET_SIGNATURES">GET_SIGNATURES</see>
		/// , to modify the data returned.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// Returns the information about the package. Returns
		/// null if the package could not be successfully parsed.
		/// </returns>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_ACTIVITIES">GET_ACTIVITIES</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_GIDS">GET_GIDS</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_CONFIGURATIONS">GET_CONFIGURATIONS</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_PERMISSIONS">GET_PERMISSIONS</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_PROVIDERS">GET_PROVIDERS</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_RECEIVERS">GET_RECEIVERS</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_SERVICES">GET_SERVICES</seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="GET_SIGNATURES">GET_SIGNATURES</seealso>
		public virtual android.content.pm.PackageInfo getPackageArchiveInfo(string archiveFilePath
			, int flags)
			android.content.pm.PackageParser packageParser = new android.content.pm.PackageParser
			android.util.DisplayMetrics metrics = new android.util.DisplayMetrics();
			java.io.File sourceFile = new java.io.File(archiveFilePath);
			android.content.pm.PackageParser.Package pkg = packageParser.parsePackage(sourceFile
				, archiveFilePath, metrics, 0);
			if (pkg == null)
				return null;
			if ((flags & GET_SIGNATURES) != 0)
				packageParser.collectCertificates(pkg, 0);
			return android.content.pm.PackageParser.generatePackageInfo(pkg, null, flags, 0, 
Example #54
		public override java.io.File getExternalFilesDir(string type)
			lock (mSync)
				if (mExternalFilesDir == null)
					mExternalFilesDir = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageAppFilesDirectory(getPackageName
				if (!mExternalFilesDir.exists())
						(new java.io.File(android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageAndroidDataDir(), ".nomedia"
					catch (System.IO.IOException)
					if (!mExternalFilesDir.mkdirs())
						android.util.Log.w(TAG, "Unable to create external files directory");
						return null;
				if (type == null)
					return mExternalFilesDir;
				java.io.File dir = new java.io.File(mExternalFilesDir, type);
				if (!dir.exists())
					if (!dir.mkdirs())
						android.util.Log.w(TAG, "Unable to create external media directory " + dir);
						return null;
				return dir;
Example #55
        public static void Train(string modulesConfig, string inputRawFile, SolverType liblinearSolver, double liblinearC, double liblinearEps,
                string classLabelsOutputFileName, string featuresDictOutputFile, string modelOutputFileName, string libSvmOutputFileName, 
                int minFeaturesFrequency,bool normalize, ScaleRange scaleRange)
            //Define feature extraction modules
            #region 1 - Define all possible feature extraction modules
            List<FeatureExtractionModule> modules = PipelineConfiguration.GetExtractionModules();

            //Print possible module options
            foreach (var module in modules)
                Debug.Write(module.Name + ",");

            //configure which modules to use
            #region 2 - Configure which module configurations
            //string modulesConfig = "annotate_words,plain_bow,npref_2,npref_3,npref_4,nsuff_2,nsuff_3,nsuff_4,chngram_2,chngram_3,chngram_4,plain_word_stems,word2gram,word3gram, word4gram,count_punct,emoticons_dnevnikbg,doc_start,doc_end";

            //string settingsConfig = "annotate_words,plain_word_stems, npref_4, nsuff_3";

            FeatureExtractionPipeline pipeline = PipelineConfiguration.BuildPipeline(modulesConfig, modules);

            Console.WriteLine("Input file:{0}", inputRawFile);
            //char fieldSeparator = '\t';

            #region 3 - Build features dictionary - process documents and extract all possible features
            //build features dictionary
            var featureStatisticsDictBuilder = new FeatureStatisticsDictionaryBuilder();

            Console.WriteLine("Building a features dictionary...");
            var timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            int itemsCnt = 0;
            Dictionary<string, int> classLabels = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            int maxClassLabelIndex = 0;

            using (var filereader = new LabeledTextDocumentFileReader(inputRawFile))
                while (!filereader.EndOfSource())
                    var doc = filereader.ReadDocument();

                    //class label and doc contents
                    string classLabel = doc.ClassLabel;
                    string docContent = doc.DocContent;

                    //build class labels dictionary
                    if (!classLabels.ContainsKey(classLabel))
                        classLabels[classLabel] = maxClassLabelIndex;

                    Dictionary<string, double> docFeatures = new Dictionary<string, double>();
                    pipeline.ProcessDocument(docContent, docFeatures);

                    if (itemsCnt % 500 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} processed so far", itemsCnt);

            //order classes by name - until now they are ordered by first occurence in dataset

            var ordered = classLabels.OrderBy(cv => cv.Key);
            var orderedClassLabels = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            int classIndexCounter = 0;
            foreach (var item in ordered)
                orderedClassLabels.Add(item.Key, classIndexCounter);
            classLabels = orderedClassLabels;
            LexiconReaderHelper.SaveDictionaryToFile(classLabels, classLabelsOutputFileName);
            Console.WriteLine("Class labels saved to file {0}", classLabelsOutputFileName);

            Console.WriteLine("Extracted {0} features from {1} documents", featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics.Count, itemsCnt);
            Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));

            RecomputeFeatureIndexes(featureStatisticsDictBuilder, minFeaturesFrequency);
            Console.WriteLine("Selected {0} features with min freq {1} ", featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics.Count, minFeaturesFrequency);

            //save fetures for later use
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(featuresDictOutputFile))

            Console.WriteLine("Features saved to file {0}", featuresDictOutputFile);

            //4- Load features from file
            classLabels = LexiconReaderHelper.LoadDictionaryFromFile(classLabelsOutputFileName);

            #region 5 - Build items with features from text documents and features dictionary
            //Build libsvm file from text insput file and features dictionary

            var sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures = new List<SparseItemInt>();
            timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Exporting to libsvm file format...");

            using (System.IO.TextWriter textWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(libSvmOutputFileName, false))
                LibSvmFileBuilder libSvmFileBuilder = new LibSvmFileBuilder(textWriter);
                using (var filereader = new LabeledTextDocumentFileReader(inputRawFile))
                    while (!filereader.EndOfSource())
                        var doc = filereader.ReadDocument();

                        //class label and doc contents
                        string classLabel = doc.ClassLabel;
                        string docContent = doc.DocContent;
                        int classLabelIndex = classLabels[classLabel];

                        SparseItemInt sparseItem = ProcessingHelpers.ProcessTextAndGetSparseItem(pipeline, featureStatisticsDictBuilder, minFeaturesFrequency, normalize, scaleRange, docContent, classLabelIndex);

                        libSvmFileBuilder.AppendItem(sparseItem.Label, sparseItem.Features);

                        //B - Or extract indexed features and append
                        //libSvmFileBuilder.PreprocessStringFeaturesAndAppendItem(classLabelIndex, docFeatures, featureStatisticsDictBuilder.FeatureInfoStatistics, minFeaturesFrequency);

            Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));
            Console.WriteLine("Libsvm file saved to {0}", libSvmOutputFileName);

            #region 6 - Train and test classifier
            //Build problem X and Y

            //Split data on train and test dataset
            int trainRate = 4;
            int testRate = 1;

            int allItemsCnt = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Count;
            int trainCnt = (int)((double)allItemsCnt * trainRate / (double)(trainRate + testRate));
            int testCnt = allItemsCnt - trainCnt;

            var trainItems = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Take(trainCnt).ToList();
            var testItems = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Skip(trainCnt).Take(testCnt).ToList();

            string trainDataModelFileName = inputRawFile + ".train.model";

            FeatureNode[][] problemXTrain = null;
            double[] problemYTrain = null;

            SetLibLinearProblemXandYFromSparseItems(trainItems, out problemXTrain, out problemYTrain);

            TrainLibLinearProblemAndSveModel(liblinearSolver, liblinearC, liblinearEps, featureStatisticsDictBuilder, trainDataModelFileName, problemXTrain, problemYTrain);

            var modelFileLoad = new java.io.File(trainDataModelFileName);
            var modelLoaded = Model.load(modelFileLoad);

            List<FeatureNode[]> problemXEvalList = new List<FeatureNode[]>();
            List<double> problemYEvalList = new List<double>();
            //SetLibLinearProblemXandYFromSparseItems(testItems, out problemXEval, out problemYEval);

            List<double> predictedY = new List<double>();
            foreach (var item in testItems)
                var itemFeatureNodes = ProcessingHelpers.ConvertToSortedFeatureNodeArray(item.Features);

                //fill eval list

                double prediction = Linear.predict(modelLoaded, itemFeatureNodes);

            int[][] matrix = ResultCalculationMetricsHelpers.BuildConfusionMatrix(problemYEvalList.ToArray(), predictedY, classLabels.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Class labels:");
            foreach (var label in classLabels)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{1} - {0}", label.Key, label.Value));
            ResultCalculationMetricsHelpers.PrintMatrix(matrix, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length; i++)
                int truePositivesCnt = matrix[i][i];
                int falsePositievesCnt = matrix[i].Sum() - matrix[i][i];
                int falseNegativesCnt = matrix.Select(m => m[i]).Sum() - matrix[i][i];

                double precision;
                double recall;
                double fScore;

                ResultCalculationMetricsHelpers.CalculatePRF(truePositivesCnt, falsePositievesCnt, falseNegativesCnt, out precision, out recall, out fScore);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0} - {4}] P={1:0.0000}, R={2:0.0000}, F={3:0.0000} ", i, precision, recall, fScore, orderedClassLabels.ToList().ToDictionary(kv => kv.Value, kv => kv.Key)[i]));

            int truePositivesCntOverall = 0;
            int testedCnt = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length; i++)
                truePositivesCntOverall += matrix[i][i];
                testedCnt += matrix[i].Sum();

            double accuracyOverall = (double)truePositivesCntOverall / (double)testedCnt;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] Accuracy={1:0.0000}", "Overall", accuracyOverall));

            //----TRAIN MODEL IWTH ALL DATA
            Console.WriteLine("Train model on all data");

            FeatureNode[][] problemXAll = null;
            double[] problemYAll = null;

            var allItems = sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures;
            SetLibLinearProblemXandYFromSparseItems(allItems, out problemXAll, out problemYAll);

            TrainLibLinearProblemAndSveModel(liblinearSolver, liblinearC, liblinearEps, featureStatisticsDictBuilder, modelOutputFileName, problemXAll, problemYAll);

            //int crossValidationFold = 5;
            //Console.WriteLine("Training with {0} items and 5 fold crossvalidation...", sparseItemsWithIndexFeatures.Count);
            //timeStart = DateTime.Now;
            //double[] target = new double[problem.l];
            //Linear.crossValidation(problem, parameter, crossValidationFold, target);
            //Console.WriteLine("Done - {0}", (DateTime.Now - timeStart));



            //var instancesToTest = new Feature[] { new FeatureNode(1, 0.0), new FeatureNode(2, 1.0) };
            //var prediction = Linear.predict(model, instancesToTest);
Example #56
		public LoadedApk(android.app.ActivityThread activityThread, string name, android.content.Context
			 systemContext, android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo info, android.content.res.CompatibilityInfo
			mActivityThread = activityThread;
			mApplicationInfo = info != null ? info : new android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo();
			mApplicationInfo.packageName = name;
			mPackageName = name;
			mAppDir = null;
			mResDir = null;
			mSharedLibraries = null;
			mDataDir = null;
			mDataDirFile = null;
			mLibDir = null;
			mBaseClassLoader = null;
			mSecurityViolation = false;
			mIncludeCode = true;
			mClassLoader = systemContext.getClassLoader();
			mResources = systemContext.getResources();
Example #57
 public LocalImpl(File path)
     : base(path)
Example #58
		/// <summary>
		/// Create information about a new .apk
		/// NOTE: This constructor is called with ActivityThread's lock held,
		/// so MUST NOT call back out to the activity manager.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Create information about a new .apk
		/// NOTE: This constructor is called with ActivityThread's lock held,
		/// so MUST NOT call back out to the activity manager.
		/// </remarks>
		public LoadedApk(android.app.ActivityThread activityThread, android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo
			 aInfo, android.content.res.CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, android.app.ActivityThread
			 mainThread, java.lang.ClassLoader baseLoader, bool securityViolation, bool includeCode
			mActivityThread = activityThread;
			mApplicationInfo = aInfo;
			mPackageName = aInfo.packageName;
			mAppDir = aInfo.sourceDir;
			mResDir = aInfo.uid == android.os.Process.myUid() ? aInfo.sourceDir : aInfo.publicSourceDir;
			mSharedLibraries = aInfo.sharedLibraryFiles;
			mDataDir = aInfo.dataDir;
			mDataDirFile = mDataDir != null ? new java.io.File(mDataDir) : null;
			mLibDir = aInfo.nativeLibraryDir;
			mBaseClassLoader = baseLoader;
			mSecurityViolation = securityViolation;
			mIncludeCode = includeCode;
			if (mAppDir == null)
				if (android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext == null)
					android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext = android.app.ContextImpl.createSystemContext
						.getConfiguration(), mainThread.getDisplayMetricsLocked(compatInfo, false), compatInfo
				//Slog.i(TAG, "Created system resources "
				//        + mSystemContext.getResources() + ": "
				//        + mSystemContext.getResources().getConfiguration());
				mClassLoader = android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext.getClassLoader();
				mResources = android.app.ActivityThread.mSystemContext.getResources();
Example #59
 protected override ch.cyberduck.core.local.Local create(File path)
     return new LocalImpl(path);
Example #60
		public override java.io.File getFilesDir()
			lock (mSync)
				if (mFilesDir == null)
					mFilesDir = new java.io.File(getDataDirFile(), "files");
				if (!mFilesDir.exists())
					if (!mFilesDir.mkdirs())
						android.util.Log.w(TAG, "Unable to create files directory " + mFilesDir.getPath()
						return null;
					android.os.FileUtils.setPermissions(mFilesDir.getPath(), android.os.FileUtils.S_IRWXU
						 | android.os.FileUtils.S_IRWXG | android.os.FileUtils.S_IXOTH, -1, -1);
				return mFilesDir;